._--_ ____ :| || ||_ _ || || || | (/_ ||__. _ \\ '"~|| /'\\ < \, ,._-_ /'\\ /'\\ ,._-_ /'\\ \\ \\ \\ _-_ || || /-|| || || // || || || || || || || ||_. || || (( || || ||/ || || || || || || || ~ || ,-___-- \\,/ \/\\ \\, \\,/ \\,/ \\, \\,/ \\//\// ,-_- | A S C II A R T A R C H I V E (TM) | -+H + H+- 1.0 - January 3, 1994 -+H + H+- | boba@gagme.wwa.com | ___ \_ \ __ \ \ / / \ \/\/ / \_/\_/ elcome. The following art has been reproduced, posted, and passed around many, many times. Here's my particular collection, for you to do with as you please. I'm not aware of any copyright hassle. If someone doesn't want their art to appear here, tell me and I'll remove it immediately. I've included 'From:' lines to tell who emailed or posted the piece(s). In many cases, the person who sends or posts the art is not the creator. Unfortunately that information is sometimes lost. The sender's comments are in quotes. My comments appear in brackets. Anything else came as part of the art. The various postings and archives have been gathered and edited by The Scarecrow. Most of the editing that I did was in selecting what was to be included. I also fixed obvious file damage and removed unnecessary leading spaces. I only did 'touch up' work on a few pieces. Most everything appears as it was sent. This archive is over 300 K, and contains around 400 pieces (could somebody please count thenm?) It's just a sampling of what's 'out there' that caught my eye as the parade of goodies passed by. Thank you all! If you have any ascii art, send it to: boba@gagme.wwa.com Enjoy! The Scarecrow ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ____ From: nmurray@mobius04.math.uwaterloo.ca (Dr.Seuss) "A friend sent this to me a while back..." [Cat In The Hat] __________ __________/VVVVVVVVVV\ /VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV| /VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV/ /VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV/ |VVVV^^^^^^^^^^^^ | | vvvvvv\ | vvvvvvvVVVVVVVVVVVVVV/ |/VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV| |VVVVVVV^^^^^^^^^^ | |V/ \ | vvvvvvvvvvvvv| \ /VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV\ \/VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV\____ |VVVVVVVV^^^^^^^^^^___________) |\__|/ _____ //-------- \\xx/ | xx\ /%%%%/// __ __ \\ \ \_xxx %%%% / / \ / \ | / \x%%%% ((0) ) ((0) ) | / #/|%%%% \__/ \__/ \__ ______------- \#/ |%%%% @@ \/ _/%%%% |_____ ________/|%%%% | -----___ ----- |%%%% \___ __/ ___/\%%%% / --________________// __---- \%%%% ___/ / \%%%% _/ \%%%% _/ \%%%% / \%% | |%% | ____ From: jorn@Notwerk.mcs.com (Jorn Barger) o \ o / _ o __| \ / |__ o _ \ o / o /|\ | /\ ___\o \o | o/ o/__ /\ | /|\ / \ / \ | \ /) | ( \ /o\ / ) | (\ / | / \ / \ o ) O/ o < \ /\--<| -| . /\O/ O . o c , _/\ /\ /|_ 0 \\ | 0-# `'#v-- --v#`' __/\o_ / / / / // | / \ /'> <`\ __o __o o __o ,__o o__, __ -_ _ \<_ -\<, _/\_> _`\<,_ _-\_<, ,>_/-_ ((( (_)T(_) (_)/(_) O / O O,> / O (*)/ (*) (*)/'(*) (*)`\(*) __o __o _`\<,_ _`\<,_ (*)/ (*) (*)/ (*) /\/\/\/\/\/\ o;_ /\/\/\/\/\ \(*)|\ / (*)/ \ --_\o __o __o __o /_-\ / \(*)! _`\<,_ _`\<,_ _`\<,_ (*)/ \ (*)/ (*) (*)/ (*) (*)/ (*) / \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ ____ From: "Sub-Zero" "Here's a font I've been working on lately. Can someone make the V, Q, and X look better? Also, the B, P, and R could use an improvement too. Oh, here it is." ______ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ ______ __ __ __ /\ __ \ /\ == \ /\ ___\ /\ __-. /\ ___\ /\ ___\ /\ ___\ /\ \_\ \ /\ \ \ \ __ \\ \ __< \ \ \____\ \ \/\ \\ \ __\ \ \ __\ \ \ \__ \\ \ __ \\ \ \ \ \_\ \_\\ \_____\\ \_____\\ \____- \ \_____\\ \_\ \ \_____\\ \_\ \_\\ \_\ \/_/\/_/ \/_____/ \/_____/ \/____/ \/_____/ \/_/ \/_____/ \/_/\/_/ \/_/ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ______ ______ ______ /\ \ /\ \/ / /\ \ /\ "-./ \ /\ "-.\ \ /\ __ \ /\ == \ /\ __ \ _\_\ \\ \ _"-.\ \ \____\ \ \-./\ \\ \ \-. \\ \ \/\ \\ \ _-/ \ \ \/\_\ /\_____\\ \_\ \_\\ \_____\\ \_\ \ \_\\ \_\\"\_\\ \_____\\ \_\ \ \___\_\ \/_____/ \/_/\/_/ \/_____/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_____/ \/_/ \/___/_/ ______ ______ ______ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ /\ == \ /\ ___\ /\__ _\ /\ \/\ \ /\ \ / / /\ \ _ \ \ /\_\_\_\ /\ \_\ \ \ \ __< \ \___ \\/_/\ \/ \ \ \_\ \\ \ \'/ \ \ \/ ".\ \\/_/\_\/_ \ \____ \ \ \_\ \_\\/\_____\ \ \_\ \ \_____\\ \__| \ \__/".~\_\ /\_\/\_\ \/\_____\ \/_/ /_/ \/_____/ \/_/ \/_____/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/ \/_/\/_/ \/_____/ ______ /\___ \ \/_/ /__ /\_____\ \/_____/ ____ From: calliope@leland.Stanford.EDU (RainDancer) "Birthday neat-o fun shading." [Surprise a friend by email on their birthday.] WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW +++++V+++++IWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW .....t.....;BWWMMMMWWWMMMMMMMMWWWMMMWMMMMWWMMMMMWMMMMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Y...XMI...RWW+.....,VX........:B;........tY.....,....RWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Y.........RWWt:.i:..=WR,..IR=..+Bt..:XY...XV...tI..=RMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW t...IXi...VBX...+:..=WW,..IM+..=WY..:MX...RWX.....,RWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW .....t.....,V........,R,......:RWY.......tMWWY....YWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW YYYYYRYYYYYXWBVYYRMVYXI...=+YVMWX+..,;IYBW=.,Y...IWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWX,,,,,tWWWW=,,,,:RWWWi....:YWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWMRMWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWBRRRWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW .......:iMWW...WWWWWWWWWWWi=iWWW:...tWWWWWWWWWW=....WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW:..Y =...Yt...tMI..,WMIIIVIIIRI...IIXY=..+IIIRWWWWVI==...WWWRIIIIVMWIIIIIRIIIIMW...t t...;...;RV;...WV;...,...;...;;IWt...;...tWB...;....WWt..,+...W;...;t...;IW...I t...t+...;WW...WWW...RItVW...BtBWt..tWt..tWt..=WR...WWB;......WWV...Y..;WWW=..W ;...tt...,WX...XWX...XWWWW...=..X=..=X=..=BI..;Xi...XB...==...XWWt.....RWWWi..B .......,+RI.....;.....IWWW+,..,I,.........,Wt,...,...tt,..,+,.,=XW;...VWWWW+.,V WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWt..:...VWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWI===IBWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW ____ From: cyberfox@netcom.com (Keely M. Swenson) [Firlst this was posted.] %% %%% %%%% %%%%%%* %%% *%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% %% *%%%%%%%%%%% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%*****%%%%%%%$ %%%%* *%%%% ____ From: zio@netcom.com (James Elkinton) [Then this.] "Gods...now I'm hungry... er....pardon me for a few seconds..." > M U N C H ! < %% %%% %%%% %%%%%%* %%% *%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%% %% *%%%%%%%%%%% !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%*****%%%%%%%$ %%%%* *%%%% "Yum!" ____ From: Purdie@zeus.usq.edu.au (Red Phoenix) "Note.. most of these aint mine.. just collected from all over the place ;)" [That's true for most of us some of the time. The various groups of art from Red Phoenix you'll see in here came from a big collection I edited and placed into several sections in here.] [The following fractal is nice.] FRACTALFRACTALFRACTALFRACTALFRACTALFRACTCARFLATCARFLATCARFLATCARFLATCARFLATCARF FRACTAL _ _ LATCARF FRACTAL |_|_ |_|_ LATCARF FRACTAL _ _|_|_ _|_| LATCARF FRACTAL |_|_| |_| |_|_|_ LATCARF FRACTAL _| _|_|_| _ LATCARF FRACTAL |_ |_| |_ |_|_ LATCARF FRACTAL |_| _|_ _|_| LATCARF FRACTAL _|_|_|_|_|_ LATCARF FRACTAL _|_|_|_|_| |_| LATCARF FRACTAL |_| |_|_|_ LATCARF FRACTAL _| |_| LATCARF FRACTAL _ _ _|_ LATCARF FRACTAL _|_|_|_|_|_|_| _ LATCARF FRACTAL |_| |_|_|_|_|_ |_|_ LATCARF FRACTAL _|_|_|_|_|_ _|_| LATCARF FRACTAL _ _ _|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_|_ LATCARF FRACTAL _|_|_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_|_|_| |_| LATCARF FRACTAL |_| |_|_|_ |_|_ |_|_ LATCARF FRACTAL _| |_| |_| |_| LATCARF FRACTAL _|_ LATCARF FRACTAL _|_|_| LATCARF FRACTAL |_| |_ _ LATCARF FRACTAL _|_ _| LATCARF FRACTAL |_| |_| LATCARF FRACTAL LATCARF FRACTALFRACTALFRACTALFRACTALFRACTALFRACTCARFLATCARFLATCARFLATCARFLATCARFLATCARF . /=\\ /===\ \ /=====\' \ /=======\'' \ /=========\ ' '\ /===========\'' \ /=============\ ' ' \ /===============\ '' \ /=================\' ' ' ' \ /===================\' ' ' ' \ /=====================\' ' ' ' \ /=======================\ ' ' / /=========================\ ' / /===========================\' / /=============================\/ ##### ###### ######## ######## * ######## ######### ######### * ######### ######### ######### * ######## ######### * ######## ######## ######## * ###### ##### /\/\/\ / \ | \ / | / \ | \/ | / \ | /\ |----------------------| /\ | | / \ | | / \ | |/ \| | / \ | |\ /| | | ( ) | | | \ / | | | ( ) | | | \/ | /\ | | | | /\ | /\ | / \ | | | | / \ | / \ | |----| | | | | |----| |/ \|---------------| | | /| . |\ | | | |\ /| | | / | . | \ | | | \ / | | / | . | \ | | \/ | | / | . | \ | | /\ |---------------|/ | . | \| | / \ | / NASA | . | NASA \ |/ \| ( | | ) |/\/\/\| | | |--| |--| | | ------------------------/ \-----/ \/ \-----/ \-------- \\// \\//\\// \\// \/ \/ \/ \/ [These next one is nice.] \\ || \\ || \\ || \\ //// || //// || //// || //// ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) The 1992 Usenet \ / \ / \ / \ / W I N T E R \\ || \\ || \\ || \\ || Olympics //// || //// || //// || //// || ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) \ / \ / \ / \ / \\ || \\ || \\ || \\ || //// || //// || //// || //// || ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) \ / \ / \ / \ / \\ || \\ || \\ || \\ || //// || //// || //// || //// || ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) \ / \ / \ / \ / \\ || \\ || \\ || \\ || //// || //// || //// || //// || ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Brought to you by \ / \ / \ / \ / the Betty Ford clinic || || || || for chronic net.abusers || || || || [A bicycle built for...] __o __o __o __o __o __o __o __o __o __o __o __o __o __o __o __o __o __o -\<,-\<,-\<,-\<,-\<,-\<,-\<,-\<,-\<,-\<,-\<,-\<,-\<,-\<,-\<,-\<,-\<,-\<, (_)/---/---/---/---/---/---/---/---/---/---/---/---/---/---/---/---/---/(_) ____ From: greening@kenyon.edu "This is my finger.plan file." ____ ____ __ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ / \ | \ / \ | \ | | | | | / (O) (O) \ | __/ |__| |___/ |\ | |__ \ / | | | \ | | | | | \| | | | \ / | |____/ | | | | | | |___ | \ |\__/| / __ __ __ ____ \ \ \__/ / / ____ / \ / \ | | | | | | | /---\\__ / \ ____ / \ __//---\ / \/ \ | | | | | | | \ \| / \ |/ / | | | | | | | | | \ \_| |_/ / \ / \ / | | | | | | \_| |_/ | \ / | | | | | | | | | | \ / | | | | | | | | | | \ / | | | | | _ | \ / | \/ | |__| |__|(_) ____ From: jorn@Notwerk.mcs.com (Jorn Barger) ____ _(____)_ ___ooO_(_o__o_)_Ooo___ \|||/ (o o) ----ooO-(_)-Ooo-------- ( ( ( )) ) ) ) (( ( ( ( ___o___) '. ___ .' | |====O ' (> <) ' |_____| --ooO-(_)-Ooo-------------------- """"""" ^-O-O-^ ---ooO--U--Ooo----- ...... .:||||||||:. / \ ( o o ) --@@@@----------: :----------@@@@-- ____ From Ric.Hotchkiss@sdrc.com [The Hobbes pic isn't bad considering it isn't anti-aliased.] $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$ m$$$$$$$$$ m$"""" "$$m $$$$$$$$$$ $" m$$$$m""$m mm$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"" $ "$$mm$$ m"" """$$$$$mm "$$$$$ mmm$$m$$m$$mmmmm """"$$$" m$$$" ""$m $$$""""""$$$mm $$$$m $ "" mm$$$$ mm" mm$$$$$$$$$$$ $ m$$$$"" ""$$$ $ $$"" m "$$m $ """ mm$$$$$$$$$$ $ m$$$$$""""$$$" $ mm mm $$" "$$ $ $"$$ $"$$ "$"""" $"m" "m$" m"""" m$ m"""m "mmm"" $ mmmm "" mmm$$""""""$$ m""""$ m$$" mm$$$$$$$ mm $$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ mmm "$m "$m "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ m$m" m " ""$$$$$$$$$$$$" m$$$$ ""mm $""$$$$$"" m$$$$ m mmm " "m m$$$$$$ mm$mmmm "" ""mmm mmm$$""$$$" $$""m " """"" "$mm$" m $$ m m$" $$ "$$$$$mm$"" "" """" ___________________ / CLING \ ___________ / TENACIOUSLY TO \ (_( ___ ___ ) \ MY BUTTOCKS! / /_/-( c) (c )< \ \ ________________/ | | <_ | | / |_| ` () ' | ___/ __\_ ( __ ) _/__ / /| \ / |\ \ ( ) ~ ~ ( ) ( |\ ( . . ) /| ) ( ) \ -- -- / ( ) | ,| | ___ | ,| | \__/ \| / - | - \ |/ \__/ \oooO\_____________/Oooo/ \ _____ / \. p | m ./ | \_____/ | / / \ \ (____) (____) /_____| |_____\ ___| | | |___ (_______| |_______) |\ O __________|_\______ I'd rather be skiing \_.______________________| * * * * * * * * */ __\____ |=================/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ From: pirillc2770@cobra.uni.edu |>>> |>>> | | _ _|_ _ _ _|_ _ | |_| |_| | | |_| |_| | \ . / \ . . / \ , / \ . / | . |_ _ _ _ _ _| , | | .| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| | . | | , | . . . . | .| | . | . . . . , |. | ___----_____| . |. , _______ . | , |---~_____ _---~ | | . /+++++++\ . | . | ~---_ |. | . |+++++++| . | . | ~-_ __ | . | , |+++++++|. . _|__ | ~-_ ____--`~ '--~~__ . |++++ __|----~ ~`---, ___^~-__ -~--~ ~---__|,--~' ~~----_____-~' `~----~ ART BY T.L.G. ____ From: santor@akgsun.nlm.nih.gov (Joe Santoroski) "Here is an alphabet that was send to be by (I felt I should give credit to): ghayman@cap.gwu.edu" A B C D E F G /@@@@@\ @@@@@@\ /@@@@@@ @@@@@@\ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ /@@@@@@ @| |@ @| @ @| @| @ @| @| @| @|@@@|@ @|@@@@ @| @| @ @|@@@@@ @|@@@@@ @| @@@ @| |@ @| @ @| @| @ @| @| @| @ @| |@ @@@@@@/ \@@@@@@ @@@@@@/ @@@@@@@ @| \@@@@@/ H I J K L M N @| @ @@@@@ @@@ @| @@ @| @@ @@ @@ @@ @| @ @ @ @| @@ @| @|@ @ @ @|@ @ @|@@@@@ @ @ @|@ @| @| @ @ @| @ @ @| @ @ @ @ @| @@ @| @| @ @| @ @ @| @ @@@@@ \@@@@@/ @| @@ @@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ P Q R S T U @@@@@@\ /@@@@@\ @@@@@@\ /@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @| @ @| @ @ @ @| @ @ @| @| @ @|@@@@/ @ \ @ @|@@@@ @@@@@@\ @| @| @ @| @ \@ @| @ @ @| @| @ @| \@@@@/\ @| @ @@@@@@/ @| \@@@@@/ V W X Y Z 1 @ @ @ @ @@ @@ @ @ @@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@@ @ @ @ @ @@ @@ @ @ @ @@ @ @@@ @ @ @@ @@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@ 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 @@@@@\ @@@@@@\ @ @ @@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@ /@@@@@\ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@\ @@@ @@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @ @@@@@@ @@@@@@/ @ @@@@@@@ \@@@@@/ @@ \@@@@@/ 9 0 $ . _ , /@@@@@\ /@@@@@\ @|@|@@ @ @ @ @ @ @ | | \@@@@@@ @ @ @ @@|@|@@ @ @ @ @ | | @ @@@ @ @ \@@@@@/ @@|@|@ @@@ @@@@@@@ @ + = ( ) ' " ! @ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @@@@@@@ @ @ @ @@ @ @@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ () : ; # % ? [ @ @ @ /@@@\ @@@@ @@@@@@@ O O @@@@@@@ O @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@@ O @ @@@@@@@ @ O @ @ @@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ O @@@@ @@@@@@@ ] < > ^ ` @@@@ / \ ^ \ @ / \ / \ \ @ < > @ \ / @@@@ \ / ____ From: pirillc2770@cobra.uni.edu _____ / ___ \ / / _ \ \ /( /( /(_)\ )\ )\ ( \ \ ___ / / ) ( \ _____ / ) /( )\ |##\ /##| |####\ _______ /####| \####/ \###/ \####/ \/ |#| \/ |#| |#| |#| - /o)\ \(o/ -. .- _..-'( )`-.._ ./'. '||\\. _ _ /| ACK! .//||` .`\. ./'.|'.'||||\\|.. \'o.O' / ..|//||||`.`|.`\. ./'..|'.|| |||||\``````=(___)=''''''/||||| ||.`|..`\. ./'.||'.|||| ||||||||||||. U .|||||||||||| ||||.`||.`\. /'|||'.|||||| ||||||||||||| ||||||||||||| ||||||.`|||`\ '.|||'.||||||| ||||||||||||| ||||||||||||| |||||||.`|||.` '.||| ||||||||| |/' ``\||`` ''||/'' `\| ||||||||| |||.` |/' \./' `\./ \!|\ /|!/ \./' `\./ `\| V V V }' `\ /' `{ V V V ` ` ` V ' ' ' ____ From: jorn@genesis.mcs.com (Jorn Barger) [Would these be called graphscii's?] ._._._._._._. I ! ._. . . . ! II ! ._. . . . ! III ! ._. . . . ! IV !_!_._._._!_! 1 2 3 4 5 6 | 30 -| |~~| | | | 20 -| |~~|| ||~~| | | || || | |~~| 0 -| | || || ||~~|| | |_|__||__||__||__||__|___ Jan Feb Mar Apr May 3000 -| o | /|\ | /^\ 2000 -| o o o | /|\ /|\ /|\ | /^\ /^\ /^\ 1000 -| o o o o o | /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ /|\ | /^\ /^\ /^\ /^\ /^\ `----------------------- 86 87 88 89 90 [This next one is not a swastika.] /\ \ \ \ \ / \ \ / / / \/ \/ /\ / / / / \/ /\ /\ / / / \ \ / \ \ \ \ \/ ========== ==-------======= ==---------======= ==-----------======= ===---------======== ====-------========= ================== ================ ================ ========== )( ........... ...... ...... .... .... .... __ __ .... .... ' ` .... .... * * .... .... .... .... ( ) .... .... .... .... 0 .... .... .... ... . . ... ..... ..... ... ... ... ____ From: muhlen@civinet.rice.edu (Matthew Muhlenkamp) "...here's a parrot I made last night. Thought I'd share my first ever ascii artwork." .------. / ~ ~ \,------. ______ ,' ~ ~ ~ / (@) \ ,' \ ,' /`. ~ ~ \ / \ ,' | ,'\ ~ ~ ~ X \ \ \ ,' ,' V--< ( \ \ \ ,' ,' (vv \/\ \ \ | | (__,' ,' / (vv "" \ \ | | | (__,' / / vv """ \ | / / / \__,' / | vv / / / / / \__/ / | | \ / /,',',' \__/\_^ | \ /,'',','\ `-^.__>.____/ ' ,' \ // //---' | ===============(((((((================= | \ \ \ / | | \ / / / \ \ `. | \ `--------' ____ From Ric.Hotchkiss@sdrc.com ... * * * ... * * .. ... * * ... * * * ... ... * .. * * .. * * __##____ * * * * / ## **** * / **** * * X * * / ****** * XXX * /___________***** * XXXXX | *** * XXXXXXX X * | ___ | * XXXXXXXX XXX * | | | ___ | * * XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX | |_| | | **** * X XXXXXXX *********** | | ******* * X X ************************************************************ /\ /\ //\\ /\ //\\///\\\ /\ //\\ ///\////\\\\ /\ //\\ /\ / ^ \/^ ^/^ ^ ^ \/^ \/ ^ \ / ^\ /\ / ^ / ^/ ^ ^ ^ ^\ ^/ ^^ \ /^ \ / ^\/ ^ ^ ^ / ^ ^ ^ \/ ^ ^ \ * / ^ ^ \/^ ^\ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ____ ^ ^ \ /|\ / ^ ^ ^ \ ^ _\___________________| |_____^ ^ \ /||o\ / ^^ ^ ^ ^\ /______________________________\ ^ ^ \ /|o|||\ / ^ ^^ ^ ^ /________________________________\ ^ /|||||o|\ /^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ||___|___||||||||||||___|__||| /||o||||||\ / ^ ^ ^ ^ ||___|___||||||||||||___|__||| | | / ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||oooooooooo| |ooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo . . / \ / \ ------------< |---| )----^^^^^^------------------------- I I ) ) ) ) I \ / I I I I I -----------) ,'--/ /-------\/--------------------------- I I ( ) (_/ o /| @ @ I I ------- \/ {0} ) ( < {@} ------- I I {} {} \ / & ) ) {} & I I ------- {} _ @ )( | ( ( _ {@} ------- I I . / \ & ) ^ ) ) / \ /\ I I ------- ^\ \_/ ( ( \ ( { \_/ ( ) ------- I I ( \ H \ \ ) ) \ H ) ) I I ------- ! H ^. | / ( ! )H / '@ ------- I I `|~~H~`~'~`~'~~`v~'^`'"~H^"~`\ @ I I ------- (\;H.v/\|;___i_/|<>\+__H_-u=') ------- I I ]I[ .... .. ]I[ I I ------- // \\ .. ...... // \\ ------- I I _XX XX_ ... ...._XX XX_ I I -------------------------------------------------------- * *** M M EEEEE RRRRR RRRRR Y Y / \ MM MM E R R R R Y Y /o \ + M M M EEE RRRRR RRRRR Y + / \| M M E R R R R Y |/ + o \ M M EEEEE R R R R Y / | \ + / o \| + / o + \ X X M M AAA SSSS !! |/ | o \ + X X __ MM MM A A S !! / o \| X -- M M M AAAAA SSS !! + / o o o \ X X M M A A S |/__ + __\ X X M M A A SSSS !! + / + o | \ + |/ | o \| + / + \ |/ o o | \ + /__ + o + __\| + / | o | \ + |/ o o o \| /___________ ___________\ | | |_| * ^ *** \^/ ******* -<<<*>>>- ***** /v\ ******* v *********** * ***************** *** ************* ***** ***************** *** *********************** ***** ******************************* ********* T T ****************************************************************************** * * * * M E R R Y ** ** H A P P Y * * *** *** * * C H R I S T M A S * o * N E W Y E A R * * * \\ O * * * *** \\ *** * * * \\ * AULD LANG SYNE * * AND TO ALL A * o \\ * * * GOOD NIGHT *** O \\ *** * * *\\ o * POP POP POP POP * * * \\ o * * * ** o \\ O ** * * HO HO HO HO HO *** \\ *** * * * O o \\ O * * * * \\ * &&&&&&&&& * * ***************************** &&& * * ____ | | && * * |////|_____ | & ___ ________ * * &--|][][][]|____| _______ II__|[] | | I I * * |//|[][][][| |{}{}{}{| | |_| I I * * |//|][][][]| |}{}{}{}| < OO----OOO OO----OO * ****************************************************************************** ____ From: jsv@math.canterbury.ac.nz (Julian Visch) ______ _-' . .`-_ |/ / .. . ' .\ \| |/ / ..\ \| \|/ |: . ._|_ .. . | \|/ \/ | _|_ .| . .: | \/ \ / |. | . . .| \ / \||| . . . _|_ .|||/ \__| \ . :. .|. ./ |__/ __| \_ . .. _/ |__ __| `-______-' |__ -,____ ____,- ---' `--- UNITED FEDERATION OF PLANETS ____ From: Ric.Hotchkiss@sdrc.com H H A PPPPPP PPPPPP Y Y H H A A P P P P Y Y HHHHHH A A PPPPPP PPPPPP Y H H AAAAAAA P P Y H H A A P P Y X XX X XXX XX XXXX XXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXX XXXX XXX XXX XX XX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX EEEEEE A SSSSSS TTTTT EEEEEE RRRRRR E A A S T E R R EEE A A SSSSSS T EEE RRRRR E AAAAAAA S T E R R EEEEEE A A SSSSSS T EEEEEE R R ____ From Ric.Hotchkiss@sdrc.com m $m mm m "$mmmmm m$" mmmmmmm$" """$m m$ m$"""""" mmmmmmm$$$$$$$$$"mmmm mmm$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ m$$$$m " m " $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$"$$$ mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm $$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$""" m "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$ " " """""""$$$$$$$$$$$m """" mmmmmmmm" m$ "$mmmmm $$"""""" "$ """"""$$ m$" "m " " xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx __ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx// \ xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx((_ )x xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx_xxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(o)xxxxxxx rrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxo rrrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/|\xx/ rrrrxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx__/x| \ rrr xwxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx rrr wwwxxxxxxxxx .. xwwww... rrr wwwxxxxxxx . www .. rrr wwwww ..... ====... rrr ========= rrr 'rr._ ''rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr -------------- \ / \ / \ / | \\ | |\\ \\| | \\ | --------------- \--------------- / \ / \ | |-------------|--------------| | | | | | | | | /\ | | | | / | | | | | /\ | | | | | | | | |$ /\ | | | |$ / | | | |$ Screwed Again... | | | |----------------------------| | \ / ---------------------------------- / ### # # # # # # # # # # ### \ / ### ######################## ### \ / ### ##################### ### \ / ### ################### ### \ /__________________________________________\ \__________________________________________/ |\ \| |\\ | \ / V **** **** ********) ***** * ***************) * ** ***** *********************) * * (********************************) * (*********************************) * (************************************** (** (O) ****************************** (***********************************) (*************************************) (****** ***************************) (** *** ** *** * ****** (** *** *** *** * ***** (** *** * * * * * (* *** * * * * *** *** ** * * * ** ***** ** ** ** **** ____ boba@gagme.wwa.com [Someone had a clever idea. I cleaned it up a bit, and changed the word 'computer' to 'monitor.'] _ _ _ ___ ___. . ___. . . |\ /| \ | | / | | __| |___| | \/ | | | \___| | | | | | | _|_ . | ___| ___| | | __ ___. ___. ___. _ ___. _____ / | __| / | / | / \ / | | | | | \___| \___| /___\ \___| | \__| ___| | | / \ / | | ___. . . ___ . . . . ___ / | | | / \ \ / | /| | \___| | | | | \ | / | | / | \__/ \___/ \ |/ | _|_ ___. ___ _____ _____ . . ___ _ _ / | / \ | | | /| / \ |\ /| \___| | | | | | / | | | | \/ | / | \___/ | __|__ |/ | \___/ | | ____ From: jorn@genesis.mcs.com (Jorn Barger) "Here's some ascii fonts I've collected. Me'n'some other ascii fans would be very grateful for complete alphabets for any of these..." [Hey, peace, love and high times brothers and sisters] ___. .. . _ .. . ___. .__ . . _ . . __ __ _ __ _ . .___ | | ||\||- ||\| | | ||_)|\| | ||\| | ||_)| ||_) | || | | ` `-`` ``- `` ` ``` ` `-`` \` ` `-`` ` ``` `-`` \`-`| `-``-` ` __ |_ == _ _ _2 |__ | | | |_ ____ ____ _____ _____ _ _ ____ _ _ |____ |____ | | |___| |____ | | | ____||____ | | | | |____ | | _____ . . .___ __ . . . .__ __ __ . . __ | | | | (__` | |\ /| | \ (__` / \ |\ | (__` | |---| |--- \ | | \/ | |__/ \ | | | \ | \ | | | |___ \__/ | | | | \__/ \__/ | \| \__/ [Here's another alphabet for all you letter freaks. Jorn got it from Rock and Roll Creation ] _____ _____ _____ ____ _____ _____ _____ __ __ __ / _ \ | __ \ / \ | \ | ___| | ___| / ___\ | |_| | | | | _ | | __ < | <--< | | | | ___| | __| | \_ \ | _ | | | \_/ \_/ |_____/ \_____/ |____/ |_____| |__| \_____/ |__| |__| |__| __ __ ___ __ __ __ __ __ _____ ____ _____ _____ __| | | |/ / | | | \/ | | \| | / \ | _ \ / \ | _ \ | | | | < | |__ | | | | | | | | __/ | | | | / \_____/ |__|\__\ |_____| |_|\/|_| |__|\__| \_____/ |__| \____ \ |__|__\ _____ ______ __ __ ___ ___ __ __ ___ ___ ___ ___ _____ / ___> |_ _| | || | \ \/ / | |/\| | \ \/ / \ \/ / |_ / \___ \ | | | `' | \ / | | > < \ / / /_ <_____/ |__| \____/ \__/ \__/\__/ /__/\__\ |__| /_____| ..... ..... . . .... . . ....... : . : . . . : : :. : : :..... ..... ... :....: : . : : : . : . : : : : .: : :..... : . : : : : : : /\__.__/\/\_____/\_______/\_ __ /\_.___/\__. \ | /\____ \ ____/\ \/ \ \ | \_ |__ / \/ _ \ _|___/ ___ \/ | / | \ / \\ | \\ / | \\___ \ ` \\ \ __|__ /___|__ / ____\____|__ / _____/_______ \ \/ \/ \/\/ \/\/ \/ [][][] [] [] [] [] [] [][][] [][][] [][][] [] [] [] [][][] ] [][] [][] [] [] [] [] [] [][] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [][][] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [][] [][][] [] [][][] [] [] [][][] [][][] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [][] [] [][] [] [] [][][] [][] [][] [][][] [] @@ @@ @@@ @@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@ @@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@@@ @@ @@@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@@@ @@ @@@@ XXX XX XX XXXX XXXX XXX XXXXX XXXXXX XX XX XXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXXX XX XX XX XXXXX XX XXXXXXX XX XXX XX XX XXXXXXX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XX XXXXX XXXX XX XX XX XX XX ___ ___ /\ /\ | | /\ /\ /\ | | / \ / \ | | / \ / \ / \ | | / \/ \ | | //\ \ / \/ \ | | //\ \ | | // \ \ //\ \ | | // \ / \ \ | | //====\ \ // \ / \ \ | | // \/ \_____\|___| // \__\ // \/ \_____\|___| +----------------------------------------------------------+ \***\ |***| ,/|**| . |***| *** | \***\ / |***|_ (|****| \ |***|_ | \***\ / |***| | {|*****|- . |***| | --- | \***\ / / |***| | (|******| | \ |***| | *** | \***\ / / |***| | {|*****| | |***| | | \***\ / |***| | (|****| | / |***| | --- | \*** / |***| | `\|**| |' |***| | *** | +------------\--------|---|-----\-----|---/----|---|-------+ \__/ |___| ` --- ' |___| --- [This next one would make a cool login screen graphic for a board with the initials MTV. Lest they get sued.] ____________ __________ / /\ / /| /___________/ \ /__________/ | | \ \ / | | | \ \ / | | | \ \ / | | | \ \/ | | * * | \/ ** | | * * | * * * * | |* * | * * * * | * * | * ** * * * * * | |\ * * /|* * * * * | | \ / | * * * * | | \ / | * * ***| | | | \/ | * | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |___________| / |___________|/ "Here are a few suggestions for ASCII fonts you can use in your e-mails. I will write only one word in the same font so if you like it create the rest of the letters yourself. If you have any question about fonts - ask ! If you got any more ideas for fonts, post them as a reply to this topic." Era/\/. ____ ___ _ _ ____ ____ ___ /) /____) /___) / / _____) / ) /___) / / / ) / / / / / / / / // (_____/ (____ (__/(__/ (___/( / (____ ' () ( This one was created by Oded Noam ) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * JJJJJJJJJJJJJ AAAAAAAAA WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW SSSSSSSSSSSSS JJJJJJJJJJJ AAAAAAAAAAAAA WWWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWWW SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS JJJJJ AAAAA AAAAA WWWWWW WWWWWW SSSSSS JJJJJ AAAAA AAAAA WWWWW WWWWW SSSSS JJJJJ AAAAA AAAAA WWWWW WWWWW SSSSSSS JJJJJ AAAAA AAAAA WWWWW WWW WWWWW SSSSSSSSS JJJJJ AAAAAAAAAAAAAA WWWWW WWWWWWW WWWWW SSSSSSSS JJJJJ AAAAAAAAAAAAAA WWWWW WWWWWWWWW WWWWW SSSSSS JJJJJ JJJJJ AAAAA AAAAA WWWWW WWWWW WWWWW WWWWW SSSSSS JJJJJ JJJJJ AAAAA AAAAA WWWWW WWWWW WWWWW WWWWW SSSSSS JJJJJJJJJJJ AAAAA AAAAA WWWWWWWWWW WWWWWWWWWW SSSSSSSSSSSSSS JJJJJJJJJ AAAAA AAAAA WWWWWW WWWWWW SSSSSSSSSSSSSS XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX XXXXX FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF XXXXX FFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF XXXXX FFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFF XXXXX XXXXX FFFFF XXXXXXXXXX FFFFF XXXXXXXX FFFFF XXXXXXXXXX FFFFF XXXXX XXXXX FFFFFFFFFFFFFF XXXXX FFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFFFFFFFFFFF XXXXX FFFFFFFFFFFF FFFFF XXXXX XXXXX FFFFF XXXXX XXXXX FFFFF XXXXX XXXXX FFFFF XXXXX XXXXX FFFFF XXXXX XXXXX FFFFF XXXXX XXXXX FFFFF XXXXX XXXXX FFFFF XXXXX XXXXX ____ From: crettig@uceng.uc.edu (Craig Rettig) "Somebody on a MUD a year or two ago made this:" [Here are a few samples from The Smiley Dictionary. Maybe if you email Craig, he will send you the whole file.] :-) basic smiley ,-) winking happy smiley ;-( crying smiley O:-) angel smiley :-? smiley smokes a pipe :-}X bow tie-wearing smiley :-{ mustache :=) orangutan smiley @:-} smiley just back from the hairdresser C=:-) chef smiley X:-) little kid with a propeller beanie [:-) smiley wearing a walkman 8(:-) Mickey Mouse :----} you lie like pinnochio ____ From: marco@berkeley.edu (Marco E. Nicosia) \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ \__/ (oo) (o-) (@@) (xx) (--) ( ) (OO) //||\\ //||\\ //||\\ //||\\ //||\\ //||\\ //||\\ bug bug bug/w dead bug blind bug after winking hangover bug sleeping bug seeing a female bug ____ From: Purdie@zeus.usq.edu.au (Red Phoenix) //////// /////////////// //////////////////// /////////////////////// -~//////////////////////// -~o ///////////////////////// .-~ //////////////////////// @ _ _ _ _ _///////////////////// ''' ''' ~~~ | ~~~~ ~~~~ ----- | ~~~ )___( ----- | )___( --------- | / \ ------- /___________\ / \ | /_________\ --------------- | / \ ------------- / \ / \ /___________________\ /_______________\ ____________|______________________|__________ \_ _/ \______________________________________/ ~~.. ...~~~. ....~~~... ..~ | | _|_ /___\ /_____\ \___________________________\ /___________________________/ -----------|------|--------\_____/--------|------|-----------' ( ) ( ) O|OOo|oOO|O ( ) ( ) _____ _____ \\\\\\/ ___/___________________ \\\\/ / _____/__________________________ ________________ \\/ / _____/.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'_'_'_/ \_____ \__ / / _____/.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'_'_/ \__________\__ / / _____/_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_/ \_ / /__________/ \/____/\\\\\\ \\\\\\ ------ [Here's a nice design. Go ahead, find a use for it.] |||||||||| || || || || || || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || || || || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| || || ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| [How 'bout this next one.] __________________________________________________ | ________________________ | | | | | | |____ ____ ____| | | ********* | | | | ********* | | *************| | | **************** | | ***** **| | ******** ***** | | **** | |******** | **** | | **** | ****** | **** | | **** | ********| | **** | | ***** ******** | |** ***** | | *************** | | |************* | | *********_| |____| |_********* | | | | | | |________________________| | | | | Apple II Forever | |__________________________________________________| I` eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee (------------------) | We are merely | | mildew on the | | shower curtain | | of life. | eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee | / | / `---------------' o o [This next one is somebody's initials, I guess.] O/ O _____________ _/I_ ____ ____/I\___ |\ ___________\ |\/_>\ |\ __\ |\ __<_\___\ | | \O/ | | | \| | | | | | \|___ I ___| | | \ | | | | __ | | | |>| | | \| |O/ | | ||_| | O/ O__| | | O | | \ \ |I | | __ | | | || | | / > / > \|___| []>\ \|__| \____|[] \|__| \|__| [] [This next one is the best ascii can opener I've ever seen :-)] __-, ___ _________ __(__)|___ _______/ |________| `----------|_______________---/ `----_____|___ ( ___+-----------------<---------_____________-----_ `----- `-----------' | +---_/ ____/__/___/_____ | ====== || |_________________|| ___ _ \ / ) ========= ___/ \ / \___ / /\ \ ] / /\ \ ( q-----( ) ( o ) \___/ [ \___/ ____ From: pirillc2770@cobra.uni.edu "Well, since nobody had an ASCII of a grave, I tried to make one myself. This is the first draft of it. Simple. Anyone care to make it into something bigger???" ___________________________________ |:.. | |:.. | |:.. | |:.. _ \ _ _| _ \ | |:.. | | | | | | |:.. __ < | ___/ | |:.. _| \_\_)___|_)_| _) | |:.. | |:.. | |:.. | |:.. | |:.. | |:.. | |:.. | |:.. | |:.. | __\|/___________|_______\|/_________________________|________\|/______ ____ From: jorn@Notwerk.mcs.com (Jorn Barger) ___ _ _ _ _ _____ | || |_ ___ _| ||_| ___ __ _| |_ / ___\ ___ __ ___ ___ | | || .\/ ._\/. || |/ ._\| \|_ _| | / __ / _ \ | / \ / _ \ |___||___/\___/\___||_|\___/|_|_| |_| | \_\ \ | __/ | /\ | | __/ \_____/ \___/ |_| |_| \___/ [The next one is way cool.] /\ ___/\___ ___ __ __(__) __ _______ _/ __/\ \/\ / \ | |/ ___\/ \/ ___/ \___ \_/ \/ _/\ \| _/ /| | \ / ____ _/ | \ \/ \ \_/ / \_ \| | | \ \/ _/ \ ___/\__|| \____/| |\__/__|__| \_ | \/ |____/ |__| |____/|__| /\ ___ (__)_____________ ___________ \ \/\ | |____ \____ \/ \_____ \ _/ \ | | _|/ / _|/ / _/\ \__|/ / \ \/ \| | \_ \_\_ \_\_/ /\_ \_ \__|| |__| |\___/ |\___/____/ |\___/ |____/ |__| |__| |__| "Here's an especially readable box font (in tumbling-dice mode):" __ ____ __ ____ __ __ /\ \ / \_\ / /\ / \ \ / |\ / /\ / \_\ / /\ |_| / / /| /\ \ \ / ||/ / / / /\ | |\ \/ /_/_ / / / \ \/ \ \ / |/ / / / \/ |_| \ __ \_\ /_/ / \ /\ \_\ / /| / / / /\ ./_/ \ \ \/_/_\_\/ \ \ \/_// / | / / \ \/ |_| \ \_\ /_/\ \ \_\ /_/ /|_/ / \__/_/ \/_/ \_\/ \/_/ \_\/ \_\/ "And an impressively tiny one:" ________ ________ / /_ __/\ /\ \__ _\ /___/_/_/\/ \ \___\_\_\ \___\_\_\/ \/___/_/_/ ____ From: rbeck@island.csc.ti.com (Ron Beck) _ _ | | | | __ ___ _____ __ _ __ _____ _ __ _ _ | |_| |/ _` \ \ / / _ \ / _` | \ \ / / _ \ '__| | | | | _ | (_| |\ V / __/ | (_| | \ V / __/ | | |_| | |_| |_|\__,_| \_/ \___| \__,_| \_/ \___|_| \__, | |___/ _ _ | | | | __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ | |_| |/ _` | '_ \| '_ \| | | | | _ | (_| | |_) | |_) | |_| | |_| |_|\__,_| .__/| .__/ \__, | |_| |_| |___/ _____ _ _ _ _ |_ _| |__ __ _ _ __ | | _____ __ _(_)_ _(_)_ __ __ _ | | | '_ \ / _` | '_ \| |/ / __|/ _` | \ \ / / | '_ \ / _` | | | | | | | (_| | | | | <\__ \ (_| | |\ V /| | | | | (_| | |_| |_| |_|\__,_|_| |_|_|\_\___/\__, |_| \_/ |_|_| |_|\__, | |___/ |___/ ____ | _ \ __ _ _ _ | | | |/ _` | | | | | |_| | (_| | |_| | |____/ \__,_|\__, | |___/ ____ From: yduj@harlequin.com (Judy Anderson) [If I've let some BUAGs slip through that make you sick, then I hope you...] @~@ @ GGGG EEEEEE TTTTTTTTTT ~\|/~ GG GG EE TT @@ |~@ @ GG EE TT ~\~|/~/~ GG EEEE TT #### \||/ GG GGGG EE TT # || GG GG EE TT # __--==] GGGG EEEEEE TT # # ### -==] # #### #--_==] # ### || WW WW EEEEEE LL LL !! ## ## || WW WW EE LL LL !! #### | WW WW EE LL LL !! WW WW EEEE LL LL !! WW WW WW EE LL LL !! WWWW WWWW EE LL LL WW WW EEEEEE LLLLLLLL LLLLLLLL !! ____ From: cat@wixer.bga.com (Dr. Cat) [Responding to some flame nonsense going on...] "I would like to argue that there should be no arguments about anything, nor any posts without pictures in them. Oh damn, I just did one! No, wait, I'll fix it..." +-------------------------------------+ | ___ | | __.--/) .-~~ ~~>>>>>>>> .-. | | (._\~ \ ( ~~>>>>>>>>.~.-' | | -~} \_~-, )~~>>>>>>>' / | | { ~/ /~~~~~~. _.-~ | | ~.( `--~~/ /~ ~. | | .--~~~~_\ \--~( -.-~~-. \ | | ```-'~~ / / ~-. \ .--~ / | | (((_.' (((__.' ```-' | +-------------------------------------+ "There, now there's a picture in this post! Take that, flame-kindler! Dr. Cat" ____ From: Ric.Hotchkiss@sdrc.com . . \|/ . . . . . . . - * - . . . . . . . . . /|\ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ . Vv Vv Vv Vv . . . . . . . . x O o, o, o, o, . . . . . . /(_){-}+--===--===--===--=== . . . . ~~~~ . \=====/ > > > > > > > > . . . . . ~~~ . . . . . . . . . ~~ . . . . . . . . . . ~~~ . . . . . . . . . /\ ~~ . . . ^ . . ^ . . . . / \ || /|\ /|\ / [] \|| #### ^ ############ ## /|\ ## ##### /|\ ##################### / || ## /|\ ########## ^ ##### ^ ################################ / [] [] \ # /|\ ######### /|\####### /|\ #### #### ^ #### ############# | | ## #### ## ^ # /|\ ###### /|\ #### ^ ### /|\ # ^ ########## | _ _ | ######## /|\ ###################### /|\ ## /|\ # /|\ ## +===| [_] [_] | ####### /|\ #################### /|\ ####### /|\ +---| | ############################################################################### [Now this next one is really nice.] *%\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\^/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%$%*\@/*%* * X ! X ! X ! X ! . ! X ! X ! X ! X * * O O O O .|. O O O O * * -*- * * Athbhliain Faoi Mhaise! '|` _ Happy New Year! * * Frohliche Weihnachten! *:* ("D Chag Sameach! * * Sarbatori Fericite! * . * ~(=r Boas Festas! * * Joyous Solstice! ** ** .../__\ Gut Yontif! * * Mele Kurisumasu! *** o *** [MJ] Iyi YIllar! * * Mele Kalikimaka! *\ O * Wesolych Swiat! * * Merry Christmas! ** \\ ** Velelykh Svyat! * * Happy Hanukkah! *** \\ *** Stastny Novy Rok! * * Pari Dzounount! * o \\ * Kelemes Unnepeket! * * Happy Holidays! ** O \\** Season's Greetings! * * Veseli Vanoce! ***\\ o \*** Gung Hay Fat Choy! * * Feliz Navidad! * \\ o * Felican Jarfinon! * * Joyeux Noel! ** o \\ O ** Joy to the World * * Bom Natal! **** \\ o **** - And to All a * * God Jul! ** o o \\ o ** Good Night! * * Cheers! *** O \\ *** * * *:D o_ ***************************** e@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ * _ <' )~ ___ ##### _v_ @@@"""""""""""""* * /<~ ["""] V o [___] _@_ #####__|~|_ A @" ___ ___________ * %'= @|HHH|[~] U |\ /|/^^^\##[{}{}{}{](") ! II__[w] | [i] [z] | * %' ) /%|HHH||$|/V\|XXX|~~~~~##[}{}{}{}](:)<*> {======|_|~~~~~~~~~| * %(__6 |==D|HHH||$|\^/|/ \|=====##[{}{}{}{](:) V /oO--000'"`-OO---OO-' ************************************************************************ ____ From: jorn@Notwerk.mcs.com (Jorn Barger) _ __,----'~~~~~~~~~`-----.__ . . `//====-_ ___,-' ` -. \_|// . /||\\ `~~~~`---.___./ ______-==. _-~o~ \/ ||| \\ _,'` __,--' ,=='||\=_ ;_--~/_-'|- |`\ \\ ,' _-' ' | \\`. '-'~7 /- / || `\. / .' //// || | \\ \_ / /- / || \ / / ____ O-O--= | \\.`-_/ /|- _/ ,|| \ / ,-' ( ^ _/\_ --_ \ `==-/ `| \'--===-' _/` /\~-\/ \ `-| /| )-'\~' _,--~' /|`/ _ \_ \ '-~~\_/ | | `\_ ,~ /\ / | : U_/ / / \ \__ \/~ `\__ \(__:__ \_/ _,-' _/'\ ,-'~____-'`-/ ``===\ =@===== ((->/' \|||' `. ~`-/ , _|| | | \_ ~\ `^---|__i__i__\--~'_/ / | | __-^-_ `) \-.______________,-~' / /| | //,-'~~`__--^- |-------~~~~~' | | | | //,--~~`-\ |__| |__| /#_) |#\ ....................J@@@@@@@@@@@@@......JJJJJJ.......... ....................J@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@..JJJJ....JJ.... ......@@.............JJJ@@@@@@@@@@@@..............JJ.... ......J@JJJJ...J........J@@@@@@@@@..@JJJ@@....JJJ@JJJJ.. ....@@JJ@@@@..JJ........J@@@@@@@@@..@J@@JJ......J@@@JJ.. ....JJ@@@@J@J@@@@@J@....@@@@@@@@@@@@JJJ@JJ@@@@@@@@@@JJ.. ....JJ@@@@J@J@@@@@J@....@@@@@@@@@@@@@JJJ@@@@@@@@@@@@JJ.. ..JJJJ@@J@@@@@@@@@@J....@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@JJJJ@@@@@@@@JJ.. ..JJJJ@@J@@@@@@@@@@J....@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@J@@@@@@@@JJ.. ..JJJ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@J....J@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@JJ.. ..JJJ@@@@@@@@@@@@@JJ....J@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@JJ.. ..JJJJ@@@@@@@@@J@J....J@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@JJJ.. ..JJJJJ@@@@@@@J@JJ....J@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@JJJ.. ..JJJJJ@@@@@@@J@..JJ..@@@@J@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.... ..JJJJJ@@@@@@@JJ..JJ..@@JJJ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.... ..JJJJJ@@@@@@@@@JJ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@J.... ..JJJJJJ@@@J@JJJJJ..@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@JJ.... .....JJJJJJJ..JJJJ...JJJ...JJJ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@J...... ......JJJJJJ.......................JJJJJ@J@@@@@@JJ...... ........JJJJJJJJ@J...........JJJ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@........ ........JJJJJJJJJ@JJ........J@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.......... ..........JJJJ@J@JJ@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@............ ____ From: M. Jacobs We wish you a Happy Valentine's Day! -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=- __ __ __ __ .*. /~ .~\ /~ ~\ /~ .~\ /~ ~\ *** ' `\/' * ' `\/' * V ( .*)( . *) /\|/\ \ Name . *./ \ Name . *./ | `\ . . .*/' `\ . . .*/' .*. | `\ * .*. */' _ _ `\ * .*. */' *** `\ * */' ( `\/'*) `\ * */' /\V `\/' \ */' `\/' |/\ `\/' | Name Here --+++==##<<{{ Put Names Here }}>>##==++-- ____ From: jason@rs5.tcs.tulane.edu (Jason R. Mastaler) [A ghost] oooooooo oo ooo oo ooo oo ooo oo o o oooo ooo o ooo o XXXXXXXXXXX oo XXX oo oXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| oXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX| oXXXXXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXX| oXXoooooXXXXXX .XXX.XXXXXXXX| oXoooooXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| XXX| oXXooooXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| XXXX| ooooooXXXXXXX_________XXXXXXXXXX XXXXX| oXoooXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| oXXXooXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| oXXXXooooXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| o oXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| ooooXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| XX| oXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| oXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| XXXX| ooooXXXXXXXXXXXXXX| (c) aqualung oooooXXXX ____ From: jsv@math.canterbury.ac.nz (Julian Visch) / \ / _ \ | / \ | || || _______ || || |\ \ || || ||\ \ || || || \ | || || || \__/ || || || || \\_/ \_/ \_// / _ _ \ / \ | O O | | \ ___ / | / \ \_/ / \ / ----- | ----- \ | \__/|\__/ | \ |_|_| / \_____ _____/ \ / | | *** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** W ** ** ** **** H ** ** * ** ** A ** * * ** *** ** T ** * * ** ** * ' ** ** ** ** ** S ** ** ** * * * * U * 0 0 * P * / @ \ * ? * \__/ \__/ * * W * ** ** ***** ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ///// ////// //// //// //// // // ///// ///// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // //// // // // // // ////// // // //// ///// //// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // ///// ////// //// //// // // ///// ///// ///// // // // And now it's time to stop and view the sigs. This is our little sig gallery. If you see any good ones, send them to: boba@gagme.wwa.com As someone once wrote: "Warning! PLEASE do not include ascii art in your signature files in Usenet newsgroups. What may be OK in private email, is in very poor taste and an abomination when you are asking thousands of systems to transmit it. It _WILL_ cause you to burn in hell! Trust us!" Guess I'd better buy some asbestos usderwear. Look out now! Course, if us sig ponters didn't post sigs, posted sig haters would have to depend on email in order to grab good sigs. :-} ______________________________________________________________________________ ____ From: jorn@genesis.mcs.com (Jorn Barger) "I've been clipping sigs with ascii art, for a while. Here they are. (I kind of like this format, because it saves the artists' names (or at least the plagiarists, anyway :^)" ['plagiarists' hmmm...I didn't even know how to spell it.] Yakko _ O O _ | Am I schizophrenic, or | ~~~~~~~~~~~ \-|-\_/-|-/ | just undergoing mitosis? | ~~~~~~~~~~~ /^\ /^\ ================================================ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ The Psychic Amoeba, sj3a@fermi.clas.virginia.edu ~~~~~~~~~~~ [It really is exotic, it really is exquisite, I only have one question, what the heck is it? :-)] _____ _____ \\\\\\/ ___/___________________ Mitchell S Todd \\\\/ / _____/__________________________ ________________ \\/ / mst4298@zeus._____/.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'_'_'_/ \_____ \__ / / tamu.edu _____/.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'_'_/ \__________\__ / / _____/_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_'_/ \_ / /__________/ \/____/\\\\\\ \\\\\\ ------ [Ah, computer tools.] * _ * * * | \__________ * Andy Glendinning * * | \ * Box 3286, 1000 Morewood Ave. * * | __ _ \ * Pittsburgh, PA 15213 * * |_/ \____/ \ | * * * | | \| * ag4d@andrew.cmu.edu * * | | * * * __| |____ ********************************* * | | | \ * * * ___| | | \ * Kappa-alpha-pi-pi-alpha * * |___| | | | * Delta R-H-O * * | | | / * Honor Super Omnia * * |__| |____/ * Kappa Delta Rho * * | | * * * |__| ********************************* |> |> | | III |> /-|\ III i> | _|__|__III i ^ |>\______/III i ^^^ | !__!__III/\ ^^^^^ /\\ ////|====IIII === /\\\/////|====IIII === | | ||||::::::IIII === | | |||| IIII === ---------------------------------- Berton Corson 5280397@mcimail.com * Sue Bartlow, Technical Writer * * TIM & DBT Technical Documentation * * (205) 730-3893 _ /| * * Intergraph Corporation \'o.O' * * Building 30, Room 122 L =(___)= * * sbbartlo@sue.b30.ingr.com U * <**> <<<<**>>>> <<<<<<<**>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<**>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<**>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<****************************>>> <<<<<<* Rob Elkin *>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<* Dept of English *>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<* SUNY Stony Brook *>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<* Stony Brook N Y *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<<<<* SUNY Stony Brook *>>>>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<<<<* Dept of English *>>>>>>>>> <<<<<<* Rob Elkin *>>>>>> <<<****************************>>> ( )_( ) __________ splinter@allink.com ____________ \. ./ :just another middle-aged mutant Zen rat: __=.=__ " __ __ __ __ | Heinrich Hellmann, UNIX System Administrator | |__| |__||__| |__| +------------------------------------------------+ |__|__|__||__|__|__| | Mail-Plus.: Heinrich.Hellmann@Augsburg.NCR.COM | |__|__|__||__|__|__| | Internet..: hai@greenie.muc.de private | |__| |__||__| |__| | Subnet....: hai@avirex.abg.sub.org private | |__| |__||__| |__| | CompuServe: 100111,3347@compuserve.com private | END OF LINE. - uplink@cwis.unomaha.edu | _ / / __/ / Coming Soon to the LNH: Gamer Boy! | / / / / / _' | / _/ Disclaimer: These are all my Opinions. | / / ___/ / / / / < And they should be yours, too. |LNH!LNH!| ____/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/ __/__/ "Can't shake the Devil's hand \ M \ I \ T \ and say you're only kidding" --====@=@=@=@=@=@=@=@=@=====--- andreast@ -They Might Be Giants C / R / E / W / athena.mit.edu /\,,,/\ Lookout! It's a Mad Dog! |=========================================| | O O | | Dammit Jim, I'm an ASTRONOMER, not an | |=-*-=| jcentenn@nyx.cs.du.edu | ASTROLOGER! | ( ### ) |=========================================| "... / \ * @ * _* * | John R Osmon /------------- __ \_/ \/|\/ \@ * | ________/ /_/\ <|> / \ /\_* | / josmon@ \_\/ @ / / _/\_ ..." | / manufing.dell.com [This next one's cool, what with that Chinese flag. :-)] Peter Goudswaard _________ _________ goudswaa@sfu.ca (preferred) | | __/^\__ | | goudswaa@sd28.unbc.edu | | \ / | | pgoudswa@cln.etc.bc.ca | | _/\_\ /_/\_ | | pgoudswa@cue.bc.ca | | > < | | "There's no gift like the present" | >_________< | | - Goudswaard's observation |_________| | |_________| Take a break from your screen and do some exercises. All together now... o/ \ / \ / / \o email: ehhchi@epx.cis.umn.edu /# ##o # o## #\ chi@mermaid.micro.umn.edu / \ / \ /o\ / |\ / \ Dumping messy-dos, running Linux! [It can't be a golfer, he's not saying any curse words.] _____ . . ' \\ . . |>> O// . . | \_\ . . | | | . . . . | / | . Dennis K. Elliot . . . | / .| delliot@oboe.calpoly.edu . ...o | __ / \_/ ) __ Ken Kaliszewski / ( ------------- } kkalisz@lookout.mtt.it.uswc.uswest.com ( =l=ll===============__} U S West Communications IT/CSD \ _ ( 303/ 595-2843 \_/ \__) >\\\|/< |_"""_| (O) (o) +----OOO--(_)--OOOo------------------=| I was here 2! |=-------------+ | Email: jorn@marge.mikom.csir.co.za / JHass@mikomtek.csir.co.za | | SMail: Jorn Hass, Box 40773, Arcadia, 0007, Rep. of South Africa | +------|_______|--------( Hi Mom! )---------------------[ (C) 1993 ]-+ ____ From: gschumac@ux4.cso.uiuc.edu (Schumacher Gordon C) /-------------------------------------------------------------------\ | Champaign- "We apologize for the inconvienience." _@_ | | Urbana -HHGTTG / \ | | kilroy was here | o o | | \-------------------------------------------------------U|--U--|U---/ ____ From: bagel@vpnet.chi.il.us (Marcia Goldstein) {~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~} { Marcia Goldstein /\**/\ A spotless house } { ( o_o )_) is the sign } { bagel@vpnet.chi.il.us ,(u u ,), of a misspent life. } { {}{}{}{}{}{} } ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ From: pirillc2770@cobra.uni.edu __ __ // * pirillc2770@cobra.uni.edu /__\ // \ // _ The Locker Gnome // \\_// // //-, //~, // //\ / Tammy's Teddy Bear Extraordinaire \_/ ((____// /__// __//__//_)_/ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ____ From: crettig@uceng.uc.edu (Craig Rettig) [Cool.] __________________________________________________________________________ |\ __________ /| _____ ___ _ ___ _____ _______ |.\__/_wwwwwwww_\__/.| /. . .\ |.|/.\|.| /. . .\ |. . . \ |______|______|______| |. .|. .||.|. .|.||. .|. .||. .|. .| |\ /| |\ /| |. .|---||.|.|.|.||. . . .||. . . ./ \\ _|||/\/\/\/\/\/\|||_ // |. .|_ .||. .|. .||. .|. .||. .|. .\ |\ /\\\\||/\/\/\/\/\/\||////\ /| \______| \_/ \_/ |___|___||___|___| \\|\\\\\|______________|/////|// \|\\\\\\|\ o I |//////|/ R U L E S ! ! ! ___| |__\_______ I | | --------------- \*\| \______ ~~~\| | _ \**\_____ \______\___\_/ \_____TTTT--__ \***\ \___/~~~~IIIIIIII| |IIIIIIIIIIII\ /***/ ___-----~~~ \__--- /__---~~~~..........\ _________________________________ |................\ | crettig@waterbug.occ.uc.edu | |......___........\ | bd112@cleveland.freenet.edu | BALSAC, THE JAWS OF DEATH | crettig@heartland.freenet.edu | ___________________________________|_______________________________|_____ ____ From: Purdie@zeus.usq.edu.au (Red Phoenix) ///, //// \ /, / >. \ /, _/ /. \_ /_/ /. _____ _____ \__/_ < / __ \__________ / __ \___ _ _____ _________ _ ____ __ /<<< \_\_ / / / / ___/ __ \ / / / / // \/ __ \/ ___/ Y \/__/ \/ / /,)^>>_._ \ / /_/ / _/_/ /_/ // /_/ / _~ / /_/ / _/_/ \ / /> < (/ \\ /\\\ /__/ \ >____/_____// ____/__//__/\_____/_____/__//__/\_//__/\_\ // ```` ======\/============\_/========[Purdie@zeus.usq.edu.au]===============((`======= /\ /\ /\/\/ \/\/\ /\ /\/\ /\ /\ /\ __/ \/\/ \/\/\/ \/ \/\/\/\/ \ /\/\/\/\/\/\/ \/\ /\/ \ A 117 part secret message from Simon Travaglia\/spt@waikato.ac.nz \/\/\/ /\ /\University of Waikato, Private Bag, Hamilton, New Zealand \/ \ /\/\/ \/\/\ /\ /\/\Ph: 064-7-838-4008/\ /\ /\ /\ /\ \/\/ \/\/\/ \/ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ \/ \/ \/\/ \/\/\/ \ _______________________________________________________________________ | |\___ |\___ | | | \ ___ |\___ | \ __.._/| ___ ___ .____ _/|__ /\ | | | | |/ \| \. | | | || |/ \./ \| \| | \_/ / | | |o | |o | |o | | |o | | || o|o | |o | |o | |o |o / | |/\/|| <|| __|| | |\/\/|| ___| __ ||| | || __|| | || |> \/\/\| |:::|: | |: | |: | |::::|: |::| || :|: | |: | |: | |: |: /| |:::| |:::|__|_ |\___/|____/:::::|_ |::|__||__|\___/:\___/|__|_ |__| /.|_ |:::| |::::::::\|::::::::::::::::::\|::::::::::::::::::::::::::\|::|/::::\|:::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::>Purdie@zeus.usq.edu.au<::::::::::::::::::::::::| ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___________________ ____ ____ ____ _ \ \ / \ \ / \ \ / \ \ / Helix \ / \ \ / \ \ / \ \ / /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ Justin Diachun \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ \ diachun@cs.buffalo.edu \/ \__\/ \__\/ \__\/ __________________________________________________________ / ________________________ \ / ::::::::::::::\______ \ ___\______ \::::::::::::::::: \ / ::::::::::::::::| _/ __)_ | | \::::::::::::::::: \ / :::::::::::::::::| | \ \| ` \::::::::::::::::: \ / ::::::::::::::::::|____|_ /____ /______ /:::::::::::::::::: \ / ::::::::::::::::::::::::::\/:::::\/:::::::\/:::::::::::::::::::: \ < :: ______________ __._____________________ .___ ___ ___ :: > \ :::::\______ \ |/ |_____ \ _____/ _ \| | \/ /::::: / \ :::: | ___/ |/ | \ __)_ | \ |\ / :::: / \ ::::| |: | | | | \ \ | \ |/ \:::: / \ :: |____|: |____|___|_______ /___ /__|__ /__|___/\ \:: / \ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::\/::::\/::::::\/:::::::::\_/: / \__________________________________________________________/ ____ From u2i02@keele.ac.uk (Rob Pomeroy) | | _ _ --+-- | --+-- Beware the |\__/| .~ ~. Rob Pomeroy | --+-- | Won by killer squirrels /o=o'`./ .' u2i02@keele.ac.uk | | One. will get yo {o__, \ { | o / . . ) \ (c) /~~~~/ () /~~~~~\ o `-` '-' \ } 1993 /__ \~ /~~\ \__() / u .( _( )_.' /~\ ___\ \ | | ____| | :. '---.~_ _ _| \_/ /______\ |__| \_____/ :. ____ From: jsv@math.canterbury.ac.nz __^__ < Julian Visch > __^__ ( ___ )------------------------------------------------------------( ___ ) | / | | \ | | / | The goal of all inanimate objects is to resist | \ | | / | Man and ultimately defeat him - Russel Baker | \ | |___| |___| (_____)------------Internet:jsv@math.canterbury.ac.nz--------------(_____) ____ From: boba@gagme.wwa.com [These were from an anonymous source.] .__________________________________. | | | Hello, I am: | s.r. prozak cblanc@pomona. | -------------------------------- | philosopher of claremont.edu | | DISTURBED | | disorder, chaos, | -------------------------------- | depravity, and lust. Fri18:00/88.7FM |__________________________________| \||/ | @___oo /\ /\ / (__,,,,| The Green Dragon ) /^\) ^\/ _) ) /^\/ _) "Out of order there is chaos, ) _ / / _) and out of chaos there is order" /\ )/\/ || | )_) < > |(,,) )__) || / \)___)\ | \____( )___) )___ \______(_______;;; __;;; /**\ ooo ooo /**\ | |---|----|---| | | | | | | | \--/ | () | \--/ \ || / \||/ \ /alter | | \ /\ /hysong, | | \/ \/eightlifter..... \ / --------||---------walter@zamphir.uucp-------------------- /\ | | | | | | _/ \_ ***********************************&&***************************************** *jgreen@peru.zycor.com*********************************James B.Green********* **********************You can't see me, I can't see you********************* **********************Black or white, it doesn't matter******************** ************************************************************************** |\ | | | | ^ \ | | \ / \ |\ | you................... can call me:::::: | \ <---\ | \ | | ) \ / \| | / \___/ | ben@mystic.dolores.uucp |_/ /~\ < o) James Thomas Green /------|_|------\ jgreen@oboe.calpoly.edu /-- --\ Eagle Scout -- July 1976 /-- @ --\ Bicentenial Eagle /--M M--\ Be Prepared //|||\\ W ____ From: Nveilleu@emr1.emr.ca (Normand Veilleux) [This is a sampling of sigs from a file compiled by BRAUNV@SUN1.JWC.AF.MIL (Vicki Braun) and posted by Normand Veilleux. If you email Vicki or Normand, maybe one of them can send you the whole thing, which is over 40 K.] Jean M. Pajerek |\_____/| Head of Cataloging |[o] [o]| Cornell Law Library | V | Ithaca, NY 14853 | | jmp8@cornell.edu -ooo---ooo- [This next one is kinda cute.] /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ < He prayeth best, who loveth best > < Sara J. Kendall All things both great and small. > < skendall@ivy.bitnet For the Lord that maketh them > < FUR Station #93 Hath made and loveth all. > <_________________________________________________________________> < /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ > < 0 0 * * o o ^ ^ > < = @ = = @ = = @ = = @ = > < Diamond Beatrice Benedick Grimalkin > \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\ [Yet another train. I still like them, even though I've seen a lot of 'em.] o o o o o o o . . . ______________________________ _____=======_||____ o _____ || | | lmk3@Lehigh.edu | .][__n_n_|DD[ ====_____ | Linda M. Kreitz | | (215) 758-4140 | >(________|__|_[_________]_|____________________________|_|_________________| _/oo OOOOO oo` ooo ooo 'o!o!o o!o!o` 'o!o o!o` -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- It takes only a moment to be kind; but the results can last a lifetime! |\ |-\ Have a Hobie Day!! |--\ |---\ |----\ +-----------------------------------------------+ |--H--\ |We ask ourselves when we get in a fix | /|------\ |What would Popeye do in a tight spot like this?| / |-------\ |He'd race for his true love and easily win it. | /| |--------\ |In an old spinach can with a mast stuck in it. | /-| |---------\ +-----------------------------------------------+ /--| |----------\ /---| |-----------\ hobie@catt.ncsu.edu /----| |------------\ /_____| |-----O-------\ jaherr@eos.ncsu.edu / |____/w\____|___-\ \------------------------| | +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |-- Terence Griffin (griffin@cam.nist.gov) --|-- My opinions are my own --| | | unless they happen to | | ____ _~o ,__o | be yours too. | | ____ _-\_<, _-\_<, |----------------------------| | (*)/'(*) (*)/'(*) | Always looking for yummy | | -o-o===o-- | healthy things to try. | |------- Summer -------- Winter -------------|----------------------------| ----------------------------------------------------------------- | Barbara Morris | | | BMORRIS@LWCVM1.LWC.EDU | "I'M A WOMAN WHO'S RICH IN SONS."| | Longwood College | ||||||||||||| | | Farmville, VA 23909 | |||| 0 0 |||| | | (804) 395-2423 | ||| u ||| | | | || ____/ || | | | | ----------------------------------------------------------------- [Looks like inflation has affected everything.] $0.02 (more like $0.75) :-) ---------------------------- Paul Baker -------------------- Management Analyst | /^-^\ Balt.+/\ | NASA-GSFC Library Services |/ \_* DC/ \ |__ Greenbelt, MD 20771 \_ | | | \/ \_| Internet: pbaker@ltpsun.gsfc.nasa.gov hollernet: (301)286-9230 papernet: (301)286-1755 -------------------------------------------- It is infinite megabeauteousness just to be! -PWB ________________________________________________________________ |\ --------- /|\________________________________________________/| ||:::/ \:::||| Thom Gillespie || ||::/ \::||| || ||:( (o)(o)):||| Indiana University thom@ucs.indiana.edu || ||::\ .. /::||| SLIS Library 011 812-855-5120 (voice) || ||:::\ --/:::||| Bloomington, In. 47406 812-855-6166 (fax) || ||:::/\ /\:::|||________________________________________________|| |/__Pak_Thom_\|/________________________________________________\| ________________________________________________________________________________ ___________ Marilyn Cox @(_)-------(_) "Ms. ATT" COXRL@WKUVX1.WKU.EDU @ / ### \ Reaching out to touch 122 Riverwood Ave. @ | ### | more people than any other Bowling Green, KY 42103 @ @|_________| person in America! ________________________________________________________________________________ __ __ __ |\ _\|\ _\|\ _\ | | |_| |_| | | DOMAIN: asc@concurrent.co.uk | | : : :| | UUCP: ...!uunet!ukc!concurrent!asc | | ______ | | NEM: asc slough | | / | \ | | Royal Mail: 227 Bath Road | | | | | | | Slough SL1 4AX, England \|__| \|__| | CASEmate msalo@garnet.acns.fsu.edu 0 0 (Marty Salo) + * + "Don't worry, be happy!" \_____/ (Bobby McFerrin) [This next one satisfies the quota for the inclusion of a map of Australia.] ______________________________________________________________________________ ,-_|\ Greg O'Beirne \\ EMail - gobeirne@tartarus.uwa.edu.au / \ University of // Phone - (+61 9) 434 2787 *_,-._/ Western Australia \\ For more information... type: v // finger gobeirne@tartarus.uwa.edu.au _________________________________\\___________________________________________ Bill Horne | email: horne@research.nj.nec.com | ,_ o o NEC Research Institute | phone: (609) 951-2676 | / //\ /\O/ 4 Independence Way | FAX: (609) 951-2482 | \>> | 0 \\ Princeton, NJ 08540 | office: 4F01 | \\, // __________________________________________________________________________ / Eric D. Robbins, SysAdmin | __ Amiga 4000/040 <-> CDTV \ | Seton Hall University | /// IBM RS/6000 POWERstation 340 | | erobbins@csvax.shu.edu | __ /// IBM 4381 VM/SP CMS | | erobbin@pilot.njin.net | \\\/// DEC MicroVAX II | | 76324.3374@compuserve.com | \XX/ "Only Amiga makes it possible!" | \______________________________|___________________________________________/ _/^\_ +------------------------------- ///////\ ----------------------+ |Xun Xiong ( ) | |FZI Forschungszentrum Informatik| (o)-(o) email xiong@fzi.de | |Haid-und-Neu-Str. 10-14, C .---_) phone +49-721-9654-458| |D-7500 Karlsruhe, Germany | |.___| fax +49-721-9654-409| +------------------------------- \ \__/ ----------------------+ /_____\ ______ ____________________ / / ._>____ __ __ __ __ __ Bryan So (so@betty.cs.wisc.edu) / / . \ / ._>\ ' //. |/ ' / Computer Sciences Department /_/____//_\_\ / //_\_|_/\_/ 1210 W. Dayton ______________ /_/_________ Madison, WI 53706 www (o o) Emacs -- the choice of a GNU generation +---oOO--(_)--OOo----------+ +-------------------------+ | / / | | Herve' Benvel \ \ Herve.Benvel@inria.fr | | 55 bis, rue Paul Doumer / / benvel@litp.ibp.fr | | 91330 Yerres, France \ \ | +--------------------------+ +-------------------------+ * * ..* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Zoe Coombs * _____________ * * LAS Dean's Office * | X O X O X | * * Alfred University * | O X O X O | * * Alfred, NY 14802 * | X O X O X | (Quilting) * * * | O X O X O | * * Bitnet: COOMBS@CERAMICS * | X O X O X | * * Internet: COOMBS@BIGVAX.ALFRED.EDU * ------------- * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * [Here's Vicki's sig.] \ / icki || Vicki Braun || BRAUNV@SUN1.JWC.AF.MIL \ / -//- || P.O. Box 565 || (904)243-6644 \/ || Ft. Walton Beach, FL || 32549-0565 [Here's Normand's sig.] .aA ,d88" ,8888" ___ ___ .d888P" ,88888. a88888b ,888" ,88" '88. 88" "8b a88P Quality is 88"_ '8b 88' 8I d88P never an accident. '88" 8b.8' ,8I d88" It is always the ]888' d8' d88" result of high )88( .8P d88" intentions, sincere d8[ d8' d88" effort, intelligent ,8P' 88 d88" direction and skillful d8" ]8[ d88" execution. It repres- ,8P ]8( ,d88" ents the wise choise 88' 888, ,gm88" of many alternatives. d8P '888888" Normand Veilleux nveilleu@emr1.emr.ca ---------------------------- ____ From: boba@gagme.wwa.com (The Scarecrow) [I don't remember where these came from.] _________/\_____/\ /\ __/\ ____________/\ /\______/(>-:-<)\_____/\ \ Chris Farrell \ / \/ \/ ____________ \/aka Arhnold MuscleHogger\ / MACC Operations \/ * / . . / / Ruler of Geravik /\ \ cfarrell@macc.wisc.edu \ / /___/\ /-----------\ /\_/--\ \__ cfarrell@picard.cs.wisc.edu/\ . . / \__/ \/ /\__/-\__/\ \/ __ _/ * \___________ . /\ . ___/ \______/_/\____/\__/ () () \__/ \/ . . + \___/ \___/ \ "We now return you to your own version\ + . . \________ of reality..." _______________/ ______ ____ _____ [__ __] ||\ ||\ DDDD_ || \\ __||__ ||___||\ /| D---D \\\\//// ( ( c |- ||__// [______] _ ||---||\ /_| R D___D \\// //\\ )\ ) |- || \\ (_ || ||\ / | DDDD- ( \( |- \\ \\ ---- Richard Vance RICHARDVANCE@delphi.com ========================================================================= ________________ _______________ _______________ /_______________/\ /_______________\ /\______________\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ ||||||||||||||||| / //////////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/ ||||||||||||||||| / //////////////// \\\\\\_______/\ ||||||_______\ / //////_____\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ |||||||||||||| / ///////////// \\\\\\\\\\\\\/____ |||||||||||||| / ///////////// \\\\\___________/\ ||||| / //// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ \ ||||| / //// \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\/ ||||| \//// ========================================================================= ____ From: donadio@mxd120.rh.psu.edu (Matt Donadio) Beaker aka Matt Donadio | Life is short, --- __ o __~o __ o donadio@mxd120.rh.psu.edu | ride like ---- _`\<, _`\<, _`\<, --- Penn State Cycling ---| the wind. --- ( )/( ) ( )/( ) ( )/( ) ____ From: rsimms@hubcap.clemson.edu (Robert Simms) "Here are several signatures that I've clipped over the past few years. I've tried to preserve the individuals' names when possible." ------------------------------------------------------------------------- / Edmund C. Greene | _ \ / Information Processing Support | / \ Space.... \ | Boston College | / | \ The Final Frontier | | ED @ BCVMS.BITNET | / * \ These are the voyages | | alias: | / ,/-\\ of the starship | \ Captain James T. Kirk, | / ,/' \\ Enterprise / \ of the starship Enterprise. | //' \\ / ------------------------------------------------------------------------- . . Andreas Meyer, N2FYE ahm@rick.att.com . O _ AT&T Computer System Technical Services _/=/ South Plainfield, NJ ..!att!rick!ahm | _/ \_ "Jugglers do it 'til they drop." ######################################################################### # ** + # # ______**______ + "VIOLENCE AS A WAY OF ACHIEVING RACIAL # # | || | + JUSTICE IS BOTH IMPRACTICAL AND IMMORAL. IT IS # # | +++ || +++ | + IMPRACTICAL BECAUSE IT IS A DESCENDING SPIRAL # I | +++ || +++ | + ENDING IN DESTRUCTION FOR ALL. THE OLD LAW OF # I | ... || ... | + AN EYE FOR AN EYE LEAVES EVERYONE BLIND. IT # I | : : || : : | + IS IMMORAL BECAUSE IT SEEKS TO HUMMILIATE THE # I | :.: || :.: | + OPPONENT RATHER THAN WIN HIS UNDERSTANDING; # # | ... || ... | + IT SEEKS TO ANNIHILATE RATHER THAN CONVERT. # # | : : || : : | + VIOLENCE IS IMMORAL BECAUSE IT THRIVES ON # # | : : || : : | + HATRED RATHER THAN LOVE. IT DESTOYS COMMUNITY # # | :.: || :.: | + AND MAKES BROTHERHOOD IMPOSSIBLE. IT LEAVES # # |_____||_____| + SOCIETY IN MONOLOGUE RATHER THAN DIALOGUE. # # + VIOLENCE ENDS BY DEFEATING ITSELF. IT CREATES # # DAVID W. BAKER + BITTERNESS IN THE SURVIVORS AND BRUTALITY IN # # ST101532@BROWNVM + THE DESTROYERS." # # BROWNVM.BROWN.EDU + DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. # ######################################################################### [The following isn't exactly ascii art, but...it IS a sig!] "Here at First National, you're not just a number - you're two numbers, a dash, three more numbers, another dash and another number." +---------------------------------------------+------------------------------+ |*These opinions are mine* This .signature is|...!uiuc.edu!jeffo (UUCP'ish)| |mine. Everything you have just read is mine.| jeffo@uiuc.edu (ARPA'ish) | +---------------------------------------------+------------------------------+ | "Earth destroyed by solar flare. Film at eleven." The last nightly news. | | "Fast, Cheap, Good: Choose any two." Rule for a lot of things. | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ############################################################################### Curt Seeliger cur@caltech.bitnet Owens Valley Radio Observatory "The views expressed herein are not 2001 Galactic Nebula Parkway those of Cal Tech's. This disclaimer Big Pine, CA 93513 void where prohibited, your mileage may vary." "I must say that I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a book." - Grouch Marx ############################################################################### ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ G. Eric Bennett There was a point to this story, but it has temporarily Lord Grimace escaped the chronicler's mind. - Douglas Adams ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ S3LMGEB@SAE.TOWSON.EDU Eric_Bennett@519-Clyde-Ave.Fruitland.Md.21826-1416 SAE::S3LMGEB (this is only a test) Eric_Bennett@546-5176.(301) ________ | | This Messsage A Service By: | | Closed Captioned Jon Joshua | | For the Hearing Impaired jjoshua@remus.rutgers.edu `----. .-' |/ #include ------------------------------------------------------------------------ /****************************************************************************/ /* Rao Akella, Research Asst., CCCS, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis */ /* Internet: rao@moose.cccs.umn.edu BITNET: RAO%MOOSE@UMNACVX.BITNET */ /* Address: 2111, 21st Ave. S., #S-20, Minneapolis, MN 55404, U.S.A */ /* Phone: (W) (612) 627-4151 (H) (612) 339-9982 */ /* "I programmed three days, And heard no human voices. */ /* But the hard disk sang." -- "The Zen of Programming" */ /****************************************************************************/ Mike Goldsman __o o__ o__ o__ o__ 36004 Ga Tech Station _ \<,_ _.>/ _ _.>/ _ _.>/ _ _.>/ _ Atlanta, Georgia 30332 (_)/ (_) (_) \(_) (_) \(_) (_) \(_) (_) \(_) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- o-----o T.J. Willis |\ |\ Pressure(t) | o---+-o tj@euclid.math.usfca.edu lim ------------- o-+---o | Senior Math Student t->oo Grace(t) \| \| University of San Francisco o-----o Specializing in Parallel Numerical Analysis << Discalimer.m ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- [Sideways bungee ... hmmm ... watch out for brass doorknobs.] || BUNGEE SIDEWAYS! o ))) || /-- /// |P~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\_ \\\ __ -_ || stirling@ozrout.uucp ((( (_)T(_) * __ _ * Fred "I'll be" Bach (tobac@ub-tky.UBSPD.CO.JP (Bach Frederic)) * ||_ /_| * (Tel. : 813-3597-1595) * || /__| * Arnold, who are you going to be when you grow up ? I'll be Bach * * Je suis athee, Dieu merci. -B. Bach _ O"" Thomas (Landi) Landgraf (_ | tl@hrz.uni-kassel.de -'_/ X- FALCON030 && XJ550 ____ From: etrinida@scf.usc.edu ============================================================================= ______________ /____ / E l s o n T r i n i d a d /____ / etrinida@scf.usc.edu University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA "Time -- The World's Most Powerful Dictator." ============================================================================== ____ From: mhunter@cc.umanitoba.ca (Murray Hunter) /\ / \ \ \__ _ \ \o\ |_0 \ \o\= ~~~~~~~~~~~||~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __________________________________________________________________________ Murray Hunter E-mail: mhunter@cc.umanitoba.ca voice-mail: 474-9258 Computer Services Network Technician and Computer Science III student "I'm using a ram disk with my virtual memory, isn't technology wonderful!" ____ From: RGINZBERG@eagle.wesleyan.edu (Ruth Ginzberg) [There's more dogs from Ruth elsewhere in here.] --------------------------------------------------------------- ____ Ruth Ginzberg /^ ^\ ( / \ Philosophy Department / 0 0 \ /\/ @@___ Wesleyan University V\ Y /V / __O Middletown, CT 06459-0081 / - \ /\\ ,,,,' (203) 347-9411 x2263 | \ \\___/ rginzberg@eagle.wesleyan.edu || (__V _________________________________________ ,,, Ruth & Miscellaneous Soul-mates (o o) ------------------------------------------oOOo-(_)-oOOo------------------------ /^ ^\ /^ ^\ /^ ^\ /^ ^\ /^ ^\ /^ ^\ / 0 0 \ / 0 0 \ / 0 0 \ / 0 0 \ / 0 0 \ / 0 0 \ V\ Y /V V\ Y /V V\ Y /V V\ Y /V V\ Y /V V\ Y /V / - \ / - \ / - \ / - \ / - \ / - \ / | / | / | / | / | / | V__) || V__) || V__) || V__) || V__) || V__) || ____ From: odonnll9@ac.wfunet.wfu.edu (Lisa O'Donnell) |\_/| Lisa O'Donnell /@ @\ Wake Forest University / \ odonnll9@ac.wfunet.wfu.edu | o | \M/ "I say what it occurs to me to say when I think I hear W people say things. More I cannot say." -Douglas Adams ____ From: little@buckeye.nsc.com (Tom Little) Tom Little #-----.____---__-------. National Semiconductor Corp. .___| |_| | `'''''''| Technology CAD, PO Box 58090 | __| |___SANTA_FE____ | Santa Clara, CA 95052-8090 | |/ | 546 | | | | | | \| | M/S D3-677 (408)721-3606 |=|============================| little@buckeye.nsc.com________________`(O)#(O)' ```````` `(O)#(O)'______ ____ From: tegelaar@titan.ucs.umass.edu (James S. Tegelaar) __ _-==-=_,-. /--`' \_@-@.--< `--'\ \ <___/. \ \\ " / >=\\_/`< ____ /= | \_|/ _' `\ _/=== \___/ = -_ __/===================================================================== | James S. Tegelaar | Winnie The Pooh, | | tegelaar@titan.ucs.umass.edu | and | | Unviersity Of Massachusetts / Amherst | TIGGER too!! | ============================================================================= ____ From: jimj@quip.eecs.umich.edu (Jim Jewett) "...I pulled this off the deaf-l list..." [There was a thread about exactly what the sign meant, and if it was done correctly. Whatever it is, it's a cool sig.] +--------------------------------------------------------_--------------+ | ## ## ##### ## ## ###### ## I I | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## I~I | | ###### ##### ## ## ## ## ## __ I~I _ _ /~) | | ## ## ## ## ## ## ## \ \ I_I/I-II-I/~/' | | ## ## ##### ##### ##### ###### ## \~~\' `-'`-'~I | | \_ ) ~\_ /~~ ) | | Greeting from Raphael Joa, FidoNet: (1:2603.105) \_ Y )' | | InterNet: VIVO@aol.com -or- VIVO@genie.geis.com \ ^ / | +---------------------------------------------------------|~ ~|-------+ ____ From: jbfenn@netcom.com (john bennett fenn) jbfenn@netcom.com /-----\ /-----\ \---=-/ \ \---=-/ \ \ \ \ / \______________\ /\ ____ From: pmichals@csn.org (P.R.Michals) | /\ /\ -*- /\ / \ / /\ |/\ /\/ \/ / / \/ /\ /\/ \ P.R.Michals / \/\ living a mile high in Colorado at pmichals@csn.org ____ From: boba@gagme.wwa.com (The Scarecrow) [And here's some of my own sigs. I only ask that if you clip art from my sigs, please use it in anything but a sig, as they are my 'trademarkse.'] ...:::::::... ..:::::=====:::::.. ..:::::=========:::::.. ..:::::==== |\ ===:::::.. ..::::==== /%#| ===::::.. ..:::=== |&@/ ===::::.. ..:::=== \| ===::::.. boba@gagme.wwa.com \ "I post to the net since they took away my crayons." ===================== --------------------------------------------------- [The ubiquitous tile effect on this next one.] _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/ _/ _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _| _/ _/ _/ _|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use this one on the music groups, as you might puess.] |\ |\ |\ ____|\__|_________|\\___|___________|___|____________|\_|____________|__|__ ____|/__|________@__\|__|____O______|___|___@________|__|___|________|__|__ ___/|___|___|________|__|___|______@____|__|____@____|__|___|_______@___|__ __|_/_\_|___|_______@___|___|___________|__|___|____@___|___|___________|__ ___\|/__|___|___________|___|___________|__|___|________|__O____________|__ / O | boba@gagme.wwa.com [This one is not completely my own creation. I clipped bits.] ____________________ o O / \ o | boba@gagme.wwa.com | \____________________/ <>+<> ////// __v__ __\/__ `\|||/ /---\ """"""" | _ - | (_____) . / ^ _ \ . (q p) | o o | <^-@-@-^> (| o O |) .(O O), |\| (o)(o) |/| _ooO_<_>_Ooo_ooO_U_Ooo_ooO__v__Ooo_ooO_u_Ooo_ooO__(_)__Ooa__oOO_()_OOo___ [_____}_____!____.}_____{_____|_____}_____i____.}_____!_____{_____}_____] __.}____.|_____{_____!____.}_____|_____{.____}_____|_____}_____|_____!___ [_____{_____}_____|_____}_____i_____}_____|_____}_____i_____{_____}_____] [This is one of my faves:] . + ' . * . . ' . + . ___ ____ __ _____ . ____ ____ _____ ' ____ __ __ __ ' | | \' \ \ | \ \ \ \ | '. ' . ( . | '. /_ | |_ / |_ | | . |_ / /. | / ___ \ |__ \ \__ ___ |__ ' \__ \_ | | |. ' ' /. |/ \| | | |. | | /. / / . + . ' * . + ' . * ' : + . ' * . [Everybody has to do a train sig, it's the law, so here's mine. I think I took a part of the engine from somewhere.] .---- -. -. . . . ( ,----- - - ' ' ' \_/ ;--:- __--------------------___ ____=========__T__ __U__n_^_''__[. ooo___ | |_|_||_|_||_|_||_|_| | |..|_|_|.|_|_|..| c(_ _ (_ _ (_ _ ( /......] | boba@gagme.wwa.com | |..|___|.|___|..| __\___________'_|,L______],|______________________|_|,|_______________|_| /__(@)(@)==(@)(@) (o)(o) (o)^(o)--(o)^(o) (o)(o)-(o)(o) ""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"""~"" [Another fave:] . ____ . ____ ' . _______ * ____ ' .+ . * '. ' / __/ / __/ + ,/| /____ ) / __/ . * ' . + . '+ + ( ( . / / ' ,/ | __ ) / / /_ . ' + . .' ' . \ \* / / . ,/ _ | / // / . / __/ ____ ______ . ______ '__ __ .__' . ____) )/ /_ /,-' `.| / / \ \ / /_ / __/____ ) / __ / / / / /./ / . /_____//____/// . ||/_/ \ \/___/ / / + __ ) / ./ / / / / /./ / / / . ' . ' + \/ / /. / // / * / /./ / / /*/ / / / * . * . ' : * ' / /_ . / / \ \ '/ /_/ / / /_/ /_/ / '.+ '. .+ .' * ' . /____/ /_/ . \ \/_____/ /_________/. + .___________________________________________________________________________. | | |___________________________________________________________________________| | ! | | | | | | |_____|__,________|___________|______.____}__,________}___________|_____| | | \ \ \ \ \ | | / / / / / | | |_________|___\_,_\___\___\.__|___|___|___|___/___/___/___/___|_________| | | | | \/ ,".). ', \/. ', | | | | |_____|___| |. ' ,'|// / (/ ,. ' ,\( / , | |___|_____| | | ,| '|\/ \| \\,' ,'.' || \\,' .' ,| ' | | |_._______| " ,|' .| \_ |\/ |#\_/#| /_|\_ |#\_/,) ',.|,' |_________| | | | #|(,' ) \\\#\ \##/ ||/ \#\ \###/\ \/ \/.', | | | |_____|__,| || ) | \ |/ /#/ |#( \|\\| |#/ /##( )| \\'/ |___|_____| | | \ |.\\ |\_/#| /#)|##\ \\_/#| |######\ \\/#| | | |_________| /\\_/# |#\##/# boba@gagme.wwa.com #@#\ /#/\ |_____.___| | | | / ##/# ##\/#@####@@###V###\/#@####@@#Y### \ | | | |___._|___| / :Y##@@##@##@@###@@@###@##@@###@@@###@####: \ |___|_____| | | / :;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;: \ | | |_________|/ :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: \|_________| [Someone posted a bird, and someone else a heart, so I stuck them together.] /|_ ........ / |_ ........ .........../ /............ ............/ >.............. .............( >................ ............./ /.................. ............./ /..................... ............/ /..................... .........__/ \_____................. ......./' |................ ......./ /-\ /............... ...../ / \--/................ .../ /....................... / /..................... ( >.................... / >................... / _| ................. / __/ ............. /_/ ......... ..... ... boba@gagme.wwa.com [This next one is my modification of a standard ascii font.] _____ / ___/ boba@gagme.wwa.com | (___ ____ __ _ _ ___ ___ ____ _ ___ ___ __ __ \___ \ / __/ / _" | | '__// _ \ / __/ | '__// _ \\ \ /\ / / ____) | (__ | (_| | | | | __/| (__ | | | (_) |\ V V / /_____/ \___\ \__n_| |_| \___\ \___\ |_| \___/ \_/\_/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| END OF SIG GALLERY |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____ From: Burton Keeble A ][_____][_____][_____][_____][ A H ___][_____][_____][_____][____ H H ][_____][_____][_____][_____]_ H H ___][_____][_____][_____][____ H H ][_____][_____][_____][_____]_ H ** _ \\H// __ ** _______________ *********** _______________ *** __ \\H// _ *** ** ___][__ **][** __][_____][_ ** ][_____ *** __][_____][ ***_** ____][_ *** [ I_ ** ____ ** ___] *** _][___ *** ____][____ *** ___][__ *** __ *** ___ *** __I ][___ **** ___][____ *** ___ ][_____][ ___ *** ____][ ******* ___][ I__][_____][_____][___ ***** ***** ___][____ ***** ***** __][_____][_____][___I ][_____][_____][_____][_____ ***** ][_____][ ***** _____][_____][_____][_____][ I__][_____][_____][_____][__ | | ___][____ | | _][_____][_____][_____][___I ][____ _][_____][_____ | | ][_____][ | | _____][_____] [_____][ I__][_ ***** ____][_____][__ | | ___][____ | | _][_____][___ ***** __][___I ][____ ***** _][_____] | | | | [_____] ***** [_____][ I__][_ | | ____][__I ( \ ( \ I_][___ | | __][___I ][____ | | _][_____] \ \ \ \ [_____] | | [_____][ I__][_ | | ____][__I \ \ \ \ I_][___ | | __][___I ][____ / ) _][_____] ~~~~ ~~~~ [_____] | | [_____][ I__]_ / / _____][__I M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S I_][___ ( \ __][___I ][__ / / ____][_____] A N D [_____][ \ \ _____][ I___ ~~~ _][_____][__I H A P P Y N E W Y E A R !! I_][______ \ \ ][___I ][_____][_____][_____] [_____][____~~~ ____][ ____ From: cthorpe@husc7.harvard.edu (Christopher Thorpe) /\_/\ / o O \_____-------------_________ ( ~ ) ____ \ \`---'/ / ) ) \___/ / / / / \ ________\ / /__/ \ / / / / / / / _/ / __/ / (___/ (_____/ "I "drew" this for my .sig file; enjoy! Favorite variations include modifying the eyes..." ____ From: jeremic@rankineColorado.EDU (Boris Jeremic) XXX (0 0) _______________________________ooO_(_)_Ooo__________________________________ //// ___________________________oOOo_(~J~)_oOOo___________________________________ ///~ \\\ (0 0) //// (0 0) ______________ooO_(_)_Ooo___oOOo_(~J~)_oOOo___ooO_(_)_Ooo_____________________ /// |||~ \\\ (0 0) (0 0) (0 0) ______________ooO_(_)_Ooo___ooO_(_)_Ooo___ooO_(_)_Ooo______________________ [Nice ascii-prise.] -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= _____..---========+^+=========---.._____ ______________________ __,_='=====____ ================== _____=====`= (._____________________I__) _ __=_/ `--------=+=--------' / /--...---===='---+----' '------'---.--- _ _ = _._' "Make it so..." `--------' Captain Jean-Luc Picard USS Enterprise, NCC-1701D =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* | | | ___====-_ _-====___ | | _--^^^#####// \\#####^^^--_ | | _-^##########// ( ) \\##########^-_ | | -############// |\^^/| \\############- | | _/############// (@::@) \\############\_ | | /#############(( \\// ))#############\ | | -###############\\ (oo) //###############- | | -#################\\ / ** \ //#################- | | -###################\\/ \//###################- | | _#/|##########/\######( /\ )######/\##########|\#_ | | |/ |#/\#/\#/\/ \#/\##\ | | /##/\#/ \/\#/\#/\#| \| | | ' |/ V V ' V \#\| | | |/#/ V ' V V \| ' | | ' ' ' ' / | | | | \ ' ' ' ' | | ( | | | | ) | | __\ | | | | /__ | | (vvv(VVV)(VVV)vvv) | | | | | *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------* [And now, for your sig making pleasure, more bicycles.] __o __o \<, _`\<,_ _____()/ ()____ (*)/ (*) ___ ---------- __o __o __o __o -------- _`\<,_ _`\<,_ _`\<,_ _`\<,_ ------- (*)/ (*) (*)/ (*) (*)/ (*) (*)/ (*) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ From: moustier@salambo.enserb.u-bordeaux.fr (Moustov) [And now, a police lineup...] (#######) _____ (#########) / \ (#########) |\/\/\/| /\ /\ /\ /\ \/ | (#########) | | | V \/ \---. .----/ \----. | (o)(o) (o)(o)(##) | | \_ / \ / | .---_) ,_C (##) | (o)(o) (o)(o) <__. .--\ (o)(o) /__. | |.___| /____, (##) C _) _C / \ () / | \__/ \ (#) | ,___| /____, ) \ > (C_) < /_____\ | | | / \ /----' /___\____/___\ _____/ \ OOOOOO /____\ ooooo /| |\ \ / \ / \ / \ / \ Homer Marge Bart Lisa Maggie ____ From: boba@gagme.wwa.com (The Scarecrow) [Here's another alphabet. This one's a standard ascii font.] ___ ____ ____ ____ _____ _____ ____ _ _ ___ / _ \ | __ ) / ___| | _ \ | ____| | ___| / ___| | | | | |_ _| | |_| | | _ \ | | | | | | | _| | |_ | | _ | |_| | | | | _ | | |_) | | |___ | |_| | | |___ | _| | |_| | | _ | | | |_| |_| |____/ \____| |____/ |_____| |_| \____| |_| |_| |___| _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ ___ ____ ___ | | | |/ / | | | \/ | | \ | | / _ \ | _ \ / _ \ _ | | | ' / | | | |\/| | | \| | | | | | | |_) | | | | | | |_| | | . \ | |___ | | | | | |\ | | |_| | | __/ | |_| | \___/ |_|\_\ |_____| |_| |_| |_| \_| \___/ |_| \__\_\ ____ ____ _____ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ | _ \ / ___| |_ _| | | | | \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \/ / \ \ / / | |_) | \___ \ | | | | | | \ \ / / \ \ /\ / / \ / \ V / | _ < ___) | | | | |_| | \ V / \ V V / / \ | | |_| \_\ |____/ |_| \___/ \_/ \_/\_/ /_/\_\ |_| _____ __ __ _ ___ |__ / / / \ \ _ _ | | ( _ ) _ _____ / / | | | | (_) (_) | | / _ \/\ _| |_ |_____| / /_ | | | | _ _ _ _ |_| | (_> < |_ _| |_____| /____| | | | | (_) ( ) (_) ( ) (_) \___/\/ |_| \_\ /_/ |/ |/ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ | |__ ___ __| | ___ / _| __ _ | |__ (_) / _` | | '_ \ / __| / _` | / _ \ | |_ / _` | | '_ \ | | | (_| | | |_) | | (__ | (_| | | __/ | _| | (_| | | | | | | | \__,_| |_.__/ \___| \__,_| \___| |_| \__, | |_| |_| |_| |___/ _ _ _ (_) | | __ | | _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ __ _ _ __ | | | |/ / | | | '_ ` _ \ | '_ \ / _ \ | '_ \ / _` | | '__| | | | < | | | | | | | | | | | | | (_) | | |_) | | (_| | | | _/ | |_|\_\ |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| |_| \___/ | .__/ \__, | |_| |__/ |_| |_| _ ___ | |_ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ ____ / __| | __| | | | | \ \ / / \ \ /\ / / \ \/ / | | | | |_ / \__ \ | |_ | |_| | \ V / \ V V / > < | |_| | / / |___/ \__| \__,_| \_/ \_/\_/ /_/\_\ \__, | /___| |___/ ____ From: anthony@kurango.cit.gu.edu.au (Anthony Thyssen) "here are a couple of faces" ;;\\/;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;;;;;;;;; ;;;;; ;;;;; ;;; \;; ;;;;; ;; |; ;;;; ; | ;;; | ;; ) \ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~ / \ ~~~~~~~ ~~ / |\ \ / /| \\| %%%%% %%%%% |// [[====================]] | | ^ ^ | | | :@: |/ \| :@: | | \______/\ /\______/ | (@\/@) | / \ / ;-----\ ______; \ \ \/ / ) ( / \ \__ / \_ _/ \______/\/\______/ _| /--\ |_ /%%\ /"'"'\ /%%\ ______________/%%%%\/\'"'"/\/%%%%\______________ / : : : / .\%%%%%%%\"'/%%%%%%%/. \ : : : \ ) : : : \. .\%%%%%%/'"\%%%%%%/. ./ : : : ( **** **** *** ** ***** ********* **** ****** ** ******* ** *** ********** * ***** ***** *** *** ** ******* ** * *** |/------ -------\ * * * **** | |=| :===**** | O | | O | }| * |---- | ---- | |** | |___ |\/ * | | \ ----- | \ | -__ -- -/ ____ From Ric.Hotchkiss@sdrc.com Fri Nov 19 23:38:47 CST 1993 /| |\ /| |\ /| |\ /| |\ / | | \ / | | \ | | | | | | | | \ \/ / __ __ \ \/ / \ / / / \ \ \ / \ / \ \__/ / \ / \ / / \ \ / _ \ \__/ O O \__/ / _ \\ \___ ___/ // _ \\___/ ______ \___// _ \\ ----( )---- // \\_____( ________ )_____// ~-----( )-----~ _ _____( ________ )_____ \\ /,----( )---- _// // ( ______ ) / \ ~ \ / \ / \ __ / / / \ / / / \ \ / / \ ~----~ / \________/ [Another computer tool.] ____________________ / \ | In case of | | Frustration | \____________________/ ! ! ! ! L_ ! / _)! / /__L _____/ (____) (____) _____ (____) \_(____) ! ! ! ! \__/ [Is the maker of this next one trying to slip a dirty word past ye olde editor?] #"#^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^#################^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^#"# # # .oo^^^""" """^^^oo. # # # # .oo^"" ""^oo. # # # # .o^^##o. . "^o. # # # # .#^" "^##o. ..##.# ^#. # # # # o#^ "^##o. ......#" ^^ ^. ^#o # # # # .#^ "^##o.--"" "o ^#. # # # # ## .-"^##o. -.-"""---" ## # # # # ## o^" "^##o. ^.. "o ## # # # # ^#. ...# .. "^##o: """"#o .#^ # # # # ##. """"" ""^-. "-.-""^##o. ^^ .## # # # # ^#. -- ^.. # "^##o. .#^ # # # # "^#. "" ""-.# "^##o. .#^" # # # # ^#o. .o##o. .#^ "###^ # # # # "^#o... "" ...o#^" # # # # ""^^^^ooooooooo^^^^"" # # # #""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""# # # # o#""^- .... ## .. ..:: .... ..##.. # # # # ""-o. ## "" ##" ## ## ^#..:" ## # # # # ^#..#^ ^#..o- ## ## ## -o..#^ ^#.- # # # #..........................................................# # """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" _________________ _/#\_/ \_/#\ / \_/ \_ ___ _/ \#/ \_/ \#/ \_/#\_/ \_ /o \___/#\_/ \_/#\_/ \_/ \#/ \_/ \_ \==___/ \#/ \_/ \#/ \_/#\_/ \_/#\_/#\ \_/ \_/#\_/ \_/ \#/ \_/ \#/ \#/ \_/_\#/_\_/#\_/_\_/#\_/_\_/ / / \ \ |,,| |,,| __ || ==== | |__ | |-.\ |__| \\ || || ======__| ________||__ /____________\ \ / oVo \___XXX___/ __XXXXX__ /__XXXXX__\ / XXX \ V ___________ _______________________________________^__ ___ ___ ||| ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ | __ ,----\ | | | |||| | | | | | | | | | | | | |_____\ |___| |___|||| |___| |___| |___| | O | O | | | | \ ||| |___|___| | |__| ) ___________|||______________________________|______________/ ||| I'd rather be at DisneyWorld... /-------- -----------'''---------------------------------------' [Is this Mr Yuck?] _________ __--~~~~ ~~~~--__ _-~~ ~~-_ _-~ __ __ ~-_ o~ ~~~~~oo oo~~~~~ ~o _~ __--__ __--__ ~_ o~ ~ ~ ~o _~ ~_ # # # # ~_ __oooo~~~#~~~oooo__ _~ # o####### # #######o # ~_ _##~~~~~~# ~ # ~~~~~##o _~ ~o -~ # # ~~ o~ ~-_ ~~---~~ _-~ ~-_ _-~ ~~--__ __--~~ ~~~~---------~~~~ _ _ .oooO / ) ( \ Oooo. ( ) / ( ) \ ( ) \ ( ( ) ( ) ) / ----\_).oooO-Oooo.(_/---- ____ From: jsquires@nic.cerf.net (James A. Squires) ***************************************************************************** ____________ / __ __ \ / __ __ \ | {##} {##) `----. I love you... / ~~ ~~ \ / | You love me... | | | |\______________/ ____/~~, | \_____________| ,~~\____ / | | \____________ | \ | \ \ \ / | \_ | | / | _/ \ \ / \ / / ****************************************************************************** Tony Ramos : inter/active ____ From: dcberner@host0.colby.edu (David Berner) [I believe someone sent in a half of a peace sign, to which Dave says...] "um.... hm.... okay, here is a work in progress, it is a reworking of one of the, um hands that someone sent me (thanks! :] ) but i'm not finished with it yet..." /"\ /"\|\./|/"\ |\./| |\./| | | | | | |>~<| |/"\ |>~<| |>~<|\./| | | | | | /~T\| | =[@]= | |_/ | | | | | | | ~ ~ ~ | | |~< | ~ | | ' | \ | \ / \ / \. / | | | | ____ From: devon@ai.mit.edu (Devon Sean McCullough) Compiled (NOT drawn) by: ewtileni@pucc.Princeton.EDU (Eric W. Tilenius) [These are from a 17 K file of cow humor. If you ask Devon, maybe you can get the whole thing by email.] O__O \_|_/ (oo) (oo) /-------\/ /-------\/ / | || / | || * ||----|| * ||----|| ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Cow at Disneyland Cow visiting the Statue of Liberty (__) ~~ (oo) ~~~~ /-------\/ ~~~~~ / | || ~~~~~ * ||----|| ~~~~~~~~ ====~~====~~==== ~~~~~~~~~/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cow Hanging Ten at Malibu )\ (__) / \ (oo) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cow swimming at Amityville (Where Jaws was filmed, for those less educated) * \ \ |\ \ | \ (__) \\|| \(oo) \||\ \\/ ~~ \|| \\ || \\|| \|| ~~ \\_ \_ Cow skiing a Black Diamond at Aspen \ (__) \\(oo) /-----\\\/ / | (##) * ||----||" ~~ ~~ This cow plays bagpipes. [Devon got the next three from eric@snark.UUCP (Eric S. Raymond)] (__) (__) (__) (\/) ($$) (**) /-------\/ /-------\/ /-------\/ / | 666 || / |=====|| / | || * ||----|| * ||----|| * ||----|| ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ Satanic cow This cow is a Yuppie Cow in love [Devon got this one from ihnp4!decvax!savax!sii!siia!kgg (Kenneth G. Goutal)] ____ (____) (__) (oo) /-------\/ / | || * ||----|| ~~ ~~ holy cow ____ From: STEVEN.SULLIVAN@OFFICE.WANG.COM ("Steven M Sullivan") "Tis the season..." ******************************************************************************* * ============================================ + | + * * ============================================ *-|//-* * * ||| . . . | . . . ||| > +--+--+ < * * ||| . . . | . . . . ||| *-//|-* * * ||| . . . . . . | . . . . /||| + | + * * |||. Season's Greetings! . . / ||| * * |||\. . . | . /\ /. ||| + | + Merry * * ||| \ . /\ . . |. /\. / \/. ||| *-|//-* Christmas * * ||| \. /. \ ./\ | ./ \ ./ . \ . ||| > +--+--+ < * * ||| . \/. \/\/ \ | / . \/ . . ||| *-//|-* * * |||=====================================||| + | + * * ||| . .\ * \ .|\/ . . .\ . .. ||| |------------| * * ||| . \. *** . | \. . \. .*||| | | * * ||| . . *****. | .\ . . \ / ||| |------------| * * ||| . . *******. | . . . * \. / ||| * * ||| . . ********* | . *** . / ||| ====================== * * ||| . . * . | . ***** . ||| ======************====== * * ||| . . . | . ******* . . ||| ======************====== * * ||| . @ . . | . ********* . ||| ======*** ***====== * * ||| . + + . | . *********** . ||| ======** **====== * * ||| . . . . | . * . ||| ======** **====== * * ||| | ||| ====== | | ====== * ******************************************************************************* ____ From: jgreen@trumpet.aix.calpoly.edu (Innocent Bystander) ******** ******** ***** ***** ***** ***** ** *** ** ** ** ** ** *** ** *** *** *** *** **** **** **** **** **** **** ***** ____ From: jorn@genesis.mcs.com (Jorn Barger) [You can fill in the blanks with your sig info on the following three.] ______________________________________ ________| |_______ \ | | / \ | | / / |______________________________________| \ /__________) (_________\ ______________________________________________________ _________| | |_________ \ | | | / \ | | | / \ | | | / \ |------------------------------------------------------| / / | | \ / | | \ / |______________________________________________________| \ /____________) (___________\ /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/~~\ | |____| | | | | | S C R O L L | | | | | | | /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~/ | \_________________________________________\__/ ________ +-----==+ +-----------+ / /\ | +-------+ | $ | $ | $ | <> / @ @ /@ \ | A | K | | $ | $ | $ | || / / \ +---------+ | /| O | |___________| || /_______/@ \ | @ @ | | / | -+-/ | | | || \ @ \ @ @/ | | | (_-| / | | +-+ +-+ || \ @ \ / | | | | \-+-\ | | |________<->| | || \ @ \ @/ | @ @ | | | O | | | | | || \_______\/ |_________| +----| K | | | _______ | |=() |_______| | | (_______) | | |_|___________|_| [Again, the next one ain't a swastika, so pleas don't flame me.] /\ / \ /\ \ \ /\ \ \ \ /\ \ \ \/\ / /\ \ \/ /\ / / /\ / / /\ / / / \/ / / \ \ / / /\ / / / \/ / / \/ / / \/ /\ \ \/ / \/\ \ \ \/ \ \ \ \/ \ \ \/ \ / \/ ~~~~~~~~~ / \ / \ | ) ( | \ /C\ /C\ / / ~~~ ~~~ \ \___ .^, ___/ `| _______ |' _ | HHHHHHH | _ ( ) \ / ( ) (_) \ ~~~~^~~~~ ,/ (_) ~\ "\ / /~ \ \ / / \ \v/ / > < / /^\ \ / / \ \ _~/ "/ \ \~_ ( ) / \ ( ) (_) (_) ____ /.../\ /.../##\ /.../####\ /.../######\ /.../###/\###\ /.../###/ \###\ /.../###/\ \###\ /.../###/ \ \###\ /.../###/ \ \###\ /.../###/ \ \###\ /.../###/ \ \###\ /.../###/ \ \###\ /.../###/ \ \###\ /.../###/______________\ \###\ /........................\ \###\ /..........................\ \###\ ----------------------------- \###/ \ \#/ \_________________________________/ [This next one is really neat. One question, what is it?] ___ ______ /__/\ ___/_____/\ \ \ \ / /\\ \ \ \____ / \ ___\ \ \ /\___/___ \ / / \__\/ / \ /\ \ ____/ /_______/ \ / _\/_____ / / \ \ / / / /\ __/ / \ \ / / / / _\__ / / / \_______\/ / / / / /\ /_/___/___________________/ /_______/ /___/ \ \ \ \ ___________ \ \ \ \ \ / \_\ \ / /\ \ \ \ \___\/ \ \/ / \ \ \ \ / \__/ / \ \ \_______\/ /__________/ \ \ / \ _____ \ /_____\/ \ / /\ \ / \ \ \ /____/ \ \ / \ \ \ \ \ /___\/ \ \ \ \____\/ \__\/ ______ ______ __/ / - - / / - -__ _/ --- - - / / --- -_ / / **** - | O- -O | / **** - - | ****** - - - / / / ****** / | - - **** - - -^/ / / ****_/ / -_- - | (***)| / / _/ --___ @ ! | )*( | ! @ / / -___ -__ ! -/***-/ ! ___/ / -___-___# |***| #____-___/ / -----__|***|__----- - / . . # |***| # . . - | . . /-***/- . . | | . . _/ -*/ -_ . . | - . __/ -_ . / | / - | | | | | / * | | * - | ** | | ** | -__/ -__/ ____ From: dcberner@host0.colby.edu (David Berner) [This next one is the Pink Panther. So what do you think of the Pink Panther cartoons where he talks?] /''''. /'''. : :'':/ % /''.'. MMMM; ; ' / / / : : WWWW:-:##MMMM--'''-- // ,-' ; /' : 'WMMM ::.' .-'' ; .MM /.-- ....WMM' .-' ...---WW'' / / 'm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rom: pirillc2770@cobra.uni.edu . . . + . . . . . # . . . . ### . . . . . "#:. .:##"##:. .:#" . . . . "####"###"####" . . "#:. .:#"###"#:. .:#" . . . . "#########"#########" . . . "#:. "####"###"####" .:#" . . . . "#######""##"##""#######" . ."##"#####"#####"##" . . . "#:. ... .:##"###"###"##:. ... .:#" . . "#######"##"#####"##"#######" . . . . "#####""#######""#####" . . . " 000 " . . . . . 000 . . . .. .. ..................O000O........................ ...... ... * * **** *** *** * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * *** *** *** * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * * *** * * *** * **** ***** * * ** **** * * * * * * * * * ** ** * * * * **** *** * **** * * * * **** **** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * **** * * * * * **** --------------------------------------------+------------------------------+ _/I\_____________o______________o___/I\ | * / /_/ * __ ' .* | I"""_____________|______________|___"""I\ | *// _|__|_ . *. | [__][__][(******)__][__](******)[__][] \| |-\ ---//---*----(oo)----------| [][__][__(******)][__][_(******)_][__] | | \\ // >-( )-< | [__][__][_| |[__][__][| |][__][] | | \\)) . _.(......) * | [][__][__]| .|_][__][__] .|__][__] | | || * | [__][__][/ <_)[__][__]/ <_)][__][] | | || * | [][__][ /..,/][__][__][/..,/_][__][__] | | / \\ * | [__][__(__/][__][__][_(__/_][__][__][] | |______________________________| [__][__]] | , , . [__][__][] | [][__][_] | . i. '/ , [][__][__] | /\**/\ season's [__][__]] | O .\ / /, O [__][__][] | ( o_o )_) greetings _[][__][_] |__|======='=|____[][__][__] |_______,(u u ,),__________________ [__][__]]/ /|\-------/|\ [__][__][]/ {}{}{}{}{}{}{}{} ____ From: boba@gagme.wwa.com [I found this somewhere. Is it a cat or an owl? They say it's a cat.] ,. ., ,: ':. .,. .:' :, ,', '.:' ':.' ,', : '. ' ' .' : ', : ' ' : ,' '.' .,:,. .,:,. '.' ,: V '. .' 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On IBM systems, type 'type filename.'] begin 644 colorsig M&ULS,6T;6S0P;2XN+BXO+R\O+R\N+B\O+R\O+RXN+R\O+R\O+BXO+R\O+R\N M+B\O+R\N+B\O+R\O+RXN+R\O+R\O+BXO+R\O+R\N+B\O+BXO+RXN+R\*&ULS M,VT;6S0P;2XN+B\O+BXN+BXN+R\N+BXN+BXO+RXN+R\N+B\O+BXO+RXN+R\N M+BXN+R\N+BXN+BXO+RXN+R\N+B\O+BXO+RXN+R\N+B\O+BXO+RX*&ULS,FT; M6S0P;2XN+R\O+R\O+BXO+RXN+BXN+B\O+R\O+RXN+R\O+R\O+BXO+R\O+BXO M+RXN+BXN+B\O+R\O+RXN+R\N+B\O+BXO+RXN+R\N+B\O+BX*&ULS-&T;6S0P M;2XN+BXN+R\N+B\O+BXN+BXN+R\N+B\O+BXO+RXO+RXN+B\O+BXN+B\O+BXN M+BXN+R\N+R\N+BXO+RXN+R\N+B\O+BXO+RXN+R\N+BX*&ULS-6T;6S0P;2\O M+R\O+RXN+R\O+R\O+BXO+RXN+R\N+B\O+BXO+RXN+R\O+RXN+R\O+R\O+BXO C+RXN+R\N+B\O+R\O+RXN+R\O+R\O+R\O+RXN+BX;6S`[;0HN ` end begin 644 fireplace M&ULS,6T;6S0P;2Y?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]? M7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U\N"GP@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("!\"GQ?7U]?7U]?7U]?7U]? 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I;== \\ \ .__/ / // \\ ,r"-,___.-'r.// }^ \.( ) _.'//. / }~Xi--~ // \ Y Y I\ \ " Y | | |o\ \ | | l_l Y T | -Row l "o l_j ! \ / ___,.---^. o .^---.._____ "~~~ " ~ ~~~" ____ From: boba@gagme.wwa.com [The next one is not to be taken seriously. It's just a joke. I found it floating around and touched it up a bit.] PROBLEM SOLVING P R O C E S S YES ============================= NO +-----------|| Does the Darn Thing work? ||-----------+ | ============================= | V V +----------+ +---------+ +---------+ | Don't | NO | Does | +-------+ YES | Did you | | mess | +---| anyone |<------| YOU |<---------| mess | | with it! | | | know? | | MORON | | with it | +----------+ | +---------+ +-------+ +---------+ | V | YES | NO | +------+ +-----------+ | | | HIDE | V V | | IT | +--------+ +-----------+ | +------+ | YOU | YES | WILL THEY | | | +------->| POOR |<------------| CATCH YOU?| | | | |BASTARD!| +-----------+ | | | |________| | NO | | | | | | | | V V | | | +---------------+ +-----------+ | | | NO | CAN YOU BLAME | |DESTROY THE| | | +------| SOMEONE ELSE? | | EVIDENCE | | | +---------------+ +-----------+ | | | YES | | | v | | | ============================ | | +---->|| N O ||<---------+ +------------>|| P R O B L E M || ============================ ____ From: renogaw@wpi.WPI.EDU (Michael John Wagoner) [Here's a bunch of dragons.] ( ) /\ _ ( \ | ( \ ( \.( ) _____ \ \ \ ` ` ) \ ( ___ / _ \ (_` \+ . x ( .\ \/ \____-----------/ (o) \_ - .- \+ ; ( O \____ ) \_____________ ` \ / (__ +- .( -'.- <. - _ VVVVVVV VV V\ \/ (_____ ._._: <_ - <- _ (-- _AAAAAAA__A_/ | . /./.+- . .- / +-- - . \______________//_ \_______ (__ ' /x / x _/ ( \___' \ / , x / ( ' . / . / | \ / / / _/ / + / \/ ' (__/ / \ ^ ^ / \ //\ |\___/| / \// .\ /O O \__ / // | \ \ / / \/_/ // | \ \ @___@' \/_ // | \ \ | \/_ // | \ \ | \/// | \ \ _|_ / ) // | \ _\ '/,_ _ _/ ( ; -. | _ _\.-~ .-~~~^-. ,-{ _ `-.|.-~-. .~ `. '/\ / ~-. _ .-~ .-~^-. \ `. { } / \ \ .----~-.\ \-' .~ \ `. \^-. ///.----..> c \ _ -~ `. ^-` ^-_ ///-._ _ _ _ _ _ _}^ - - - - ~ ~--, .-~ /.-' ^\ ^ / \\ / \ /. \\/ \ |\___/| *----* / / | \\ \ __/ O O\ | / / / | \\ \_\/ \ \ / /\/ / / | \\ _\/ '@___@ / / / / | \\ _\/ |U | | / / | \\\/ | \ | /_ / | \\ ) \ _|_ \ \ ~-./_ _ | .- ; ( \_ _ _,\' ~ ~. .-~-.|.-* _ {-, \ ~-. _ .-~ \ /\' \ } { .* ~. '-/ /.-~----. ~- _ / >..----.\\\ ~ - - - - ^}_ _ _ _ _ _ _.-\\\ [Is this from a BBS or something? I guess in could be.] __+__ _,-------_, _/ + \_ /~~>' _-~ | (O + O) | / _-~ \ \ / / | _-~ | \ / | / ~ ~~~~-_ \ |( " )| / | \ | | \./ | | / |~~\ |~~\ /~\ /~\ /~\ | | /~\ |\ | \ _/ |/ | | || || || || ||\ ||___ | | | __ _-~ \_/ | ||--< |---|| -- | || \ | | / / / _-~ ~~--_ _-~ \ |__/ | \| | \_/ \_/ | \| \_/ | | /-~ _-~ \ / / _-~ __ \ \ \\ | | || | | |__ / _-~ ~-_ \ \ \\ | |\ ||\ | | ~~--__--~ / _ \ \ | | | | | \ || \ | \ _-~ | //|\ ||\ ___ | | \|| \| ~~--__ / / ___ /--__ / /^\ ~~--___/ _-~ / /^\ / ~~~-----~ /___ _____/ _-~---~ /___ /| _ ~~--~~ /^\ /^< ___ ~~--~~ /^\ _-~/ / ~--__ ~~--~~~\ ~~ ~~--__ ~~--~~~\---~~ | / ~~--___--~~\ ~~--___--~~\ V __----~~~~~~~~~~~------___ . . ~~//====...... __--~ ~~ -. \_|// |||\\ ~~~~~~::::... /~ ___-==_ _-~o~ \/ ||| \\ _/~~- __---~~~.==~||\=_ -_--~/_-~|- |\\ \\ _/~ _-~~ .=~ | \\-_ '-~7 /- / || \ / ~ .~ | \\ -_ / /- / || \ / / ____ / | \\ ~-_/ /|- _/ .|| \ / |~~ ~~|--~~~~--_ \ ~==-/ | \~--===~~ .\ ' ~-| /| |-~\~~ __--~~ |-~~-_/ | | ~\_ _-~ /\ / \ \__ \/~ \__ _--~ _/ | .-~~____--~-/ ~~==. ((->/~ '.|||' -_| ~~-/ , . _|| -_ ~\ ~~---l__i__i__i--~~_/ _-~-__ ~) \--______________--~~ //.-~~~-~_--~- |-------~~~~~~~~ //.-~~~--\ [Yet another candidate for a BBS screen, if it isn't from one.] _____------------___ ._--':::::'-------____ .___------__ /-.._. _---_ '|:::::::::::::::::::::--- ._--'.---::::::/ ` \ .-. '-'' *__*|/::::::::::::::::::::::::: .__-' _-'::::::::/ ._------_| '_' __--' _'/:::::::::::::::::::::::::: _--' _-'::::::::::|.' ._----_\ -' ._-'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: _-':::::::::::::\ .' / .__--' -':::::::::_--_:::::::::::.----- _-'::::::::::::::::::-_| / / /::::::::::/ \:::::::/ '::::::::::::::::::::::::----__- . . |.--_:::/ \:::/ .----_::::::::::::::::::::/ \ \\ \/ \/ | ._.-_'-_:::.----.:::.:. . . . . | \\ -_. -.\ \ .-.----..-----. .----. .---. .-.----:|\ | | | | | | .-. ||._- || .-. || .-. | | .-. |\| .| |/__/ / | | - .'.-. || '_' || | | | | | | | | ._- .| |. | '-' |'___. || '_' |.| |.| |. ------- '---' '----:--._| | '---' '---'---' '______'.----_ | ._.-_'-_ -_. -.\ \ .-----. ----..---------.-.----. | | | | ||._- | \ \'/ \'\ / | .-. | .| |/__/ /.'.-. | \ ' . '' / | | | | | ._- | '-' | \ / \ / .| |.| |. ------- '----' '' '' '---'---' ^ ^ |\ \ / /| / \ |\__ __/| / \ / /\ \ \ _ \/ _ / / \ / / /\ \ {*}\/{*} / / \ \ | | | \ \( (00) ) / // |\ \ | | | |\ \(V""V)\ / / | || \| | | | | \ |^--^| \ / / || || || thoughts fly / / / | |( WWWW__ \/ /| || || || upon the wings | | | | | | \______\ / / || || || of fantasy | | | / | | )|______\ ) | / | || || / / / / / /______/ /| \ \ || || / / / / / /\_____/ |/ /__\ \ \ \ \ | | | / / /\______/ \ \__| \ \ \ | | | | | |\______ __ \_ \__|_| \ | | ,___ /\______ _ _ \_ \ | | |/ /\_____ / \ \__ \ | /\ |/ | |\______ | | \___ \ |__/ \ v | |\______ | | \___/ | | |\______ | | __/ \ \________\_ _\ ____/ __/ /\_____ __/ / )\_, _____/ / ___/ \uuuu/ ___/___) \______/ VVV V VVV V [This next one's cool.] , |\_, I, \, /| ,__/______\ _____/ | ,___, ,/__ \/ ,/ // \, |/ \. / ,/ _______, II @@ \, ,/\____| ,/ _____/ __\ II \____/ /' I__ ____/ _/ \ \\ ___ //\_/ _/ \_______ 'I` // \\_____ \ \_________________/ // \____.\ | \_____ \\. \_\____/\| , \_ \\. \_/ ' / \ ______ \ ,/ \\. \| /.. \_/ \__,_ __/ ,/ // _______| /.....\ \_\v \_ ,/ // / \ /_______\, \_\_ / || / _/ \\_\_ |__, // / _______, _/ \_ \_\_ \// I ___/ \_ _/ \_ \ \_ \|_____I__/ \, __/ \_/ I \ \_ \_ ,_______/ \__I I \_ \ ________ \ _/ __/ \_____\ I \ \_ _/ \ I / _/ /_// \ / \ \___/ I |/ // //\_____ _/ \_ \____ I ` ` |/ I\___ \_____/ \_ \__________________I ` I\___, /\___, \ ,__I\____, ,___ I \________, I _/ \_____, _/ \____\_____ \______/ I ,/ . \____/ ,/ . \______/ |__/ | /| /| \_____/ | /| /| _ \____/ |__/ |__/ |__/ \_____|__/ |__/ |__/ \__________________/ _ _ _/( <~\ /~> )\_ .~ ~-. /^-~~-^\ .-~ ~. .-~ ~-._ : /~\/~\ : _.-~ ~-. .-~ ~~--.__: \0/\0/ ;__,--~~ ~-. / ./\. ^^ ./\. \ . | ( )( ) | . -~~--. _.---._ /~ U`'U ~\ _.---._ .--~~- ~-. .--~ ~~-| |-~~ ~--. .-~ ~ | : : |_ ~ `\,' : : `./' ~~--._ .(<___.' `,___>),--.___~~-. ~ (((( ~--~ )))) _.~ _) ~~~ ~~~/`.--~ _.--~ \,~~~~~ BABY DWAGON ==== ====== (orca) .%, X:-x\', X:/%;::\:X Alt.Fan.Dragons X:l% ; :'\:X Frequently X:l% : : '\:X Asked X:l% : : '\:X Questions b, b, X:/l% : : \:X JPQ, JPQ, X:l% : : '\:X .dP'd|._,=dPQq\ X:l%' : : '\:X xdP #P"'_ _,: .X:l% : : '\:X .d/"p ' 'O \ 'O:; X:l%' : : \:X ,pP' q. \: `# X:ld : : ':X ,d" ,pq .,-qx_, "\ `Q: l% : : k:X ./' Jp . ` ` 3 % : ; k:X dP p p ` `q : : k:X d/ ; J,/";xpx"\: '*q ` `\, : : l:X. dP ;' dP "\:_,`.q. /d b\ : : k:X .d' ; dP .\_j '- u-' : : k:X X ./' ;' /" .' : ; k:X \X .d' ; ," : X:l% : : k:X :\X d' ; ./' : X:/% : ; k:X ::lX JP ; J : .X:/ % : : k;X k:lX #' : j' : .X:/ % : : d:lX k:lX |P ; | : .X:/ % : ; k;lX k:lX || ; |' : X:/ % ; : d:;X' k:lX d| ; :l :X:/ %' : : k:lX k:iX #| ; || X:/ % ; ; k:lX k:\X || ; || X:/ % : : k:lX k:\pQJb ; \N.PQ XX/ % ; ; k:lX kJP.Ql\; XQ. J Q J : ; k:lX 6Q : Q% \Q Q J ;''''':.:;''::. : k:lX 6QQ : Ql lQ' J ; ; ': :;''':. k::X. 6QQQ ) Ql i6 Q ; .; ':. k:\X 6QQ J l \ 6 Q ; ':.k:X 9QQ J i l 6 6 ; Art by dk (c) 1993 k; [This next one is kinda cool.] ___________________________________________________ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@**^^""~~~"^@@^*@*@@**@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@*^^'"~ , - ' '; ,@@b. ' -e@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@*^"~ . ' . ' ,@@@@( e@*@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@^~ . . ' @@@@@@, ~^@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@~ ,e**@@*e, ,e**e, . ' '@@@@@@e, "*@@@@@'^@ @',e@@@@@@@@@@ e@@@@@@ ' '*@@@@@@ @@@' 0 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@',e, ; ~^*^' ;^~ ' 0 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@^""^@@e@@@ .' ,' .' @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@' '@@@@@ ' , ,e' . ;@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@' ,&&, ^@*' , . i^"@e, ,e@e @@ @@@@@@@@@@@@' ,@@@@, ; ,& !,,@@@e@@@@ e@@ @@@@@,~*@@*' ,@@@@@@e, ', e^~^@, ~'@@@@@@,@@@ @@@@@@, ~" ,e@@@@@@@@@*e*@* ,@e @@""@e,,@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ee@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" ,e@' ,e@' e@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@" ,@" ,e@@e,,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@~ ,@@@,,0@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@,,@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" ____ From: sauron@mordor.ind.WPI.EDU (a rich) "not the greatest, but......." [Well, it DOES look like a bird.] _ /` '\ /| @ l \| \ `\ `\_ \ __ `\ l \ `\ `\__ \ `\./` ``\ \ ____ / \ l || || ) / -----------(((-(((---l /----------- l / / / / / // / ____ From: boba@gagme.wwa.com (The Scarecrow) [Here's yet another ascii font. A small one.] _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ___ /_\ |_) / | \ |_ |_ /__ |_| | | |/ | |\/| / \ |_) \_ |_/ |_ | \_| | | _|_ \_| |\ |_ | | _ _ _ _ __ ___ __ |\ | / \ |_) / \ |_) (_ | | | | | | | | \/ \_/ / | \| \_/ | \_X | \ __) | |_| \/ \/ \/ /\ | /_ _ _ / \ o o | / || | | () \|/ -|-|- | | o o o o o |_ _| (_X /|\ -|-|- \ / / / _ _. |_ _ _| _ _|_ _ |_ o o | | ._ _ ._ (_| |_) (_ (_| (/_ | (_| | | | | |< | | | | | | _| _| _ ._ _. ._ _ _|_ _ (_) |_) (_| | _> |_ |_| \/ \/\/ >< \/ /_ | | / ____ From: dcberner@host0.colby.edu (David Berner) [Garfield] ##### ####### #**#!!### #**#!!!!## #****#!!!!# #****###!!!# #*****#!!!!# #*******#!!!# #******#!!!!# #*********#!###!*!*!*#!!!!!# -- #!*!*!*!*!*!#!##########!!!!# /_ ###########!##!!!!!!!!!!#!!!# //__ ###!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!####/// \ \ ##!#!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!# _\ ##!!#!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!######!!!!!!!*# \\ ##!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!####### #!!!!!!***# ___\\#!!!###################***** #...!!*****# / \#!!!.# ***** # *** #....*******# #*....# *** # #.......*****# #**.....## ***** ##........!!****# #!........## *******#########......#...!!!!!*# #!...........#######.*****...............#.#..!!!!**# #*.....##.............#..#...............#...#.!!****# #*....#.#............#....#............##......!*****# #*.......##.......###......###........#.......!!!****# #*.........#######......!!....########.......!!!!!***# #!!!.................!!!!!!!!.............!!!*******# #!!!!............!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!******# #*******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***!!!!*****# #******!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!********!!****# ##*****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#*************### ##****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!###******#### ####!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!######!# #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*# #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***## #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!******# #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*******# #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*****# #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**# #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!## #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*## #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***# #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!####!!!!!!****## #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!###****##!!!!******## #!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!##**!!*****#!!!********# #!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#***!!!!***!!!!**********# #!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#****!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!*****# #!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!#*!!***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!***# #!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!!!!#*!!!!!*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*****# #!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!!!#***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!********# #!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!!!#****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**********# #!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!!!#*****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*********# #!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!!!#***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!********## ##!!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!#!!!!!#*!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*****#!*## #!#!!!!!!!!######!!!!!!#!!!!!#**!!!!!!!!!!#########!!!!*#!!**## #!#!#!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!#!!!!!#***!!!!!####******!!!#######!!**# #!#!!##!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!############*!!!#********!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**# #!#!!#!#!!#!!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#***********!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!# #!#!!!#!#!#!!#!!!!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!!#**********!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**# #!!#!!!#!##!!#!!!!!!#!!!!#!!!!#!!!!!!#************!!!!!!!!!!****# ######### ##########!!!!#!!!!#!!!!!!#**********!!!!!!!!!!!!***# #################************!!!!!!!!!!**# #**********!!!!!######### ############### ____ From: paulf@manor.demon.co.uk (Paul Fawcett) "No credits cos this is one of mine." >>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>>:>>> \+/ +-*-+ ____________________________________________ /+\ M E R R Y C H R I S T M A S ^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ i^^^ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ^()^^i & ((( . *. . * | . * . * ))) i^^^^o^^ ___________________________ ((( . * . | * . .* ))) ^^*^^^^^^i H A P P Y N E W Y E A R ! ((( . * * | . * . * ))) i^^^o^^^*^^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (((__________|_________ ))) ^^^^^^^^0^^^^i ((( . * . * |. * . * ))) i^^^*^^^^o^^:)^^ ___________________ ((( . . * | . ////// ))) ^^()^^^^^^^*^^^^^i |__|____|____|____| ((( * * . |* ( @ @ ) ))) i^^^^^o^^^^^()^^^^^^ |____|____|____|__| ((( * . * | . \ o / .))) ^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^o^^^^^i |__| / |__| (((=====================))) i^^^^^o^^^^^^^^*^^^^^^^^ |__| \\\ |__| ^^^^*^^^^^()^^^^^^^^o^^^^i|__| ///// |__| >< ^^^^^o^^^^^^|^|^^^^0^^^*^^^|__| \\\\\\ |__| ########### >< >< \__|_|__/ >< |__| /////// |__| ########### ||||||||| ::::::___ \_____/ __%%%%%%_|__|_XXXXXXXX__|__|_ \-/ _###########___|||||||||_ :::::: \___/ %%%%%% \_______________/ ('.') ########### ||||||||| %%%%%% @(m " m) <<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<<:<<< ____ From jsv@math.canterbury.ac.nz * *** ***** ******* ********* ************* A ******* *********** VERY *************** ******************* MERRY *********** *************** CHRISTMAS ******************* *********************** AND MY *************** ******************* BEST WISHES *********************** *************************** FOR THE NEXT ****** ****** YEAR ****** * * * * * * * * * * *** *************** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ____ From: purdie@zeus.usq.edu.au (Red Phoenix) _____________________________________________________________ / _____ __ __ ___ __ ___ \ / | | | |\ | | ` | ` __ | / | | | / / | / | | | | \| | | | / | | | / / | / | | | ` ' `--' `--' ' ' `--' ' ' | / ==<===|====|====|========== U.S.S. ENTERPRISE ============= | <_-----------|---------|--------------------------------------------| \__ \ / \ \ / / | `------_ \_____/_______________\______\__________/________/__/__ / || === ==<============ NCC-1701/7 ======-------- ===/ \_||___________________________________________________==/ -===- -===- [Where's the 3 1/2 inch disk? Do I have to make it myself?] ___________ SAVE | | THE | | DISK! | (O) | | !|! | |____!_!____| [Don't ask me what 'hampster' means.] /\ || ==== | | | | ==== XXXX |\/| |/\| |\/| |/\| |\/| |/\| /____\ | | | | / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ ---------------- |--------------| | | | | | | | |-----| | | | _ | | | / \ | | /___\ | | / \ | | | | |\ /| | | | \_/ | | | | _ | | | <__ | | \ | | \___/ | | _______ | | | | | | | | | | | ______ | | | | | |--- | | |_____ | | _____ | | | \ | | |____/ | | | \ | | | | | | | | __ | /| || |\ / | || | \ / | || | \ / | || | \ ----- | HH | ----- | | | HH | | | | | | HH | | | | | | HH | | | | | |______HH______| | | --------/ HH \-------- . _ . _____________ |\_|/__/| / \ / / \/ \ \ / Happy! Happy! \ /__|O||O|__ \ \ Joy! Joy! / |/_ \_/\_/ _\ | \ ___________/ | | (____) | || |/ \/\___/\__/ // _/ (_/ || | ||\ \ //_/ \______// __|| __|| (____(____) Stimpson J. Cat [Stimpy] \ / \ / |\\ //| || \ \/ / || | | || | | || \ \------------------------\ \ o \ \- \ \ \__________\ \- / \________________________/ ____ From: caesar@sage.cc.purdue.edu (caesar) "If anyone has any short poem, or quote about knights I would like to add it to the picture and use it as one of my many .plan files." [Send your poems to caesar@sage.cc.purdue.edu (not to me).] . / \ | | |.| |.| |:| __ ,_|:|_, / ) (Oo / _I_ +\ \ || __| \ \||___| \ /.:.\-\ |.:. /-----\ |___|::oOo::| / |:<_T_>:| |_____\ ::: / | | \ \:/ | | | | \ / | \___ / | \_____\ `-' ____ From: wrzwicky@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Bitman) "Have fun!" * * * * *** ** ** *** ***** ******** ***** ************************ ************************ ************************ ********** ********** ****** ****** ** ** ****************** ** ****** ** ****** ** ** ***** ** ***** ** ** *** *** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ** ** ************ ** ****************** *********************** ********************************* ******* * * * * ******* ******* *** ** ** *** ******* ****** ***** ********* ***** ***** ****** ******** ********* ****** ***** **** ********** ********* ********* ***** **** ************** *********** ************ **** **** ************************************************* **** **** *************************************************** **** **** **************************************************** **** **** **************************************************** **** **** *************************************************** **** **** ******* **** *********** **** ********* **** **** ***** * ******* * ******** **** ***** **** ***** ****** ***** ***** ** *** ** ****** ****** * * * ******* ******* ******* ******** ******* ********************************* *********************** \++================================| _=_ \_________________________________/ ___/==+++==\___ """\__ \""" |======================================/ \__ \_ / .. . _/--===+_____+===--"" \__ \ _/. .. _/ `+' \__ \ __/_______/ ___-\_\-'---==+____| __--+" . . . "==_ / |. . .. -------- | \ "==+_ . . -------- | / ""\___ . .. __==" """"--=--"" ____ From: Ric.Hotchkiss@sdrc.com "Here is another ASCII picture ftp'ed from a site listed in this newsgroup. Hope you like it." ______ ______ \ \V\ /V/ / \ \V\====_====/V/ / \ | ___ ___ | / | <_> <_> | /V| V \ \ V/ /VV \ VV ==== | /VV \ =,_||_=/ /VVV \__ _/ /VVVVV ==V\ /V VVVVV VV| VVVVV VVV VVVVV ____ From: dcberner@host0.colby.edu (David Berner) ''', o_)O \)____)" \_ ) woof! '',,,,,, || || "--'"--' _______________________ !_______________________! ! ! ! Bill & Opus in '92 ! ___!_______________________!____ (________________________________) / / \ \ ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! _0/ \0_ ! ! \ \/ \/ / ! / \ ! / / \ \ \( )/ \ " " / \ / /\_______/\ / ! ! \ / __! !__ \ / ! \\_// ! \ / ! \_!-!_/ ! \ ! / ! / !_! \ ! \ ! ______!_!__!__/___\__!__!_!_______ ! ! ! ! !!!! !!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!! O_O !!! !!!!!!! /@ @\ !!!!!! \ x / !!!!!!/ m !m !!!!/ __ | !!!!|/ \__ !!!\______\ (o)(o) / \ / | / \ * | ________ / /\__/ _ / \ / / / \ / ____ \_/ / //\ \ / / \ / V \ \/ / \ / \___/ \_____/ _____ _____ /\_/ """" \ / = | |||| | / | |||| |\ /__)_/\ |||| | \ \____""""_____/ ) )) )) " " "an armadillo..." ____ From: jorn@genesis.mcs.com (Jorn Barger) [The following two are really cool.] * * * ** * * ** ** ** ** * *** ** *** * ** *** *** * **** *** **** **** ** * ********* * *** ***** ********************** ******** *************** **** ****** ***************** ** ** ** ******************* *** ******** ******************** *** ******* ********************* *** ** **** ********* * *********************** *** **** ********** ************************ **** ** *** **** *********************** * **** ************** ****** * *** * ** *********** ** **** * *** * ** ********** * ************* ***** ***** ** * ** ****** * * ************* **** ******* *** ** ************** **************** *********** ** ****** ******************************* ** ********************************* ** ******************************** ** ** ******************************* ** ********* **** *************************** *** ***** ***** * *** ******************** ** ***** * ***************** ** ****** **** ********************* * ***** ***** ****************** ** **** **************** * ***** * ***************** ** ****** ** ************** ** ** ** ************* * *** ************* ** * *** ********************* ****** ******* * *** *** ******* ** *** ************ ******** ********************** * ********** ************************* *********** ************************** *********** ************************* *********** ************************ ********** ********************* ********* **************** *** * ****** ,_-=(!7(7/zs_. .=' ' .`/,/!(=)Zm. .._,,._.. ,-`- `,\ ` -` -`\\7//WW. ,v=~/.-,-\- -!|V-s.)iT-|s|\-.' `///mK%. v!`i!-.e]-g`bT/i(/[=.Z/m)K(YNYi.. /-]i44M. v`/,`|v]-DvLcfZ/eV/iDLN\D/ZK@%8W[Z.. `/d!Z8m //,c\(2(X/NYNY8]ZZ/bZd\()/\7WY%WKKW) -'|(][%4. ,\\i\c(e)WX@WKKZKDKWMZ8(b5/ZK8]Z7%ffVM, -.Y!bNMi /-iit5N)KWG%%8%%%%W8%ZWM(8YZvD)XN(@. 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'VM%%%%W%WN5Z/Gt5/b)((cV@f` - |cZbMKW%%| 'V*M%%%WZ/ZG\t5((+)L\'-,,/ -)X(NWW%% `~`MZ/DZGNZG5(((\, ,t\\Z)KW%@ 'M8K%8GN8\5(5///]i!v\K)85W%%f YWWKKKKWZ8G54X/GGMeK@WM8%@ !M8%8%48WG@KWYbW%WWW%%%@ VM%WKWK%8K%%8WWWW%%%@` ~*%%%%%%W%%%%%%%@~ ~*MM%%%%%%@f` ''''' ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ///// ///// ///// //// //// // // ///// ///// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // ///// ///// //// // // ////// // // //// ///// //// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // // ///// ///// ///// //// // // ///// ///// ///// // // // Here's a few item taken from BBS login screens, and such. If you have any BBS art, send it to: boba@gagme.wwa.com ______________________________________________________________________________ ____ From: norby@soda.berkeley.edu (Peter Norby) "Here's one from a Board...." /\ |\ /\ /|__ /(__< >__)\ |\ |\ ::< \/ \/\::::/ ___>:< ___ ___ >:/ \::::::< \::::::::: ::::\ \:< _>:/\:\(:::| |:::)/::< |\ \:::::| /:::::::: ::::::| <\/> \:\ \::::| |:::::::|___| \_):| |::/\::::: :::/\/ )< >:\ >::| |:::::::| |/ )::| |/ \::: ::/ /:::\ /::::\ /:::< >::::::|< /::/ >: <_______/ \( \/ \/ |/\____/ <__________/ |\ /\ / \ |\ |\ /\ /\ /(__< >__)\ /\ /\ )\ < |\ \:::< \:< \:::::/ < ___ ___ >::/ /\ \:::< \::::: :|___| \_)||\ \||\ \::<\::/ /)/:\(:::| |:::)/:::/\::| < / \::| \::: :| |/ ):|| | || | \| \ (:::::::::| |:::::::| \| ):| | >: :|< /::||/ ||/ / /\ \/\::::::| |::::::/ /::\ /:/ | (:: :| \ /:::/ / < >::\ >:::< >::::< >::::\ /::< | \: / | \/ <_____<______/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \_/ <- METAL ADDICTION ~ TRUE 0 Day PC Games & Utilities ~ Sysop: ZED NITRO/DW -> <- DEAD WEIGHT CANADIAN HQ ~ Ansi HQ ~ TERRATRON CANADIAN HQ -> "And another:" ____________/\ /\_ ___ /\____ /\_. ___/|___ /\________ \_______ \/ | o\ /o \ / o| . \_/o|__//o ______/ /o | \ | \\ // | > / ||___|\ // \// |_____ // _______/ | \\// \/ || : \// \ | \ // | / | \\ | \ | \ \ : \ \ _____| \_____________/___________/____________/_______/_________ / \| __/\________ /\_____ __/\________ /\_____ /\___ \| : \ o ______/ /o \ \ o ______//o \ / | o\ : . // __)__ // | \ // __)__// | | \ / | \\ . // | \// | \// | \ | | \/\___ \\ / | \ | \ | \ | | \ | \\ \ ____________/_____|______/____________/__|_|_____/_________ / \| |/ "And one more:" ____ ___.__________ __________ ______ __.___ ____ \ \/ |_____ | \_/ ___ |\ \/ | | | | \/ / / | | | ___TRC> _ <| |/ | | | +|_| | |^ | \ /__/|__|__|_______|__/ \__|__/__/|__|__|_______|__|__|\__\ _________._______________ ______ _______ _____.________ | _____ | | ___| __ \ | _ \| __ \ | | | | ___| | |% || | | ___| _ _/_| | || _ _/_| | +| | ___| |_____| \___/|_____|__|___________/|__|________|\___/|_____| "Lots of group/board banners have great ASCII/ANSi art. Check 'em out! ;)" ____ From: andy.nachbaur@wildbee.uu.holonet.net (ANDY NACHBAUR) _____ _____ _____ .-~~~-. / \ / \ / \ A Beekeeping / } < WILD >----< BEE'S >----< BBS > Industry Support / .-~ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ BBS \ | } / \ / \ / \ ___\.~~-.-~| .-~_ < (209) >----< >----< >----. { O | ` .-~. ; ~-.__ \_____/ 826 \_____/ BEE \_____/ WILD \ ~--~/-|_\| : : .-~ \ 8107 / \ NET / \ NET / / | \~ - - ~ >----< >----< >----< / | \ / \_____/ \_____/ \_____ \ / a \ / \ / \ Beekeepers & `----< WILD >----< CAT >----< BBS > Friends Welcome! ____ From: boba@gagme.wwa.com (The Scarecrow) [This is how the login screen of one of our local BBS's looked. Not bad, in fact, I posted the Tigger graphic, and it's been reposted and used for sigs.] __ _-==-=_,-. /--`' \_@-@.--< `--'\ \ <___/. \ \\ " / >=\\_/`< ____ /= | \_\\ _' `\ _/=== \__/\\\ G A G M E - Public Access UNIX `___/ //\./=/~\====\ \ \ \ // / | ===: \_) | ._/_,__|_ ==: __ \/ \\ \\`--| / \\ | _ \\: /==:-\ `.__' `-____/ |--|==: \ \ ===\ :==:`-' _> \ ===\ /==/ The lines are as follows: /==\ | ===\__/--/ 282-8606 1200/2400 <=== \ / ====\ \\/ 282-8607 1200/2400,PEP,V.42,V.42bis _`-- \/ === \/--' 282-8609 1200/2400,PEP,V.32,V.42,V.42bis | \ ==== | * 282-8605 1200/2400,V.32,V.42,V.42bis -`------/`--' / * contributors only \___-' [Then, when the sysop wanted a new screen, I diddled up one for him. The current screen looks like this:] / ______/ ___ / _____/ __ __ / ____/ / / / / / / / / / / / __ / ___ / / __ / / / / ____/ / P U B L I C / / / / / / / / / / / A C C E S S ______/ __/ __/ _______/ __/ __/ __/ ______/ / U N I X _______________________________________________/_____________________________ 282-8606 / 1200/2400 282-8607 / 1200/2400,PEP,V.42,V.42bis 282-8609 / 1200/2400,PEP,V.32,V.42,V.42bis 282-8605 / 1200/2400,V.32bis,V.42,V.42bis ____ From: dave.lord@circus.morse.net (Dave Lord) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 * * 11[[___________________ ___________________[[[[[11 * * 11[[ 111111111111111111 2222222222222222221111111111111111111[[[11 * * 11[[ 1[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[ 2 CircusNet 2[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[1[[[11 * * 11[[ 1[[_______________ 2 INTERNET GATE 2_______________[[[1[[[11 * * 11[[ 1[[ 22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222[[1[[[11 * * 11[[ 1[[ 2 * USRobotics SPORTSTER 14400 Modems * 2[[1[[[11 * * 11[[ 1[[ 2 * 310-787-0266 * 310-787-0266 * 2[[1[[[11 * * 11[[ 1[[ 2 * HOME OF CircusNet * 2[[1[[[11 * 11[[ 1[[ 2 USENET * Zone 144 * INTERNET 2[[1[[[11 11[[ 1[[ 2 NEWSGROUPS -=*=- GATE 2[[1[[[11 11[[ 1[[ 2 * CircusMaximus OS/2 BBS * 2[[1[[[11 11[[ 1[[ 2 |FIDONET|*|CIRCUSNET|*| OS2NET |*|ADULTLINKS| 2[[1[[[11 11[[ 1[[ 2 1:102/338 144:144/0 81:302/338 69:1000/338 2[[1[[[11 11[[ 1[[\22222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222222[[1[[[11 11[[ 1[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[1[[[11 11[[\111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111[[[11 11[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[[11 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 CircusMaximus Productions Unlimited 93' "Home of CircusNet" ____ From: ken.glickman@deafworld.com (Ken Glickman) [This next one is from a deaf bbs. Weel, a bbs for people who are deaf.] *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* ###### ####### ####### ####### ## ## ######### ## ## ####### ####### ####### ####### ### ## ######### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ##### ####### ##### ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ##### ####### ##### ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####### ####### ## ## ## ## #### ######### ########## ###### ####### ## ## ## ## ## ######### ########## ## ## ####### ######## ## ###### ## ## ####### ######## ## ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ####### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ###### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ########## ####### ## ## ######## ####### ########## ####### ## ## ######## ###### *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* *=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=*=* Deaf New World BBS 301-587-2277 ____ From: robert.gramaglia@cdreams.com (Robert Gramaglia) [This next one is from a New York chat board.] [[; [[[; [[[; [[[[[[; [[[[[; [[; [[; [[; [[; [[; [[; [[: [[[[; [[[[: [[IMM[[; [[IMM[[; H[[;[[I< [[: [[: [[: [[: [[: [[I[[[[I[[: [[[[[[I< [[[[[[[: H[[[I< [[: [[: [[: [[: [[: [[:H[[I<[[: [[IMMM< [[IMM[[: [[I[[; HM< HM< HM< HM< [[: [[: HM< [[: [[: [[: [[: [[I< [[; [[; [[; [[; [[; HM< HM< HM< HM< HM< HM< HM< HM< HM< HM< HM< HM< 1-718-932-7710 14,400 N,8,1 Live in New York City! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ From: teemur@garbo.uwasa.fi (Teemu Rinta-aho) [This next one is 'His Master's Voice' from Finland. The sysop speaks four languages.] +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ _ _ __ ___ ___ /_/___ / |/ \__\/ \_\ /^\/^\ ____ / \_\________ ____ / \_\ | | / /_ | \__/ |/ _ \/ /_ /__ _/ _ \ | _/ / /_ | | | //__\\ | | | | <_| |//__\\| || <_ _|| | //__\\ \_|\_|__\____/ |_| |_|\__|_|\____/|_| \____||/ \____/ _ _ _ +358-65-525-3o6o m 24h | | | |__ |_|___ ___ ZyXEL 16k8 m i486/5o | | | |_ \| | __\/ _ \ Pc Wares (legal stuff) \ \/ /(_) > |<__| <_ _| FidoNet m VirNet m LukkiVerkko \__/\___/|_|___/\____| SlaveNet WHQ +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-++-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ ____ From: gord.saker@dt-can.com (Gord Saker) RDD? VDD? VDRD? VDD? VDRD? RDD? VDD? R B VDD? VDD? VDD? VDD? RDD? VDD? : 3 GDD4 : GDD4 : GD : GDD4 : GDD4 : 3 GDD4 : 3 GDD4 PDDY P A P P A P PDDY SDDY P A SDDY P A P A P A PDDY P A =========================================================================== " We Take the Mystery out of the Magic " =========================================================================== MVP Software Distribution Site Shareware Direct Distribution Site London's First Private Provider of InterNet IP Services FAX FAX FAX Data Tech Online Services of Canada VOICE SUPPORT (519) 645-6639 ( 5 1 9 ) 4 7 3 - 7 6 8 5 (519) 473-5694 Unit 8 - 1 Routledge Place, Hyde Park London, Ontario Canada Serving London Since 1981 ____ From: rroff@encore.com (Ronald Roff) 0101 0 01010 0101 0101 010 1010 01010 1 0101 0101 0101 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0101 0 0 0101 0101 01010 1 0101 1 0101 0101 0101 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0101 0 0 0101 0 0 0 1010 01010 0 0101 0101 0101 (407)259-3705 Melbourne, Florida ____ From: lynx@amiglynx.wisdom.bubble.org (Dario Tieso) ____________ ______ _____ __________ _________ ____________ / ____ /\ / // /\/____ ____\/\ ____\ /\ _____ \ / /____/ / // / /\___/ \___/\ \ \ ___/ \ \ \____\ \ / ____ / // // // / / / \ \ \ \ ____\ \ ____ \ / /\__/ / // //__// / / / \ \ \ \ /\_ \\ \ \__/\ \ / / / / / // / |__/ / / __/ \__ \ \ \\/_\ \\ \ \ \ \ \ /___/ / /___/ //___/ / /__/ / /______________\ \ \_________\\ \___\ \ \___\ \___\/ \___\/ \___\/ \__\/ \______________/ \/_________/ \/___/ \/___/ L Y N X N E T W O R K `LINX TO THE WORLD OF COMMUNICATION' - Amiga Hardware & Software. - Established 1990. - Video Peripheals. - 3 Nodes. - NetWoking, Full UseNet, InterNet Access. - 3 CD-Rom On-Line. - 24Hrs On-Line Shopping. - 3000+ Mod OnLine. - Daily Feed Available. - Amiga/Ibm/Unix/Mac Files - CD's OnLine Fred Fish, AmiNet, MOD. - 3.2 Gigs On-Line. ORDER LINE USA: (800)-LYNX-NET UUCP: lynx@amiglynx INTERNATIONAL : (201)-368-0225 FIDO: 1:107/590.0 DATA-MULTILINE: (201)-368-0463 14KBps P.O BOX 8465 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| END OF BBS GALLERY |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____ From: mcscs1mm@zippy.dct.ac.uk (Malcolm MacArthur) "...here's the Flower of Scotland (the thistle). Drew this off the front of a 5p piece." |||||||| \||||||/ |||||| . <*<*>*>; . .)\. <*<*|*>*>; ./(. ((( <*<*<*>*>*>; ))) ))) <*<*|*>*>; ((( ~l|||o, <*|*>; ,o|||l~ /' ::'; ## ;':: '\ , / ::: ; ## ; ::: \ , ~.%) ::I::\ ## /::I:: (%.~ ; ::I:;;\i^'-~_ _{~^~-_##_-~^~}_ _~-'^i/;;:I:: ; Vv\. :-___ :::: =Y __-- IIII --__ Y= :::: ___-: ./vV '\_::::~~~----~~:::_-' '-_:::~~----~~~::::_/' ,{~~~\____---__--~ ~--__---____/~~~}, ____ From: pirillc2770@cobra.uni.edu [This next one has nice shading.] .... NO! ... ... MNO! ... ..... MNO!! ...................... MNNOO! ... ..... MMNO! ......................... MNNOO!! . .... MNOONNOO! MMMMMMMMMMPPPOII! MNNO!!!! . ... !O! NNO! MMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPOOOII!! NO! .... ...... ! MMMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPOOOOIII! ! ... ........ MMMMMMMMMMMMPPPPPOOOOOOII!! ..... ........ MMMMMOOOOOOPPPPPPPPOOOOMII! ... ....... MMMMM.. OPPMMP .,OMI! .... ...... MMMM:: o.,OPMP,.o ::I!! ... .... NNM:::.,,OOPM!P,.::::!! .... .. MMNNNNNOOOOPMO!!IIPPO!!O! ..... ... MMMMMNNNNOO:!!:!!IPPPPOO! .... .. MMMMMNNOOMMNNIIIPPPOO!! ...... ...... MMMONNMMNNNIIIOO!.......... ....... MN MOMMMNNNIIIIIO! OO .......... ......... MNO! IiiiiiiiiiiiI OOOO ........... ...... NNN.MNO! . O!!!!!!!!!O . OONO NO! ........ .... MNNNNNO! ...OOOOOOOOOOO . MMNNON!........ ...... MNNNNO! .. PPPPPPPPP .. MMNON!........ ...... OO! ................. ON! ....... ................................ ,,, (o o) ----oOO--( )--OOo---- [This next one would be cool for a BBS. Who ya gonna call?] --- - -- --( / \ )XXXXXXXXXXXXX --XXX( O O )XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX- /XXX( U ) XXXXXXX\ /XXXXX( )-- XXXXXXXXXXX\ /XXXXX/ ( O ) XXXXXX \XXXXX\ XXXXX/ / XXXXXX \ \XXXXX---- XXXXXX / XXXXXX \ ---- - --- XXX / XXXXXX \ --- -- -- / /\ XXXXXX / ---= - / XXXXXX '--- XXXXXX --\/XXX\ XXXXXX /XXXXX \XXXXXXXXX /XXXXX/ \XXXXXX /XXXXX/ \XXXXX-- / -- XXXX/ --XXXXXXX--------------- XXXXX-- \XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX- --XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX- ----- ----- 1 | H | |He | |---+---- --------------------+---| 2 |Li |Be | | B | C | N | O | F |Ne | |---+---| |---+---+---+---+---+---| 3 |Na |Mg |3B 4B 5B 6B 7B | 8B |1B 2B |Al |Si | P | S |Cl |Ar | |---+---+---------------------------------------+---+---+---+---+---+---| 4 | K |Ca |Sc |Ti | V |Cr |Mn |Fe |Co |Ni |Cu |Zn |Ga |Ge |As |Se |Br |Kr | |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 5 |Rb |Sr | Y |Zr |Nb |Mo |Tc |Ru |Rh |Pd |Ag |Cd |In |Sn |Sb |Te | I |Xe | |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| 6 |Cs |Ba |LAN|Hf |Ta | W |Re |Os |Ir |Pt |Au |Hg |Tl |Pb |Bi |Po |At |Rn | |---+---+---+------------------------------------------------------------ 7 |Fr |Ra |ACT| ------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- Lanthanide |La |Ce |Pr |Nd |Pm |Sm |Eu |Gd |Tb |Dy |Ho |Er |Tm |Yb |Lu | |---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---+---| Actinide |Ac |Th |Pa | U |Np |Pu |Am |Cm |Bk |Cf |Es |Fm |Md |No |Lw | ------------------------------------------------------------- |\_/| =( o O )= /\ " /\ | |\_/| | \_>---<_/ (___|___) Well... !!!!!! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! !! :: :: :: :: ::::::::: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: .. .. .. .. .. .. ...... .... .. .. .. [=========] -==++""" . /. . . \ . """++==- -+"" \ .. . . | .. . | . . . / ""+- /\ +-"" `-----=====\ /=====-----' ""-+ /\ / / ""="" \ \ / / \ \ // | \\ /") \ | / ("\ \o\ \*/ /o/ \ ) --**O**-- ( / /*\ / | \ | ____ From: walters@pipe.cs.fsu.edu (Glen Walters) /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ /\ / / / \\ \ \ \/ / / \ / / / /\ \\ \ /\ \ / /\\/\ \ \ \ /\ / //\\ \\ \ \ \/ \/ / \ \ \ \/ / \ \\ \\/ \ \ \ /\ / \ \ /\ \ //\ \ \\ \ \ \ / \/ \ \ \/ / \ \\ \ / / \ \ / / / /\ /\ \ \ / \ \\ \/ / \ \/ / \/ / \ \/ / / \ \\ / \ / / /\ \ / / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ____ From: renogaw@wpi.WPI.EDU (Michael John Wagoner) [Pretty Good.] . . / `. .' \ .---. < > < > .---. | \ \ - ~ ~ - / / | ~-..-~ ~-..-~ \~~~\.' `./~~~/ .-~~^-. \__/ \__/ .' O \ / / \ \ (_____, `._.' | } \/~~~/ `----. / } | / \__/ `-. | / | / `. ,~~| ~-.__| /_ - ~ ^| /- _ `..-' f: f: | / | / ~-. `-. _||_||_ |_____| |_____| ~ - . _ _ _ _ _> ____ From: pegasus@leland.Stanford.EDU (Betty Lee) "I think I'll try contribution something. From my .plan..." [Cool.] <<<<>>>>>> .----------------------------. _>><<<<>>>>>>>>> / _____________) \|/ \<<<<< < >>>>>>>>> / _______________) -------*--===<=<< <<<<<<<>/ _______________) /|\ << @ _/ <<<<>>/ ________) ____ | | | / \ \ \/ \\_ / / > ) \_| / / / / *-------------------------------* _// _// | Pegasus@Leland.Stanford.EDU | /_| /_| *-------------------------------*--------------------------------------------* ____ From: boba@gagme.wwa.com (The Scarecrow) [Another ascii font. This one's a script font.] ___ , __ ___ ____ ___ ______ / | /|/ \ / (_) (| \ / (_) (_) | () | | | | __/ | | | \__ _|_ /\/| | | | \ | _| | / / | | / | \__/\_/ |(__/ \___/ (/\___/ \___/ (_/ /(__/ , _ , _ ,__ __ , _ /| | | | /\ /| / \_|_) /| | | /|/ \ |___| | | | | |__/ | | | | | | | |\ _ |/ | | | \ _| | | | | | | |/ \_/\/ \_|/ | \_/ (/\___/ | | |_/ | |_/ /| \| __ , __ __ , __ ______ _ /\_\/ /|/ \ / \ /|/ \ () (_) | (_| | | | |___/ | __ | |___/ /\ | | | | | | |/ \| | \ / \ _ | | | \__/ | \__/\_/ | \_/ /(__/ (_/ \__/\_/ _ _ _ _ __ (_| |_/ (_| | |_/ (_\ / (_| | (_ \ | | | | | \/ | | / | | | | | /\ | | / \_/ \_/ \_/ _/ \_/ \_/|/ /_/ /| /| \| \| _ _ | | | | | __, | | __ __| _ | | __, / | |/ \_ / / | |/ |/ / | \_/|_/ \_/ \___/ \_/|_/ |__/ |__/ \_/|/ |\ /| |/ \| _ _ _ | | o o | | | | | | | | | | _ _ _ _ _ |/ \ | | |/_) |/ / |/ |/ | / |/ | | |_/ |_/ |/ | \_/ |__/ | | |_/ | |_/ /| \| __ _ __, ,_ , _|_ / \_ |/ \_ / | / | / \_ | | | \__/ |__/ \_/|_/ |_/ \/ |_/ \_/|_/ /| |\ \| |/ __ | |_ | | |_ /\/ | | / / _ \/ \/ \/ /\_/ \_/|/ /_/ /| /| \| \| / \ o oo | | | | | o o / || | --+--+-- \|/ | | | --+--+-- --*-- | | o o o o o | | /|\ \ / / / ____ From: Nveilleu@emr1.emr.ca (Normand Veilleux) "I saw this little rose posted here not too long ago by tofi@krksun.krk.fi (Kristoffer H{ggstr|m):" . ... :``..': : ````.' :''::' ..:.. : .'' : ``. `: .' : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :..''''``::. : ...:..' .'' .' .' .::::' :..'''``::::::: `:::: `::. `:: :::. ..:.:.::'`. ::'`. . : : . ..' `:.: :: :' .: .: .:``::: : .: :: .: ..'' :::.' :': : : .'' .:: : : ' : .'`:: :: :: :: :: :: :: "I took the liberty of using it as a model for my own fun and I created the the following three roses." [I'm only showing one variation here.] "M, .mM" IMIm ,mIM" ,MI:"IM,mIMm "IMmm, ,IM::::IM::IM, ,m" "IMMIMMIMm::IM:::::IM""==mm ,mIM" __ ,mIM::::::MIM:::::::IM::::mIMIM" ,mMIMIMIIMIMM::::::::mM::::::::IMIMIMIMMM" IMM:::::::::IMM::::::M::::::::IIM:::::::MM, "IMM::::::::::MM:::M:::::::IM:::::::::::IM, "IMm::::::::IMMM:::::::IM:::::::::::::IM, "Mm:::::::::IM::::::MM::::::::::::::::IM, IM:::::::::IM::::::MM::::::::::::::::::IM, MM::::::::IM:::::::IM::::::::::::::::::IM "IM::::::::IM:::::::IM:::::::::::::::::IM;. "IM::::::::MM::::::::IM::::::::::mmmIMMMMMMMm,. IM::::::::IM:::::::IM::::mIMIMM"""". .. "IMMMM "IM::::::::IM::::::mIMIMM"". . . . . .,mM" "M IMm:::::::IM::::IIMM" . . . . . ..,mMM" "IMMIMIMMIMM::IMM" . . . ._.,mMMMMM" ,IM". . ."IMIM". . . .,mMMMMMMMM" ,IM . . . .,IMM". . . ,mMMMMMMMMM" IM. . . .,mIIMM,. . ..mMMMMMMMMMM" ,M"..,mIMMIMMIMMIMmmmMMMMMMMMMMMM" IM.,IMI""" ""IIMMMMMMMMMMM ;IMIM" ""IMMMMMMM "" "IMMMMM "IMMM "IMM, "IMM "MM, IMM, ______ __ ______ "IMM__ .mIMMIMMIMMIMMIMM, .,mIMMIMMIMM, ,mIMM, IMM""" ,mIM". . . . "IM,..M, ,IMMM' . . . "IMM.\ "M, IMM ,IM". . . . / :;IM \ M, .mIM' . . . / .:"IM.\ MM "MM, ,M". . . / .;mIMIMIM,\ M ,IM'. . . / . .:;,IMIMIMMM IMM ,M". . / .:mIM"' "IM,:M ,IM'. . . / . .:;,mIM" `"IMM IMM IM. . / .mM" "IMI ,IM . . / . .:;,mIM" "IMMMMM MM,. / ,mM "M' IM'. . / . .;,mIM" "IIMMM ,IMIM,.,IM" IM . . / . .,mIM" IMMMMMMM' """ `IM,. / ;,mIM" IIMMM "IMI, /,mIM" __IMMM "IMMMM" """IMM "" IMM IMM__ IMM""" IMM IMM __IMM """IMM IMM IMM IMM__ IMM""" IMM Normand IMM Veilleux ____ From: tjb3@namaste.cc.columbia.edu (Tornado of Soles) "Hey, I was on irc last year and someone from U Arkansas flooded me with their mascot, a razorback...." .___------___ ___/ \/\. / __/ / \__---___ \_O--/ | \ ___ \ | \_ / . \ \ | ----- | \ ) ) \___ | ) | ) . \__| \ ) / ) /| | | |__.___## | \ | |______----| \_______|___## ) \ \ \______. ##___/ / ----__________ ) ##_\____/ ' ____ From: boba@gagme.wwa.com (The Scarecrow) [I took a bunch of different Christmas pics I had laying around, and I put them together in one. I diddled them and this is how it came out:] .qggL * .gggr. . ' . * . + PMML . /|MM '. + ' |!MM,' /`|MM .d/"q, qgg;+Ml qgg;+Ml vgg. .y. Vv Vv Vv Vv | YMM,j' |MM MM;.jMl |MM` " |MM` " qM| j` x O o, o, o, o, | qM#' |MM MM| |MM + |MM . MMg' /(_){-}+--===--===--===--=== .j|. qF .+MM..'MMbxr` jMM. jMM. * 'MF \=====/ > > > > > > > > . * x, / .x/--\xxl ,xx . * ,gb ' v#' . . ' * .dMT 'q| |MM ' '"' .dM * dMM * ` |MM/dMg, qgg;+Ml qgg j/"`+ qMM-. qgg/dM#,w#Mb ,g'`fg, j/"`+ MMM .' |MM MM| |MM` " |MM MMbx/ |MM |MM |M| MM `p'. M| MMbx/ 'MMl + . |MM MM| |MM . |MM .`vMMl |MM |MM |M| MM ,',!.'| .`vMMl 'vMb...r/` jMM..MM|. jMM. + jMM. +,.,P' 'MMx: jMM..dM|..MM, M j't | +,.,P' "" .' * . * <=-=:: -=-> . ' ------------------------------------------!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 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'-------' ___ _______(_@_)_______ | POLICE BOX | |_________________| | _____ | _____ | | |###| | |###| | | |###| | |###| | | _____ | _____ | | || || | || || | | ||_|| | ||_|| | | _____ |$_____ | | || || | || || | | ||_|| | ||_|| | | _____ | _____ | | || || | || || | | ||_|| | ||_|| | | | | ***************** ************************ ******************************** **************************************** ************************************************ ************************************************** **************************************************** ********************** B O O M *********************** ****************************************************** **************************************************** ********************\\\\\/////******************** *************** |||||||| *************** ************* |||||||| ************* ********** |||||||| ********** |||||||| |||||||| |||||||| |||||||| /////\\\\\ <<<#$*#%$^#$*#$#%$#%^|$|(( ))$$|%&#@'%'%$%$|'*$$'*>> ____ From: dabe@cs.umd.edu (Dabe "Dabe" Murphy) [What's in that ashtray?] ,,,,,, ,,' ,,,, `,, `,,,' `,,,' `,( * * ),' `,/ ) \,' ._ `,( `==' ),' .` < `.,`-.__.-',.' ;\ .` xXX--<____>--._ ,;;;>` ,' XXX `.,;;;;' / XXX ,;;;;' /\ , XXX ,;;;;: / \_/: XXX ,;;;;'-: / / ( XXX ),:\\;: : )) ( < :`,' (,;;\\ \) : (( \ \_;' ,;;;;' \ ; ____)) `. \ ,;;;;'(_,.\__,' <____}______ `_ \:;;;' \: \ / \`. `. ,o---'`. `------' \ `._,',' : `. |\ ,' \/ | \ `-' ( / ____ From: Purdie@zeus.usq.edu.au (Red Phoenix) [If this isn't from a BBS login screen, it should be. I mean, I want to start a board just to use it. I actually tried to get someone to use it on their board.] oooo$$$$$$$$$$$$oooo oo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o oo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o o$ $$ o$ o $ oo o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o $$ $$ $$o$ oo $ $ "$ o$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$o $$$o$$o$ "$$$$$$o$ o$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$o $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ """$$$ "$$$""""$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ "$$$ $$$ o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ "$$$o o$$" $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$o $$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" "$$$$$$ooooo$$$$o o$$$oooo$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$"$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$"""""""" """" $$$$ "$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$" o$$$ "$$$o """$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$"$$" $$$ $$$o "$$""$$$$$$"""" o$$$ $$$$o oo o$$$" "$$$$o o$$$$$$o"$$$$o o$$$$ "$$$$$oo ""$$$$o$$$$$o o$$$$"" ""$$$$$oooo "$$$o$$$$$$$$$""" ""$$$$$$$oo $$$$$$$$$$ """"$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$" "$$$"""" ____ From: boba@gagme.wwa.com [Here's a reversed version of the above tongue wagger.] MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM''MMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM M' MMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM^^^^^^^^^MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM M MM"'MM MMMMM'"M' MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMV' ^"MMMMMMMMMM. 'MM M M' .MM MMM'M :M ;MV MMMMMMMMMM' ^MMMMMMMMMM. ": M .! .MMM MM; M M :M' AMMMMMMV' "MMMMMMMMM. .'''. AMMMM MMM ; ; M: MMMMMM' ^MMMMMMM' MMMMM MMM. ; . M AMMMMV @@ @@ ^MMMM"" ' '. .MMMMM MMMM . MMMMMV @''@ @''@ ^: .. ; .MMMMMM MMM '"@" MMMMV @@ @@ MMMMMM.' MMMMMMM MMM. ; ' ^MMMMMM. MMMMMMM MMMM..'. .MM' MMMMMMM VMMMMM MMMMM AMMMMMV ^MMMMMM. MMMMM MMMM' MMMMMM: . . .. MMMMMMM MMMM MMMM MMMMMM: @@. .' @@ : ^MMMM. MMM MMM' MMM''': :@: `. .' ..@@@ : .MM MMV '' : '@@@@: `. .' .@@@@@ ........./MMMMMM MM : @@@@@. .` . .' . .@@@@@' MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MM:..........: ^@@@@@@@. `. - - - . '. .@@@@@@@@ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMM ^@@@@@@@@@@@@. ! .@@@@@@@@@@@@ MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ^@@@@@@@@@@@@@...@@'..@@@@@@@@@@@@' AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA ^@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA @@@@@@@@@@@@"'O'OOOO'@@@@@@@' .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA ^@@@@@@@VOOOOOOO.OOO @@@V AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA ^@@@@OOOOOOOOO.OOO@' .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA @@@@.OOOOO.OO .AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA. OOOOO OOOO .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMA.. OOOOOOOOOOO;MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM;OOOOOOOOOO.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM OOOOOOO.MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMwwwMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM ____ From: u7814040@cc.nctu.edu.tw (Ming-Chih Hsieh) /^\/^\ _|__| O| \/ /~ \_/ \ \____|__________/ \ \_______ \ `\ \ \ | | \ / / \ / / \\ / / \ \ / / \ \ / / _----_ \ \ / / _-~ ~-_ | | ( ( _-~ _--_ ~-_ _/ | \ ~-____-~ _-~ ~-_ ~-_-~ / ~-_ _-~ ~-_ _-~ ~--______-~ ~-___-~ ____ From: oxm2@po.CWRU.Edu (Omar Musa) + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- + | .... .... . | | '|. . |' ... ... ... .||.. ... ... .. | | '|. ||. |' || ||' | || .| |. ||' ' | | '|.|''|.|' || || | || ||''''' || | | '|' '|' .||. .||. .|. '|.. '....' .||. | | | | ... . ... | | .| ' ... .||.. || ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ..' | | || ' |. || ||' | .| |. ||' ' || ||' | .| .|' | | || '|| .|'''|| || || | ||''''' || || || | |'' | | '...' '...'|. '|.. .||. .|. '....' .||. .||. .||. .|. .'''| | | '|...' | | | . .. .. ... ____ | | _(_)_ | .|| .| |. .| |. ' |. | | | | | | /^\ || '..|| '..|| ''. /\ | o | | | | | / \ || |' |' || | | | o | | | | |/ \ .||. .|' .|' '|...|' __ | +-| o | | | | | ) | | _| | | | +--| |\ /---- ---| |_| |-+ | | | |^| |^| |^| oooo | | | |__(^)__| |_| |_| |______ _____________________| | | | + -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -omaq -- + ____ From: bcr@bohr^physics^purdue^edu (Bill C. Riemers) [I confess to madifying it a little. Sorry Bill, if you're the artist.] ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ____ From: RGINZBERG@eagle.wesleyan.edu (Ruth Ginzberg) [This is from a big posting by Ruth. If you email her, maybe she can send you the whole thing.] ********************************************************************* * -----------------------------/ ^^^^^^^ \ * * / | | * * | | * * / | ) | ||\__/ @ \__/ * * \/ \ / /----------\______/ \ // '-' * ******************** ||=|= ||=|= ********** _ _ /(. .)\ ) (*)____/| / | / |--\ | (_)(_) (_) [I won't comment on this next one. Shame on you, Ruth. This is a family archive. (And don't say "yeah, for the Addams Family.")] __ __/o \_ \____ \ / \ //\ \ __/o \-//--\ \_/ \____ ___ \ | || \ |\ | _|| _||_|| __ / \ / ..|\ (_\ |_) / \@' / \ _ / ` | \\/ \ | _\ \ /_ || \\_ \____)|_) \_) /^-^\ /^-----^\ / o o \ V o o V / Y \ | Y | V \ v / V \ Q / / - \ / - \ / | | \ ( / | | \ ) ===/___) || || (___\==== Noodles Ralph _____^_(smart bump) | | \ \ / ^ | / \_/ 0 \ / \ / ____ 0 / / \___ _/ The Akitas /\___/\ / /\___/\ | <| |>/ \ \ | <| |> | (_o/\___/\ / ___ ___ JD / \) /\o o/\ Bichon /\o o/\ Addie | <| |> | \//o\\/ Frises \//o\\/ Sumo \ / Peachie Bucky (_o_) Razza - a mix Cocoa - a mix of Lab and of Rottie and / \__ Chow /^ ^\ Shepard ( @\___ / 0 0 \ / O V\ Y /V / (_____/ / - \ /_____/ U / | V__) || "Sir Moose Von Paige, CD, CGC aka "Moose" - German Shorthair Pointer" ___ __/ / \ | |/\ |_--\ \ /- \ \-___________/ / \ : | : | ___ \ ) \| __/ \__/ \__/\/\/ \__,--' .-~~~-, ( ) ( ) -^x^- ( ) /~ ~\ ( ) | | ( ) | | ( ) | __ _, (~~~~-( ) /\/\ (. ).) `_'_', ( ) C __) (.( .)-( ) | /~~~ \ (_ ( ) / \ ~====' /_____/` D)}} /`-_ `---' \ |}} .__|~-/^\-~|_/_ |^^^^^^^|| |}} __. ||/.\ | |OooooO}} \ ---. \ | | \ _- ,`_'_' .~\ \|__ __|-____ / )} < -(. ).) \ ( .\ (. ) \(_/ )} ~- _) \_- ooo @ (_) @ \(_//.} / /_C (-.____) /((O)/ \ ._/\~_.} / |_\ / / /\\\\`-----'' _|o< |__ | \ooooO ( \ \\ \\___/ \ `_'_', / \ \__-| \ `)\\-^\\ ^--. /_(.(.)- _\ \ \ ) |-`--.`--=\-\ /-//_ ' ( c D\ \_\_) |-___/ / \ V /.~ \/\\\ (@)___/ ~| / | / | |. /`\\_/\/ / / | ( C`-'` / | \/ (/ / /_________- \ `C__-~ | / (/ / | | | \__________| \ (/ ____ From: sol@chopin.udel.edu (Richard Dah Sun) [Don't ask me what it mean.] ### #################### #### #################### #### ## # ############## ############# ############### ########### ### ### ###### ############## ###### ############## ####### ## ## ######### ### ########################### #### #### #### ############################ ### #### #### #### #### ##### ### #### #### #### ##### #### ########################### #### ########################### #### #### #### ##### #### #### #### ##### #### ########################### #### ########################### ## ## #### ____ From: aberr@magritte.its.rpi.edu (R. Elizabeth A.) __/\__ \ / |/\| "( )&& ( )""""& &&&&&( )"" &&&( )""""& """"&&&&&( )&& &&&"""""""&&( ) ( )&&&&&&&&&&""""" &&&&&( )"""""&&&( )& ( )&&""""""&&( )&&&&&&&&& """"""( )&&&&&&( )&&&&( )& ( )&&&"""""""""&&&&&&&( )&& &&&&&( )&&&&&&&&"""""""&&&&&( ) /\___/\ &( )&&&&&&&&( )&&&&&&&"""&&&&&& | o o | )&&&&&( )&&&&""""""___\|/___&&&&&& __\_^_/__ ___\|/___ &&&&& | ||| |&""&&& (__/ \__)| ||| | __\|/__||| _|___\|/_____ _| . |_ |___|||___| |__|||__|||_| ||| | (__\___/__) |_____|||_____| &&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&& &&&&& &&&&& &&&&& &&&&____ __ ____&&&& &&| _|__|_ |&& &&---/ /\ \---&& &&| |&&| |&& |_| |_| | | /\ |~~\ |~~\ \_/ |__| |__| |__/ |__/ | | | | | | | | | | /~~\ | | |~~\ /\ \_/ /~~ |__| | | | | | | |__| | \--\ | | \__/ |__ | |__/ | | | __/ ____ From: Nveilleu@emr1.emr.ca (Normand Veilleux) [The subject line said 'Nude Santa'] "Just kidding folks! I have come across a very nice picture of Santa recently. It was used on an announcement of a Christmas party of some sort. Unfortunately, the picture itself was about 1 inch wide by 2 inches tall and richly detailed. It was impossible to draw it that size. So, I used a photocopier and enlarged the picture 4 times at 150% each time. This gave me a full page Santa. Now this I could at least try to draw. It took me about 10 hours of work to complete it. The details are just unreal, but then so is Santa! So, here is my first full page creation starting from scratch and without using a scanner or any other equipment other than my PC. You may do with it what you please, but I would greatly appreciate if you would leave the credits. Thanks." 88888888, 8888888888888888 ,8:::::;8 8 " / " / " / "8 8::::::8' _,a 8" / " / " / " 8 ,8:::::;8 __.aaddPPP8a 8 / " / " / " /8gggggg8::::::8' .adP""'::;;;;;::b8/ " / " / " / 8 \ \ \8:::::;8aa, 8:::::::::::::::8 " / " / " / "8\ \ \8::::::8\ \"Pb, `8::::aP""""b,::8" / " / " / " 8 \ \,8:::::;8 \ \ \"Pb `8::8' ,P::8 /," / " / " /8\ \ 8::::::8'\ \ \ \ "8, '8:"8, ,d"::8gggggmddd8888b8bbmm8;::::;8\ \ \ \ \ \8 ,aadd888888888888PPP"""''' `""8ba;8\ \ \ \ \ \8' ,adP"""""""8888888888 .,aggmdddd88888bbma,. ""8a\ \ \ \ \,8 ,dP' "88888g8PP"''' ``""8ba, "8a,\ \ \ 8' aP' "*8" 8 ""8a, "8a\ \ \8 aP' ,add8888bbm, 8, 8 8, "8a, "8b \8' a8'.8"' `8b "8 8, "8 "8b, "ba8 8'.8'a88a a88a `8b, 8 "8, ,d8b, ,d8 "8b "88 8,8" __ ____ `Pb, .d8 "8mmP" "8mmmmP" "8. 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"88888' (88888" ]b "888888888P" I8"" ,i8P Normand `"""""" `I888888P" Veilleux `""" ____ From: Purdie@zeus.usq.edu.au (Red Phoenix) ____ __.---""---.__ ____ /####\/ \/####\ ( /\ ) ( /\ ) \____/ \____/ __/ \__ .-" . . "-. | | \.._ _../ | | \ \ \."-.__________.-"./ / / \ \ "--.________.--" / / ___\ \_ _/ /___ ./ ))))) ((((( \. \ / \ \_ _/ / \ \____/""-.____.-""\____/ / \ \ / / \. .| |. ./ ." / | \ / | \ ". ." / | \ / | \ ". /.-./.--.|.--.\ /.--.|.--.\.-.| ******* ****** ** ** ** ** ******** ****** ** **** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** **** ******** ***** ** ** ** ** ******* ***** ** ******** ** ** ** ** ** ******** **** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****** ***** ** ** ** ** ** ** ****** ***** ** ** ** ** |\ /| ___| \,,/_/ ---__/ \/ \ __--/ (D) \ _ -/ (_ \ // / \_ / -\ __-------_____--___--/ / \_ O o) / / \__/ / / || ) \_/\ || / _ / | | | /--______ ___\ /\ : | / __- - _/ ------ | | \ \ | - - / | | \ ) | | - | | ) | | | | | | | | | | | | < | | | |_/ < | /__\ < \ /__\ /___\ *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug**Hug**Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug**Hug**Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug**Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* *Hug* [This next one is pretty neat. Check out this fancy chicken :-)] o o% // -="~\ ~\\\ \\\ \\\ );\ /|;;\ """;;;;;;;\ ///"""""""";;;;;;\ ___////+++++""""""""""""";;;@@\ __________///////++++++++++++++""""""""@@@@%) ....__/0)///0)//0)//0)/++////////++++++++++"""@@@%%%%%/ ..---0)/--------////////////////+++++++/////+++++@@%%%%%%%/ ..///---0)---0)///0)//0)///0)/////////+++++====@%%%%%%/ ...0)....//----///------////////////+++++///" \/\\// //../0)--0)///0)///0)///0)//++++///// / \/ --///--------///////////+++///// _/ / .-//..0).-/0)--0)--0)--0)--.. /\ / .......--/////////. /\_ .0)..0).. ____ From: s1171180@giaeb.cc.monash.edu.au (Rowan Crawford) "This one is another case of doing something but not really knowing what it is. It's a bird, that bits for sure anyway:" . . !\ _ l\/ ( /(_ _ \`--" _/ . \~") (_,/) _)/. ,\,/ _____,-"~ \ / "~"-._____ ,-~" "~-. . " . ,-~" "~-. ,^ ^. `. .' ,^ ^. / \ ^ / \ Y___________________Y Y___________________Y | |^~"|^ _ ^|"~^| | | |"~"|^ _ ^|"~"| | | ! l (_) ! ! l | ! l (_) ! ! | l \ `\.___,/' / ! l \ `\.___,/' / ! \ ^. ,^ /! !\ ^. ,^ / ^. ~-------~ ,^\`v-v'/^. ~-------~ ,^ _)~-._______,-~ }---{ ~-._______,-~(_ .--"~ ,-^7' / \ `Y^-, ~"--. / (_,/ ,/' `\. \._) ___ \ \_____.,--"~~~"--..,__ ___,..--<"~ ~"-.,___/ / ( __,--~ _.._""~~~~"" ,-" "-.`\ /~.-" `._"--~_,.--"~ \ / \ `---' / "~"" \ / "-.__,/ `L ]' l ! j___L -Row (_____) | | ____ From: jorn@Notwerk.mcs.com (Jorn Barger) [The following are a few samples from an almost 32 K file. If you email Jorn, maybe he can send the whole thing to you.] __|__ DC-6 by Dave Goodman --@--@--(_)--@--@-- generic bomber __|__ by David Goodman --o--o--(_)--o--o-- Generic 4 engine Jet __|__ variation by Paul Tomblin --------(_)-------- ab401@freenet.carleton.ca O O O O by Francis Jambon __|__ Francis.Jambon@imag.imag.fr *---o--(_)--o---* 727 from KANNO HIDEO _ .--- kanno@tansei.cc.u-tokyo.ac.jp _________/ |__--'@/ (__PAN AM/__|__===-~ Rob Logan -----|----- rob@sun.soe.clarkson.edu *>=====[_]L) -'-`- _ [from:] , _.o..__ / \ Stephen_Pennypacker@vos.stratus.com +********=++-' ` o/ /------------------------\ |~~\_____/~~\__ | | By: Wil Dixon |______________ \______====== )-+ | wildixon@uiuc.edu | ~~~|/~~ | \------------------------/ () __ \ \ _ _ from: \**\ ___\/ \ Stephen_Pennypacker@vos.stratus.com X*#####*+^^\_\ o/\ \ \__\ _________________________ _____ | \ \ U \__ _____ | by Keith Barr \__________\ \/_______\___\_____________ | barr@ncar.ucar.edu / < /_/ ..................... `-. |_________________________/ `-----------,----,--------------' _/____/ _________________________________ \ \ ___ ______ | \ Great Lakes 2T-1A \ / \___-=0`/|0`/__| \ by Brad Leftwich \_______\ / | / ) / LEFTWICH@INDIANA.EDU / `/-==__ _/__|/__=-| / / * \ | | /_________________________________/ (o) ____ From: boba@gagme.wwa.com (The Scarecrow) [Speaking of flying machines, I clipped these somewhere. And if you're into airplanes, there's more to come below.] ---------------+--------------- ___ /^^[___ _ /|^+----+ |#___________// ( -+ |____| ______-----+/ ==_________--' \ ~_|___|__ ___ \\ \ \\ `\ ___ \\ \ | \ \\ `\ |_____\ \ \ |______\ \ `\ | \ \ \ | __\__---------------------------------._. __|---~~~__o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_o_[][\__ |___ /~ ) \__ ~~~---..._______________/ ,/_________________/ / / / ,/ / / / ,/ / / // ,/ // / // ,/ //_/ ____ From: little@berlioz.nsc.com (Thomas Little) o x o x o x o . . . o _____ _______________ ___=====__T___ .][__n_n_|DD[ ====_____ | |.\/.| | | |_| |_ >(________|__|_[_________]_|____|_/\_|___|_|___________|_| _/oo OOOOO oo` ooo ooo o^o o^o o^o o^o -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- ____ From: cyberfox@netcom.com (Keely) | \\\\ || \\\\\ || \\\\ || \\\\ \\\\\ || \\\ \\\\\\\\\ || __ __\\\__ \\\\\\\|\ \\\\|| / | / \ \\\\\\\\|\\ ___||_ / | | / \ \\\\\\\\_ \ o \____ __/ /| |/ \ \\\\\\\\\/ \ |__L/ |________ \ \\\\\\\/ \____/-----/ __/ /\ \ \\\\\/ / |__L/ \ \ \ \\\/ / / \ \ \_ \/ / / \ \ / / / \ \/ / / \ | / / \| / | | / \ |____/| \ | \ | \ | \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_\ \_\ | \ | \ \\| \\| \| \| ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ///// ////// //// ///// // // ////// ////// //////// ////// // // // // // // // // // // // // // // /// // // // ///// // // // // // // ///// // // // // // // // // // // // // // ///// // //// // // // // ////// // // // ////// Here are two stories told with ascii art. They are created by the talented Chevalier. He took some ascii art, and some stories, and presto! Absolutely nothing to it. :-) If you come across any picture stories, send them to: boba@gagme.wwa.com ______________________________________________________________________________ ____ From: aps-1022@khijol.yggdrasil.com "Hello to everyone! I would like to thank everyone that sent me lotsa cooool neat ascii-art and especially Ric (thanks ric!) I now have an impressive classified bank of ascii-art pictures. The reason i actually stock those bank of ascii-art is that not only am i a really POOR designer for those art, but i am also a writer of child stories and poetry that i send to some newsgroup for childrens and other newsgroup where those little story are REALLY making a difference. It brings smiles in the heart of many peoples! I though i would share with you all the first illustrated story i sent to the different newsgroup, just to show a bit why i was asking for people to send me ascii art. Again, thanks! What follow is the exact illustrated story i sent a few days ago!:) Chevalier" [The story begins...] ,,, (o o) ---------------------------oOOo-(_)-oOOo---------------------------------------- The Mouse-King - Quest for a wedding :) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- o _---| _ _ _ _ _ o ---| o ]-I-I-I-[ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---| | _---| \ ` ' / "A lonnng long time ago, ]-I-I-I-I-[ ---| | ---| |. | in a very old castle, a \ ` '_/ | / \ | | /^\| king was dealing with a big [*] __| ^ / ^ \ ^ | |*|| problem. His daughter, the |__ ,| / \ / `\ / \ | ===| most wonderful, sweet, ___| ___ ,|__ / /=_=_=_=\ \ |, _| bright, gentle, coura- I_I__I_I__I_I (====(_________)___|_|____|____ geous and beautiful mouse \-\--|-|--/-/ | I [ ]__I I_I__|____I_I_| of the Kingdom -- was now |[] '| | [] |`__ . [ \-\--|-|--/-/ in age of beeing married, |. | |' |___|_____I___|___I___|---------| and the King wanted to / \| [] .|_|-|_|-|-|_|-|_|-|_|-| [] [] | find the most perfect <===> | .|-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-| | / \ and worthy husband for ] []|` [] ||.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.|.||- <===> her. He wanted to marry ] []| ` | |/////////\\\\\\\\\\.||__. | |[] [ her to someone special <===> ' ||||| | | | ||||.|| [] <===> to someone strong and \T/ | |-- ||||| | O | O | ||||.|| . |' \T/ powerful. In fact, he | . _||||| | | | ||||.|| | | | decided he would marry ../|' v . | .|||||/____|____\|||| /|. . | . ./ her to the *MOST* power- |//\............/...........\........../../\\\ ful beeing on Earth." "At this time, my little one, you have to understand that a princess couldnt choose herself who she wanted to marry. This would cause many princess to have a very sad life, and thankfully today, we can marry who we want! :) So the princess mouse was very sad, for she knew that she had to marry the one her father would decide, and she loved secretly a prince-mouse that lived on another kingdom. " . . | . / "-- Surly, said the king to himself one \ ... ... | ... / night he couldnt sleep because he was ...\...........|..... /...... thinking about all that, surly the ......\... * *../............ SUN is the MOST *powerful* beeing .......... ______________*_____......... on all Earth! I shall meet him ....... (____________________>... tomorrow and ask him to marry my - - - - - - - (o o) - - - - - - - - daughter. " ....* \ *..... ......... ,____~ .......... "The day after, he took a big ...../.* .*...... breakfast and then, he clim the / ......* *..... \ tallest tower of his castle (the one / ........... ..........\ that sratches the heavens with its / ... . ..... |........... \ weather-vane) and met the Sun from / .. ... | ... ... \ the tallest window: " . . | . . \ | " --Oh Sun, Sun! You that are | the most *powerful* beeing of all Earth! Would you marry my daughter, who is the most wonderful, sweet, bright, gentle, courageous and beautiful mouse of the Kingdom? --I would be glad to do so, responded the Sun, but alas! I am not the most powerfull beeing on Earth... look, look in the sky! Do you see the clouds? When they comes in front of me, they block my rays and stop my warmth... they surly are more powerful than me!" "The King was very persistant, and decided to keep his hopes high. The day after, after eating a strong breakfast, he climb the highest mountain on the Kingdom, and met with the clouds:" "--Oh Coulds, Clouds! You that are more ( ( ) powerfull than the Sun, who is the most ( ( powerfull beeing on all Earth! Would you ( ( ) marry my daughter, who is the most (_ ( ) wonderful, sweet, bright, gentle, ( ( ) courageous and beautiful mouse of the ^^^/^^^^/^^^^^^^^^^^ Kingdom? / /__ \__ / ? / /__ \ ( )( )________ /__ / /00 \ _ / / O_\\--mm---mm /_______) / / \/ "--I would be glad to do so, answered the Clouds... but Alas! there is someone who is more powerfull than me... look, look! Do you feel the wind? When he blows, strongly, he pushes us far away and we cant do anything about it! He certainly would be the one worthy of your daughter." "The king did not desesperate, and decided the next day, after a big strong breakfast, to meet with the Wind." . . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . * "He travelled far far away, in a land . ____ . . . where only ice, montain, coldness and wind >> . . lives and play music all the time . . /WWWI; \ . . . ____ between the stars." . * /WWWWII; \=====; . /WI; \ * . /\_ . . /WWWWWII;.. \_ . ___/WI;:. \ . _/M; \ . . . /WWWWWIIIIi;.. \__/WWWIIII:.. \____ . . /MMI: \ * . . _/WWWWWIIIi;;;:...: ;\WWWWWWIIIII;. \ /MMWII; \ . . . /WWWWWIWIiii;;;.:.. : ;\WWWWWIII;;;:: \___/MMWIIII; \ . /WWWWWIIIIiii;;::.... : ;|WWWWWWII;;::.: :;IMWIIIII;: \___ * /WWWWWWWWWIIIIIWIIii;;::;..;\WWWWWWIII;;;:::... ;IMIII;; :: \ . WWWWWWWWWIIIIIIIIIii;;::.;..;\WWWWWWWWIIIII;;.. :;IMIII;::: : \ WWWWWWWWWWWWWIIIIIIii;;::..;..;\WWWWWWWWIIII;::; :::::::::.....:: \ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%XXXXXXX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%XXXXXXXXXX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%XXXXXXXXXXXXX %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX "--Oh Wind, Wind! You that are more powerfull than the clouds, who are more powerfull than the Sun, who is the most powerfull beeing on all Earth! Would you marry my daughter, who is the most wonderful, sweet, bright, gentle, courageous and beautiful mouse on the Kingdom? --I would be glad to do so... but alas! I am not that powerfull... when you will travel back to your land, you will surly see this old tower on the castle on the castle of the neighbour Kingdom... for centuries and centuries I have vainly blowed on him.. and never would he mouve! This old tower is surly more powerful than I." "The King decided to go see this tower and ask him to marry his daughter, since it was right on his way back to home:" "--Oh tower, Tower! You that are more |>>> powerful than the wind, who is more | powerful than the clouds, who are more _ _|_ _ powerful than the Sun, who is the MOST |;|_|;|_|;| powerful beeing on Earth! Would you \\. . / marry my daughter, who is the most \\: . / wonderful, sweet, bright, gentle, ||: | courageous and beautiful mouse on my ||:. | kingdom? " ||: .| ||: | \,/ ||: , | /`\ ||: | ||: . | __ _||_ | ____--`~ '--~~__ __ ----~ ~`---, ___ -~--~ ~---__ ,--~' ~~----_____-~' `~----~~ "--I would be glad to do so, but alas! I am not that powerfull... look, look! here in my undergrounds, a prince mouse has made hundred of holes in me, and never, never have i been able to stop him to do so! Surly he is more powerful than I am." "The King was very desesperate by that time... he decided to make a last attempt and walked in the labyriths of path and holes of the undergrounds of the tower to find the prince mouse. After a few times, he met him:" "--Oh Mr the prince Mouse.. You that are more powerful than the Tower, who is more powerful himself than the Wind, who is more powerful than the clouds, who is more powerful than the Sun, who is the most powerful beeing on Earth! Would you marry my daughter.. who is the most wonderful, sweet, bright, gentle courageous and beautiful mouse on my Kingdom?" ( )_( ) "And since Mr prince mouse was in love with the ( )_( ) / \. ./ \ King's daughter too, he answered "yes:)" and the \. ./ / __=.=__ \ two mouses married each other, were happy like __=.=__ \_ m " m _/ no other royal couple have ever been, and had " many, many many, many children." ,,, (o o) ---------------------------oOOo-(_)-oOOo-------------------------------------- [Did you like it? Yes? You want another? OK, Chevalier did another...] "There is another of my illustrated story i just finished.. :) including nice ascii art comming from lots people there (THANKS TO ALL!) that sent it to me... thnaks again :) Chevalier" ,,, (o o) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- This story, my little one, happens in a pine-tree forest, @ named by its inhabitants, the Ever-Green foest. This *|* Forest, as your probably know, my little one, was called @\|/* "Ever-Green" because the pine trees never loose their *\**|*@/* leaves, even in the Fall, and so this forest was @*\**\|/***/@ always, always green. **\**|**/** *\**@\|/**@/* /|_ @\***\**|**/***/ / |_ *\@**\|/***/* Every day, when the sun was / / ***@*\**|**/*@*** high in the sky, the Mail / > @********\|/*@******@ bird (a beautiful blue ( > _|_ tailed bird with large / / wings) was running from / / Every day, the mail-bird was pine to pine, singing / / talking to each of the inhabitant, the news for the _/ \_____ asking them: "Do you have any news? other inhabitants /- | is there something new to say to of the forest, / /-\ / someone?" then after a while, / / \--/ as each day, he / / would leave to / / One day, it would be (\ go sing the news ( > the rabbit family, \\__/(\ in the next / > having a new bunny Q Q \) forest. / _| children. The bird =(_T_)= / __/ would then sing high /_/ and clear in the pine forest: "Rejoice! Mr and Ms rabbit just haave had a 17th children!" Another day, it would be a caterpillar /_\ Y that suddenly decided it was time 7 // \\ ( ) to change a bit and transformed into a \// \\_// beautiful, colorful, //\ /\\ and delicate butterfly. The Mail bird would then sing || * \ . . / * || in all the neighborhood forests: "Mr Caterpillar is now \\____\X/____// a Butterfly! Mr Caterpillar is now a Butterfly!" / * /O\ * \ And every inhabitant would hear the beautiful voice of \__/ " \__/ the mail bird, and would rejoice and applause. _ But of course, the news weren't always happy, my little one. __( )__ Sometime, the newsbird was softly singing, with sad notes (__>O<__) in his voice, the death of a flower in the grass of a nearby (_) forest, or the lost of petals of a rose in a garden not far. | Every news was known to the newsbird, because he flies very | fast everywhere. Many of the news didn't concerned the ///\_ inhabitant of the EverGreen forest, though, since the newsbird was giving the news to several forests. _-_ One day, the newsbird sang very sad news to the /~~ ~~\ inhabitant of the Evergreen forest. /~~ ~~\ "Today is dead one of the leaves family of the { } Maple forest... they desperatly tried to resist, \ _- -_ / and in their beautiful effort, they turned yellow and ~ \\ // ~~ even red! But they still have fallen from their tree | | and they are dead now. Every inhabitant is invited | | at their funerals.. they will be burried with respect // \\ and love in the next forest: the Maple-Forest!" @ _________ Hearing those news, many of the animals of \____ / \ the Evergreen forest were veery sad, but / \ / ____ \ mostly, they were very curious. What? How \_ \ / / \ \ can a leave become red and fall and die? \ \ ( \__/ ) ) It never happened, in their forest! A couple of \ \_\ \______/ / spouse snails, especially, were very very sad \ \ /___ and also, very amazed by those news,and asked the \______\_________/____"-_ newsbird a few questions: "-- How come a Leave can turn yellow? and red? And how come can it die, falling out from its tree? it never happens, here in the EverGreen Forest! isnt it always the same everywhere?" "-- No, no, answered the newsbird. There is many other forest than yours! In the Maple-Forest, trees let their leaves die in Fall and its very sad, but very beautiful and colorful... /\ o-/\ Will you come to the funerals and pay a last repect to the ///\|/\\\ poor Leaves family?" / /|\ \ "--Is it far from here?, asked the wife snails, for they knew they were very slow, and though they hold their house on their back, like turtles, the wife wanted to be sure they would be back for dinner." "-- Oh no! only a few minutes straight ahead from here.. you cant miss it, its like a raimbow of orange, yellow and red leaves everywhere!" The two spouse snails decided to go to the ___ funerals. They walked.. and walked.. and // __`\ o o ~ walked for a long long time. They were soon ll ( .) l_) ) ` very tired of walking, and exhausted. __\\ \__/ / ___________________________________________/_/________/^^ /^\_ _/| "--Is the oak-Forest still far from here? they | \ __ ___/ / would ask a bird every day, during their trip." \_ > _/ \__ __/ "--Oh no! would answer the bird! Continue straight / _/ forward, you cant miss it! It's only a few minutes /___/\ \ ahead! keep going!" m m ( ( ) And so snails continued to walk and ( ( ) ) walk for days and nights. The wife-snail already realized ( ( ) they wouldnt be back for dinner: indeed they often had to ( / ) stop to eat on the road, before continuing their trip -- ( ( \\ ) but since the snails, as you know my little one, always ( | // ) travel with their house on their back, they weren't too much | | bothered about their slowness, and so they walked for a long, | | long time. Eventually, after a long long time, they arrived | | in the Maple-forest. But They were very suprised. It wasnt | | red and yellow at all! it was beautiful, and sunny, and green! | | Beautiful trees like they never saw before were there, and ``'------- their leaves were splendid and full of life! | They were stunned, and looked ridiculous, here |.| in this beautiful green and living forest, with |.| their black mourning shells and the morning crepe |\./| on their horn... |\./| . |\./| . "--Why are you in mourning? asked \^.\ |\\.//| /.^/ one of the beautiful green Leaves, on \--.|\ |\\.//| /|.--/ a tree. You both seem so sad!!" \--.| \ |\\.//| / |.--/ \---.|\ |\./| /|.---/ "--We came here for the funerals of a \--.|\ |\./| /|.--/ dead leave, answered the snail spouses. \ .\ |.| /. / The newsbird told us we were invited!" _ -_^_^_^_- \ \\ // / -_^_^_^_- _ The two snails were very disapointed. - -/_/_/- ^ ^ | ^ ^ -\_\_\- - But then the sun talked to them: | | "--Dont be sad! It's Summer, now! All the leaves are restored to life! Laugh! and stay here for a while, enjoy the feast and take some vacations!" The sun was warming all the forest, and all the o o animals laughed, and singed, and everyone was so \_____/ happy that the two snails soon started to laugh /=O=O=\ _______ too, and decided to join the summer life. / ^ \ /\\\\\\\\ they painted their shell in beautiful sunset \ \___/ / /\ ___ \ colors, and removed their black mourning crepe \_ V _/ /\ /\\\\ \ and soon, they were laughing and playing with the \ \__/\ /\ @_/ / other inhabitants of the Maple-Forest. \____\____\______/ Then later, they started their trip home, and who knows, my little one? maybe was it Fall again when they arrived? ,,, (o o) -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-oOOo-(_)-oOOo-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| END OF STORY TIME |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ____ From: youngpj@newton.ccs.tuns.ca (Peter James Young) "I got these from someone a while back in a large file of ASCII art." ____________ --)-----------|____________| / / -)------======== / _____ / \ \ / /____/ \ \ / / \ \__/_________/__ \ _ _| ^-- || | ________--------|_____________|\ - \----------- || - ============================ ______________ | - _____________________________| |' || |/ / |_____________| / / \ \ / / \ ___\ -)---------======== \ \____\ THE FORCE, LUKE, \ \ USE THE FORCE! \_________\_ --)-------------|___________| ____ From: tld@haley.NoSubdomain.NoDomain (Terry Davidson) [Some time after this wolf was posted, somebody asked for a bear. So I reposted the wolf again, and said I though it could also be seen as a bear.] _ / \ _-' _/| \-''- _ / __-' { | \ / \ / "o. |o } | \ ; ', \_ __\ ''-_ \.// / '-____' / _' _-' [See the following item for the next follow up.] ____ From: ian@cs.mcgill.ca (Ian Frederic STEWART) [The subject line of the post said 'Bears and scarecrows'.] "Scarecrow wrote: > Someone posted this and said it was a wolf. If they say so, but I > think it could also be seen as a bear. You decide, here it is: [Repost of my repost of the wolf.] The problem is, the nose is too long (snout), the ears are too pointy, the neck is too long and the eyes are too alert (bears' eyes tend to be mournful looking, don't you think?) So, I massacred the original to try and make something closer. See if you can see what I mean. And yes, I believe my "modification" is repulsive. It is an illustration of what I mean. Also, I couldn't get the eyes to look less attentive." __ __/~~\-''- _ | __- - { \ / \ / ;o o } | ; ' \_ (..) ''-_ _ _ / / / [Yeah, well, it sure does look more like a bear. It made your friend, ye olde Scarecrow look like a dummy. If I only had a brain.] ____ From: salvav@vccsouth08.its.rpi.edu (Vito Salvaggio) "Here's some stuff I found around the net. None of these is my own work. Authors unknown." Constitution Class: USS Enterprise NCC1701 __________________ __ \_________________|)____.---'--`---.____ || \----.________.----/ || / / `--' __||____/ /_ |___ \ `--------' Constitution Class: USS Enterprise NCC-1701 Refit/NCC-1701A ___________________ _-_ \==============_=_/ ____.---'---`---.____ \_ \ \----._________.----/ \ \ / / `-_-' __,--`.`-'..'-_ /____ || `--.____,-' Excelsior Class: USS Enterprise NCC-1701B _ _______________________ ________.--'-`--._____ |____==================_) \_'===================` _,--___.-|__|-.______|=====/ `---' `---------._ ~~~~~| `-._ - - - ,' \_____,-' Ambassador Class: USS Enterprise NCC1701-C ___________________ ____....-----....____ (________________LL_) ============================== ______\ \_______.--'. `---..._____...---' `-------..__ ` ,/ `-._ - - - | `-------' Galaxy Class: USS Enterprise NCC1701-D _____ __...---'-----`---...__ _=============================== ______________,/' `---..._______...---' (____________LL). . ,--' / /.---' `. / '--------_ - - - - _/ `~~~~~~~~' A concept for the Nova class starship, from pg 178 of the Tech Manual: _____ _____ ____ /-----`-----'--.--`---...____ _________/___/_______|_|==|===|=====|=====|===|===` (_________________LL<_) `---`-..__|__..-'---' ,/ /_------' . . ,--' _/ ( `./ '----------_ - - - _/ `~~~~~~~' ____ From: dcberner@host0.colby.edu (David Berner) "i got it on irc" /4 4\ /44 44\ /4444 4 4 4444\ /444444 4| |4 444444\ /4444444 4 .. 4 4444444\ /444444444 4444444444 444444444\ /44444444444 44~4444~44 44444444444\ /4444444444444 44 ~44~ 44 4444444444444\ |4444444444444 4444444444 4444444444444| |44444444444444\ /4444444444\ /44444444444444| |44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444| |44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444| |44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444| |44444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444444| \4444444444444--44444 444444444444 44444--4444444444444/ \44444444444 44444 4444444444 44444 44444444444/ \4444444444 444 44444444 444 4444444444/ \44444444 4 444444 4 44444444/ \444444 4444 444444/ \44444 44 44444/ \444 \/ 444/ \44 44/ \4 4/ ____ From: jgd@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (John G Dobnick) "The following looks best when you see a circle. You'll have to color it for yourself. I received this many years ago from someone at the University of Utah." [I can just see someone using it for a 'only pigs posts sigs' thing.] OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOO OOOOO OOOOOO OOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOO OOOOOO OOOOO * ******** OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO ** ************** OOOOO OOOOO OOOO *** *****************OOOOO OOOOO OOOOO **** ******************OOOOO OOOO OOOOO ************************OOOOO**** OOOOO OOOO ***********************OOOOO******* *** OOOO OOOOO **********************OOOOO********** * * OOOO OOOO * **** ***************OOOOO************* * * OOOO OOOO ** ***** **************OOOOO*************** * * OOOO OOOO *************************OOOOO****************** *** OOOO OOOO ************************OOOOO***************** **** OOOO OOOO **********************OOOOO******************* * OOOO OOOO ************ ********OOOOO******************* * OOOO OOOO ** ***** *******OOOOO******************* OOOO OOOO * *** ******OOOOO******************* OOOO OOOO * ******OOOOO******************* OOOO OOOO *****OOOOO******************* OOOO OOOO ****OOOOO******************* OOOO OOOO *OOOOO*** ********* OOOO OOOO OOOOO*** ***** OOOO OOOOO OOOOO**** **** OOOO OOOOO OOOOO **** **** OOOOO OOOOOO OOOOO **** **** OOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOOOO OOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOO The "No Pigs" OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO symbol is the un- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO official trademark of OOOOOOOOOOOO The First Church Of Murphy ____ From: jsloan@carson.u.washington.edu (Jim Sloan) "In article <2ejclv$ir4@news.doit.wisc.edu>, jean-yves sgro wrote: >A friend of mine requested a DNA double helix... I know it's >not really "fun" stuff... IF anybody as an idea please >post or e-mail or ftp or ...." 6098)o%:::%o(860 098)o%:::%o(8609 6o%:%o(86098) (86098)o 6098)o%::%o9 098)o%::::::%o9 6o%::::::%o(860 6o%::%o(8609 o(86098) (86098)o%:%o9 6098)o%:::%o(860 098)o%:::%o(8609 6o%:%o(86098) (86098)o 6098)o%::%o9 098)o%::::::%o9 6o%::::::%o(860 6o%::%o(8609 o(86098) (86098)o%:%o9 6098)o%:::%o(860 098)o%:::%o(8609 6o%:%o(86098) (86098)o 6098)o%::%o9 098)o%::::::%o9 6o%::::::%o(860 6o%::%o(8609 o(86098) (86098)o%:%o9 6098)o%:::%o(860 098)o%:::%o(8609 6o%:%o(86098) (86098)o 6098)o%::%o9 098)o%::::::%o9 6o%::::::%o(860 6o%::%o(8609 o(86098) (86098)o%:%o9 6098)o%:::%o(860 ____ From: jorn@Notwerk.mcs.com (Jorn Barger) () () () / () () () / ______________/___ \ / / \^^^^^^^^^^/^^^/ \ ___/ / \ ( ) / \ (___) / \ / / \ / \ / \/ || || || || || /\ /;;\ ============== / \ / \ / \ / \ (_____) (_____) | | _ _ _ | | | O |_| |_| |_| |_| O | |- | _ | - | | | - _^_ | | | _| //|\\ - | | | | ///|\\\ | -| |- |_ ||||||| | | | | ||||||| |- | |___|___|||||||___|___| ( ( \ \ ) ) | | ( ( \ \ /\ /\/\ /\ /\/\//\/\ /\/\//\/\/\ /\ /\/\//\/\/\/\\/\ /\/\//\/\/\/\/\\/\ __ |/\/\/\/\/\/\\/\ _-~~ ~~-_ /\/\/\/\/\/\/\\/\ __--~ __---__ ~--_||____||___||____________________________ __-~_----_ ~-_________||___||________ ____ __ _ _ _ _ __-~~ ~-__________||_________________________________ o . o . o . o . o . o o . . ___ _n_n_n____i_i ________ ______________ _++++++++++++++_ *>(____________I I______I I____________I I______________I /ooOOOO OOOOoo oo oooo oo oo ooo ooo ------------------------------------------------------------ OO O o o o... ______________________ _________________ O ____ | | | | ][_n_i_| ( ooo___ | | | | (__________|_[______]_|____________________|_|_______________| 0--0--0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 o o o o o o o . . . ______________________________ _____=======_||____ o _____ | | | | .][__n_n_|DD[ ====_____ | | | | >(________|__|_[_________]_|____________________________|_|_________________| _/oo OOOOO oo` ooo ooo 'o!o!o o!o!o` 'o!o o!o` -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- __/___ _____/______| _______/_____\_______\_____ \ < < < | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /|~~~ ///| /////| ///////| /////////| \==========|===/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ __|__ |___| |\ |o__| |___| | \ |___| |___| |o \ _|___| |___| |__o\ /...\_____|___|____\_/ \ o * o * * o o / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ /|\ /__| ) /____| )) /______| ))) /________| ))) _|____)) \======| o o / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I\ I \ I \ I*--\ I \ I \ I______\ _____I__O______ \ ( ) b ^ ^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ /|___ ///| )) /////| ))) ///////| ))) /////////| ))) ///////////| )))) /////////////| ))) //////////////| ))) ////////////////|___))) ______________|________ \ / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ____ From: swood@algol.acs.oakland.edu (Scott Wood) \ \ O, \___________\/ )_________/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ \ ____ From: Purdie@zeus.usq.edu.au (Red Phoenix) [Leigh just sent this over via email as I was finishing things up with this archive. So I just popped it in. I added the tail.] _ ___ /^^\ /^\ /^^\_ _ _@)@) \ ,,/ '` ~ `'~~ ', `\. _/o\_ _ _ _/~`.`...'~\ ./~~..,'`','',.,' ' ~: / `,'.~,~.~ . , . , ~|, ,/ .,' , ,. .. ,,. `, ~\_ ( ' _' _ '_` _ ' . , `\_/ .' ..' ' ` ` `.. `, \_ ~V~ V~ V~ V~ ~\ ` ' . ' , ' .,.,''`.,.''`.,.``. ', \_ _/\ /\ /\ /\_/, . ' , `_/~\_ .' .,. ,, , _/~\_ `. `. '., \_ < ~ ~ '~`'~'`, ., . `_: ::: \_ ' `_/ ::: \_ `.,' . ', \_ \ ' `_ '`_ _ ',/ _::_::_ \ _ _/ _::_::_ \ `.,'.,`., \-,-,-,_,_, `'~~ `'~~ `'~~ `'~~ \(_)(_)(_)/ `~~' \(_)(_)(_)/ ~'`\_.._,._,'_;_;_;_;_; ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ //// // // ////// /////// //// ////// ////// //// // // // // /// // // // // // // // // // // // /// // ////// // // // // // // // ////// // // // // // // // // // // /// // // // // // // // // // // // /// // // // // ////// // // // // // // ////// //// // // Here is an ascii art animation. If you have any animations, send them to: boba@gagme.wwa.com ______________________________________________________________________________ ____ From: boba@gagme.wwa.com (The Scarecrow) [I don't remember where these came from as I saved them to files without the sender's name. To view them, save each to a files, uudecode them, and on Unix systems, type 'cat filename.' On IBM systems, type 'type filename.' Both animations are of a gymnast.] [Here' the first.] begin 644 animation1 M&ULQ.S%(("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`*&ULR.S%(("`@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`*&ULS.S%(("`@("`@("`@("`@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`*&ULT.S%(("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@ M("`@("`@("`*&ULQ.S%("AM;,CLQ2"!?;PH;6S,[,4A?7WPM"AM;-#LQ2"`@ M(#X*&ULQ.S%("AM;,CLQ2"`@;R\@"AM;,SLQ2"`@?%]?"AM;-#LQ2"`@?"`@ M"AM;,3LQ2`H;6S([,4@@("`@("`@7&]?"AM;,SLQ2"`@("`@7U\O"AM;-#LQ M2"`@("`@("`^"AM;,3LV2`H;6S([-D@@("`@(`H;6S,[-D@@("`@(%Q?7R]O M"AM;-#LV2"`@("`@+R`@7`H;6S$[,3%("AM;,CLQ,4@@("`@("!<("\*&ULS M.S$Q2"`@("`@("!\"AM;-#LQ,4@@("`@("`O;UP*&ULQ.S$V2`H;6S([,39( M("`@("`@(%]?"AM;,SLQ-D@@("`@("`O"AM;-#LQ-D@@("`@(&]\"AM;,3LR M,4@@("`@(`H;6S([,C%(("`@("`@7U]O"AM;,SLR,4@@("`@("`@('P*&ULT M.S(Q2"`@("`@("`\/`H;6S$[,C9("AM;,CLR-D@@("`@?&\*&ULS.S(V2"`@ M("`O(`H;6S0[,C9(("`@?"`@"AM;,3LR-D@*&ULR.S(V2"`@("`@7%]?+V\* M&ULS.S(V2"`@("`@"AM;-#LR-D@@("`@(`H;6S$[,S%(("`@("`@("\*&ULR M.S,Q2"`@("`@('P*&ULS.S,Q2"`@("`@(&]<"AM;-#LS,4@*&ULQ.S,V2"`@ M("`@"AM;,CLS-D@@("`@(&]?7U]?"AM;,SLS-D@@("`@("\*&ULT.S,V2`H; M6S$[-#%("AM;,CLT,4@@("`@("!?;PH;6S,[-#%(("`@("`@("!<"AM;-#LT M,4@@("`@("`@/#P*&ULQ.S0V2`H;6S([-#9(("`@;R\@"AM;,SLT-D@@("!\ 1("`*&ULT.S0V2"`@/"!<(`HV ` end [Here's the second.] begin 644 animation2 M&ULQ.S%(("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`*&ULR.S%(("`@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`*&ULS.S%(("`@("`@("`@("`@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`*&ULT.S%(("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@ M("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@("`@ M("`@("`@("`*&ULQ.S%("AM;,CLQ2"!<;PH;6S,[,4@@('P*&ULT.S%(("!\ M"AM;,3LQ2`H;6S([,4A?7V\*&ULS.S%(("!\"AM;-#LQ2"`@?`H;6S$[,4@* M&ULR.S%(("!O"AM;,SLQ2"`O?`H;6S0[,4@@/#P*&ULQ.S%("AM;,CLQ2"`@ M;PH;6S,[,4@@('Q<"AM;-#LQ2"`\/`H;6S$[,4@*&ULR.S%((%QO"AM;,SLQ M2"`@?"`*&ULT.S%((#P\"AM;,3LQ2`H;6S([,4@@("!\;PH;6S,[,4@@("`O M"AM;-#LQ2"`@?`H;6S$[,4@*&ULR.S%(("`@('QO"AM;,SLQ2"`@+WPO"AM; M-#LQ2"`@(`H;6S$[,4@*&ULR.S%(("`@/CX@"AM;,SLQ2"`@("!._ ' _ `\ \ _.-~/'^k. (0) ` (0 .-~ { ~` ~ ..T / . "-.. _.-' / Y . "T Y l ~-./l_ | \ . .<' | `-.._ __,/"r' l .-~~"-. / I Y Y "~[ | \ \_.^--, [ \ _~> | \ ___)--~ | ^. : l ^. _.j | Y I | l l I Y \ | -Row \ ^. | \ ~-^. ^. ~"--.,_ |~-._ ~-. | ~Y--.,_ ^. : : "x \ \ \. \ ] ^._ .^ ~~ ____ From: paulf@manor.demon.co.uk (Paul Fawcett) "Tutankamen: White foreground on black background. Recommended viewing distance 2-3 metres. Set monitor brightness and contrast controls to near maximum. Amber screen may help." ;;;;: ==;; :==== :+++=;; ::;=i===+: :=;;=+: ,,,,:==+; =tt;;: i+; ++++ :ii=: :::i++= ==;;+: :::=;+; , :; iIt=: ;t+; ii=;::;+;=+; +;=; ;i+i, ==;=+; :,;;;i : , :: :tIi: +i+ =+::=;;,;;;+; +;=; :=i==+;,:,;=;;+= ::;=;++ : ; ,i; iIt: t+= :+=,,,,::: ;,+;=;;: ;:,,;==;+=;+= ::;;=i; : ;ii RYi +Yt: ++i :i;,::==;; ;:i;=;;: ======+=i=++ :;=tYY: : :tt VXY= =Yi; :t=+ it==+It;; ;:+:=;:: :,;;=:=+==+ :;tYVY :: =Iii tVYt ;Yt, i+= +t+;=iI,; ;:;:;;:= :i :=;+ :;i+tt : :Iti iYY: :Yi, :i+: :t+;++i:; ;,;,;;;= :t +=+ ;i+ii :: =Y+ =YY= ;Vi I++ :++=;==;;; +,=,,,,+ ;i;::;it, :i+t=;;: +I+ IX+ =V; +i+=;;==;::,:::,,t,+,,,,;;iiii+iIiX=:=+ii;:;: iI+ iXi =VItYIi=+======;;::;;ii;:,,,,,;iittiYV+XXttiit+, Yt IVYXYYIYi+;;;;;;;;;;;;;+it+:::::::=====+IttIItiitMBttti +tVVVttti+;::;;======+YBBVVVVXRVti+++==+IXIiYi+iRWWi+i= +=ttYVIi= ....,,,,+iIRWWWWWWWMBBRYI+....... +YMBYX==++ ==+t: .;;===::,,:,,;=iIIItIIt=:,,:::===iii=;.,iXY+i;i t;+.IIY+++iii++;===:==++++I,:;;:,:=iiVXIBVRt+;,.IXY;t ii+, =itIItY==+tt+=+++;=ti;=;+M+i=;;=;=i+=it+tVti+==;.itI= +=ii i:===iIttIii+,:,, ,,:+++;t=t;V++;=;=;:,, ,,:;+IYii+==;.+Y+Ii===:i ti iii=i;;,, ;i: =i ,;.i=t=I=;Ri=, ,; ,it: ,:.,==;;;i+=YYttt, iit :Y++IIIIi+;;,,,,,,:;:i+;I=i;=II=;:;;;;;;;;;+++tIt+ii;iII; iYi= t= iV+tYYYVYVt===;;;===ii+=ti+=+=iii+==+;=+=IYVXRitYYItYXtVt= :+= Yi XX+iYYYVYR+i+++===;tIti=i+ttit;;=+====+;=IRVRRXtIIYM+YYI+ ++=I tt==Y+iYYYVYRI+++++=+IIti+++tt+=iYI+;;==+=+ttMMMRBXiiYi=+YYIt=;; t+iY:;iYYYYXRYi+++++Yt+iIt=+iItVXYYtIXBXYYVRWWWBXIi++=+=X+ ;It ti;I iYYYIYYVVRI++++i+ti++=:,;;++IX+YWWWMBWWWXYYi+++=;t:;IItY tt:,+;YYYYYYYYX+++====:::;=:;;;::++iYRWWBYt+tt+==++==:=;:=+ tYYYYIYYt++++=;=YYI+;,,BYBBYIi++iii+=+I+++++;=I +YYYYYYt+++==iYYII;ittitVBBXBI+++==+i++=+=;=:i +YYYIYt+++iBt=:,...:;;=++itXXI++==i++==;;ii: IYYYI=;+=iitI;,;.,=iitIiiI;++=+++===;=:I; YYYt==tittIi;+:::=+tItIBIt+=+i++==;+=;+ iYYIIIttt+=;=::::::=++ti+++=i==;+i=:= tIYYIIIVi++;;:::=+;+IYt+=;;IVY+:,; ;,ttIYIY++ii;=;==Y+iVYt===YIi;;Ii ;=:,:=iI====;;;;:=;;+ii=+i+iIttIi :==+++,;=;::::::::=;=+t++==it+iti Tutankamen (c) Paul Fawcett 1993 ____ From: ud686@freenet.Victoria.BC.CA (Wayne Lun) "Here's a Calvin and Hobbes Christmas cartoon for you people. I copied the drawing from the newspaper, but I did the text myself." | | | THERE'S ONLY ONE DELIVERY MAN | I DON'T KNOW WHY | WORKING TONIGHT. | I COUNDN'T STAY UP | DON'T HOLD HIM UP. _ | AND TALK TO SANTA. \__________ ________ ,--_______// |;__/ | || _\/===; / | || /===; ,=======; \______________ ___________/ || | | || \ | |/\/||/|/__ || \\|() () ` -- _______________||__________________________ -=|____ __\ ____________ \ (_____) \ |____ |-` ,---------- /| /| ___ ------------------`\__'_ \|\|\|\'----------. /` |\|\/ |/ |/ /_'__ || ___\_ `\ | __| _----- - /= /\' |/ \ | | _\ / ,-- __ /=| /====\ | | -- \ ,____/ ) ;=_\ /=====\ | | _| () () |_ / _| | /=\ ;_=====| | | (` (_) ) (/ _| \ |=\| /=====| | | \_ ._____ _/ (./ |__ // \|\` '-_ _ _:_ | | _ _\_ |__)_/ _ _/_ (./ \/ //|| ______/_| | | | | | |_|_|_|---------|_|_|_| \// ||________/ _____ '-'-'-'\____/__ __\_/ ___/ ------- \___ \___________\__/ __/ ____ From: tshaynes@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca (Timmy@work.hell) "The angel is a first (and only) draft. Man, I couldn't have done that if I did 10 drafts!" [Yeah, I hear ya. This next one's really nice.] `; ;, `@, ,@@ `@@, ;@;' ,:;@;, .;@;:, `@;:;@@;, ,;@@;::@' `@;::;@@;,. .,;@@;;:;@' ;:;;;;;@@@@,;@, , , ,@;,;@@@;;;;;;: `:;;:;;;;;@@@@@@@; .;;;;, ;@@@@@@@;;;;;;;;;' `:;;@@;:;@@@@@@@@ ,;;, @@@@@@@@;;;;@@;:' `::;;;;@@@;;@@@;';;;,@@;:@@@@;;:;;;' `:;;;;;@@@;;:@@;;@@;;@@@@;;;;;:' ```;@@@@@@@@@@@@@@;''' ;@@@@;;@@@@; ,@@@;:;;;;;;@@@, ;:;@:',;;;;@,';@; ;@@;;@@; ;@@@;@@; :;@;;;@; ;;;;;;' `;;;;; `:;' `' ____ From: Purdie@zeus.usq.edu.au (Red Phoenix) ** * * ...... * *....... . * * . . * * . . * * * * . . * * * * . ..* *..........* *.. * * * * [Here's something you don't see every day, an ascii pic of the moon.] .--------------. .---' o . `---. .-' . O . . `-. .-' @@@@@@ . `-. .'@@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ . `. .'@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ `. /@@@ o @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ O \ / @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @ @@@@@@@@@ @@ . \ /@ o @@@@@@@@@@@ . @@ @@@@@@@@@@@ @@ \ /@@@ . @@@@@@ o @ @@@@@@@@@@@@@ o @@@@ \ /@@@@@ @ . @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@ \ |@@@@@ O `.-./ . . @@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ | / @@@@@ --`-' o @@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ . \ |@ @@@@ . @ @ ` @ @@ . @@@@@@ | | @@ o @@ . @@@@@@ | | . @ @ @ o @@ o @@@@@@. | \ @ @ @ .-. @@@@ @@@ / | @ @ @ `-' . @@@@ . . | \ . o @ @@@@ . @@ . . / \ @@@ @@@@@@ . o / \ @@@@@ @@\@@ / O . /| \ o @@@ \ \ / __ . . .--. / \ . . \.-.--- `--' / `. `-' . .' `. o / | ` O . .' `-. / | o .-' `-. . . .-' `---. . .---' `--------------' ___----------___ _-- ----__ - ---_ -___ ____---_ --_ __---_ .-_-- _ O _- - - -_- --- - - __---------___ - - _---- - - -_ _ ` _- _ _ _-_ _-_ _ _- ____ -_ - -- - _-__ _ __--- ------- - _- _- -_-- -_-- _ -_- _ _- _ - [This next one is a real mickey mouse pic.] ****** ******** ********* ** ******* ***** ******** ******* ****** ** ************* _* ************* / * ************* | * (*) *** *** |(* * * * ** ** * ** * * )__ * ** \ \____* * \ (|)* ***\__* -| |- -| [-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-] |- [-_-_-_-_-] | | [-_-_-_-_-] | o o | [ 0 0 0 ] | o o | | | -| | | |- | | | |_-___-___-___-| |-___-___-___-_| | | o ] [ 0 ] [ o | | ] o o o [ _______ ] o o o [ | ----__________ _____----- | ] [ ||||||| ] [ | | ] [ ||||||| ] [ | _-_-|_____]--------------[_|||||||_]--------------[_____|-_-_ ( (__________------------_____________-------------_________) ) @ @ / \ { _____} / \ / | \___/*******\___/ | \ ( I / ~ ' ~ \ I ) \ | | 0 0 | | / \ | A | / \__ _______ __/ \_____________/ _-------* *-------_ / /--- VAX ---\ \ / / ( System ) \ \ { ( ( Gremlin! ) ) } \ \ | | / / \ \ | | / / **** | | **** //|\\ \_____________/ //|\\ * '*** ***' * ***. .*** ***. .*** '*************' '*************' ____ | | ___\ /~~~| _:_______|/'(..)`\_______/ | | <_|`````` \__~~__/ ___|_| :\_____(=========, ,--\__|_/ | \ /---' | / |____/ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@ @@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @@ @ @@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ H A P P Y H A L L O W E E N _______ __ / ------. / ._`_ | / ~--~ \ | | __ `.____________________ _^-----^ | | I=|=======/--\=========================| o o o | \ | I=|=======\__/=========================|_o_o_o_| \| / ~ ~ \ .---. . -----' ~~'' ____ From: boba@gagme.wwa.com (The Scarecrow) [Here's a smaller standard ascii font.] ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ _ _ ___ / _ \ | _ ) / __| | _ \ | __| | __| / __| | |_| | |_ _| | _ | | _ \ | (__ | |_) | | _| | _| | (_ | | _ | | | |_| |_| |___/ \___| |____/ |___| |_| \___| |_| |_| |___| _ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ ___ ___ ___ ___ _ | | | |/ / | | | \/ | | \| | / _ \ | _ \ / _ \ | _ \ | |_| | | ' < | |__ | |\/| | | .` | | (_) | | _/ | (_) | | / \___/ |_|\_\ |____| |_| |_| |_|\_| \___/ |_| \__\_\ |_|_\ ___ _____ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ ____ / __| |_ _| | | | | \ \ / / \ \ / / \ \/ / \ \ / / |_ / \__ \ | | | |_| | \ V / \ \/\/ / > < \ V / / / |___/ |_| \___/ \_/ \_/\_/ /_/\_\ |_| /___| _ _ __ _ _ __ _ | |__ __ __| | ___ / _| __ _ | |_ (_) / _` | | '_ \ / _| / _` | / -_) | _| / _` | | ' \ | | \__,_| |_.__/ \__| \__,_| \___| |_| \__, | |_||_| |_| |___/ _ _ _ (_) | | __ | | _ __ _ _ ___ _ __ __ _ _ _ | | | |/ / | | | ' \ | ' \ / _ \ | '_ \ / _` | | '_| _/ | |_|\_\ |_| |_|_|_| |_||_| \___/ | .__/ \__, | |_| |__/ |_| |_| _ ___ | |_ _ _ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ _ _ ___ (_-< | _| | || | \ V / \ V V / \ \/ / | || | |_ / /__/ \__| \_,_| \_/ \_/\_/ /_/\_\ \_, | /__| |__/ _ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ | | (_)/ / / / \ \ (_) (_) ( ) ( | ) |_| / /_ | | | | _ _ _ _ |/ V V (_) /_/(_) | | | | (_) ( ) (_) ( ) \_\ /_/ |/ |/ ____ From: yduj@harlequin.com (Judy Anderson) "This was sent to me by a friend, John Platt, many years ago." @@@@@@@ Ommmm. Ommmm. @@ @@ Blessed be UNIX. @@ ^ ^ @@ Blessed be the UNIX keepers. @@ " @@ May they look kindly upon @\ O /@ humble petitioners. '---' ____| |____ Ommmm. Ommmm. / | | \ May the poor receive more CPU time. __| | \ / | |__ May Magic crash less often. / | | * | | \ May Mercury receive more virtual / / | | \ \ memory space for swapping. / / /|==%====|\ \ \ / _O/ / / _ \ \ \O_ \ Ommmm. Ommmm. / =,_/ / / \ \ \_,= \ Blessed be UNIX. / / // \\ \ \ Blessed be the UNIX keepers. / \__// \\__/ \ May they act swiftly and surely / \ on these humble requests. ################################# ____ From: jsv@math.canterbury.ac.nz (Julian Visch) [Someone requested a shoe, so here it is.] ,,~~~~~~,,.. ...., ,'~ | \ V / \ / / ;####> @@@@@ ) ##;, @@@@@@@ ) .##/ ~> @@@@@ . . ###''#> ' ' .:::::::. ..###/ #> ' ' //////))))----~~ ## #} ' ' ///////)))))) ' ' ///////)))))))\ ' ' //////))))))))))) ' |////)))))))))))))____________________________________). ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ````````````````````````````'''''''''''''''''''''''''''' ____ From: Colin_Douthwaite@equinox.gen.nz (Colin Douthwaite) [Colin got this from ab401@freenet.carleton.ca (Paul Tomblin). It was posted to an aviation group. This is a small sampling of a 29 K file. Maybe Colin or Paul can email the whole file to you. Note: I have put the picture id and source info above the pic for consistency in this archive. In the original, they appear below.] "Note on attributions: If I say 'by', then I know for sure that that person made it up. If I say 'from', then that person gave it to me (or I saw it in their signature), but I don't know if they made it up." FlyBaby (by Ron Wanttaja prang@ssc-bee.boeing.com) | _|_ /(_)\ -------:==^==:------- [[| o |]] -----------------__________\_____/__________----------------- _ / \ _ T T/_______\T T | | | | """ """ Cessna 150 (by Wolf-Dietrich Webe lupus@sambal.stanford.edu) | ____________________|____________________ \ | | / `.#####.' /`#_#'\ O' O `O Some other type of bipe. (from Dick Lindner, cimshop!lindner) __________|__________ \ \_^_/ / __\___{_+_}___/__ :/ \: Bipe (By Jim Ogorek, jogorek@disc.dla.mil) ----|------------|-----------|---- | --/ - \-- | -|---------| o |--------|- /\ _ /\ []/ \[] Learjet 24 (by markj@pogo.wv.tek.com) ___________ | _ _|_ _ (_)-/ \-(_) _ /\___/\ _ (_)_______________________( ( . ) )_______________________(_) \_____/ Another bipe (looks familiar?) (from Thor Aage Eldby thoer@edb.thi.no) ,---.___________ _ ============ . /' \ | \ I_ O _I_,==.: | >----|===`------'I `---' I | |: | / _ \ I I | |:' | / ( `-,-----============:__;: | ,---.__________/ (_ O __) \_ : |/' (_______) (_) generic airplane? (from Kei Thomsen kt@keihh.hanse.de) /\ |^^| |{}| _______________/~~\________________ / | | \ `========--------. .---------========' |||| || || || || ,---||---, '---<>---' ____ From: andy.nachbaur@beenet.com (ANDY NACHBAUR) .M .:AMMO: .:AMMMMMHIIIHMMM. .... .AMMMMMMMMMMMHHHMHHMMMML:AMF" .:MMMMMLAMMMMMMMHMMMMMMHHIHHIIIHMMMML. "WMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMH:::::HMMMMMMHII:. .AMMMMMMMHHHMMMMMMMMMMHHHHHMMMMMMMMMAMMMHHHHL. .MMMMMMMMMMHHMMMMMMMMHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMHTWMHHHHHML .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHMHMMHHHHIII:::HMHHHHMM. .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHHHHHMHHHHHHIIIIIIIIHMHHHHHM. MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHHMMHHHHHIIIHHH::IIHHII:::::IHHHHHHHL "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMHIIIHMMMMHHIIHHLI::IIHHHHIIIHHHHHHHHML .MMMMMMMMMMMMMM"WMMMHHHMMMMMMMMMMMLHHHMMMMMMHHHHHHHHHHH .MMMMMMMMMMMWWMW ""YYHMMMMMMMMMMMMF""HMMMMMMMMMHHHHHHHH. .MMMMMMMMMM W" V W"WMMMMMHHHHHHHHHH "MMMMMMMMMM". "WHHHMH"HHHHHHL MMMMMMMMMMF . IHHHHH. MMMMMMMMMM . . HHHHHHH MMMMMMMMMF. . . . HHHHHHH. MMMMMMMMM . ,AWMMMMML. .. . . HHHHHHH. :MMMMMMMMM". . F"' 'WM:. ,::HMMA, . . HHHHMMM :MMMMMMMMF. . ." WH.. AMM"' " . . HHHMMMM MMMMMMMM . . ,;AAAHHWL".. .:' HHHHHHH MMMMMMM:. . . -MK"OTO L :I.. ...:HMA-. "HHHHHH ,:IIIILTMMMMI::. L,,,,. ::I.. .. K"OTO"ML 'HHHHHH LHT::LIIIIMMI::. . '""'.IHH:.. .. :.,,,, ' HMMMH: HLI'"IIITMII::. . .IIII. . '"""" ' MMMFT:::. HML:::WMIINMHI:::.. . .:I. . . . . ' .M"'.....I. "HWHINWI:.'.HHII::.. .HHI .II. . . . . :M.',, ..I: "MLI"ML': :HHII::... MMHHL ::::: . :.. .'.'.'HHTML.II: "MMLIHHWL:IHHII::....:I:" :MHHWHI:...:W,," '':::. ..' ":.HH:II: "MMMHITIIHHH:::::IWF" """T99"' '"" '.':II:..'.'..' I'.HHIHI' YMMHII:IHHHH:::IT.. . . ... . . ''THHI::.'.' .;H.""."H" HHII:MHHI"::IWWL . . . . . HH"HHHIIHHH":HWWM" """ MMHI::HY""ML, ... . .. :" :HIIIIIILTMH" MMHI:.' 'HL,,,,,,,,..,,,......,:" . ''::HH "HWW 'MMH:.. . 'MMML,: """MM""""MMM" .'.IH'"MH" "MMHL.. .. "MMMMMML,MM,HMMMF . .IHM" "MMHHL .. "MMMMMMMMMMMM" . . '.IHF' 'MMMML .. "MMMMMMMM" . .'HMF HHHMML. .'MMF" IHHHHHMML. .'HMF" HHHHHHITMML. .'IF.. "HHHHHHIITML,. ..:F... 'HHHHHHHHHMMWWWWWW::"...... HHHHHHHMMMMMMF"'........ HHHHHHHHHH............ HHHHHHHH........... HHHHIII.......... HHIII.......... HII......... "H........ ...... W H A T - - M E W O R R Y ? ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ The Scarecrow's ASCII Art Archive (TM) The format is copyrighted by Glen Robbins, c1994 Glen Robbins This archive may be read and distributed non-commercially at no charge. The art is generally considered public domain, so use it as you want. I will remove any art that a copyright holder asks be removed. ______________________________________________________________________________ Version: 1.0 Released: January 3, 1994 Characters: 348595 Lines: 8211 Send art to: boba@gagme.wwa.com ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| END OF FILE ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ------------------------------------------------------------------------------