Miscellaneous Diverse service routines of the MyMouse software package. ver 1.1 Copyright (c) 1993 by Matthias K”ppe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- G e n e r a l I n f o r m a t i o n The Turbo Pascal Misc unit is part of the MyMouse software package. It provides diverse routines. P r o c e d u r e s function ReadValue(var F: TStream; Section, Id: string): string; If the F stream contains an INI file in the Windows format, this function seeks in the specified section for the Id value, which is then returned. function GetWinDir: DirStr; This function tries to find the Windows directory. function GetBGIDir: DirStr; This function tries to find the BGI directory. function FirstFile(Files: string; Dir: DirStr): PathStr; This function returns the name of the first file in the Files list that is found in the Dir directory. The Files parameter is a list of file names seperated by semicolons. Wild cards are allowed. The other routines remain undocumented.