HTML Paint Brush ReadMe --------------------------------------------- This program is Freeware. You don't have to pay they author any money of any kind unless you want to. Also, if you have any suggestions or find any bugs contact me at This program was designed to help people that don't use fancy HTML editors to get the right colors that they want on their web page. ==Features== * Has the ability to preview what your page will look like. * Tells the color hex of the color you have chosen. * Writes the HTML code for you, all you have to do is copy and paste. * Can also do font colors. * Will also get the HTML code for adding images. * Now comes with Quick Rerference built in! ==Other Stuff== * If you don't want any kind of border when adding a picture, press the down arrow till the box is blank. * Some of the stuff in the about box does some cool stuff (I was bored). ==Known Bugs== None (Would I release it if I knew it had bugs in it?) --------------------------------------------- Thanks for reading this. You can find me on the ShadowFire IRC Network. Just type /server or /server My nickname is lefty. -Matt