Graphics Vision ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ The TTDEMO.EXE demonstration program has been written in Graphics Vision, our Turbo-Vision in-graphics implementation. Graphics Vision is an object-oriented class library, which provides an SAA graphical user interface with MS Windows look but is *fully compatible* with Borland's text mode library Turbo Vision 2.0. That means, existing Turbo Vision programs can be made run in graphics with little changes. Thus, Graphics Vision is not only the graphic enhancement for your Turbo Vision programs but also a real alternative to Windows programming and the OW Library. Graphics Vision is not such a simple text-in- graphics emulation of Turbo Vision, but an object hierarchy, which bases on Turbo Vision's objects and provides a new, full-graphic object hierarchy, whose functionality enhances and outperforms Turbo Vision's capabilities. Graphics Vision is extremely fast through highly-optimized graphical routines and good algorithms. With it, you can have nice and efficient graphical interfaces for your DOS programs. Some of the features are: * an intelligent window management, * hierarchial pull-down menus, including bitmapped items and check marks, * context-sensitive help, including hints and hypertext help, * highly-developped graphical dialog elements, * SVGA support, * input validation, * support of Windows bitmapped and scalable fonts, * reading Windows dialog/menu templates The registered/licensed version of Graphics Vision is shipped together with the MetaGraph and the MyMouse Package, both highly-optimized graphics packages, which outperform the BGI in speed and features, and which are intensively used by Graphics Vision.