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7. Operators

S-Lang supports a variety of operators that are grouped into three classes: assignment operators, binary operators, and unary operators.

An assignment operator is used to assign a value to a variable. They will be discussed more fully in the context of the assignment statement in section ???.

An unary operator acts only upon a single quantity while a binary operation is an operation between two quantities. The boolean operator not is an example of an unary operator. Examples of binary operators include the usual arithemetic operators +, -, *, and /. The operator given by - can be either an unary operator (negation) or a binary operator (subtraction); the actual operation is determined from the context in which it is used.

Binary operators are used in algebraic forms, e.g., a + b. Unary operators fall in one of two classes: postfix-unary or prefix-unary. For example, in the expression -x, the minus sign is a prefix-unary operator.

Not all data types have binary or unary operations defined. For example, while String_Type objects support the + operator, they do not admit the * operator.

7.1 Unary Operators

The unary operators operate only upon a single operand. They include: not, ~, -, @, &, as well as the increment and decrement operators ++ and --, respectively.

The boolean operator not acts only upon integers and produces 0 if its operand is non-zero, otherwise it produces 1.

The bit-level not operator ~ performs a similar function, except that it operates on the individual bits of its integer operand.

The arithemetic negation operator - is the most well-known unary operator. It simply reverses the sign of its operand.

The reference (&) and dereference (@) operators will be discussed in greater detail in section ???. Similary, the increment (++) and decrement (--) operators will be discussed in the context of the assignment operator.

7.2 Binary Operators

The binary operators may be grouped according to several classes: arithmetic operators, relational operators, boolean operators, and bitwise operators.

All binary and unary operators may be overloaded. For example, the arithemetic plus operator has been overloaded by the String_Type data type to permit concatenation between strings.

Arithemetic Operators

The arithemetic operators include +, -, *, /, which perform addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, respectively. In addition to these, S-Lang supports the mod operator as well as the power operator ^.

The data type of the result produced by the use of one of these operators depends upon the data types of the binary participants. If they are both integers, the result will be an integer. However, if the operands are not of the same type, they will be converted to a common type before the operation is performed. For example, if one is a floating point value and the other is an integer, the integer will be converted to a float. In general, the promotion from one type to another is such that no information is lost, if possible. As an example, consider the expression 8/5 which indicates division of the integer 8 by the integer 5. The result will be the integer 1 and not the floating point value 1.6. However, 8/5.0 will produce 1.6 because 5.0 is a floating point number.

Relational Operators

The relational operators are >, >=, <, <=, ==, and !=. These perform the comparisons greater than, greater than or equal, less than, less than or equal, equal, and not equal, respectively. The result of one of these comparisons is the integer 1 if the comparison is true, or 0 if the comparison is false. For example, 6 >= 5 returns 1, but 6 == 5 produces 0.

Boolean Operators

There are only two boolean binary operators: or and and. These operators are defined only for integers and produce an integer result. The or operator returns 1 if either of its operands are non-zero, otherwise it produces 0. The and operator produces 1 if and only if both its operands are non-zero, otherwise it produces 0.

Neither of these operators perform the so-called boolean short-circuit evaluation. For example, consider the expression:

      (x != 0) and (1/x > 10)
Here, if x were to have a value of zero, a division by zero error would occur because even though x!=0 evaluates to zero, the and operator is not short-circuited and the 1/x expression would still be evaluated. Although these operators are not short-circuited, S-Lang does have another mechanism of performing short-circuit boolean evaluation via the orelse and andelse expressions. See below for information abouth these constructs.

Bitwise Operators

The bitwise binary operators are defined only with integer operands and are used for bit-level operations. Operators that fall in this class include &, |, shl, shr, and xor. The & operator performs a boolean AND operation between the corresponding bits of the operands. Similarly, the | operator performs the boolean OR operation on the bits. The bit-shifting operators shl and shr shift the bits of the first operand by the number given by the second operand to the left or right, respectively. Finally, the xor performs an EXCLUSIVE-OR operation.

These operators are commonly used to manipulate variables whose individual bits have distinct meanings. In particular, & is usually used to test bits, | can be used to set bits, and xor may be used to flip a bit.

As an example of using & to perform tests on bits, consider the following: The jed text editor stores some of the information about a buffer in a bitmapped integer variable. The value of this variable may be retrieved using the jed intrinsic function getbuf_info, which actually returns four quantities: the buffer flags, the name of the buffer, directory name, and file name. For the purposes of this section, only the buffer flags are of interest and can be retrieved via a function such as

      define get_buffer_flags ()
         variable flags;
         (,,,flags) = getbuf_info ();
         return flags;
The buffer flags is a bitmapped quantity where the 0th bit indicates whether or not the buffer has been modified, the first bit indicates whether or not autosave has been enabled for the buffer, and so on. Consider for the moment the task of determining if the buffer has been modified. This can be determined by looking at the zeroth bit, if it is 0 the buffer has not been modified, otherwise it has. Thus we can create the function,
     define is_buffer_modified ()
        variable flags = get_buffer_flags ();
        return (flags & 1);
where the integer 1 has been used since it has all of its bits set to 0, except for the zeroth one, which is set to 1. (At this point, it should also be apparant that bits are numbered from zero, thus an 8 bit integer consists of bits 0 to 7, where 0 is the least significant bit and 7 is the most significant one.) Similarly, we can create another function
     define is_autosave_on ()
        variable flags = get_buffer_flags ();
        return (flags & 2);
to determine whether or not autosave has been turned on for the buffer.

The shl operator may be used to form the integer with only the nth bit set. For example, 1 shl 6 produces an integer with all bits set to zero except the sixth bit, which is set to one. The following example exploits this fact:

     define test_nth_bit (flags, nth)
        return flags & (1 shl nth);

Operator Precedence

Binary Operators and Functions Returning Multiple Values

Care must be exercised when using binary operators with an operand the returns multiple values. In fact, the current implementation of the S-Lang language will produce incorrect results if both operands of a binary expression return multiple values. At most, only one of operands of a binary expression can return multiple values, and that operand must be the first one, not the second. For example,

    define read_line (fp)
       variable line, status;
       status = fgets (&line, fp);
       if (status == -1)
         return -1;
       return (line, status);
defines a function, read_line that takes a single argument, a handle to an open file, and returns one or two values, depending upon the return value of fgets. Now consider
        while (read_line (fp) > 0)
             text = ();
             % Do something with text
Here the relational binary operator > forms a comparison between one of the return values (the one at the top of the stack) and 0. In accordance with the above rule, since read_line returns multiple values, it occurs as the left binary operand. Putting it on the right as in
        while (0 < read_line (fp))    % Incorrect
             text = ();
             % Do something with text
violates the rule and will result in the wrong answer.

7.3 Mixing Integer and Floating Point Arithmetic.

If a binary operation (+, -, * , /) is performed on two integers, the result is an integer. If at least one of the operands is a float, the other is converted to float and the result is float. For example:

      11 / 2           --> 5   (integer)
      11 / 2.0         --> 5.5 (float)
      11.0 / 2         --> 5.5 (float)
      11.0 / 2.0       --> 5.5 (float)
Finally note that only integers may be used as array indices, loop control variables, and bit operations. The conversion functions, int and float, may be used convert between floats and ints where appropriate, e.g.,
      int (1.5)         --> 1 (integer)
      float(1.5)        --> 1.5 (float)
      float (1)         --> 1.0 (float)

7.4 Short Circuit Boolean Evaluation

The boolean operators or and and are not short circuited as they are in some languages. S-Lang uses orelse and andelse expressions for short circuit boolean evaluation. However, these are not binary operators. Expressions of the form:

expr-1 and expr-2 and ... expr-n
can be replaced by the short circuited version using andelse:
andelse {expr-1} {expr-2} ... {expr-n}
A similar syntax holds for the orelse operator. For example, consider the statement:
      if ((x != 0) and (1/x > 10)) do_something ();
Here, if x were to have a value of zero, a division by zero error would occur because even though x!=0 evaluates to zero, the and operator is not short circuited and the 1/x expression would be evaluated causing division by zero. For this case, the andelse expression could be used to avoid the problem:
      if (andelse
          {x != 0}
          {1 / x > 10})  do_something ();

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