The program INT2QH converts the raw Interrupt list file into an input file for the Microsoft HELPMAKE program to create a QuickHelp database (also known as Microsoft Advisor Help files). When running, INT2QH reads interrup.lst and memory.lst from the current directory and writes the created Quickhelp source file to standard output (it creates two temporary files topics.tmp and subtopics.tmp during that process in the current directory). From the 5/90 list, it creates a 1.1M source file for HELPMAKE which then creates a help database of about 610k. You can use QH2HLP.BAT for running HELMAKE. The created help database has two levels of hierarchy (for the INT 10, INT 13 etc.) and the correct parent-connections. Only cross-references from the Interrupt list are not intepreted because this would require a lot of effort (symbol table). All topics get a running number to remove ambiguities from the database. You will see this numeric topic names like "IL123456" only in topic lists. The help database can be accessed from within the Microsoft Programmer's Workbench, the Microsoft Editor 1.2 or the stand alone QuickHelp program. Kai Uwe Rommel