Versions: 6.1 Added mixture of tasker pause and loop cycles in Ripdetect and read char to give a smoother response. 6.2 Missed Done Routine in 6.1 - now doesn't close if local or X00extOK but buffered flag is set to true. There was a file being written to when door timed out. Some OS2 systems complained of endless pages being written to their disk. I'm taking this out this version. So if you have a use for it save it and put it back in. 6.3 Added back in the DisplayFile procedure. Turns out a lot of you are using this file so I'm putting it back in. Added /C to specify comport on command line. Dropfile comport number will override this option. 6.4 Cleaned up the multi-tasker routines to allow easier flag passage to other units. Added SpeedRead which can be used in other units for a timed input response loop or propeller. 6.5 Added /V command line parm that to turn local video off (actually to statback color). Purge fossil buffer added to XFossil initialization. Added /W flag. This just differentiates between straight dos systems and those without multitaskers running on novell or other network. This is so our tasker checker can give up time slices or just delay. Which is important only when using the delay in waiting for file locks to unlock. 6.6 Added /M command for multi ctl file handling. This will be released around the time of the DDSetup Universal door setup program. (Remember for this to function make your control/config file name less than 7 characters in length). Lasted less then a week. Fixes and new things in this version: New Things and Fixes by Steven R. Lorenz 11.18.94 1. IRQs 0-15 now supported. Comports 1-4 supported. Required change in ASYNC.asm (called SLASYNC here). Selectable Port Addresses added to .CTL file so sysop doesn't have to have a bunch of if 'nodex == 1 goto xxx' in his doorx.bat. 2. DV aware routines. Use examples as guide to installation. a. DV_Pause added to sreadch to make DV work more smoothly. 3. High speed BBS modem vs lowspeed user modem problem of lost characters - (basically RTS/CTS checking) - Fixed 4. Carrierdetect during sendchar. Fixed 5. Rip detect. Or WC3.9 or PCBoard15.0 dropfile driven. 6. Fast and correct ansi color routines. 7. PCBoard 15 support 8. Rip Detect or found on WC3.9+ or PCB15 dropfiles 9. TriBBS dropfile support (untested) 10.RBBS vs Super BBS Dorinfo types supported 11.Lock baud and comm baud rates to 115,200 12.Windows,WindowsNT,OS/2,DOS 5.0+ time slice releasing. A Dos,Win, DV pause is taken after so many read cycles in read loop 13.fossil support to 38,400 using normal fossil calls. fossil support to 115,200 using X00 extended fossil calls. Use XFossil for any fossils (X00 or BNU) over 38,400. This option does not open or close the fossil but meerly writes to it the way it is. 14.No-local video mode can save processing in multitasking windows or to give some user privacy when competing in game against the sysop. 15.Multiple control files can now be accessed by a command line parm. 6.7 The current package with greatly expanded documentation and many additional items to include the new DDPlus setup program. 7.0 - A Major new version: 1. Completely revised the DDPLUS.DOC to make it easier to understand and more helpful. 2. Added a file/Record locking unit so you can make on-line multi-user and multi-node doors. 3. Added an Inter-BBS unit so you can make your doors inter-bbs capable. 4. Added RipLink to display RIP graphics on the local sysops screen. 5. Added new commands and procedures to the DDPLUS.PAS unit. 6. Revised and updated the overlay unit. 7. Added the original Scott Baker ANSIMENU unit back into the package as a separate add on unit. 8. Added the original Scott Baker Macro Keys routines back into the package as a separate add on unit. 9. Deleted most of the sample programs, which were from Scott Baker, because they did not compile correctly with DDPlus. 10. Added new sample door programs that DO compile correctly and show you how it is done. 11. Added a Turbo Vision skelton program you can use to make your own mousable configuration/editor/setup programs to support your doors. 12. Added the Error Log Unit (used to be part of Misc.pas) as a separate add on utility unit and completely revised it to make it much easier to install in your programs. 13. Revised and updated the sample sysop docs which you can edit and make your own. 14. A new version of the DDSETUP.EXE program is included which no longer requires the separate supporting files. FREEWARE and you can distribute with your own door program packages. 15. Included BOOK.TXT which gives you a list of some very useful Borland TP books and where you can get them. 7.1 - Bug fix and maintenance update/revision: 1. Some authors want to have their door run maintenance. The maintenance mode now is set and does not access a dropfile. But the author must still check for bbs_software=0 to flag this as a maintenance run. "/F" This is a generic maintenance mode. It logs into the game with the name "SYSTEM MAINTENANCE" in local mode. You can use it if your program requires a nightly maintenance or something similar. "/H" This is a generic maintenance mode. It logs into the game with the name "SYSTEM MAINTENANCE" in local mode. You can use it if your program requires a nightly maintenance or something similar. 2. It is left to the programmer now to either block these options or to use them to actually do something when switched. 3. Since release of 7.0 we have received the specifications on how to set the baud rate for highspeed bnu fossils. Now port speeds of 57,600 and 115,200 for both X00 and BNU can be handled by either the FOSSIL or the XFOSSIL options. Once again FOSSIL will initialize the detected fossil to the port speed and XFOSSIL will accept the fossil as-is with no initialization. 4. Detect multi-taskers now check for OS/2 first then other taskers. 5. We have added int $28 to the Os/2 timeslicer. This gives up the time slice as well as idles dos while waiting for character input per any Int $21 call. 6. In addition the Dorinfo# now will be set from '1'..'9','A'..'Z' depending on the node number. 7. New BBS type DORINFO1 uses the dorinfo1.def for dropfile name. PCBoard 12 and Callinfo support hereith ends. These two obsolete dropfiles are no longer supported. 8. Digiboard driver direct support. Use the 'Digi' control in the .CTL file to turn this on. Make sure to comment out the fossil and xfossil options. 9. DDansi2 was having a problem displaying some blinking graphics. Fixed this. 10. DDSetup changed to support above ctl file modifications. 11. The package contains the following updated TP units. DDPLUS.PAS COMIO.PAS DDANSI2.PAS *DDIGI.PAS DDFOSSIL.PAS DDOVR.PAS DDOVR2.PAS DDSCOTT.PAS * = New unit to the DDPlus package. 12. Caution: The digiboard support has only been tested on two different WC digiboards. It hasn't been tested on PCBoard nor the Major BBS digi thing. This release of the DDIGI unit is to allow door authors to run betas on these changes before doing full releases.