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11. Structures and User-Defined Types

A structure is a heterogeneous container object, i.e., it is an object with elements whose values do not have to be of the same data type. The elements or fields of a structure are named, and one accesses a particular field of the structure via the field name. This should be contrasted with an array whose values are of the same type, and whose elements are accessed via array indices.

A user-defined data type is a structure with a fixed set of fields defined by the user.

11.1 Defining a Structure

The struct keyword is used to define a structure. The syntax for this operation is:

struct {field-name-1, field-name-2, ... field-name-N};
This creates and returns a stucture with N fields whose names are specified by field-name-1, field-name-2, ..., field-name-N. When a structure is created, all its fields are initialized to NULL.

For example,

     variable t = struct { city_name, population, next };
defines creates a structure with three fields and assigns it to the variable t.

Like arrays, structures are passed around via a references. Thus, in the above example, the value of t is a reference to the structure. This means that after execution of

     variable u = t;
both t and u refer to the same structure, since only the reference was used in the assignment. To actually create a new copy of the structure, use the dereference operator, e.g.,
     variable u = @t;

11.2 Accessing the Fields of a Structure

The dot (.) operator is used to specifiy the a particular field of structure. If s is a structure and field_name is a field of the structure, then s.field_name specifies that field of s. This specification can be used in expressions just like ordinary variables. Again, consider

     variable t = struct { city_name, population, next };
described in the last section. Then,
     t.city_name = "New York";
     t.population = 13000000;
     if (t.population > 200) t =;
are all valid statments involving the fields of t.

11.3 Linked Lists

One of the most important uses of structures is to create a dynamic data structure such as a linked-list. A linked-list is simply a chain of structures that are linked together such that one structure in the chain is the value of a field of the previous structure in the chain. To be concrete, consider the structure discussed earlier:

     variable t = struct { city_name, population, next };
and suppose that we desire to create a list of such structures. The purpose of the next field is to provide the link to the next structure in the chain. Suppose that there exists a function, read_next_city, that reads city names and populations from a file. Then we can create the list via:
     define create_population_list ()
        variable city_name, population, list_root, list_tail;
        variable next;
        list_root = NULL;
        while (read_next_city (&city_name, &population))
             next = struct {city_name, population, next };

             next.city_name = city_name;
             next.population = population;
    = NULL;

             if (list_root == NULL)
               list_root = next;
      = next;
             list_tail = next;
        return list_root;
In this function, the variables list_root and list_tail represent the beginning and end of the list, respectively. As long as read_next_city returns a non-zero value, a new structure is created, initialized, and then appended to the list via the next field of the list_tail structure. On the first time through the loop, the list is created via the assignment to the list_root variable.

This function may be used as follows:

    variable Population_List = create_population_list ();
    if (Population_List == NULL) error ("List is empty");
We can create other functions that manipulate the list. An example is a function that finds the city with the largest population:
    define get_largest_city (list)
       variable largest;

       largest = list;
       while (list != NULL)
            if (list.population > largest.population)
              largest = list;
            list =;
       return largest.city_name;
    vmessage ("%s is the largest city in the list", 
               get_largest_city (Population_List)));
The get_largest_city is a typical example of how one traverses a linear linked-list by starting at the head of the list and successively moves to the next element of the list via the next field.

Now consider a function that sorts the list according to population. To illustrate the technique, a bubble-sort will be used, not because it is efficient, it is not, but because it is simple and intuitive.

    define sort_population_list (list)
       variable changed;
       variable node, next_node, last_node;
            changed = 0;
            node = list;
            next_node =;
            last_node = NULL;
            while (next_node != NULL)
                 if (node.population < next_node.population)
                      % swap node and next_node
             = node;
                      if (last_node != NULL)
               = next_node;
                      if (list == node) list = next_node;
                      node = next_node;
                      next_node =;
                 last_node = node;
                 node = next_node;
                 next_node =;
       while (changed);
       return list;
Note the test for equality between list and node, i.e.,
                      if (list == node) list = next_node;
It is important to appreciate the fact that the values of these variables are references to structures, and that the comparison only compares the references and not the actual structures they reference. If it were not for this, the algorihm would fail.

11.4 Defining New Types

A user-defined data type may be defined using the typedef keyword. In the current implementation, a user-defined data type is essentually a structure with a user-defined set of fields. For example, in the previous section a structure was used to represent a city/population pair. We can define a data type called Population_Type to represent the same information:

      typedef struct 
      } Population_Type;
This data type can be used like all other data types. For example, an array of Population_Type types can be created,
      variable a = Population_Type[10];
and `populated' via expressions such as
      a[0].city_name = "Boston";
      a[0].population = 2500000;
The new type Population_Type may also be used with the typeof function:
      if (Population_Type = typeof (a)) city = a.city_name;
The dereference @ may be used to create an instance of the new type:
     a = @Population_Type;
     a.city_name = "Calcutta";
     a.population = 13000000;

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