By: Dave Walker -------------------------------------------------------------------- AW>Could ANYONE post me the structures, registers, etc. for AW>the DOS exec (4Bh) call? I just CAN'T make the blasted AW>thing work... grrr.. I've also heard there's a _REALLY_ AW>undocumented call that will use COMMAND.COM to execute a AW>command. Any knowledge of this? Here's a simple model for invoking a child process. For simplicity, it uses the parent's PSP and environment. This is written in TASM format using ideal mode, but it shouldn't be too hard to convert if desired. There are a couple of things that might need explanation: - On starting an EXE program, DS and ES point to the PSP. In other words, DS:0 = ES:0 = PSP:0. - The environment segment is stored at PSP:002Ch. If you want the child to inherit the parent's environment, just fetch [PSP:002Ch] and store it in the first word of the parameter block. To invoke a second copy of the command processor (not necessarily COMMAND.COM, ie. 4DOS, etc.) try replacing the childname with something similar to this: dosfunc db '/C dir *.exe',0 ;Do DIR for EXE files The /C option tells the command processor to execute the command and return to it's caller. By not using the /C option, you can invoke a shell like so: shell db 'prompt SHELL$g',0 ;Invoke DOS shell Dave 1:396/1