This is a Standard C Library... but here are the changes from Standard C... qfree() - returns : eax=largest free block of RAM ebx=total free RAM atol() and atoi() are replaced with str2num() #defines are placed in qlib.h if you still use the old names ltoa() and itoa() are replaced with num2str_*() There are many versions of num2str_*: each following this form: num2str_[h,b] (); where b=byte w=word d=dword h=hex b=binary (optional default=decimal) NOTE: leading zeros are NOT removed (use printf which will remove them) printf's format chars have changed: Basic format is now: % [0] [+] [H,B,S] where b=byte w=word d=dword c=char s=string H=hex B=binary S=signed +=print + if it is positive (normally only prints - sign) 0=leave all leading zeros sprintf(),sscanf() use the same formats PLAY.OBJ the play rountines have changed a lot... see txt\play.txt for more details