From Date: Wed, 21 Jun 95 11:53:00 -0700 From: Maurice Prather Newsgroups: fido7.80xxx Subject: Scan Codes CW-> Or, it could be that the Pause key never returns a break code, because (ano CW-> guess) the break code would end the pause state that the computer is in. D CW-> this one sound better? CW-> Anyway, why didn't you state a reason why you disagree? I am not going to CW-> take your word for it, and I would like some proof, or at least another ide CW-> guess. You're right.... I do need to make a better argument. When you press a key, the keyboard generates a unique 1-byte scan code that identifies the key (i.e. actual key location). The leftmost bit of the scan code is always zero. When you release the key, *another* scan code is generated. The release scancode is simply the press scan code with the leftmost bit (#7) set to 1 (essentially adding 128). Example: F4 key Hex Bin press scan code: 0x3E 00111110 release code: 0xBE 10111110 ^ |--- leftmost bit Please note that these scan codes have no relationship to the keyboard character's ASCII codes. In addition to the corresponding scan code, the keyboard also triggers the Int 0x09 each time a key is pressed or released. Execution then passes to the ROM BIOS keyboard interrupt sercive routine. This routine reads the scan code from the port (#60). From there, BIOS will interpret the scan code and take one of three actions: + Special key sequences such as ctrl-break, sys req (alt-sys req for 101-key), shift-printscreen generate other interrupt requests for further processing. + Ctrl, Alt, Shift or the "lock" keys will force BIOS to set the appropriate bit in the keyboard byte flag. + Otherwise, the BIOS interprets the scan code and place a 2-byte code into the keyboard buffer. Every programmer should be able to dissect this 2-byte code .... ascii first, scan code second. Also, don't forget that all pc keyboards have a built-in repeat feature. When you hold down a key for a period of time, the scan code is repeated until the key is released. Although this is somewhat long winded, you should be able to see why your system is not paused until you release the ctrl key when you press the ctrl-brk combination. Look at a small time slice of the incoming scan codes... ctrl 0x1d -| break 0xe0 -| press sequence 0x46 -| ** ctrl-brk is now complete ** 0xe0 ---------| break release sequence automatically 0xc6 ---------| occurs even though you may not have released the pause/break key. I believe that this the only key which automatically generates a release code even though it may not have been released. 0x9d -| ctrl release code If only the pause key were pressed, the scan codes 0xE1, 0x1D, and 0x45 would be generated as the press codes. Thus, an entirely different process would occur. Hope this helps, Maurice ps. In another message, I made reference to #define statements used in some of my programs. I forgot to mention that in order to accurately interpret ctrl-c/ctrl-brk sequences, one must monitor the previously received scan code (specifically monitor for 0x1d and 0xE0). * OLX 2.1 TD * We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse