tde, the Thomson-Davis Editor Version 2.0 June 5, 1992 Frank Davis Description: tde is a simple, public domain, multi-file/multi-window text editor written for IBM PCs and close compatibles. It is suitable for editing batch files, text files, and various computer language source code files. The only limit on the number and size of files that tde can handle is the amount of conventional memory. Likewise, the only limit on the number of windows is the amount of conventional memory. There is no preset maximum number of files or windows that may be open at any one time. Introduction: I work with data files, computer source code, and output files quite a bit. Most of the features in tde are related, in some way, to handling those types of files. The various window and cursor commands in tde are really nice for comparing and editing source code or output files. A good collection of block commands is available for use on source code and formatted data files. For what little word processing I do, tde has a few simple commands for formatting text and paragraphs. In short, tde contains most of the features that I use most of the time in an easy to use, easy to remember, and easy to configure editor. I hope you find tde as easy to use for most of your routine editing as me. Usage: At the command line type: tde [file name(s)] For example: tde tde tde c:\c60\tde\main.c tde *.c \qc25\tde\*.h tde foobar f* foo.* f??b?? If you don't enter a file name at the command line, tde will prompt you for a file name. If the file does not exist, tde starts out with an empty file with the file name you just entered. tde will handle files as large 465k. If you try to edit a file larger than 465k, only the first portion of the file is loaded into tde. With DOS 5.0, you can edit files as large as 515k if you load DOS high. tde will handle lines as long as 1040 characters. Only the first 1040 characters of long lines are handled. What's new: New features in tde 2.0 include : DateTimeStamp = ^2 or Control-@ sign SortBoxBlock, ascending or descending = @S ToggleSmartTabs = @Tab Dynamic left margin for writers = @V Pause, useful with macros = ^P Recursive macros Support for Control-Break to stop recursive macros, sorting, search/replacing, some block operations, formatting text or paragraph, and printing. Support for lines as long as 1040 characters. Improved undo buffer management. There is now room for the last 10 by 1040 or 130 by 80 deleted lines. Gathered all prompts into one header file to aid translation of prompts and documentation into other languages. Configuration file, option 6 in tdecfg.exe. The date-time stamp was added to tde because some users talk with field units over the phone and the event needs to be date and time stamped. Users may customize the date to local preferences, eg MM-DD-YY or DD-MM-YY. The time stamp may use either 12 hour or 24 hour form. Every once in a while, I need to sort data, names, etc..., in some of my files. The SortBoxBlock function was added to sort lines according to the keys in a box block. The keys may be sorted ascending or descending, while the IGNORE/MATCH toggle determines whether case is significant. To sort multiple columns, start the sort with the least significant key first. To help users construct tables and formatted data files, a Smart Tab toggle was added. A smart tab is determined by looking for the first previous non-blank line above the cursor and then searching for the beginning of the next word at the column of the cursor. Smart tabs are useful for building tables and formatted data sets. After giving smart tabs a try my ownself, I hardly ever use fixed tabs any more. As more people begin to use tde as a simple word processor, a new feature was added to help create simple documents. The left margin may now be determined by the indentation of the current line when in Dynamic Wrap mode. This comes in really handy for those who need special paragraph indentation. Users don't have to keep setting the left margin every time the left margin is changed; tde sets the margin automatically to the indentation of the current line. A few features were added to the macro functions. A pause function was added, so users can watch a recursive macro execute and stop the macro at their convenience. When a macro is paused, press any key to continue or press ESC to halt the macro. Now, recursive macros may be defined. I often need to delete certain lines from a file until the eof is reached. See the Macro section later in this file for info on creating a really neat recursive macro. Even if you can't stand tde, just try the neat macro. It's the most unique macro I've ever seen. I also wrote a handler for the Control-Break interrupt, 0x1B. On IBM compatible PCs, the Control-Break key generates an interrupt via hardware. By writing a Control-Break interrupt handler, a user can immediately gain control of a run-a-way recursive macro, printing job, most box block operations, expanding tabs, trimming space from line blocks, formatting a paragraph or text, search/replace, or a sort operation. Although one may trap Control-C, which is a software generated interrupt, there is no telling when the operating system will turn control over to a Control-C handler. One may gain immediate control with the Control-Break key, however. The undo-buffer space and management was greatly enhanced. There is now room for over 10k of deleted text in the buffer. Users may now get back entire functions that may have been deleted. There is room for 130 by 80 or 10 by 1040 character lines in the new undelete buffer. All of the prompts in tde were gathered into one header file to aid the translation of documentation as well as the user prompts into other languages. Pierre Jelenc, and a member of the Foreign Language Education Forum (FLEFO) on CompuServe, has translated the documentation and has created configuration files for several languages. If you need a non-English version of tde, contact Pierre to find out if he has a version of tde for you. A configuration file was added so that users may define all function keys, modes, and colors from a configuration file. Users may also define macros in the configuration file. Those who need to assign ASCII and Extended ASCII character to unused function keys will find this extremely useful. Some alphabets need letters with all kinds of accent marks. New features in tde 1.5 include : Ruler = @R Block trim trailing = @T User defined macros: Record macro = @F3 Save macros to file = #F1 Load macros from file = #F3 Clear macro buffer = ^ESC Critical error handler If by accident you forget to put a diskette in a floppy drive and try to save a file or if you forget to turn on the printer before printing a block or file, a critical error occurs. That kind of error is the infamous Abort, Retry, Ignore thing. A routine was written to give some information on the kind and the location of those errors when they occur. The tde critical error handler gives you all kinds of info and then prompts you for a response. The timeout for critical errors varies quite a bit. Some timeouts may take a couple of minutes. When I "work" at the USDA, I often need to create or massage formatted data files. Also, a lot of engineers and scientists at the USDA program in FORTRAN and the source code needs to be in a certain format. When working with those types of files, it is really useful to have a ruler that explicitly shows which column the cursor is in. The new ruler in tde shows margins, column numbers, and a column pointer. New features in tde 1.4 include : Split screen vertically = F8 Number box block = Alt+N Directory list = Alt+F1 Also added in tdecfg was a choice of cursor styles and a switch for .bak files. Both of those options are in the mode section of tdecfg. or at eol The functions that write to files were expanded to allow you to choose whether you want to write a or just a at the end of line. Some programs look for just the at the eol while others want the pair at the eol. tde has no trouble reading either style but allows you to specify the output style. You may change the style by pressing the ToggleCRLF function key or by using tdecfg to set the default. Here's a little diagram that may help explain the new functions better than I can write. Output Input tde's internal representation Toggle files ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ files with ³ tde will read files with ³ with ====>³ lines that terminate in ³ =====> at eol ³ either or . ³ at eol ³ ³ ³ ³ files ³ Internally, all lines end ³ files with ³ with the character. ³ with =====>³ ³ =====> at eol ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ at eol Editor fields and information lines: Sample tde screen ÚÄÄÄ File number - each window opened to same file has same number ³ ÚÄÄÄ Window letter ³ ³ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄ Dirty file indicater - asterisk ³ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄ File name ³ ³ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄ File attributes ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄ Total number of lines in file ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄ line:column        ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ The first line on the screen contains file information ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³........1..... Optional ruler line ......5........6..³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ File area ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ Editor modes and information ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ             Insert ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄ Overwrite ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ ^Z at eof? ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ trim trailing ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ space at eol, T = TRUE ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ CRLF or LF at eol? ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ word wrap indicator ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ Sync cursor in all windows? ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ Ignore / Match search case? ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ Indent mode? ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ Smart tab mode? ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ Available memory for editing files ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄ Total number of windows, including hidden windows ÀÄÄÄÄÄ Total number of open files Multiple keys: I use the following abbreviated key definitions throughout this file: ^ = Control # = Shift @ = Alt For example, ^F5 means press and hold the Control key and then press F5 while holding down the Control key. Cursor movement: 101 Keyboard overview Cursor keys Keypad keys ÚÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ Ins ³Home ³PgUp ³ ³NumLock³Grey / ³Grey * ³Grey - ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄ´ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ Del ³ End ³PgDn ³ ³ Home ³ Up ³ Pg Up ³ Grey ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ + ³ ³ Left ³Center ³ Right ³ ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ Up ³ ³ End ³ Down ³ Pg Dn ³ Grey ³ ÚÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÅÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³Left ³Down ³Right³ ³ Ins ³ Del ³ Enter ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÙ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ   If you like using these grey With Num Lock off, cursor keys, these function you can probably guess most assignments are for you. of these function assignments. Grey cursor keys Keypad keys Up - move cursor up Home - toggle col 1 & beg of line Down - move cursor down ^Home - first line in window Left - move cursor left Pg Up - page up Right - move cursor right ^Pg Up - goto first page in file ^Up - scroll cursor up Center - move to center of window ^Down - scroll cursor down ^Center - line to center of window ^Left - cursor to previous word End - last character in line ^Right - cursor to next word ^End - last line in window @Up - scroll text up Pg Dn - page down @Down - scroll text down ^Pg Dn - goto last page in file @Left - horizontal char left Ins - toggle insert mode @Right - horizontal char right Del - delete character @PgUp - horizontal page left ^Del - stream delete character @PgDn - horizontal page right Grey - - scroll screen up ^#Left - horizontal char left Grey + - scroll screen down ^#Right - horizontal char right ^Grey - - fixed scroll screen up ^Grey + - fixed scroll screen down  Enter - Insert line and move down #Enter - 1st char in next line Note: The Alt+Cursor keys are not ^Enter - column 1 in next line available on 83/84 key keyboards. Pressing the Alt + a number key on the keypad generates a character code and not a cursor movement command. FYI, the Alt+keypad is the method for entering any ASCII or Extended ASCII character into the text file. Function Keys: I tried to use some logical order when I assigned functions to the function keys. I use a 101 keyboard most of the time, so it should be easy to see the logical function grouping with it. The function keys on a 101 keyboard are placed along the top of the keyboard. Functions are arranged as follows: Help File Find & Window Functions Search/Replace Commands F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 F1 = Instantaneous Help @F1 = Directory List List the contents of a directory or matching files. At the prompt, press enter to list all files in the current directory or enter any valid subdirectory name, file name, or wild card characters. You don't have to put a *.* at the end of a subdirectory name; the directory list function adds those wild card characters to subdirectory names as a default. A '\' is added to the end of subdirectory names in the file list. To list files in other directories, just move the cursor to the desired subdirectory name and press enter. When you see ..\ in the directory list, the double periods represent the parent of the current directory. The .\ represents the current directory. You may move up and down the directory tree by selecting the parent or childrens of the current directory. File Functions: F2 = Save file Saves all changes made to file. Existing file is overwritten by the new file. It does not prompt for a new file name - automatically assumes you want to overwrite the old file. F3 = Quit file Abandons any changes made in the file and closes or kicks the file out of the current window. If you are editing multiple files or have multiple windows, tde searches for any invisible files to display in the current window. If no invisible windows are found, tde combines windows. If this is the only file being edited, F3 quits tde. If you made any changes to the file, it asks you if you want to abandon them. You can create an invisible window when you load in a file over the current file. Nothing happens to the invisible file or window - you just can't see it. When I added vertical windows, this routine became a LOT more complicated. To keep things reasonably sane, let's only close windows that have three common edges, eg. ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ no ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³yes1 ³yes1³ ³ no ÃÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³ yes2 ³ ³ ÃÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ´ ³ ³ yes2 ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ Windows with 'no' cannot be closed. Windows with 'yes' can be combined with windows that have the same yes number. F4 = File (save and quit) This function is a combination of Save and Quit (F2 & F3 above). #F2 = Save as If you don't want to overwrite the original file but you want to save the contents of the current file, you may save the file under a different file name. This function prompts you for a file name to save the changes (press escape to abort). #F4 = Edit new file To bring another file into the editor, use this function. It loads the file into the current window and previous window becomes invisible. You can even load several copies of the same file. I like this because I often need to refer back to the original unchanged file on disk. When I make a booboo in file, which is quite often, I don't necessarily want to quit and start over; I just want to get back the part that I messed up. It is really easy to mark the orginal text in a block and copy it to place where I made a booboo. Each time a file is loaded into tde, it is treated as a different file. @F2 = Set file attributes Change the attributes of a file. Attributes are: A = Archive, S = System, H = Hidden, R = Read-Only. You can change the attributes of a file so that read-only files can be edited. To edit a read-only file: 1) edit the file, 2) change the file attributes to archive, 3) save the changes made in the file, 4) change the file attributes back to read-only. @F4 = Edit next file If you type multiple file names or type wildcard characters on the command line, press this key to bring in the next file or the next matching file into the editor. You may press this key at any time. When I use this feature, I usually split the screen and load the next file into a window. This feature is useful when you need to look in several files for a piece of code or if you know that you are going to edit several files at the same time. Macros: @F3 = Macro record This key toggles macro record off and on. A flashing "Recording" is displayed in the lite bar, so it shouldn't be too difficult to tell when record is on. This function assigns a keystroke or a series of keystrokes to an unused function key. Keystrokes are played back for some prompts. Prompts that require the user to input a name or pattern are played back. Prompts that require the user to enter a choice, "Overwrite existing file (y/n)?" for example, are not played back. There is room for 1024 keystrokes in the macro buffer. There are no restrictions on the length of a single macro. If you want, you may define one macro that contains 1024 keystrokes. When tde terminates, all macros definitions disappear. Macro definitions are temporary. If you want to reuse macros that are defined during an editing session, they need to be saved before you exit tde. Recursive Macros Recursive macros are supported. Only one level of recursion is supported in tde. Here's a simple example of a recursive macro: Alt-F3 = turn macro record on Alt-5 = assign the recording to Alt-5 Down = move cursor down a line Alt-5 = call the macro we just defined Alt-F3 = turn macro record off Enter this macro and press Alt-5 to see what a recursive macro does. Recursive macros repeatedly execute themselves until an error condition occurs, which usually happens when the end of file is reached. I often use recursive macros to delete certain lines in a file or to rearrange the fields of a formatted data file. Each editor function in tde returns a code to the macro processor that indicates whether or not an error occured. Here are some conditions that generate an error: attempting to move the cursor past the end of file or behind the start of the file, trying to add too many characters in a line, attempting block operations with no marked block, etc... One interesting phenomenon about recursive macros is that a macro can be defined that never terminates. The simplest non-terminating macro definition in tde is: Alt-F3 = turn macro record on Alt-7 = assign the recording to Alt-7 Alt-7 = call the macro we just defined Alt-F3 = turn macro record off This a+7 macro carries out no instructions. The only thing this macro does is call itself. In a perfect world, this macro will execute forever. There are lots of ways to create non-terminating recursive macros. Be creative and try creating a few non- terminating recursive macros yourself. With several different sizes and shapes of horizontal and vertical windows on the screen and with cursor sync toggled on, you can create some really neat macros using cursor movement keys. If you get tired of waiting for forever, just press Control-Break to stop any macro. A Really Neat Recursive Macro Here's a really neat recursive macro that you might try with cursor sync turned off. Edit a fairly large file, one with at least a 1000 lines, and move the cursor to line 500 or the half way point. Then, split the screen into several vertical windows with about 15 columns in each window , e.g.: ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÂÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ¿ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ start ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ³ ÀÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÁÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÙ With cursor sync turned off and macro record turned on, define a macro that 1) moves the cursor down in one window, 2) goes to the next window and moves the cursor up, 3) goes to the next window and moves the cursor down, 4) when the cursor finally makes it back to the starting window, make the macro recursive. Suppose the cursor is in the window labeled "start" in the sample screen above. Here's the way the keystrokes in this macro would be recorded: Alt-F3 = turn macro record on Alt-8 = assign this macro to Alt-8 Down = move cursor down in "start" window F10 = next window Up = move cursor up F10 = next window Down = move cursor down F10 = next window Down = move cursor down F10 = next window Up = move cursor up F10 = next window - cursor is now in "start" Alt-8 = call the macro just defined. it's now recursive. Alt-F3 = turn macro record off Press Alt-8 and watch a really neat recursive macro. #F1 = Save macro file Saves all macro definitions to a file. tde prompts for the macro file name. #F3 = Load macro file Prompts for a search pattern or file name. I can never remember macro file or path names, so this function uses a file pick list. ^ESC = Clear macros Resets or clears all macros. ^P = Pause When this function is part of a macro, press any key to continue the macro or press ESC to halt or break the macro. Find and Search/Replace: ^F5 = Toggle search case You can toggle the case of the search flag at any time, even after you define the search pattern. #F5 = find forward To define the search pattern, use this function. It prompts you for the search pattern. The pattern is defined, across files, until changed. #F6 = find backward Same as find forward except search backward in file. F5 = Repeat find forward Once the search pattern has been defined (Shift F5 or Shift F6), you can press this key at any time in any file to find the next occurrence of pattern. I decided to use two sets of functions to perform searches. Once I found a pattern, I might do some editing and then find the next occurrence. I hate to define the search pattern over and over or set the search direction over and over. This function does a wrap search - when it reaches the eof it starts over at the beginning of the file. F6 = Repeat find backward Like repeat find forward, you can press this key at anytime once the search pattern has been defined. @F5 = Repeat find forward2 Like F5 except the cursor is not repositioned to the middle of the screen. This function is useful when working with data files. @F6 = Repeat find backward2 Like F6 except the cursor is not repositioned to the middle of the screen. #F7 = Search/Replace forward This function prompts you for the search pattern and the replacement text. If you want to match the search case, remember to toggle the search flag, which can be done at any time. You can either do prompt or no prompt replacing. Regardless of prompt or no prompt replacing, this function actually moves the cursor to the pattern and displays it on the screen and replaces the text. If you are using tde on a slow machine, you can see the search/replace taking place. I implemented the function this way because I just like to see what the search/replace function is doing. Press Control-Break to stop no prompt replacing. #F8 = Search/Replace backward Same as search/replace forward except backwards. Window Functions: F8 = Split window vertically Splits the screen at the current cursor location. The current file is displayed in multiple windows. Changes to a file are echoed in all windows opened to the same copy of that file. You can also see any marked blocks in the same copy of the file in different windows. There has to be at least 15 columns in any window, so the number of visible windows is limited by the display screen. F9 = Split window horizontally Splits the screen at the current cursor location. There has to be at least 1 text line in any window, so the number of visible windows is limited by the display screen. #F9 = Resize window Sometimes there is a need to concentrate on the contents of one window. Use the up and down arrow keys to adjust the current window to desired size. Changing the size of the top window is not allowed. ^F9 = Zoom window Makes the current window fill the whole screen. All windows except the current window become invisible. F10 = Next window If more than one window is displayed, you can press one key to move to the next window. #F10 = Previous window Move to previous window - opposite of next window. ^F10 = Next Hidden Window Displays "hidden" or "invisible" windows in the same place as the current window. The current window then becomes invisible. Block Commands: Block operations can be done within or between files. Operations on line blocks that move text are carried out on the line immediately below the cursor. Operations on box or stream blocks that move text begin at the column of the cursor. Press Control-Break to stop most Box operations. Nearly all Line and Stream operations happen so fast that you can't stop them once they are started. @B - Mark Box Block This key is used to mark both the beginning and ending corner of a box block. @L - Mark Line Block This key is similar to the operation of the box block, but entire lines are marked. @X - Mark Stream Block All the text between the beginning and ending column, sorta like a stream of characters, is marked. Useful with sentences. @U - Unmark Block If you make a booboo when marking blocks, press @U to unmark the block and start over. After certain block operations, the block may remain marked. @G - Group Delete block Sorta self explanatory. This function deletes the text in the marked block. @M - Move block Move the cursor to the desired location and press @M to move the marked block. In line mode, the text is moved to the line immediately below the cursor. In box and stream mode, the block is moved to the column of the cursor. @C - Copy block With line blocks, the block is copied to the line below the cursor. With box and stream blocks, the block is copied beginning at the column of the cursor. If you try to copy a Line block within itself, the block copy starts at the first line immediately after the marked block. @K - Kopy block Same as copy block except block stays marked. It's sorta like a poor man's cut-and-paste buffer. @O - Overlay block You can only overlay Box blocks. The original block stays marked after the operation. @F - Fill box block Fills the marked Box block with character. This function is useful for filling in a column of periods for tables and such. @N - Number box block tde prompts you for the starting number, the increment, and whether to left or right justify the numbers. tde only handles integers - no floating point numbers are allowed. I felt that there were too many things involved in real numbers, eg. number of significant places to left of decimal, to right of decimal, exponents, engineering form, scientific form, etc.... If you want real numbers, just use a combination of the number box and fill box functions. Use the fill box function to make a column of decimals and the number box function to number the left and right side of the decimal. @P - Print block Prints the block to the PRN device. I haven't tried redirecting the PRN, but it should work. This function prompts for block or file to print. Press Control-Break to stop printing. @S - Sort box block Lines are sorted, ascending or descending, using the contents of the box block as the sort keys. The Ignore/Match toggle determines whether case of the keys is significant. To sort multiple columns, sort the least significant column first. Press Control-Break to stop. @W - Write block to file Writes the marked block to a file. tde prompts for the file name. @E - Block expand tabs Expands the tabs in the marked block, which must be a LINE block, using the current tab setting. Press Control-Break to stop. @T - Block trim trailing Trims trailing space, if any, at the end of each line in a LINE block. Press Control-Break to stop. @< - Block upper case Convert all lower case characters in the block to upper case. @> - Block lower case Convert all upper case characters in the block to lower case. @? - Block strip high bit Strip the high bit off all characters in the block. This function is useful when editing files produced by WordStar. Word Processing Commands: @V - toggle word wrap Toggle word wrap between off, Fixed Wrap, and Dynamic Wrap. In Fixed Wrap mode, the left margin is explicitly determined by the left margin setting. In Dynamic Wrap mode, the left margin is determined by the indentation of the current line. Writers may find the Dynamic Wrap mode easier to use. If the cursor is somewhere in the line, words are pushed to the next line. In tde, other than margins, word wrap and format paragraph or format text have nothing to do with each other. Word wrap is used to push characters or the cursor to the next line when the right margin is violated. Format paragraph and format text can be used at any time - they do not depend on the state of the WordWrap flag. ^F6 - Set Left margin May be set to any column equal to or greater than 1 and less than the right margin. ^F7 - Set Right margin May be set to any column greater than the left margin and less than the maximum line length or 1040. ^F8 - Set Paragraph margin The paragraph margin may be set to any column less than the right margin. @F7 - format paragraph Text is formatted from the beginning of the paragraph according to the current left, right, and paragraph margins. If the cursor is not on the beginning line of a paragraph, tde searches for start of the paragraph and formatting starts there. The entire paragraph is formatted according to the margins. ^B - Format Text Text is formatted from the cursor onward. This function does not search for the beginning of the paragraph to start the format. @F8 - Left justify Beginning of current line is adjusted to start at left margin @F9 - Right justify End of current line is adjusted so it ends at the right margin @F10 - Center justify Current line is centered between the left and right margins. Other keys: Enter Insert a newline at the cursor. If the cursor is in the middle of a line, the line is split at the cursor. Indentation is matched if the editor is in the Indent mode. #Enter Move the cursor down a line. The cursor is placed on the first non-blank character in the next line. No lines are added to the file. ^Enter Move the cursor down a line. The cursor is placed on column 1 in the next line. No lines are added to the file. Up (arrow) Move cursor up. Down (arrow) Move cursor down. Left (arrow) Move cursor left. Right (arrow) Move cursor right. Home Toggles between the first non-blank character and column zero. End Move cursor to the end of line character. Page Up Move cursor up one page. Page Down Move cursor down one page. ^Right Move cursor one word right. ^Left Move cursor one word left. ^#Right (Control+Shift+Right) Pan the screen one character to the right. ^#Left (Control+Shift+Left) Pan the screen one character to the left. ^Home Move cursor to first line on screen. ^End Move cursor to last line on screen. ^Page Up Move cursor to first page in file. ^Page Down Move cursor to last page in file. Zip to line Move to line number. tde prompts for line number. Press Escape to abort. Center The cursor is moved to the center of the current window. ^Center The line the cursor is on is moved to the center of the current window. Grey - (on the key pad) or ^Down Scroll window up with cursor staying on same line in file. Grey + (on the key pad) or ^Up Scroll window down with cursor staying on same line in file. @Grey Up (the arrow in the cursor/control cluster) or ^Grey - (grey - on keypad) Cursor stays on same line of the screen as the file scrolls up. @Grey Down (the arrow in the cursor/control cluster) or ^Grey + (grey + on keypad) Cursor stays on same line of the screen as the file scrolls down. @Grey PgUp Horizontal page left. @Grey PgDn Horizontal page right. ESC - undo line Get back the original unchanged line. When cursor is moved off a line, all changes to the file are made and there is no way to get back the contents of a line. Del Delete the character, if any, under the cursor. ^Del Delete the characters in the file as if they were a stream. Lines will be joined at the cursor and eventually every character in the file may be deleted. Backspace Delete the character to the left of the cursor and move left. If the cursor is on the first column of a line, the current line is joined with the line above. If in indent mode and the cursor is on the first non-blank character, tde matches the indentation of the previous line(s). Tab If in insert mode, insert the appropriate number of spaces for a tab and move the cursor left. If in overwrite mode, just move the cursor left w/o inserting text. @= Duplicates the current line. @- Deletes the text from the cursor to the end of line. ^Y Deletes current line, cursor does not move. @D Deletes current line, cursor does not move (exactly same as ^Y). @Y or ^U Undelete the most recently deleted line. The undelete buffer has room for 10k of deleted text. If more than 10k of text is deleted, the oldest line(s) are pushed out before the new one is added. You may press ^U repeatedly to undelete all lines in the buffer. Deleted lines from line delete, delete to end of line, word delete, join line, and backspace are stored in the undelete buffer. @A Add a blank line below cursor. ^_ or Control underline Split line at column of cursor. If in indent mode, the split line is autoindented. @J Join the current line with the line below. ^Tab Set tabs. ^] Paren Balance. @1 - @3 Set a file marker. Each file may have up to 3 markers. #@1 - #@3 (Shift+Alt+1 thru Shift+Alt+3) Goto a previously defined file marker. ^@ (Control+At sign -- not Control+Alt. Control+At sign is the first character in the ASCII character set, Control+2 on many keyboards) Writes the current system date and time at the column of the cursor. Use tdecfg to set the desired year and time format. Control-Break In tde, Control-Break will stop printing, sorting, search/replacing, and recursive macros. Toggles: ^F1 Toggle cursor sync. Only cursor movement commands are synced. Commands that change text are not synced. ^F2 Toggle eol display. A special character is displayed in the column of the actual new line. ^F3 Toggle writing or at end of line. tde will read a text file with lines that end in either method; however, you may want to write the file in a different method. I think *nix systems only want a of the end of line. ^F4 Toggle trimming trailing space at the end of line. A 'T' is displayed in the bottom right of the mode line to indicate trailing space is trimmed. ^F5 = Toggle search or sort case You can toggle the case flag at any time, even after you define the search pattern. Ins Toggle between insert and overwrite mode. @Tab Toggle smart tab mode. Smart tab positions are determined by looking for the first, previous, non-blank line above the cursor and then positioning the cursor at the begining of the next or previous word from the column of the cursor. It's useful for building tables and formatted data files. @I Toggle between indent and no indent mode. In indent mode, tde searches for the first non-blank character on previous lines and places the cursor on that column when a carriage return is pressed. When backspacing in indent mode, tde lines up the indentation with the first non-blank character of the previous line(s). @R - Toggle ruler Toggle display of ruler in all visible windows. @V - toggle word wrap Toggle word wrap between Off, Fixed Wrap, and Dynamic Wrap. @Z Toggle writing Control Z at the end of file. Some programs may misbehave if a Control Z is not at the end of the file. WordStar style commands: A limited number of WordStar style commands are implemented in tde. I have no plans, whatsoever, to implement any additional WordStar style commands. This implementation may not correspond exactly to the WordStar command convention. WordStar is a trademark of WordStar International. ^A - word left ^B - format text ^C - screen down ^D - character right ^E - line up ^F - word right ^G - delete character ^H - backspace ^I - tab ^J - help ^K - n/a ^L - n/a ^M - return (carriage control, enter) ^N - add line below cursor ^O - n/a ^P - n/a ^Q - n/a ^R - page up ^S - character left ^T - word delete ^U - undelete line ^V - toggle insert mode ^W - scroll up line ^X - line down ^Y - delete line ^Z - scroll line down ^\ - redraw screen Editor command summary: Function Description Help Display instantaneous help screen Rturn Insert newline and move down while matching indentation NextLine Move cursor to first character in next line BegNextLine Move cursor to first column in next line LineDown Move cursor down a line LineUp Move cursor up a line CharRight Move cursor right one character CharLeft Move cursor left one character ScrollRight Pan screen one character right ScrollLeft Pan screen one character left WordRight Move cursor to beginning of next word WordLeft Move cursor to beginning of previous word ScreenDown Page screen down ScreenUp Page screen up EndOfFile Move to the last page in a file TopOfFile Move to the first page in a file BotOfScreen Move cursor to bottom of current window TopOfScreen Move cursor to top of current window EndOfLine Move cursor to end of line BegOfLine Move cursor to first character in line or column 1 JumpToLine Move cursor to line entered by user CenterWindow Move cursor to center of current window CenterLine Move current line and cursor to center of window HorizontalScreenRight Page screen right HorizontalScreenLeft Page screen left ScrollDnLine Scroll screen down 1 line and cursor moves with line ScrollUpLine Scroll screen up 1 line and cursor moves with line FixedScrollUp Scroll screen up 1 line and cursor does not move FixedScrollDn Scroll screen down 1 line and cursor does not move ToggleOverWrite Toggle insert/overwrite mode and cursor changes shape ToggleSmartTabs Toggle smart tab mode on/off ToggleIndent Toggle indent mode on/off ToggleWordWrap Toggle word wrap on/off ToggleCRLF Toggle CRLF/LF at eol when writing file to disk ToggleTrailing Toggle trim trailing space at eol ToggleZ Toggle writing ^Z at eof ToggleEol Toggle display of eol character ToggleSync Toggle cursor sync ToggleRuler Toggle ruler display SetTabs Set file tabs SetLeftMargin Set left margin SetRightMargin Set right margin SetParagraphMargin Set paragraph margin FormatParagraph Format the entire paragraph according to margins FormatText Format from the cursor line to end of paragraph LeftJustify Left justify a line RightJustify Right justify a line CenterJustify Center justify a line Tab Move cursor to next tab and add spaces if insert mode BackTab Move cursor to previous tab and delete if insert mode ParenBalance Match (), {}, or [] under the cursor BackSpace Delete previous character DeleteChar Delete current character, but do not join lines StreamDeleteChar Delete current character and join lines if at eol DeleteLine Delete current line DelEndOfLine Delete from the cursor to the eol WordDelete Delete from the cursor to the end of word AddLine Insert a blank line under the cursor SplitLine Split the current line at the cursor JoinLine Join next line with current line at the cursor DuplicateLine Duplicate the current line AbortCommand Abort editor functions UndoLine Get back the original contents of a line UndoDelete Get back up to the last 10k of deleted text ToggleSearchCase Toggle match/ignore search case or sort case FindForward Prompt for pattern and search forward FindBackward Prompt for pattern and search backward RepeatFindForward1 Repeat find forward and adjust cursor if needed RepeatFindForward2 Repeat find forward and do not adjust cursor RepeatFindBackward1 Repeat find backward and adjust cursor if needed RepeatFindBackward2 Repeat find backward and do not adjust cursor ReplaceForward Search and replace pattern forward ReplaceBackward Search and replace pattern backward MarkBox Mark start or end of a box block MarkLine Mark start or end of a line block MarkStream Mark start or end of a stream block UnMarkBlock Unmark a block FillBlock Fill a box block with prompted character NumberBlock Fill a box block with starting number using increment CopyBlock Copy a block to cursor and unmark block KopyBlock Copy a block to cursor and leave block marked MoveBlock Move a block to cursor and unmark block OverlayBlock Overlay a box block DeleteBlock Delete a block BlockToFile Write a marked block to a file PrintBlock Print a block or file BlockExpandTabs Expand tabs in marked LINE block using tab setting BlockTrimTrailing Trim trailing space from all lines in a line block BlockUpperCase Convert all lower case in block to upper case BlockLowerCase Convert all upper case in block to lower case BlockStripHiBit Strip the high bit from all characters in block SortBoxBlock Sort line according to keys in box block DateTimeStamp Insert system time and date EditFile Editor prompts for file to edit DirList List matching files in subdirectories File Save file and quit window Save Save file SaveAs Save file under a new file name SetFileAttributes Set current file attributes EditNextFile Edit next file on command line RedrawScreen Redraw the screen SizeWindow Change size of current window SplitHorizontal Split current window horizontally SplitVertical Split current window vertically NextWindow Move to next window PreviousWindow Move to previous window ZoomWindow Make current window the maximum window size NextHiddenWindow Switch to next hidden window SetMark1 Set a file marker SetMark2 SetMark3 GotoMark1 Move cursor to previously defined marker GotoMark2 GotoMark3 RecordMacro Record keystrokes PlayBack Play back keystrokes SaveMacro Save macro to a file LoadMacro Load macro from a file ClearAllMacros Clear the macro buffer Pause Pause a macro Quit Quit current window and file and abandon changes