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3. Interpreter Interface

The S-Lang library provides an interpreter that when embedded into an application, makes the application extensible. Examples of programs that embed the interpreter include the jed editor and the slrn newsreader.

Embedding the interpreter is easy. The hard part is to decide what application specific built-in or intrinsic functions should be provided by the application. The S-Lang library provides some pre-defined intrinsic functions, such as string processing functions, and simple file input-output routines. However, the basic philosophy behind the interpreter is that it is not a standalone program and it derives much of its power from the application that embeds it.

3.1 Embedding the Interpreter

Only one function needs to be called to embed the S-Lang interpreter into an application: SLang_init_slang. This function initializes the interpreters data structures and adds some intinsic functions:

      if (-1 == SLang_init_slang ())
        exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
This function does not provide file input output intrinsic nor does it provide mathematical functions. To make these as well as some unix system calls available use
     if ((-1 == SLang_init_slang ())    /* basic interpreter functions */
         || (-1 == SLang_init_slmath ()) /* sin, cos, etc... */
         || (-1 == SLang_init_slunix ()) /* unix system calls */
         || (-1 == SLang_init_slfile ())) /* file I/O */
       exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
See the \slang-run-time-library for more information about the intrinsic functions.

3.2 Calling the Interpreter

There are several ways of calling the interpreter. The most common method used by both jed and slrn is to use the SLang_load_file function to interprete a file. For example, jed starts by loading a file called

     if (-1 == SLang_load_file (""))
       SLang_restart (1);
The SLang_load_file function returns zero upon if successful, or -1 upon failure. The SLang_restart function resets the interpreter back to its default state.

There are several other mechanisms for interacting with the interpreter. For example, the SLang_load_string function loads a string into the interpreter and interprets it:

    if (-1 == SLang_load_string ("message (\"hello\");"))
      SLang_restart (1);

Typically, an interactive application will load a file via SLang_load_file and then go into a loop that consists of reading lines of input and sending them to the interpreter, e.g.,

      while (EOF != fgets (buf, sizeof (buf), stdin))
           if (-1 == SLang_load_string (buf))
             SLang_restart (1);

Both jed and slrn use another method of interacting with the interpreter. They read key sequences from the keyboard and map those key sequences to interpreter functions via the S-Lang keymap interface.

3.3 Intrinsic Functions

An intrinsic function is simply a function that is written in C and is made available to the interpreter as a built-in function. For this reason, the words `intrinsic' and `built-in' are often used interchangeably.

Applications are expected to add application specific functions to the interpreter. For example, jed adds nearly 300 editor-specific intrinsic functions. The application designer should think carefully about what intrinsic functions to add to the interpreter.

Restrictions on Intrinsic Functions

Intrinsic functions are required to follow a few rules to cooperate with the interpreter.

Intrinsic function must take only pointer arguments. This is because when the interpreter calls an intrinsic function, it passes value to the function by reference and not by value. For example, intrinsic with the declarations:

     int intrinsic_0 (void);
     int intrinsic_1 (char *s);
     void intrinsic_2 (char *s, int *i);
     void intrinsic_3 (int *i, double *d, double *e);
are all valid. However,
     int invalid_1 (char *s, int len);
is not valid since the len parameter is not a pointer.

Intrinsic functions can only return void, int, double, or char *. A function such as

    int *invalid (void);
is not permitted since it does not return one of these types. The current implementation limits the number of arguments to 7.

Another restriction is that the intrinsic should regard all its parameters as pointers to constant objects and make no attempt to modify the value to which they point. For example,

      void truncate (char *s)
         s[0] = 0;
is illegal since the function modifies the string s.

Adding a New Intrinsic

There are two mechanisms for adding an intrinsic function to the interpreter: SLadd_intrinsic_function and SLadd_intrin_fun_table.

As an specific example, consider a function that will cause the program to exit via the exit C library function. It is not possible to make this function an intrinsic because it does not meet the specifications for an intrinsic function that were described earlier. However, one can call exit from a function that is suitable, e.g.,

     void intrin_exit (int *code)
        exit (*code);
This function may be made available to the interpreter as as an intrinsic via the SLadd_intrinsic_function routine:
     if (-1 == SLadd_intrinsic_function ("exit", (FVOID_STAR) intrin_exit,
                                         SLANG_VOID_TYPE, 1,
       exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
This statement basically tells the interpreter that intrin_exit is a function that returns nothing and takes a single argument: a pointer to an integer (SLANG_INT_TYPE). A user can call this function from within the interpreter via
     message ("Calling the exit function");
     exit (0);
After printing a message, this will cause the intrin_exit function to execute, which in turn calls exit.

The most convenient mechanism for adding new intrinsic functions is to create a table of SLang_Intrin_Fun_Type objects and add the table via the SLadd_intrin_fun_table function. The table will look like:

    SLang_Intrin_Fun_Type My_Intrinsics [] = 
     /* table entries */
Construction of the table entries may be facilitated using a set of MAKE_INTRINSIC macros defined in slang.h. The main macro is called MAKE_INTRINSIC_N and takes ?? arguments:
    MAKE_INTRINSIC_N(name, funct-ptr, return-type, num-args,
                     arg-1-type, arg-2-type, ... arg-7-type)
Here name is the name of the intrinsic function that the interpreter is to give to the function. func-ptr is a pointer to the intrinsic function taking num-args and returning ret-type. The final 7 arguments specifiy the argument types. For example, the intrin_exit intrinsic described above may be added to the table using
    MAKE_INTRINSIC_N("exit", intrin_exit, SLANG_VOID_TYPE, 1,
                     SLANG_INT_TYPE, 0,0,0,0,0,0)

While MAKE_INTRINSIC_N is the main macro for constructing table entries, slang.h defines other macros that may prove useful. In particular, an entry for the intrin_exit function may also be created using any of the following forms:

    MAKE_INTRINSIC_I("exit", intrin_exit, SLANG_VOID_TYPE)
See slang.h for related macros. You are also encouraged to look at, e.g., slang/src/slstd.c for a more extensive examples.

More Complicated Intrinsics

The intrinsic functions described in the previous example were functions that took a fixed number of arguments. In this section we explore more complex intrinsics such as those that take a variable number of arguments.

Consider a function that takes two double precision numbers and returns the lesser:

     double intrin_min (double *a, double *b)
        if (*a < *b) return *a;
        return *b;
This function may be added to a table of intrinsics using
    MAKE_INTRINSIC_2("min", intrin_min, SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE,
It is useful to extend this function to take an arbitray number of arguments and return the lesser. Consider the following variant:
    double intrin_min_n (int *num_ptr)
       double min_value, x;
       unsigned int num = (unsigned int) *num_ptr;
       if (-1 == SLang_pop_double (&min_value, NULL, NULL))
         return 0.0;
       while (num > 0)
            if (-1 == SLang_pop_double (&x, NULL, NULL))
              return 0.0;
            if (x < min_value) min_value = x;
       return min_value;
Here the number to compare is passed to the function and the actual numbers are removed from the stack via the SLang_pop_double function. A suitable table entry for it is
    MAKE_INTRINSIC_I("min", intrin_min_n, SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE)
This function would be used in an interpreter script via a statement such as
      variable xmin = min (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, 5);
which computes the smallest of 5 values.

The problem with this intrinsic function is that the user must explicitly specify how many numbers to compare. It would be more convenient to simply use

      variable xmin = min (x0, x1, x2, x3, x4);
An intrinsic function can query the value of the variable SLang_Num_Function_Args to obtain the necessary information:
    double intrin_min (void)
       double min_value, x;
       unsigned int num = SLang_Num_Function_Args;
       if (-1 == SLang_pop_double (&min_value, NULL, NULL))
         return 0.0;
       while (num > 0)
            if (-1 == SLang_pop_double (&x, NULL, NULL))
              return 0.0;
            if (x < min_value) min_value = x;
       return min_value;
This may be declared as an intrinsic using:
    MAKE_INTRINSIC_0("min", intrin_min, SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE)    

3.4 Intrinsic Variables

It is possible to access an application's global variables from within the interpreter. The current implementation supports the access of variables of type int, char *, and double.

There are two methods of making an intrinsic variable available to the interpreter. The most straight forward method is to use the function SLadd_intrinsic_variable:

     int SLadd_intrinsic_variable (char *name, VOID_STAR addr, 
                                   unsigned char data_type, 
                                   int read_only);
For example, suppose that I is an integer variable, e.g.,
     int I;
One can make it known to the interpreter as I_Variable via a statement such as
     if (-1 == SLadd_intrinsic_variable ("I_Variable", &I, 
                                          SLANG_INT_TYPE, 0))
       exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
Similarly, if S is declared as
    char *S;
     if (-1 == SLadd_intrinsic_variable ("S_Variable", &S,
                                          SLANG_STRING_TYPE, 1))
       exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
makes S available as a read-only variable with the name S_Variable. Note that if a pointer variable is made available to the interpreter, its value is managed by the interpreter and not the application. For this reason, it is recommended that such variables be declared as read-only.

It is important to note that if S were declared as an array of characters, e.g.,

     char S[256];
then it would not be possible to make it directly available to the interpreter. However, one could create a pointer to it, i.e.,
     char *S_Ptr = S;
and make S_Ptr available as a read-only variable.

The most convenient method for adding many intrinsic variables to the interpreter is to create an array of SLang_Intrin_Var_Type objects and then add the array via SLadd_intrin_var_table. For example, the array

    static SLang_Intrin_Var_Type Intrin_Vars [] =
       MAKE_VARIABLE("I_Variable", &I, SLANG_INT_TYPE, 0),
       MAKE_VARIABLE("S_Variable", &S_Ptr, SLANG_STRING_TYPE, 1),
may be added via
    if (-1 == SLadd_intrin_var_table (Intrin_Vars, NULL))
      exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
It should be rather obvious that the arguments to the MAKE_VARIABLE macro correspond to the parameters of the SLadd_intrinsic_variable function.

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