VOLUNTEERS NEEDED ----------------- 22mar98: If you've always wanted to show your appreciation of the interrupt list, but never had anything to contribute before, here's your chance! I still need about ten volunteers to transcribe and condense the information in various on-line documents into a suitable form for inclusion in the list. A good job of transcription can save me 90% of the effort it would otherwise take me, which means that I can get far more information into the list -- and that helps everyone. If you're interested in transcribing one or more documents, send me mail and I'll provide you with the URL and a brief style guide. Let me know whether you're willing to work on a large document or only a small(ish) one. As an added incentive, those who contribute at least 120K of additions (roughly equivalent to the info from four motherboard chipsets; figure around 50 hours of effort) get a free autographed copy of one of my books. I'm also collecting PCI device IDs. If you would like to contribute, run PCICFG on your system, and report any identifiers which are not yet in the interrupt list (at INT 1A/BX=B102h, as well as in PCICFG.DAT) or are unknown to PCICFG. If you'd like to contribute a detailed device description file for PCICFG, so much the better!