From: (Lars Kornwinkel) Newsgroups: comp.os.msdos.programmer Subject: Re: Ms-Dos font reprogramming. Hello ! wrote: >I would like to change the fonts that the computer uses for dos. At first you have to get access to the fontdata which is stored in the videoram. To do so you have to change regs in the sequencer controller and the graphics controller. Sequencer (port : 3C4H) 0100h (PortW[3C4h]:=$100) 0402h etc. 0704h 0300h Grafics Ctrl (port : 3CEh) 0204h 0005h 0406h You can now acces the font tables at segment A000h. There are 8 different font tables available (4 on EGA), with these offsets: 1. 0000h 2. 4000h 3. 8000h 4. C000h 5. 2000h 6. 6000h 7. A000h 8. E000h Each table has a size of 32*256 byte, that's 32 byte/char and 256 chars. Each byte of these table equals one line (a bit = one pixel) The first byte of each table is the top line of char #0 of this table, the 12th byte = line 12 of char #0 the 33th byte = top line of char #1 etc. Every char consists of 32 lines no matter how many lines are displayd. You can also display 2 of the 8 fonts at the same time. To choose ehich font should by your first and which your second one you have to do this Sequencer (3C3h) Register 3 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 (bits of register) B3 B2 B1 (bits use for font 1) B3 B2 B1 (bits use for font 1) B1 first bit of desired value (0-7) B2 etc. To wrtite with the first font you have to choose foreground colors slmaller then 8 (that's because the highest bit of color is used to select fonts). Color>=8 second font Before you can write text to the videoram you have to reset the sequencer and graphx-ctrl to their old values (you cannot access the font tables and the videoram at the same time) Sequencer (port : 3C4H) 0100h 0302h 0304h 0300h Grafics Ctrl (port : 3CEh) 0004h 1005h 0E06h Hope that helps. Lars __________________________ (_) ) / Lars Kornwinkel / ( ( \ \ )________________________)