Incompatibility list

This document contains some informations about differences between FPKPascal and Turbo Pascal.

This list is not complete.


  1. The assembler uses an other syntax.

Run time library

  1. Unit SYSTEM

    MEM, MEMW and PORT are not supported

    VAL expects as third parameter always a WORD

  2. The unit OVERLAY isn't available
  3. Turbo Vision is not available


  1. The comment style (* ... *) isn't supported
  2. nested comments are allowed


  1. The USES instruction isn't allowed in the implemenation part of an unit
  2. INTERRUPT, FAR and NEAR are ignored
  3. To get the address of a procedure to assign it to a procedure variable the @-operator must be used.
  4. ASSEMBLER, PACKED, INLINE and ABSOLUTE are not supported by the compiler, but they are key words
  5. The header of forward declared variables must be always complete rewritten in the definition, else the compiler improves that the procedure are overloaded.
  6. There some more reserved words


  1. always short boolean evalution


  1. The command line parameters are different
  2. compiler switches are different
  3. the units aren't binary compatible
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    Copyright (c) 1996 by Florian Klaempfl