FADE.TPU -=- Turbo Pascal Fading Routine -=- By Mike Schutz September, 1994 Hello, fellow Pascal programmers. This is probably the smallest Turbo Pascal Unit in distribution, so I'm going to try to make the "documentation" as short as the code is. First of all, as in all things, I am not responsible with what you do with this, and I am not responsible for what happens when you do whatever you do with it. In other words, it works fine on my computer, it should work on yours, but I make no gaurantee. The unit contains two interfaced procedures. These follow: PROCEDURE FadeOut; PROCEDURE ResetTextMode; PROCEDURE FadeOut simply fades the screen to black. Simple enough? Ok, I'll explain in terribly boring detail: The palette of the screen is sequentially adjusted towards zero. The R, G, and B values are simply decremented until they reach a state of zero. And we all know what happens when there is no red or green or blue on your screen. PROCEDURE ResetTextMode does exactally what it says, too. You really shouldn't have too much use for this one unless you can't figure out how to get back to text mode. This is painfully simple, so I'll show you what it looks like: PROCEDURE ResetTextMode; BEGIN asm mov ax,03h int 10h end; END; I'm almost embarrased to include such simple code, but I guess probably are some people out there who are less educated in the field than I am (and believe me, if you know something, we're about on the same level.. ). Well, this is getting to be almost as long as the code itself, so I'm going to wrap it up here. I've included FADEAWAY.PAS, a generic, cheesy, pointless little program that fades away the screen and dumps you back to text mode. Enjoy yourselves. I've got plenty more where this came from, so if I ever get off my lazy butt and document something, you can find it wherever you found this. Cya. And if for any reason you would want to get back to me, you can reach me via Internet at: mschutz@cap.gwu.edu