TSR Information Shell 1.0. Lorne Kirkland Chartier (1995) - public domain. ----------------------------------------------- Here is a simple TSR for detecting information while running a program. Simply alter the 'filenam' variable to the correct executable name and recompile with turbo assembler 3.0+. I was too lazy to add a command line interpreter - feel free to add it if you are so inclined. It will automatically shell the executable. At the point you want information simply press F12 and it will store the information in its internal buffer. When you exit the shelled program it will show the captured information if any. I have it only setup to read video mode, rows and columns at the moment. The code is straight forward so add whatever you like. Note that demos that grab the keyboard interrupt will require a better approach. All the classic game trainer TSR tricks can be used to bypass any protection code (use timer or mouse interrupt, revector interrupt tables, use a timer interrupt to re-establish the keyboard interrupt, etc...).