DDSETUP INTERFACE v6.61 (tm) Copyright(C) 1994 Steven R. Lorenz An Exdx Systems Development DISCLAIMER The author of Ddsetup has taken every precaution to insure that no harm or damage will occur on computer systems operating the Ddsetup program. Nevertheless, the author of DDsetup shall NOT be held liable for whatever may happen on your computer system. The user assumes full responsibility for the correct operation of this software, whether harm or damage results from software error, hardware malfunction, or operator error. NO warranties are offered, expressly stated or implied, including without limitation or restriction any warranties of operation for a particular purpose and/or merchantability. DDsetup Interface program is FREE and can be used by any sysop or door author using DDPlus style doors. The DDSetup program can be used to setup any door that uses the DDPlus doorkit. Any door control file with ddplus control file format no matter what the extension can be configured. Simply install this soft- ware package and enter in the file path field the proper name of the control file. Press enter. If the file doesn't already exist it will be created when the save key is clicked. All fields are free entry fields and can be typed over. Some fields have pick lists. The list consists of all the acceptable parameters for this element. If the field has a blue background it has a pick list. CONTROL: The fields can be selected by either clicking with a mouse or using the arrow or tab keys to manuever from field to field. Also, the function keys and certain alt keys can be used: F1 - Alt-H (help) F2 - Alt-P (pick) F3 - Alt-S (save) F5 - Alt-C (continue) F10 - Alt-X (exit) SETUP: Place DDSetup in it's own directory along with the help.txt, EgaVGA.BGI, Litt.chr, and Trip.chr files. History: 11/19/94 Version 6.60 released. 11/21/94 Version 6.61 Earlier version locked up if no mouse driver was present. This version now checks for mouse driver. All high memory routines replaced by standard graphic calls. The Officers' Club BBS (818) 249-8579