VIEWPIC basically allows you to clip out a portion of the picture you just captured. Again, like CAPTURE, it's homebrew, and not ready for release. After running VIEWPIC, it will immediately prompt you for the pointer value. Use a value that you think is not used in the whole picture. Generally, 255, 254, or 253 will work. Then, it will ask you for the three color components of the pointer. Generally, either complete white (63, 63, 63, if your picture is in a dark background), or complete dark (0,0,0, if it is in a bright background) will do. Once this has been done, the program will automatically load up the picture you captured (given that you copied both PICTURE.PAL and PICTURE.DAT into the directory). Now, at the very upper left hand corner, you will see a "dot". This is the pointer that you just defined, and you can move around with it. Move this to the upper left hand corner of the section you want to clip, and press "T". Then, move it to the bottom right hand corner, and press "B". The program will then automatically copy that portion of the screen onto a binary file (GRAPH.PIC) and information about it onto another (GRAPH.INF). Take this and run FIXPAL.