۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ ۲ presents: a Turbo/Borland Pascal implementation of HscOBJ V1.4 First of all: The COPYRIGHTS! HSC-Tracker is copyright of the authors. The authors are Chicken (Christian Kndig) and Zwerg Zack (Adrian Studer) of ECR. For further info, take a look at the complete HSC-Tracker package. The pascal-source included here is coded by Iron Eagle of ScrapHeap. You are allowed to use it in any way you want. You may modify it, eat it, print it, and so on. Hey! IT'S A FREE SOURCE!!!!!! The included song "Crystal2.HSC" is copyright by Chris Korte / Xography I released it to the public because the original HscOBJ can't be used with Turbo/Borland Pascal. For further versions of HscOBJ, here comes the trick how to patch it: As you may already know, code-segments in pascal must have a name like Hello_TEXT. Most important is the _TEXT-part. Unfortunatly the code-segment in HscOBJ is named "HSC_PLAYER". All you have to do is: 1.) search for the text "HSC_PLAYER" with a diskeditor; 2.) change the string to "HSCPL_TEXT". After you have done this, you have a pascal-usable version of HscOBJ. Some words about the file "PlayHSC.PAS": This file contains a example how to use the HscOBJ with pascal. All functions of the objectfile are implemented. For additional info on the player read the file "HscTrack.DOC"! This package is for real coders only, so I won't explain my source. It is really a simple one... Have a nice time with this code..... Iron Eagle / ScrapHeap