STEREO.ASC Title: ALGORITHMS FOR STEREOSCOPIC IMAGING Keywords: APR93 C STEREOVISION ALGORITHMS GRAPHICS 3-D Source code accompanying Victor Duvanenko and W.E. Robbin's article on stereoscopic, or true 3-D, images. These algorithms (implemented in C) generate left- and right-eye views. Also see STEREO.ARC. STEREO.ARC Title: ALGORITHMS FOR STEREOSCOPIC IMAGING Keywords: APR93 C STEREOVISION ALGORITHMS GRAPHICS 3-D Full system for Victor Duvanenko and W.E. Robbin's article on stereoscopic, or true 3-D, images. These algorithms (implemented in C) generate left- and right-eye views. Requires ARCE.COM to extract. TEXTED.ASC Title: TEXT EDITORS: ALGORITHMS AND ARCHITECTURES Keywords: APR93 EDITORS C Published source code accompanying Ray Valdes' article on algorithms used to build text editors. DIFFCOMP.ASC Title: DIFFERENTIAL COMPRESSION ALGORITHMS Keywords: APR93 C GRAPHICS COMPRESSION Source code accomanying Jim Sylvester's article on adapting differential imaging compression techniques for compressing text data. Also see DIFFCOMP.ARC. DIFFCOMP.ARC Title: DIFFERENTIAL COMPRESSION ALGORITHMS Keywords: APR93 C GRAPHICS COMPRESSION Complete system, including executables, for Jim Sylvester's article on adapting differential imaging compression techniques for compressing text data. Requires ARCE.COM to extract. WAVELET.ASC Title: A WAVELET ANALYZER Keywords: APR93 DSP WAVELET TRANSFORMS SPECTRUM ANALYZER FFTs Published source code accompanying Mac Cody's article on using fast wavelet transforms to turn your PC into DSP-based spectrum analyzer. Also see WAVELET.ARC. WAVELET.ARC Title: A WAVELET ANALYZER Keywords: APR93 DSP WAVELET TRANSFORMS SPECTRUM ANALYZER FFTs Complete system for Mac Cody's wavelet analyzer. Includes source and sample data. Requires ARCE.COM to extract. FRAG.ASC Title: MEASURING FRAGMENTATION Keywords: APR93 C MEMORY FRAGMENTATION Published and unpublished source code accompanying Jim Harrington's article on measuring the amount of fragmentation in your programs. OS2WPS.ASC Title: PROGRAMMING FOR THE OS/2 2.0 WORKPLACE SHELL Keywords: APR93 OS/2 UI WPS Published source code accompanying Joel Barnum's article on converting OS/2 1.x programs to work with OS/2 2.0's Workplace Shell. Also see OS2WPS.ARC. OS2WPS.ARC Title: PROGRAMMING FOR THE OS/2 2.0 WORKPLACE SHELL Keywords: APR93 OS/2 UI WPS Complete system for Joel Barnum's article on converting OS/2 1.x programs to work with OS/2 2.0's Workplace Shell. Requires ARCE.COM to extract. CPROG.ASC Title: C PROGRAMMING COLUMN Keywords: APR93 DFLAT++ C++ CUA/SAA USER INTERFACE LIBRARY Al Stevens' continues his multipart series on D-Flat++, a SAA/CUA compliant interface library for C++. Also see DFPP01.ARC. DFPP01.ARC Title: C PROGRAMMING COLUMN Keywords: MAR93 C++ CUA/SAA The current version of the complete system for Al Stevens' D-FLAT interface library for C++. Requires ARCE.COM to extract.