DDSETUP PROGRAM Copyright 1995 By By Steve Lorenz INTRODUCTION: ------------ Although we do our best to clearly explain how to manually configure the required CTL file, there are still a number of people who cannot for some reason get it right. The enclosed DDSETUP.EXE program should solve this problem. It is FREEWARE and may be distributed with your own door programs at no charge and without any permission required. I do, however, retain all copyrights to it. REQUIREMENTS: ------------ None, other then a mouse would be helpful. Files Included -------------- Below is a listing of all files for the DDSETUP.ZIP Package: DDSETUP.DOC - The text file you are reading. DDSETUP.EXE - The DDSETUP program for making CTL configuration files. HELP.TXT - Support file required for DDSETUP.EXE program. Installation and Preparation for Use ------------------------------------ 1. Move the archive package to a temporary directory and "unzip". 2. Distribute the DDSETUP.EXE program with you own door program package. Just make sure the HELP.TXT file goes along with it. 3. Try running DDSETUP.EXE first to get a feel for how it works. 4. That's it! Enjoy and good luck.