HIGH QUALITY SOFTWARE (HIGHWARE) GENERAL PUBLIC USER/COMPANY LICENSE Copyright (C) 1987,1994 Dmitry Stefankov Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license, but changing it is not allowed. This license agreement is my own look for the software implementation and copying. Please read carefully the text below. TERMs/OBJECTs/ACTIONs Of LICENSE 1. The main object to implement/copy is a program's source code. 2. Original rights for any program source code are preserved forever by the original author. 3. Any modifications and changes of the program source code by any other man/woman/company are enabled the additions of the expanded rights in the following form: "Expanded Copyright (c) Year(s), Co-Author's Name". 4. Any modifications and changes of the source code by any other man/woman/company must be made according the programming style for the each concrete program. This rule is provided the program integrity as a life object. 5. Any man/woman/company may copy and distribute this software in any medium, but on the following conditions: a) It can charge a distribution fee for the physical act of transferring a copy. b) No permit a commercial using of this software by any man/woman/company. c) At the moment of the receiving of copy of this software any man/woman/company takes a full responsibility for the using of this software. d) Complete source code means all capabilities to study and apply of this sotfware for the concrete purpose. f) Any compiled, executable or object code form (without the corresponding source code) is exculuded automatically from the sphere of this license from the moment of the copying or giving of a such form of this software. 6. Any violation of the above conditions by any man/woman/company is excluded automatically the such man/woman/company from the sphere of the license agreement and that man/woman/company from the violating moment is invalid more for the action of this license, i.e. from this moment the present license agreement terminates automatically its life for that man/woman/company. 7. If the current form of this license agreement is cotradicted the existing laws of the concrete state/country then this software mustn't use for this state/country until the existing laws will updated to the successfull distribution of this software without the violating of the man's rights. Original: March 31, 1993 Update: Octover 21, 1993 Author: Dmitry Stefankov