POVBENCH: Release 9703 Here follows results of my ongoing POV benchmarks survey for the standard Skyvase.pov file. Please visit http://www.osea.demon.co.uk/povbench and fill out the form for inclusion in the next release, Or alternatively mail them to povbench@osea.demon.co.uk. The "standard" script file used by the PoV team is skyvase.pov - in the distribution set. Skyvase.pov is a good choice as a benchmark shouldn't be too long to lock out the machine from use. It contains an awful lot of reflections. Use the command line: povray -i skyvase.pov +v1 +ft -x +mb25 +a0.300 +j1.000 +r3 -q9 -w640 -H480 -S1 -E480 -k0.000 -mv2.0 -b1000 > results.txt If you're running a multi-tasking OS, try to give POV full attention. I hope you find these results informative and useful. Thanks also to Michael Zacherl for suggesting and producing POVmarks and US$/POVmarks for price/performance comparisons. Andrew Haveland-Robinson Haveland-Robinson Associates 17 Williams Way Fleet GU13 9EU England Tel. 01252-811670 Fax: 01252-811714 Email: andy@osea.demon.co.uk WWW: http://www.osea.demon.co.uk