TrueType Fonts for DOS ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ This is a Pascal programming package, providing access to several types of fonts for your DOS programs. Supported are all types of Windows fonts, including bitmapped, scalable and TrueType ones, plus bitmapped fonts from the VGA BIOS or codepage information (CPI) files. Also provided is access to ye old scalable CHR fonts of the Graph Unit. The TTDEMO.EXE is a little demonstration program, showing an overview of all fonts found in your system. It has been written in Graphics Vision, our Turbo-Vision-in-graphics implementation. For more information hereto, please see GVISION.DOC. HOWTO.PAS is a Pascal source that shows how to load and output the respective types of fonts. After having loaded a font, output is absolutely independent from the type, using routines interface-compatible with Graph. The TrueType scan converter implemented here is a simple one. It fails at very low scales since no dropout control or grid-fitting is provided. However, there exist bitmapped fonts that should be shown at low scales, while at medium and high scales, the TrueType fonts look very good.