12 Where can I find ASCII art? You can FTP and Gopher ASCII art (single pics and archives of dozens or hundreds of images). FTP'ing is easy. Gophering is easier. See Question 13 for further info. ASCII art is available from many sites, including: Scarecrow's FTP Site -> Host: ftp.wwa.com Address: Path: pub/Scarecrow Has all the Scarecrow's files, Steve Sullivan's Small ASCII Pics, Gifscii for many systems, Figlet (and all the fonts I know of), Color Graphics, Animations, and Chevalier's Picture Stories. Plus a folder of 'How-To' and techniques files Row, Normand and others, FAQs, Escape Sequences, Emacs Code, etc. See Question 14 for a table of all the Scarecrow's files, showing file name, size (uncompressed), version, name it has at the Scarecrow's FTP site, and the subject line for email requests. -> Host: mordor.ind.wpi.edu Path: pub/ascii/art/pictures Jorn's FTP site -> Host: ftp.mcs.com Path: mcsnet.users/jorn/ascii-art Has Scarecrow's files, plus other ASCII art files, and the technically oriented "asciitech.aa". Chris' FTP site -> Host: ftp.ncsu.edu Path: pub/ncsu/chking/Archive pub/ncsu/chking/Pics/ASCII WWW: http://www2.ncsu.edu/unity/users/c/chking/HTML/HTMLs/ascii.html Contains all the Scarecrow's files, all of Steve Sullivan's files, and Gifscii for many systems.