New in V 0.2: 1. BUGFIXES: Lots of Bugs in the VirtuaAlloc emulation fixed (These may have caused "Invalid Pointer" runtime errors or even page faults in rare cases.) However, I'm not fully satisfied with it, so I'm about to rewrite the VirtualAlloc from scratch. Not that anyone cares: the above mentioned crashes aren't reported anymore with the test version of Wustub 0.2. CreateFileA did ignore CREATE_ALWAYS causing errors opening untyped files if the didn't exist yet. This has been fixed and should work now. I say it again: Do NOT call these functions directly! They aren't complete replacements of the Win 32 API and may behave not as you might expect! Wustub now uses a newer version of the WDOSX DOS extender that also has fewer bugs in it than WDOSX 0.92. 2. ADDED: I've added a bit more Pascal example sourcecode and documentation. Furhermore the existing .TXT files have been reviewed. 3. REMOVED: The compiled example of TESTALL.PAS has been removed from the package since it was half the size of the entire thing and everyone should be able to rebuild it from the source, if you really like...