******************************** * Information for Distributors * ******************************** Distributors are invited to list our products in their catalogs, provide shareware versions in their BBS'es, as long as these media expressively state that the products are not Public Domain programs but Shareware products, which require the user to pay an additional registration fee after a certain evaluation period. You may also distribute the Shareware versions on CD-ROMs. You should only distribute the latest, unmodified versions. If you are not sure whether you have the latest version, contact us. Send us a document that shows you are a distributor (e.g. a printed catalog or a catalog disk), and you will receive the latest versions for free. If you also distribute registered versions, contact us with your registration service's conditions and offers. We are interested in any co-operation with you. If you like to print an article about any of our software products, we can supply you with neutral and/or persuasive, interesting and informative texts in German or English, which only need to stylistically be adapted to your Shareware magazine. You may also receive nice screen shots.