Boot Log Analyser ----------------- Freeware, but copyright 1997, Vision 4 Ltd. Contact:, Looks at your Windows95 BOOTLOG.TXT file and calculates the time taken to load each driver etc, in order to help in locating any cause of lengthy boot-up times. The displayed result can be sorted by loading duration, filtered to show only those items with long durations or which reported failure, and saved to a text file. Installation ------------ BLA.EXE is a single 32-bit executable - no install or un-install needed (just delete it when you're finished with it). The program looks for your Boot Log as C:\BOOTLOG.TXT, and will warn if the file is not found or is out of date. You can create a new Boot Log file by choosing option [2] from the Windows 95 Startup Menu. (Press F8 while booting in order to display the Startup Menu.)') Revision History ---------------- V1.20 First public release. V1.21 Now detects out-of-date or invalid log file and reports log file date & time in Window title. V1.22 Detects failed font loading attempts (message="LoadFail" not "LoadFailed") Width of event description increased from 80 to 200 characters. Note: Please do not contact Vision 4 asking how to interpret the Boot Log results, as that is a complex topic and we really can't offer indivdual help. Instead, try posting your question on one of the support related news groups or similar facilities. Thanks!