============================================================================== Release Notes for RegMoxEx Visit the RegMonEx homepage at: http://stud.fh-wedel.de/~ii6059 ============================================================================== written by Jan Sultan (jsultan@tecs.de) Based on RegMon written by Mark Russinovich and Bryce Cogswell. For more information on the driver see RegMon on http://www.ntinternals.com. Suggestions and comments are very welcome. Please read the ReadMe for further information and the disclaimer. Additional notes for this release: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorry it took some time to get this new version out. I was really busy studying for my exams. Since the gaps between my development sessions were quite long it may be possible that some bugs are left in the code. I implemeted only a few changes visible to the user. Much of the chages are internal changes. So if you find somthing wierd please notify me with an email. 21.03.98 Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Features: - The Filter dialogs have now an additional presets-tab. There you can save your filterdefinitions and restore them with a single mouseclick. - You can use '*' as a simple wildcard in filterfields. - Additional Tooltips show the contents of entries that don't fit in the column. OK! I must admit that the tooltips implemetation is somehow lousy, but don't want to implement something the new common controls will provide by default. Wait for the next release and it will use the new common controls. Changes/Fixes: - The Aboutbox has now more clickable links and a linklike mousecursor. 22.12.97 Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Features: - Find command added to the edit menu. - Filters are now saved on exit and restored on start of the program. - In the Win95 version the Process-combobox in the Find-dialog lists all running processes for easy filter generation. - When cliking on a filter item the items is transferred to the corresponding text and comboboxes. - The About box has now two clickable links (thanks to Paul DiLascia). Changes/Fixes: - Both versions use the latest drivers available at ntinternals (Win95: dated 25th nov 97; WinNT: dated 14th oct 97) - CTRL-F is now assigned to the Find-command to be more consistent to other apps. The capture filter was therefore changed to CTRL-T. - Tooltips show now the assiociated accelerator (keyboard shortcut) 28.04.97 Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Features: - Display Filter added. The Display Filter allows to show only a selection of the events captured. Changes/Fixes: - The 95 version now uses the 2.0 VXD delivered with RegMon 2.0 for Win 95 - The Statusbar contains now two indicators. One for the capture filter and one for the display filter. 30.03.97 Version ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Changes/Fixes: - The NT version now uses the new driver delivered with RegMon 2.0 10.03.97 Version (First release version) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Features: - Printersetting is set to landscape on app start - Ownerdrawn view with full row select added. Changes/Fixes: - Printing works. - Print and printpreview now knows the proper number of pages. So the Next Page and Prev Page buttons work correctly. - Minor bug in printing routines which caused totally mix up of printed lines fixed. - Document is now marked as modified so the app asks wether to save it when destroying the document. - When Prining the Path column will now be truncated to fit the whole line on the page. (should be improved!) 03.03.97 Version (RC2) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ New Features: - Edit Copy command Copies the selected items to the clipboard - Dynamic priority boost If there are really many calls to the registry. RegMoxEx raises it's own process priority to read the information from the driver. When the amount of registry calls decreases the priority is set back to normal. - Minimal printing functions (not copylete yet!) - Critical section to protect the document data added. (maybe in future versions RegMonEx will be multithreaded) Changes/Fixes: - now with even prettier icons. 27.02.97 Version (RC1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - First version. - Non official - included all basic features like the original RegMon Added features: - File Open - Filter for capturing - switched to callbackitems for better performance