=== Int2RTF Interrupt List Compiler v1.1 (C) 1996 Slava Gostrenko === Introduction. This program converts Ralf Brown's Interrupt List into Rich Text Format (.RTF) file that may be further compiled with Microsoft Help Compiler such as HC31.EXE to make Windows Help (.HLP) file. Int2RTF uses hypertext features of the Interrupt List. It is the first (and the only) Interrupt List compiler that makes a real hypertext of the Interrupt List. It is made possible due to an advanced pattern processing technique used in the compiler. Not only it creates comprehensive indexes for all the topics in the list but it also allows users to add their own indexes to the help file. Usage. Unpack all the Interrupt List and Int2RTF files into one directory. Make sure that there is at least 18Mb of free space left on the drive. You may need up to 23Mb of free space if you computer has less than 5Mb of RAM. Try to free up to 5Mb of XMS memory (BIOS provided XMS suites as well as the memory provided by himem or any other XMS driver). The rest of the RAM may be used for disk caching provided by any disk cache driver or operating system you have. Note that abovelisted requirements are derived for Int2RTF.EXE itself. I don't know what are the requirements for Microsoft Help Compiler. I usually run HC31.EXE with 16Mb of RAM and more than 100Mb of free hard disk space. And once I've got a low memory error message running HC31.EXE with only 30Mb of free hard disk space. But it happened when I was trying to run HC31.EXE without preliminarily prepared key-phrase table (.PH file). I guess it should run Ok with 30Mb of free hard disk space if you use key-phrase file supplied with Int2RTF. Int2RTF is a protected mode (DPMI) program. So it is assumed that you have alredy configured RTM (DPMI Runtime manager that comes with Borland Pascal). In fact the actual configuration (with the help of DPMIInst program) is required if you have a 286 class computer. Otherwise it is only required that RTM.EXE and DPMI16BI.OVL can be found using PATH environment variable. Run Int2HLP.Bat. After a while it will create IntWin.RTF file. Then this file will be passed to HC31.EXE Microsoft Help Compiler. You should have HC31.EXE and its related files reachable via PATH environment variable. If you develop under windows you should already have Microsoft Help Compiler. It is not supplied within Int2RTF package. Microsoft Help Compiler is not nessesary called HC31.EXE, but Int2RTF was tested only witn HC31.EXE and it is HC31.EXE that is called from within Int2HLP.Bat. Edit Int2HLP.Bat if it is your intention to use another version of Microsoft Help Compiler. Microsoft Help Compiler should produce IntWin.HLP that is the help file you've been waiting for. Before you start to use newly created help file please bother yourself with copying of HintSrch.DLL supplied with Int2RTF into your windows directory. To use the help file in windows just double click on its name. IntWin.RTF file is not automaticly deleted. Delete it yourself when finished with Microsoft Help Compiler. Note. Do not rename IntWin.HLP. HintSrch.DLL search engine will stop working if used not with the file named IntWin.HLP. User defined idexes. To define your own index edit Int_Keys.Txt file. It is a list of user defined key words that are used for indexing. Each word in the list is searched in the Interrupt List topics. All the topics containing given key word will be listed in the separate index topic. The key word used for indexing will be the name of the topic. Int_Bold.Txt file is the list of the key words that will be displayed using bold font. You may edit this file too. Technical notes. While running Int2RTF creates 2 temporary files. Int2RTF.Swp is the main swap file for virtual memory. Topics.Swp is the swap file for the Interrupt List topics. Temporary files are deleted on the normal termination of the program. The Incomplt.Log file is a log of the ambiguous search pattern applications. Normaly you don't need this file. While running Int2RTF displays it's current status and may display error messages. I've debugged Int2RTF to run well on the Interrupt List Release 51 and added lots of error checks to the program to make it easier to find the incompatabilities of the compiler's algorithms and new releases of the Interrupt List. So let me know if you have a newer version of the Interrupt List that is compiled with errors. E-Mail me anytime you wish and don't forget to visit my homepage at http://sunny.aha.ru/~gw/ (read http.www file included in this package)! ;-) Author: Slava Gostrenko E-Mail: gw@aha.ru WWW: http://sunny.aha.ru/~gw/ <- Latest versions and info are here FidoNet: 2:5020/201.105, 2:5020/468.105