Issue 1 of Game Developers Magazine should include the following files. If not all these files are in your archive, you can request a full copy by contacting me. Details in the magazine. If you re-distribute Game Developers Magazine, please ensure that all these files are included. GDM1.EXE The magazine COLOURS.EXE Shows the colours you can use to view the magazine WAITKEY.EXE Simple utility, waits x seconds for a keypress RUNME.BAT Batch file to execute the magazine README.DOC Details about the magazine FILE_ID.DIZ Description of this software, used on some BBS systems. FILELIST.DOC This file! Directory of BIGTEXT BIGTEXT.EXE BIGTEXT.ICO BIGTXT23.SDA BIGTYPE.DOC BIGTYPE.EXE BTMANUAL.EXE BTUPDATE.DOC COLOURS.EXE This lot are all part of the program BIGTEXT COMPLEX.SCR by Kevin Solway. EXAMPLE.DOC EXEMENU.DOC EXEMENU.EXE GIRL.EXE HELPDOC.DOC JOIN.DOC JOIN.EXE Please see the magazine for further details. LZEXE.DOC LZEXE.EXE REGISTER.DOC TPORDER.DOC TCAPTURE.DOC TCAPTURE.EXE TEMPLATE.DOC TPAINT.DOC TPAINT.EXE TPVENDOR.DOC VENDOR.DOC VIEW.DOC VIEW.EXE