SLsmg_fill_region SYNOPSIS Fill a rectangular region with a character USAGE void SLsmg_fill_region (r, c, nr, nc, ch) int r int c unsigned int nr unsigned int nc unsigned char ch DESCRIPTION The `SLsmg_fill_region' function may be used to a rectangular region with the character `ch' in the current color. The rectangle's upper left corner is at row `r' and column `c', and spans `nr' rows and `nc' columns. The position of the virtual cursor will be left at (`r', `c'). SEE ALSO SLsmg_write_char, SLsmg_set_color -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_set_char_set SYNOPSIS Turn on or off line drawing characters USAGE void SLsmg_set_char_set (int a); DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_set_char_set' may be used to select or deselect the line drawing character set as the current character set. If `a' is non-zero, the line drawing character set will be selected. Otherwise, the standard character set will be selected. NOTES There is no guarantee that this function will actually enable the use of line drawing characters. All it does is cause subsequent characters to be rendered using the terminal's alternate character set. Such character sets usually contain line drawing characters. SEE ALSO SLsmg_write_char, SLtt_get_terminfo -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLsmg_Scroll_Hash_Border; SYNOPSIS Set the size of the border for the scroll hash USAGE int SLsmg_Scroll_Hash_Border = 0; DESCRIPTION This variable may be used to ignore the characters that occur at the beginning and the end of a row when performing the hash calculation to determine whether or not a line has scrolled. The default value is zero which means that all the characters on a line will be used. SEE ALSO SLsmg_refresh -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_suspend_smg SYNOPSIS Suspend screen management USAGE void SLsmg_suspend_smg (void) DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_suspend_smg' can be used to suspend the state of the screen management facility during suspension of the program. Use of this function will reset the display back to its default state. The funtion `SLsmg_resume_smg' should be called after suspension. This function is similar to `SLsmg_reset_smg' except that the state of the display prior to calling `SLsmg_suspend_smg' is saved. SEE ALSO SLsmg_resume_smg, SLsmg_reset_smg -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLsmg_resume_smg (void); SYNOPSIS Resume screen management USAGE void SLsmg_resume_smg (void) DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_resume_smg' should be called after `SLsmg_suspend_smg' to redraw the display exactly like it was before `SLsmg_suspend_smg' was called. SEE ALSO SLsmg_suspend_smg -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLsmg_erase_eol (void); SYNOPSIS Erase to the end of the row USAGE void SLsmg_erase_eol (void); DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_erase_eol' erases all characters from the current position to the end of the line. The newly created space is given the color of the current color. This function has no effect on the position of the virtual cursor. SEE ALSO SLsmg_gotorc, SLsmg_erase_eos, SLsmg_fill_region -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_gotorc SYNOPSIS Move the virtual cursor USAGE void SLsmg_gotorc (int r, int c) DESCRIPTION The `SLsmg_gotorc' function moves the virtual cursor to the row `r' and column `c'. The first row and first column is specified by `r = 0' and `c = 0'. SEE ALSO SLsmg_refresh -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLsmg_erase_eos (void); SYNOPSIS Erase to the end of the screen USAGE void SLsmg_erase_eos (void); DESCRIPTION The `SLsmg_erase_eos' is like `SLsmg_erase_eol' except that it erases all text from the current position to the end of the display. The current color will be used to set the background of the erased area. SEE ALSO SLsmg_erase_eol -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_reverse_video SYNOPSIS Set the current color to 1 USAGE void SLsmg_reverse_video (void); DESCRIPTION This function is nothing more than `SLsmg_set_color(1)'. SEE ALSO SLsmg_set_color -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLsmg_set_color (int); SYNOPSIS Set the current color USAGE void SLsmg_set_color (int c); DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_set_color' is used to set the current color. The parameter `c' is really a color object descriptor. Actual foreground and background colors as well as other visual attributes may be associated with a color descriptor via the `SLtt_set_color' function. EXAMPLE This example defines color `7' to be green foreground on black background and then displays some text in this color: SLtt_set_color (7, NULL, "green", "black"); SLsmg_set_color (7); SLsmg_write_string ("Hello"); SLsmg_refresh (); NOTES It is important to understand that the screen managment routines know nothing about the actual colors associated with a color descriptor. Only the descriptor itself is used by the `SLsmg' routines. The lower level `SLtt' interface converts the color descriptors to actual colors. Thus SLtt_set_color (7, NULL, "green", "black"); SLsmg_set_color (7); SLsmg_write_string ("Hello"); SLtt_set_color (7, NULL, "red", "blue"); SLsmg_write_string ("World"); SLsmg_refresh (); will result in `"hello"' displayed in red on blue and _not_ green on black. SEE ALSO SLtt_set_color, SLtt_set_color_object -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLsmg_normal_video (void); SYNOPSIS Set the current color to 0 USAGE void SLsmg_normal_video (void); DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_normal_video' sets the current color descriptor to `0'. SEE ALSO SLsmg_set_color -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_printf SYNOPSIS Format a string on the virtual display USAGE void SLsmg_printf (char *fmt, ...) DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_printf' format a `printf' style variable argument list and writes it on the virtual display. The virtual cursor will be moved to the end of the string. SEE ALSO SLsmg_write_string, SLsmg_vprintf -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_vprintf SYNOPSIS Format a string on the virtual display USAGE void SLsmg_vprintf (char *fmt, va_list ap) DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_vprintf' formats a string in the manner of _vprintf_ and writes the result to the display. The virtual cursor is advanced to the end of the string. SEE ALSO SLsmg_write_string, SLsmg_printf -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLsmg_write_string (char *); SYNOPSIS Write a character string on the display USAGE void SLsmg_write_string (char *s) DESCRIPTION The function `SLsmg_write_string' displays the string `s' on the virtual display at the current position and moves the position to the end of the string. SEE ALSO SLsmg_printf, SLsmg_write_nstring -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_write_nstring SYNOPSIS Write the first n characters of a string on the display USAGE void SLsmg_write_nstring (char *s, unsigned int n); DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_write_nstring' writes the first `n' characters of `s' to this virtual display. If the length of the string `s' is less than `n', the spaces will used until `n' characters have been written. `s' can be `NULL', in which case `n' spaces will be written. SEE ALSO SLsmg_write_string, SLsmg_write_nchars -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_write_char SYNOPSIS Write a character to the virtual display USAGE void SLsmg_write_char (char ch); DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_write_char' writes the character `ch' to the virtual display. SEE ALSO SLsmg_write_nchars, SLsmg_write_string -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLsmg_write_nchars (char *, int); SYNOPSIS Write n characters to the virtual display USAGE void SLsmg_write_nchars (char *s, unsigned int n); DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_write_nchars' writes at most `n' characters from the string `s' to the display. If the length of `s' is less than `n', the whole length of the string will get written. This function differs from `SLsmg_write_nstring' in that `SLsmg_write_nstring' will pad the string to write exactly `n' characters. `SLsmg_write_nchars' does not perform any padding. SEE ALSO SLsmg_write_nchars, SLsmg_write_nstring -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_write_wrapped_string SYNOPSIS Write a string to the display with wrapping USAGE void SLsmg_write_wrapped_string (s, r, c, nr, nc, fill) char *s int r, c unsigned int nr, nc int fill DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_write_wrapped_string' writes the string `s' to the virtual display. The string will be confined to the rectangular region whose upper right corner is at row `r' and column `c', and consists of `nr' rows and `nc' columns. The string will be wrapped at the boundaries of the box. If `fill' is non-zero, the last line to which characters have been written will get padded with spaces. NOTES This function does not wrap on word boundaries. However, it will wrap when a newline charater is encountered. SEE ALSO SLsmg_write_string -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLsmg_cls (void) SYNOPSIS Clear the virtual display USAGE void SLsmg_cls (void) DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_cls' erases the virtual display using the current color. This will cause the physical display to get cleared the next time `SLsmg_refresh' is called. NOTES This function is not the same as SLsmg_gotorc (0,0); SLsmg_erase_eos (); since these statements do not guarantee that the physical screen will get cleared. SEE ALSO SLsmg_refresh, SLsmg_erase_eos -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLsmg_refresh (void); SYNOPSIS Update physical screen USAGE void SLsmg_refresh (void) DESCRIPTION The `SLsmg_refresh' function updates the physical display to look like the virtual display. SEE ALSO SLsmg_suspend_smg, SLsmg_init_smg, SLsmg_reset_smg -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_touch_lines SYNOPSIS Mark lines on the virtual display for redisplay USAGE void SLsmg_touch_lines (int r, unsigned int nr) DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_touch_lines' marks the `nr' lines on the virtual display starting at row `r' for redisplay upon the next call to `SLsmg_refresh'. NOTES This function should rarely be called, if ever. If you find that you need to call this function, then your application should be modified to properly use the `SLsmg' screen management routines. This function is provided only for curses compatibility. SEE ALSO SLsmg_refresh -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_init_smg SYNOPSIS Initialize the var{SLsmg USAGE int SLsmg_init_smg (void) DESCRIPTION The `SLsmg_init_smg' function initializes the `SLsmg' screen management routines. Specifically, this function allocates space for the virtual display and calls `SLtt_init_video' to put the terminal's physical display in the proper state. It is up to the caller to make sure that the `SLtt' routines are initialized via `SLtt_get_terminfo' before calling `SLsmg_init_smg'. This function should also be called any time the size of the physical display has changed so that it can reallocate a new virtual display to match the physical display. SEE ALSO SLsmg_reset_smg -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_reset_smg SYNOPSIS Reset the var{SLsmg USAGE void SLsmg_reset_smg (void); DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_reset_smg' resets the `SLsmg' screen management routines by freeing all memory allocated while it was active. It also calls `SLtt_reset_video' to put the terminal's display in it default state. SEE ALSO SLsmg_init_smg -------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned short SLsmg_char_at(void) SYNOPSIS Get the character at the current position on the virtual display USAGE unsigned short SLsmg_char_at(void) DESCRIPTION The `SLsmg_char_at' function returns the character and its color at the current position on the virtual display. SEE ALSO SLsmg_read_raw, SLsmg_write_char -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_set_screen_start SYNOPSIS Set the origin of the virtual display USAGE void SLsmg_set_screen_start (int *r, int *c) DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_set_screen_start' sets the origin of the virtual display to the row `*r' and the column `*c'. If either `r' or `c' is `NULL', then the corresponding value will be set to `0'. Otherwise, the location specified by the pointers will be updated to reflect the old origin. See \tt{slang/demo/pager.c} for how this function may be used to scroll horizontally. SEE ALSO SLsmg_init_smg -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_draw_hline SYNOPSIS Draw a horizontal line USAGE void SLsmg_draw_hline (unsigned int len) DESCRIPTION The `SLsmg_draw_hline' function draws a horizontal line of length `len' on the virtual display. The position of the virtual cursor is left at the end of the line. SEE ALSO SLsmg_draw_vline -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_draw_vline SYNOPSIS Draw a vertical line USAGE void SLsmg_draw_vline (unsigned int len); DESCRIPTION The `SLsmg_draw_vline' function draws a vertical line of length `len' on the virtual display. The position of the virtual cursor is left at the end of the line. SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_draw_object SYNOPSIS Draw an object from the alternate character set USAGE void SLsmg_draw_object (int r, int c, unsigned char obj) DESCRIPTION The `SLsmg_draw_object' function may be used to place the object specified by `obj' at row `r' and column `c'. The object is really a character from the alternate character set and may be specified using one of the following constants: SLSMG_HLINE_CHAR Horizontal line SLSMG_VLINE_CHAR Vertical line SLSMG_ULCORN_CHAR Upper left corner SLSMG_URCORN_CHAR Upper right corner SLSMG_LLCORN_CHAR Lower left corner SLSMG_LRCORN_CHAR Lower right corner SLSMG_CKBRD_CHAR Checkboard character SLSMG_RTEE_CHAR Right Tee SLSMG_LTEE_CHAR Left Tee SLSMG_UTEE_CHAR Up Tee SLSMG_DTEE_CHAR Down Tee SLSMG_PLUS_CHAR Plus or Cross character SEE ALSO SLsmg_draw_vline, SLsmg_draw_hline, SLsmg_draw_box -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLsmg_draw_box (int, int, int, int); SYNOPSIS Draw a box on the virtual display USAGE void SLsmg_draw_box (int r, int c, unsigned int dr, unsigned int dc) DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_draw_box' uses the `SLsmg_draw_hline' and `SLsmg_draw_vline' functions to draw a rectangular box on the virtual display. The box's upper left corner is placed at row `r' and column `c'. The width and length of the box is specified by `dc' and `dr', respectively. SEE ALSO SLsmg_draw_vline, SLsmg_draw_hline, SLsmg_draw_object -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_get_column SYNOPSIS Get the column of the virtual cursor USAGE int SLsmg_get_column(void); DESCRIPTION The `SLsmg_get_column' function returns the current column of the virtual cursor on the virtual display. SEE ALSO SLsmg_get_row, SLsmg_gotorc -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_get_row SYNOPSIS Get the row of the virtual cursor USAGE int SLsmg_get_row(void); DESCRIPTION The `SLsmg_get_row' function returns the current row of the virtual cursor on the virtual display. SEE ALSO SLsmg_get_column, SLsmg_gotorc -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_forward SYNOPSIS Move the virtual cursor forward n columns USAGE void SLsmg_forward (int n); DESCRIPTION The `SLsmg_forward' function moves the virtual cursor forward `n' columns. SEE ALSO SLsmg_gotorc -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_write_color_chars SYNOPSIS Write characters with color descriptors to virtual display USAGE void SLsmg_write_color_chars (unsigned short *s, unsigned int len) DESCRIPTION The `SLsmg_write_color_chars' function may be used to write `len' characters, each with a different color descriptor to the virtual display. Each character and its associated color are encoded as an `unsigned short' such that the lower eight bits form the character and the next eight bits form the color. SEE ALSO SLsmg_char_at, SLsmg_write_raw -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_read_raw SYNOPSIS Read characters from the virtual display USAGE unsigned int SLsmg_read_raw (unsigned short *buf, unsigned int len) DESCRIPTION `SLsmg_read_raw' attempts to read `len' characters from the current position on the virtual display into the buffer specified by `buf'. It returns the number of characters actually read. This number will be less than `len' if an attempt is made to read past the right margin of the display. NOTES The purpose of the pair of functions, `SLsmg_read_raw' and `SLsmg_write_raw', is to permit one to copy the contents of one region of the virtual display to another region. SEE ALSO SLsmg_char_at, SLsmg_write_raw -------------------------------------------------------------- SLsmg_write_raw SYNOPSIS Write characters directly to the virtual display USAGE unsigned int SLsmg_write_raw (unsigned short *buf, unsigned int len) DESCRIPTION The `SLsmg_write_raw' function attempts to write `len' characters specified by `buf' to the display at the current position. It returns the number of characters successfully written, which will be less than `len' if an attempt is made to write past the right margin. NOTES The purpose of the pair of functions, `SLsmg_read_raw' and `SLsmg_write_raw', is to permit one to copy the contents of one region of the virtual display to another region. SEE ALSO SLsmg_read_raw -------------------------------------------------------------- SLallocate_load_type SYNOPSIS Allocate a SLang_Load_Type object USAGE SLang_Load_Type *SLallocate_load_type (char *name) DESCRIPTION The `SLallocate_load_type' function allocates and initializes space for a `SLang_Load_Type' object and returns it. Upon failure, the function returns `NULL'. The parameter `name' must uniquely identify the object. For example, if the object represents a file, then `name' could be the absolute path name of the file. SEE ALSO SLdeallocate_load_type, SLang_load_object -------------------------------------------------------------- SLdeallocate_load_type SYNOPSIS Free a SLang_Load_Type object USAGE void SLdeallocate_load_type (SLang_Load_Type *slt) DESCRIPTION This function frees the memory associated with a `SLang_Load_Type' object that was acquired from a call to the `SLallocate_load_type' function. SEE ALSO SLallocate_load_type, SLang_load_object -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_load_object SYNOPSIS Load an object into the interpreter USAGE int SLang_load_object (SLang_Load_Type *obj) DESCRIPTION The function `SLang_load_object' is a generic function that may be used to loaded an object of type `SLang_Load_Type' into the interpreter. For example, the functions `SLang_load_file' and `SLang_load_string' are wrappers around this function to load a file and a string, respectively. SEE ALSO SLang_load_file, SLang_load_string, SLallocate_load_type -------------------------------------------------------------- SLclass_allocate_class SYNOPSIS Allocate a class for a new data type USAGE SLang_Class_Type *SLclass_allocate_class (char *name) DESCRIPTION The purpose of this function is to allocate and initialize space that defines a new data type or class called `name'. If successful, a pointer to the class is returned, or upon failure the function returns `NULL'. This function does not automatically create the new data type. Callback functions must first be associated with the data type via functions such as `SLclass_set_push_function', and the the data type must be registered with the interpreter via `SLclass_register_class'. See the S-Lang library programmer's guide for more information. SEE ALSO SLclass_register_class, SLclass_set_push_function -------------------------------------------------------------- SLclass_register_class SYNOPSIS Register a new data type with the interpreter USAGE int SLclass_register_class (cl, type, sizeof_type, class_type) SLang_Class_Type *cl unsigned char type unsigned int sizeof_type unsigned char class_type DESCRIPTION The `SLclass_register_class' function is used to register a new class or data type with the interpreter. If successful, the function returns `0', or upon failure, it returns `-1'. The first parameter, `cl', must have been previously obtained via the `SLclass_allocate_class' function. The second parameter, `type' specifies the data type of the new class. It must be an unsigned character with value greater that `127'. The values in the range `0-127' are reserved for internal use by the library. The size that the data type represents in bytes is specified by the third parameter, `sizeof_type'. This value should not be confused with the sizeof the structure that represents the data type, unless the data type is of class `SLANG_CLASS_TYPE_VECTOR' or `SLANG_CLASS_TYPE_SCALAR'. For pointer objects, the value of this parameter is just `sizeof(void *)'. The final parameter specifies the class type of the data type. It must be one of the values: SLANG_CLASS_TYPE_SCALAR SLANG_CLASS_TYPE_VECTOR SLANG_CLASS_TYPE_PTR SLANG_CLASS_TYPE_MMT The `SLANG_CLASS_TYPE_SCALAR' indicates that the new data type is a scalar. Examples of scalars in `SLANG_INT_TYPE' and `SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE'. Setting `class_type' to SLANG_CLASS_TYPE_VECTOR implies that the new data type is a vector, or a 1-d array of scalar types. An example of a data type of this class is the `SLANG_COMPLEX_TYPE', which represents complex numbers. `SLANG_CLASS_TYPE_PTR' specifies the data type is of a pointer type. Examples of data types of this class include `SLANG_STRING_TYPE' and `SLANG_ARRAY_TYPE'. Such types must provide for their own memory management. Data types of class `SLANG_CLASS_TYPE_MMT' are pointer types except that the memory management, i.e., creation and destruction of the type, is handled by the interpreter. Such a type is called a _memory managed type_. An example of this data type is the `SLANG_FILEPTR_TYPE'. NOTES See the \slang-c-programmers-guide for more information. SEE ALSO SLclass_allocate_class -------------------------------------------------------------- SLclass_set_string_function SYNOPSIS Set a data type's string representation callback USAGE int SLclass_set_string_function (cl, sfun) SLang_Class_Type *cl char *(*sfun) (unsigned char, VOID_STAR); DESCRIPTION The `SLclass_set_string_function' routine is used to define a callback function, `sfun', that that will be used when a string representation of an object of the data type represented by `cl' is needed. `cl' must have already been obtained via a call to `SLclass_allocate_class'. When called, `sfun' will be passed two arguments: a unsigned char which represents the data type, and the address of the object for which a string represetation is required. The callback function must return a _malloced_ string. Upon success, `SLclass_set_string_function' returns zero, or upon error it returns -1. EXAMPLE A callback function that handles both `SLANG_STRING_TYPE' and `SLANG_INT_TYPE' variables looks like: char *string_and_int_callback (unsigned char type, VOID_STAR addr) { char buf[64]; switch (type) { case SLANG_STRING_TYPE: return SLmake_string (*(char **)addr); case SLANG_INTEGER_TYPE: sprintf (buf, "%d", *(int *)addr); return SLmake_string (buf); } return NULL; } NOTES The default string callback simply returns the name of the data type. SEE ALSO SLclass_allocate_class, SLclass_register_class -------------------------------------------------------------- SLclass_set_destroy_function SYNOPSIS Set the destroy method callback for a data type USAGE int SLclass_set_destroy_function (cl, destroy_fun) SLang_Class_Type *cl void (*destroy_fun) (unsigned char, VOID_STAR); DESCRIPTION `SLclass_set_destroy_function' is used to set the destroy callback for a data type. The data type's class `cl' must have been previously obtained via a call to `SLclass_allocate_class'. When called, `destroy_fun' will be passed two arguments: a unsigned char which represents the data type, and the address of the object to be destroyed. `SLclass_set_destroy_function' returns zero upon success, and -1 upon failure. EXAMPLE The destroy method for `SLANG_STRING_TYPE' looks like: static void string_destroy (unsigned char type, VOID_STAR ptr) { char *s = *(char **) ptr; if (s != NULL) SLang_free_slstring (*(char **) s); } NOTES Data types of class SLANG_CLASS_TYPE_SCALAR do not require a destroy callback. However, other classes do. SEE ALSO SLclass_allocate_class, SLclass_register_class -------------------------------------------------------------- SLclass_set_push_function SYNOPSIS Set the push callback for a new data type USAGE int SLclass_set_push_function (cl, push_fun) SLang_Class_Type *cl int (*push_fun) (unsigned char, VOID_STAR); DESCRIPTION `SLclass_set_push_function' is used to set the push callback for a new data type specified by `cl', which must have been previously obtained via `SLclass_allocate_class'. The parameter `push_fun' is a pointer to the push callback. It is required to take two arguments: an unsigned character representing the data type, and the address of the object to be pushed. It must return zero upon success, or -1 upon failure. `SLclass_set_push_function' returns zero upon success, or -1 upon failure. EXAMPLE The push callback for `SLANG_COMPLEX_TYPE' looks like: static int complex_push (unsigned char type, VOID_STAR ptr) { double *z = *(double **) ptr; return SLang_push_complex (z[0], z[1]); } SEE ALSO SLclass_allocate_class, SLclass_register_class -------------------------------------------------------------- SLclass_set_pop_function SYNOPSIS Set the pop callback for a new data type USAGE int SLclass_set_pop_function (cl, pop_fun) SLang_Class_Type *cl int (*pop_fun) (unsigned char, VOID_STAR); DESCRIPTION `SLclass_set_pop_function' is used to set the callback for popping an object from the stack for a new data type specified by `cl', which must have been previously obtained via `SLclass_allocate_class'. The parameter `pop_fun' is a pointer to the pop callback function, which is required to take two arguments: an unsigned character representing the data type, and the address of the object to be popped. It must return zero upon success, or -1 upon failure. `SLclass_set_pop_function' returns zero upon success, or -1 upon failure. EXAMPLE The pop callback for `SLANG_COMPLEX_TYPE' looks like: static int complex_push (unsigned char type, VOID_STAR ptr) { double *z = *(double **) ptr; return SLang_pop_complex (&z[0], &z[1]); } SEE ALSO SLclass_allocate_class, SLclass_register_class -------------------------------------------------------------- SLclass_get_datatype_name SYNOPSIS Get the name of a data type USAGE char *SLclass_get_datatype_name (unsigned char type) DESCRIPTION The `SLclass_get_datatype_name' function returns the name of the data type specified by `type'. For example, if `type' is `SLANG_INT_TYPE', the string `"Integer_Type"' will be returned. This function returns a pointer that should not be modified or freed. SEE ALSO SLclass_allocate_class, SLclass_register_class -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_free_mmt SYNOPSIS Free a memory managed type USAGE void SLang_free_mmt (SLang_MMT_Type *mmt) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_MMT_Type' function is used to free a memory managed data type. SEE ALSO SLang_object_from_mmt, SLang_create_mmt -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_object_from_mmt SYNOPSIS Get a pointer to the value of a memory managed type USAGE VOID_STAR SLang_object_from_mmt (SLang_MMT_Type *mmt) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_object_from_mmt' function returns a pointer the the actually object whose memory is being managed by the interpreter. SEE ALSO SLang_free_mmt, SLang_create_mmt -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_create_mmt SYNOPSIS Create a memory managed data type USAGE SLang_MMT_Type *SLang_create_mmt (unsigned char t, VOID_STAR ptr) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_create_mmt' function returns a pointer to a new memory managed object. This object contains information necessary to manage the memory associated with the pointer `ptr' which represents the application defined data type of type `t'. SEE ALSO SLang_object_from_mmt, SLang_push_mmt, SLang_free_mmt -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_push_mmt SYNOPSIS Push a memory managed type USAGE int SLang_push_mmt (SLang_MMT_Type *mmt) DESCRIPTION This function is used to push a memory managed type onto the interpreter stack. It returns zero upon success, or `-1' upon failure. SEE ALSO SLang_create_mmt, SLang_pop_mmt -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_pop_mmt SYNOPSIS Pop a memory managed data type USAGE SLang_MMT_Type *SLang_pop_mmt (unsigned char t) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_pop_mmt' function may be used to pop a memory managed type of type `t' from the stack. It returns a pointer to the memory managed object upon success, or `NULL' upon failure. The function `SLang_object_from_mmt' should be used to access the actual pointer to the data type. SEE ALSO SLang_object_from_mmt, SLang_push_mmt -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_inc_mmt SYNOPSIS Increment a memory managed type reference count USAGE void SLang_inc_mmt (SLang_MMT_Type *mmt); DESCRIPTION The `SLang_inc_mmt' function may be used to increment the reference count associated with the memory managed data type given by `mmt'. SEE ALSO SLang_free_mmt, SLang_create_mmt, SLang_pop_mmt, SLang_pop_mmt -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_vmessage SYNOPSIS Display a message to the message device USAGE void SLang_vmessage (char *fmt, ...) DESCRIPTION This function prints a `printf' style formatted variable argument list to the message device. The default message device is `stdout'. SEE ALSO SLang_verror -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_exit_error SYNOPSIS Exit the program and display an error message USAGE void SLang_exit_error (char *fmt, ...) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_exit_error' function terminates the program and displays an error message using a `printf' type variable argument list. The default behavior to this function is to write the message to `stderr' and exit with the `exit' system call. If the the function pointer `SLang_Exit_Error_Hook' is non-NULL, the function to which it points will be called. This permits an application to perform whatever cleanup is necessary. This hook has the prototype: void (*SLang_Exit_Error_Hook)(char *, va_list); SEE ALSO SLang_verror, exit -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_init_slang SYNOPSIS Initialize the interpreter USAGE int SLang_init_slang (void) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_init_slang' function must be called by all applications that use the S-Lang interpreter. It initializes the interpreter, defines the built-in data types, and adds a set of core intrinsic functions. The function returns `0' upon success, or `-1' upon failure. SEE ALSO SLang_init_slfile, SLang_init_slmath, SLang_init_slunix -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_init_slfile SYNOPSIS Initialize the interpreter file I/O intrinsics USAGE int SLang_init_slfile (void) DESCRIPTION This function initializes the interpreters file I/O intrinsic functions. This function adds intrinsic functions such as `fopen', `fclose', and `fputs' to the interpreter. It returns `0' if successful, or `-1' upon error. NOTES Before this function can be called, it is first necessary to call `SLang_init_slang'. It also adds the preprocessor symbol `__SLFILE__' to the interpreter. SEE ALSO SLang_init_slang, SLang_init_slunix, SLang_init_slmath -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_init_slmath SYNOPSIS Initialize the interpreter math intrinsics USAGE int SLang_init_slmath (void) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_init_slmath' function initializes the interpreter's mathematical intrinsic functions and makes them available to the language. The intrinsic functions include `sin', `cos', `tan', etc... It returns `0' if successful, or `-1' upon failure. NOTES This function must be called after `SLang_init_slang'. It adds the preprocessor symbol `__SLMATH__' to the interpreter. SEE ALSO SLang_init_slang, SLang_init_slfile, SLang_init_slunix -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_init_slunix SYNOPSIS Make available some unix system calls to the interpreter USAGE int SLang_init_slunix (void) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_init_slunix' function initializes the interpreter's unix system call intrinsic functions and makes them available to the language. Examples of functions made available by `SLang_init_slunix' include `chmod', `chown', and `stat_file'. It returns `0' if successful, or `-1' upon failure. NOTES This function must be called after `SLang_init_slang'. It adds the preprocessor symbol `__SLUNIX__' to the interpreter. SEE ALSO SLang_init_slang, SLang_init_slfile, SLang_init_slmath -------------------------------------------------------------- SLadd_intrin_fun_table SYNOPSIS Add a table of intrinsic functions to the interpreter USAGE int SLadd_intrin_fun_table(SLang_Intrin_Fun_Type *tbl, char *pp_name); DESCRIPTION The `SLadd_intrin_fun_table' function adds an array, or table, of `SLang_Intrin_Fun_Type' objects to the interpreter. The first parameter, `tbl' specifies the table to be added. The second parameter `pp_name', if non-NULL will be added to the list of preprocessor symbols. This function returns -1 upon failure or zero upon success. SEE ALSO SLadd_intrin_var_table, SLadd_intrinsic_function, SLdefine_for_ifdef -------------------------------------------------------------- SLadd_intrin_var_table SYNOPSIS Add a table of intrinsic variables to the interpreter USAGE int SLadd_intrin_var_table (SLang_Intrin_Var_Type *tbl, char *pp_name); DESCRIPTION The `SLadd_intrin_var_table' function adds an array, or table, of `SLang_Intrin_Var_Type' objects to the interpreter. The first parameter, `tbl' specifies the table to be added. The second parameter `pp_name', if non-NULL will be added to the list of preprocessor symbols. This function returns -1 upon failure or zero upon success. SEE ALSO SLadd_intrin_var_table, SLadd_intrinsic_function, SLdefine_for_ifdef -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_load_file SYNOPSIS Load a file into the interpreter USAGE int SLang_load_file (char *fn) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_load_file' function opens the file whose name is specified by `fn' and feeds it to the interpreter, line by line, for execution. If `fn' is `NULL', the function will take input from `stdin'. If no error occurs, it returns `0'; otherwise, it returns `-1', and sets `SLang_Error' accordingly. For example, if it fails to open the file, it will return `-1' with `SLang_Error' set to `SL_OBJ_NOPEN'. NOTES If the hook `SLang_Load_File_Hook' declared as int (*SLang_Load_File_Hook)(char *); is non-NULL, the function point to by it will be used to load the file. For example, the jed editor uses this hook to load files via its own routines. SEE ALSO SLang_load_object, SLang_load_string -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_restart SYNOPSIS Reset the interpreter after an error USAGE void SLang_restart (int full) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_restart' function should be called by the application at top level if an error occurs. If the parameter `full' is non-zero, any objects on the S-Lang run time stack will be removed from the stack; otherwise, the stack will be left intact. Any time the stack is believed to be trashed, this routine should be called with a non-zero argument (e.g., if `setjmp'/`longjmp' is called). EXAMPLE while (1) { if (SLang_Error) SLang_restart (1); (void) SLang_load_file (NULL); } SEE ALSO SLang_init_slang, SLang_load_file -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_byte_compile_file SYNOPSIS Byte-compile a file for faster loading USAGE int SLang_byte_compile_file(char *fn, int reserved) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_byte_compile_file' function ``byte-compiles'' the file `fn' for faster loading by the interpreter. This produces a new file whose filename is equivalent to the one specified by `fn', except that a `'c'' is appended to the name. For example, if `fn' is set to `', then the new file will have the name exmp{init.slc}. The meaning of the second parameter, `reserved', is reserved for future use. For now, set it to `0'. The function returns zero upon success, or `-1' upon error and sets SLang_Error accordingly. SEE ALSO SLang_load_file, SLang_init_slang -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_autoload SYNOPSIS Autoload a function from a file USAGE int SLang_autoload(char *funct, char *filename) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_autoload' function may be used to associate a `slang' function name `funct' with the file `filename' such that if `funct' has not already been defined when needed, it will be loaded from `filename'. `SLang_autoload' has no effect if `funct' has already been defined. Otherwise it declares `funct' as a user-defined S-Lang function. It returns `0' upon success, or `-1' upon error. SEE ALSO SLang_load_file, SLang_is_defined -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_load_string SYNOPSIS Interpret a string USAGE int SLang_load_string(char *str) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_load_string' function feeds the string specified by `str' to the interpreter for execution. It returns zero upon success, or `-1' upon failure. SEE ALSO SLang_load_file, SLang_load_object -------------------------------------------------------------- SLdo_pop SYNOPSIS Delete an object from the stack USAGE int SLdo_pop(void) DESCRIPTION This function removes an object from the top of the interpeter's run-time stack and frees any memory associated with it. It returns zero upon success, or `-1' upon error (most likely due to a stack-underflow). SEE ALSO SLdo_pop_n, SLang_pop_integer, SLang_pop_string -------------------------------------------------------------- SLdo_pop_n SYNOPSIS Delete n objects from the stack USAGE int SLdo_pop_n (unsigned int n) DESCRIPTION The `SLdo_pop_n' function removes the top `n' objects from the interpreter's run-time stack and frees all memory associated with the objects. It returns zero upon success, or `-1' upon error (most likely due to a stack-underflow). SEE ALSO SLdo_pop, SLang_pop_integer, SLang_pop_string -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_pop_integer SYNOPSIS Pop an integer off the stack USAGE int SLang_pop_integer (int *i) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_pop_integer' function removes an integer from the top of the interpreter's run-time stack and returns its value via the pointer `i'. If successful, it returns zero. However, if the top stack item is not of type `SLANG_INT_TYPE', or the stack is empty, the function will return `-1' and set `SLang_Error' accordingly. SEE ALSO SLang_push_integer, SLang_pop_double -------------------------------------------------------------- SLpop_string SYNOPSIS Pop a string from the stack USAGE int SLpop_string (char **strptr); DESCRIPTION The `SLpop_string' function pops a string from the stack and returns it as a malloced pointer. It is up to the calling routine to free this string via a call to `free' or `SLfree'. If successful, `SLpop_string' returns zero. However, if the top stack item is not of type `SLANG_STRING_TYPE', or the stack is empty, the function will return `-1' and set `SLang_Error' accordingly. EXAMPLE define print_string (void) { char *s; if (-1 == SLpop_string (&s)) return; fputs (s, stdout); SLfree (s); } NOTES This function should not be confused with `SLang_pop_slstring', which pops a _hashed_ string from the stack. SEE ALSO SLang_pop_slstring. SLfree -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_pop_string SYNOPSIS Pop a string from the stack USAGE int SLang_pop_string(char **strptr, int *do_free) DESCRIPTION The `SLpop_string' function pops a string from the stack and returns it as a malloced pointer via `strptr'. After the function returns, the integer pointed to by the second parameter will be set to a non-zero value if `*strptr' should be freed via `free' or `SLfree'. If successful, `SLpop_string' returns zero. However, if the top stack item is not of type `SLANG_STRING_TYPE', or the stack is empty, the function will return `-1' and set `SLang_Error' accordingly. NOTES This function is considered obsolete and should not be used by applications. If one requires a malloced string for modification, `SLpop_string' should be used. If one requires a constant string that will not be modifed by the application, `SLang_pop_slstring' should be used. SEE ALSO SLang_pop_slstring, SLpop_string -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_pop_slstring SYNOPSIS Pop a hashed string from the stack USAGE int SLang_pop_slstring (char **s_ptr) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_pop_slstring' function pops a hashed string from the S-Lang run-time stack and returns it via `s_ptr'. It returns zero if successful, or -1 upon failure. The resulting string should be freed via a call to `SLang_free_slstring' after use. EXAMPLE void print_string (void) { char *s; if (-1 == SLang_pop_slstring (&s)) return; fprintf (stdout, "%s\n", s); SLang_free_slstring (s); } NOTES `SLang_free_slstring' is the preferred function for popping strings. This is a result of the fact that the interpreter uses hashed strings as the native representation for string data. One must _never_ free a hashed string using `free' or `SLfree'. In addition, one must never make any attempt to modify a hashed string and doing so will result in memory corruption. SEE ALSO SLang_free_slstring, SLpop_string -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_pop_double SYNOPSIS Pop a double from the stack USAGE int SLang_pop_double (double *dptr, int *iptr, int *conv) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_pop_double' function pops a double precision number from the stack and returns it via `dptr'. If the number was derived from an integer, `*conv' will be set to `1' upon return, otherwise, `*conv' will be set to `0'. This function returns 0 upon success, otherwise it returns -1 and sets `SLang_Error' accordingly. NOTES If one does not care whether or not `*dptr' was derived from an integer, `iptr' and `conv' may be passed as `NULL' pointers. SEE ALSO SLang_pop_integer, SLang_push_double -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_pop_complex SYNOPSIS Pop a complex number from the stack USAGE int SLang_pop_complex (double *re, double *im) DESCRIPTION `SLang_pop_complex' pops a complex number from the stack and returns it via the parameters `re' and `im' as the real and imaginary parts of the complex number, respectively. This function automatically converts objects of type `SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE' and `SLANG_INT_TYPE' to `SLANG_COMPLEX_TYPE', if necessary. It returns zero upon sucess, or -1 upon error setting `SLang_Error' accordingly. SEE ALSO SLang_pop_integer, SLang_pop_double, SLang_push_complex -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_push_complex SYNOPSIS Push a complex number onto the stack USAGE int SLang_push_complex (double re, double im) DESCRIPTION `SLang_push_complex' may be used to push the complex number whose real and imaginary parts are given by `re' and `im', respectively. It returns zero upon sucess, or -1 upon error setting `SLang_Error' accordingly. SEE ALSO SLang_pop_complex, SLang_push_double -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_push_double SYNOPSIS Push a double onto the stack USAGE int SLang_push_double(double d) DESCRIPTION `SLang_push_double' may be used to push the double precision floating point number `d' onto the interpreter's run-time stack. It returns zero upon success, or -1 upon error setting `SLang_Error' accordingly. SEE ALSO SLang_pop_double, SLang_push_integer -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_push_string SYNOPSIS Push a string onto the stack USAGE int SLang_push_string (char *s) DESCRIPTION `SLang_push_string' pushes a copy of the string specified by `s' onto the interpreter's run-time stack. It returns zero upon success, or -1 upon error setting `SLang_Error' accordingly. NOTES If `s' is `NULL', this function pushes `NULL' (`SLANG_NULL_TYPE') onto the stack. SEE ALSO SLang_push_malloced_string -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_push_integer SYNOPSIS Push an integer onto the stack USAGE int SLang_push_integer (int i) DESCRIPTION `SLang_push_integer' the integer `i' onto the interpreter's run-time stack. It returns zero upon success, or -1 upon error setting `SLang_Error' accordingly. SEE ALSO SLang_pop_integer, SLang_push_double, SLang_push_string -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_push_malloced_string SYNOPSIS Push a malloced string onto the stack USAGE int SLang_push_malloced_string (char *s); DESCRIPTION `SLang_push_malloced_string' may be used to push a malloced string onto the interpreter's run-time stack. It returns zero upon success, or -1 upon error setting `SLang_Error' accordingly. EXAMPLE The following example illustrates that it is up to the calling routine to free the string if `SLang_push_malloced_string' fails: int push_hello (void) { char *s = malloc (6); if (s == NULL) return -1; strcpy (s, "hello"); if (-1 == SLang_push_malloced_string (s)) { free (s); return -1; } return 0; } EXAMPLE The function `SLang_create_slstring' returns a hashed string. Such a string may not be malloced and should not be passed to `SLang_push_malloced_string'. NOTES If `s' is `NULL', this function pushes `NULL' (`SLANG_NULL_TYPE') onto the stack. SEE ALSO SLang_push_string, SLmake_string -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_is_defined SYNOPSIS Check to see if the interpreter defines an object USAGE int SLang_is_defined (char *nm) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_is_defined' function may be used to determine whether or not a variable or function whose name is given by `em' has been defined. It returns zero if no such object has been defined. Othewise it returns a non-zero value whose meaning is given by the following table: 1 intrinsic function (SLANG_INTRINSIC) 2 user-defined slang function (SLANG_FUNCTION) -1 intrinsic variable (SLANG_IVARIABLE) -2 user-defined global variable (SLANG_GVARIABLE) SEE ALSO SLadd_intrinsic_function, SLang_run_hooks, SLang_execute_function -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_run_hooks SYNOPSIS Run a user-defined hook with arguments USAGE int SLang_run_hooks (char *fname, unsigned int n, ...) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_run_hooks' function may be used to execute a user-defined function named `fname'. Before execution of the function, the `n' string arguments specified by the variable parameter list are pushed onto the stack. If the function `fname' does not exist, `SLang_run_hooks' returns zero; otherwise, it returns `1' upon successful execution of the function, or -1 if an error occurred. EXAMPLE The jed editor uses `SLang_run_hooks' to setup the mode of a buffer based on the filename extension of the file associated with the buffer: char *ext = get_filename_extension (filename); if (ext == NULL) return -1; if (-1 == SLang_run_hooks ("mode_hook", 1, ext)) return -1; return 0; SEE ALSO SLang_is_defined, SLang_execute_function -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_execute_function SYNOPSIS Execute a user or intrinsic function USAGE int SLang_execute_function (char *fname) DESCRIPTION This function may be used to execute either a user-defined function or an intrinisic function. The name of the function is specified by `fname'. It returns zero if `fname' is not defined, or `1' if the function was successfully executed, or -1 upon error. NOTES The function `SLexecute_function' may be a better alternative for some uses. SEE ALSO SLang_run_hooks, SLexecute_function, SLang_is_defined -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_verror SYNOPSIS Signal an error with a message USAGE void SLang_verror (int code, char *fmt, ...); DESCRIPTION The `SLang_verror' function sets `SLang_Error' to `code' if `SLang_Error' is 0. It also displays the error message implied by the `printf' variable argument list using `fmt' as the format. EXAMPLE FILE *open_file (char *file) { char *file = "my_file.dat"; if (NULL == (fp = fopen (file, "w"))) SLang_verror (SL_INTRINSIC_ERROR, "Unable to open %s", file); return fp; } SEE ALSO SLang_vmessage, SLang_exit_error -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_doerror SYNOPSIS Signal an error USAGE void SLang_doerror (char *err_str) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_doerror' function displays the string `err_str' to the error device and signals a S-Lang error. NOTES `SLang_doerror' is considered to obsolete. Applications should use the `SLang_verror' function instead. SEE ALSO SLang_verror, SLang_exit_error -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_get_function SYNOPSIS Get a pointer to a slang function USAGE SLang_Name_Type *SLang_get_function (char *fname) DESCRIPTION This function returns a pointer to the internal S-Lang table entry of a function whose name is given by `fname'. It returns `NULL' upon failure. The value returned by this function can be used used `SLexecute_function' to call the function directly from C. SEE ALSO SLexecute_function -------------------------------------------------------------- SLexecute_function SYNOPSIS Execute a slang or intrinsic function USAGE int SLexecute_function (SLang_Name_Type *nt) DESCRIPTION The `SLexecute_function' allows an application to call the S-Lang function specified by the `SLang_Name_Type' pointer `nt'. This parameter must be non `NULL' and must have been previously obtained by a call to `SLang_get_function'. EXAMPLE Consider the S-Lang function: define my_fun (x) { return x^2 - 2; } Suppose that it is desired to call this function many times with different values of x. There are at least two ways to do this. The easiest way is to use `SLang_execute_function' by passing the string `"my_fun"'. A better way that is much faster is to use `SLexecute_function': int sum_a_function (char *fname, double *result) { double sum, x, y; SLang_Name_Type *nt; if (NULL == (nt = SLang_get_function (fname))) return -1; sum = 0; for (x = 0; x < 10.0; x += 0.1) { SLang_start_arg_list (); if (-1 == SLang_push_double (x)) return -1; SLang_end_arg_list (); if (-1 == SLexecute_function (nt)) return -1; if (-1 == SLang_pop_double (&y, NULL, NULL)) return -1; sum += y; } return sum; } Although not necessary in this case, `SLang_start_arg_list' and `SLang_end_arg_list' were used to provide the function with information about the number of parameters passed to it. SEE ALSO SLang_get_function, SLang_start_arg_list, SLang_end_arg_list -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_peek_at_stack SYNOPSIS Find the type of object on the top of the stack USAGE int SLang_peek_at_stack (void) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_peek_at_stack' function is useful for determining the data type of the object at the top of the stack. It returns the data type, or -1 upon a stack-underflow error. It does not remove anything from the stack. SEE ALSO SLang_pop_string, SLang_pop_integer -------------------------------------------------------------- SLmake_string SYNOPSIS Duplicate a string USAGE char *SLmake_string (char *s) DESCRIPTION The `SLmake_string' function creates a new copy of the string `s', via `malloc', and returns it. Upon failure it returns `NULL'. Since the resulting string is malloced, it should be freed when nolonger needed via a call to either `free' or `SLfree'. NOTES `SLmake_string' should not be confused with the function `SLang_create_slstring', which performs a similar function. SEE ALSO SLmake_nstring, SLfree, SLmalloc, SLang_create_slstring -------------------------------------------------------------- SLmake_nstring SYNOPSIS Duplicate a substring USAGE char *SLmake_nstring (char *s, unsigned int n) DESCRIPTION This function is like `SLmake_nstring' except that it creates a null terminated string formed from the first `n' characters of `s'. Upon failure, it returns `NULL', otherwise it returns the new string. When nolonger needed, the returned string should be freed with either `free' or `SLfree'. SEE ALSO SLmake_nstring, SLfree, SLang_create_nslstring -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_create_nslstring SYNOPSIS Created a hashed substring USAGE char *SLang_create_nslstring (char *s, unsigned int n) DESCRIPTION `SLang_create_nslstring' is like `SLang_create_slstring' except that only the first `n' characters of `s' are used to perform the string. Upon error, it returns `NULL', otherwise it returns the hashed substring. Such a string must be freed by the function `SLang_free_slstring'. NOTES Do not use `free' or `SLfree' to free the string returned by `SLang_create_slstring' or `SLang_create_nslstring'. Also it is important that no attempt is made to modify the hashed string returned by either of these functions. If one needs to modify a string, the functions `SLmake_string' or `SLmake_nstring' should be used instead. SEE ALSO SLang_free_slstring, SLang_create_slstring, SLmake_nstring -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_create_slstring SYNOPSIS Create a hashed string USAGE char *SLang_create_slstring (char *s) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_create_slstring' creates a copy of `s' and returns it as a hashed string. Upon error, the function returns `NULL', otherwise it returns the hashed string. Such a string must only be freed via the `SLang_free_slstring' function. NOTES Do not use `free' or `SLfree' to free the string returned by `SLang_create_slstring' or `SLang_create_nslstring'. Also it is important that no attempt is made to modify the hashed string returned by either of these functions. If one needs to modify a string, the functions `SLmake_string' or `SLmake_nstring' should be used instead. SEE ALSO SLang_free_slstring, SLang_create_nslstring, SLmake_string -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_free_slstring SYNOPSIS Free a hashed string USAGE void SLang_free_slstring (char *s) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_free_slstring' function is used to free a hashed string such as one returned by `SLang_create_slstring', `SLang_create_nslstring', or `SLang_create_static_slstring'. If `s' is `NULL', the routine does nothing. SEE ALSO SLang_create_slstring, SLang_create_nslstring, SLang_create_static_slstring -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_concat_slstrings SYNOPSIS Concatenate two strings to produce a hashed string USAGE char *SLang_concat_slstrings (char *a, char *b) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_concat_slstrings' function concatenates two strings, `a' and `b', and returns the result as a hashed string. Upon failure, `NULL' is returned. NOTES A hashed string can only be freed using `SLang_free_slstring'. Never use either `free' or `SLfree' to free a hashed string, otherwise memory corruption will result. SEE ALSO SLang_free_slstring, SLang_create_slstring -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_create_static_slstring SYNOPSIS Create a hashed string USAGE char *SLang_create_static_slstring (char *s_literal) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_create_static_slstring' creates a hashed string from the string literal `s_literal' and returns the result. Upon failure it returns `NULL'. EXAMPLE char *create_hello (void) { return SLang_create_static_slstring ("hello"); } NOTES This function should only be used with string literals. SEE ALSO SLang_create_slstring, SLang_create_nslstring -------------------------------------------------------------- SLmalloc SYNOPSIS Allocate some memory USAGE char *SLmalloc (unsigned int nbytes) DESCRIPTION This function uses `malloc' to allocate `nbytes' of memory. Upon error it returns `NULL'; otherwise it returns a pointer to the allocated memory. One should use `SLfree' to free the memory after used. SEE ALSO SLfree, SLrealloc, SLcalloc -------------------------------------------------------------- SLcalloc SYNOPSIS Allocate some memory USAGE char *SLcalloc (unsigned int num_elem, unsigned int elem_size) DESCRIPTION This function uses `calloc' to allocate memory for `num_elem' objects with each of size `elem_size' and returns the result. In addition, the newly allocated memory is zeroed. Upon error it returns `NULL'; otherwise it returns a pointer to the allocated memory. One should use `SLfree' to free the memory after used. SEE ALSO SLmalloc, SLrealloc, SLfree -------------------------------------------------------------- SLfree SYNOPSIS Free some allocated memory USAGE void SLfree (char *ptr) DESCRIPTION The `SLfree' function uses `free' to deallocate the memory specified by `ptr', which may be `NULL' in which case the function does nothing. NOTES Never use this function to free a hashed string returned by one of the family of `slstring' functions, e.g., `SLang_pop_slstring'. SEE ALSO SLmalloc, SLcalloc, SLrealloc, SLmake_string -------------------------------------------------------------- SLrealloc SYNOPSIS Resize a dynamic memory block USAGE char *SLrealloc (char *ptr, unsigned int new_size) DESCRIPTION The `SLrealloc' uses the `realloc' function to resize the memory block specified by `ptr' to the new size `new_size'. If `ptr' is `NULL', the function call is equivalent to `SLmalloc(new_size)'. Similarly, if `new_size' is zero, the function call is equivalent to `SLfree(ptr)'. If the function fails, or if `new_size' is zero, `NULL' is returned. Otherwise a pointer is returned to the (possibly moved) new block of memory. SEE ALSO SLfree, SLmalloc, SLcalloc -------------------------------------------------------------- SLcurrent_time_string SYNOPSIS Get the current time as a string USAGE char *SLcurrent_time_string (void) DESCRIPTION The `SLcurrent_time_string' function uses the C library function call `ctime' to obtain a string representation of the the current date and time in the form "Wed Dec 10 12:50:28 1997" However, unlike the `ctime' function, a newline character is not present in the string. The returned value points to a statically allocated memory block which may get overwritten on subsequent function calls. SEE ALSO SLmake_string -------------------------------------------------------------- SLatoi SYNOPSIS Convert a text string to an integer USAGE int SLatoi(unsigned char *str DESCRIPTION `SLatoi' parses the string `str' to interpret it as an integer value. Unlike `atoi', `SLatoi' can also parse strings containing integers expressed in hexidecimal (e.g., `"0x7F"') and octal (e.g., `"012"'.) notation. SEE ALSO SLang_guess_type -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_pop_fileptr SYNOPSIS Pop a file pointer USAGE int SLang_pop_fileptr (SLang_MMT_Type **mmt, FILE **fp) DESCRIPTION `SLang_pop_fileptr' pops a file pointer from the S-Lang run-time stack. It returns zero upon success, or -1 upon failure. A S-Lang file pointer (SLANG_FILEPTR_TYPE) is actually a memory managed object. For this reason, `SLang_pop_fileptr' also returns the memory managed object via the argument list. It is up to the calling routine to call `SLang_free_mmt' to free the object. EXAMPLE The following example illustrates an application defined intrinsic function that writes a user defined double precision number to a file. Note the use of `SLang_free_mmt': int write_double (void) { double t; SLang_MMT_Type *mmt; FILE *fp; int status; if (-1 == SLang_pop_double (&d, NULL, NULL)) return -1; if (-1 == SLang_pop_fileptr (&mmt, &fp)) return -1; status = fwrite (&d, sizeof (double), 1, fp); SLang_free_mmt (mmt); return status; } This function can be used by a S-Lang function as follows: define write_some_values () { variable fp, d; fp = fopen ("myfile.dat", "wb"); if (fp == NULL) error ("file failed to open"); for (d = 0; d < 10.0; d += 0.1) { if (-1 == write_double (fp, d)) error ("write failed"); } if (-1 == fclose (fp)) error ("fclose failed"); } SEE ALSO SLang_free_mmt, SLang_pop_double -------------------------------------------------------------- SLadd_intrinsic_function SYNOPSIS Add a new intrinsic function to the interpreter USAGE int SLadd_intrinsic_function (name, f, type, nargs, ...) char *name FVOID_STAR f unsigned char type unsigned int nargs DESCRIPTION The `SLadd_intrinsic_function' function may be used to add a new intrinsic function. The S-Lang name of the function is specified by `name' and the actual function pointer is given by `f', cast to `FVOID_STAR'. The third parameter, `type' specifies the return type of the function and must be one of the following values: SLANG_VOID_TYPE (returns nothing) SLANG_INT_TYPE (returns int) SLANG_DOUBLE_TYPE (returns double) SLANG_STRING_TYPE (returns char *) The `nargs' parameter specifies the number of parameters to pass to the function. The variable argument list following `nargs' must consists of `nargs' integers which specify the data type of each argument. The function returns zero upon success or -1 upon failure. EXAMPLE The jed editor uses this function to change the `system' intrinsic function to the following: static int jed_system (char *cmd) { if (Jed_Secure_Mode) { msg_error ("Access denied."); return -1; } return SLsystem (cmd); } After initializing the interpreter with `SLang_init_slang', jed calls `SLadd_intrinsic_function' to substitute the above definition for the default S-Lang definition: if (-1 == SLadd_intrinsic_function ("system", (FVOID_STAR)jed_system, SLANG_INT_TYPE, 1, SLANG_STRING_TYPE)) return -1; SEE ALSO SLadd_intrinsic_variable, SLadd_intrinsic_array -------------------------------------------------------------- SLadd_intrinsic_variable SYNOPSIS Add an intrinsic variable to the interpreter USAGE int SLadd_intrinsic_variable (name, addr, type, rdonly) char *name VOID_STAR type unsigned char type int rdonly DESCRIPTION The `SLadd_intrinsic_variable' function adds an intrinsic variable called `name' to the interpeter. The second parameter `addr' specifies the address of the variable (cast to `VOID_STAR'). The third parameter, `type', specifies the data type of the variable. If the fourth parameter, `rdonly', is non-zero, the variable will interpreted by the interpreter as read-only. If successful, `SLadd_intrinsic_variable' returns zero, otherwise it returns -1. EXAMPLE Suppose that `My_Global_Int' is a global variable (at least not a local one): int My_Global_Int; It can be added to the interpreter via the function call if (-1 == SLadd_intrinsic_variable ("MyGlobalInt", (VOID_STAR)&My_Global_Int, SLANG_INT_TYPE, 0)) exit (1); NOTES The current implementation requires all pointer type intrinsic variables to be read-only. For example, char *My_Global_String; is of type `SLANG_STRING_TYPE', and must be declared as read-only. Finally, not that char My_Global_Char_Buf[256]; is _not_ a `SLANG_STRING_TYPE' object. This difference is very important because internally the interpreter dereferences the address passed to it to get to the value of the variable. SEE ALSO SLadd_intrinsic_function, SLadd_intrinsic_array -------------------------------------------------------------- SLclass_add_unary_op SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLclass_add_unary_op (unsigned char,int (*) (int, unsigned char, VOID_STAR, unsigned int, VOID_STAR), int (*) (int, unsigned char, unsigned char *)); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- SLclass_add_app_unary_op SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLclass_add_app_unary_op (unsigned char, int (*) (int,unsigned char, VOID_STAR, unsigned int,VOID_STAR),int (*) (int, unsigned char, unsigned char *)); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- SLclass_add_binary_op SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLclass_add_binary_op (unsigned char, unsigned char,int (*)(int, unsigned char, VOID_STAR, unsigned int,unsigned char, VOID_STAR, unsigned int,VOID_STAR),int (*) (int, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char *)); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- SLclass_add_math_op SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLclass_add_math_op (unsigned char,int (*)(int,unsigned char, VOID_STAR, unsigned int,VOID_STAR),int (*)(int, unsigned char, unsigned char *)); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- SLclass_add_typecast SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLclass_add_typecast (unsigned char, unsigned char int (*)_PROTO((unsigned char, VOID_STAR, unsigned int,unsigned char, VOID_STAR)),int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLprep_open_prep (SLPreprocess_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLprep_open_prep (SLPreprocess_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLprep_close_prep (SLPreprocess_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLprep_close_prep (SLPreprocess_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLprep_line_ok (char *, SLPreprocess_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLprep_line_ok (char *, SLPreprocess_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLdefine_for_ifdef (char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLdefine_for_ifdef (char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_init_tty SYNOPSIS Initialize the terminal keyboard interface USAGE int SLang_init_tty (int intr_ch, int no_flow_ctrl, int opost) DESCRIPTION `SLang_init_tty' initializes the terminal for single character input. If the first parameter `intr_ch' is in the range 0-255, it will be used as the interrupt character, e.g., under Unix this character will generate a `SIGINT' signal. Otherwise, if it is `-1', the interrupt character will be left unchanged. If the second parameter `no_flow_ctrl' is non-zero, flow control (`XON'/`XOFF') processing will be enabled. If the last parmeter `opost' is non-zero, output processing by the terminal will be enabled. If one intends to use this function in conjunction with the S-Lang screen management routines (`SLsmg'), this paramete shold be set to zero. `SLang_init_tty' returns zero upon success, or -1 upon error. NOTES Terminal I/O is a complex subject. The S-Lang interface presents a simplification that the author has found useful in practice. For example, the only special character processing that `SLang_init_tty' enables is that of the `SIGINT' character, and the generation of other signals via the keyboard is disabled. However, generation of the job control signal `SIGTSTP' is possible via the `SLtty_set_suspend_state' function. Under Unix, the integer variable `SLang_TT_Read_FD' is used to specify the input descriptor for the terminal. If `SLang_TT_Read_FD' represents a terminal device as determined via the `isatty' system call, then it will be used as the terminal file descriptor. Otherwise, the terminal device `/dev/tty' will used as the input device. The default value of `SLang_TT_Read_FD' is -1 which causes `/dev/tty' to be used. So, if you prefer to use `stdin' for input, then set `SLang_TT_Read_FD' to `fileno(stdin)' _before_ calling `SLang_init_tty'. If the variable `SLang_TT_Baud_Rate' is zero when this function is called, the function will attempt to determine the baud rate by querying the terminal driver and set `SLang_TT_Baud_Rate' to that value. SEE ALSO SLang_reset_tty, SLang_getkey, SLtty_set_suspend_state -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLang_reset_tty (void) SYNOPSIS Reset the terminal USAGE void SLang_reset_tty (void) DESCRIPTION `SLang_reset_tty' resets the terminal interface back to the state it was in before `SLang_init_tty' was called. SEE ALSO SLang_init_tty -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtty_set_suspend_state (int); SYNOPSIS Enable or disable keyboard suspension USAGE void SLtty_set_suspend_state (int s) DESCRIPTION The `SLtty_set_suspend_state' function may be used to enable or disable keyboard generation of the `SIGTSTP' job control signal. If `s' is non-zero, generation of this signal via the terminal interface will be enabled, otherwise it will be disabled. This function should only be called after the terminal driver has be initialized via `SLang_init_tty'. The `SLang_init_tty' always disables the generation of `SIGTSTP' via the keyboard. SEE ALSO SLang_init_tty -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_getkey SYNOPSIS Read a character from the keyboard USAGE unsigned int SLang_getkey (void); DESCRIPTION The `SLang_getkey' reads a single character from the terminal and returns it. The terminal must first be initialized via a call to `SLang_init_tty' before this function can be called. Upon success, `SLang_getkey' returns the character read from the terminal, otherwise it returns `SLANG_GETKEY_ERROR'. SEE ALSO SLang_init_tty, SLang_input_pending, SLang_ungetkey -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_ungetkey_string SYNOPSIS Unget a key string USAGE int SLang_ungetkey_string (unsigned char *buf, unsigned int n) DESCRIPTION The `SLang_ungetkey_string' function may be used to push the `n' characters pointed to by `buf' onto the buffered input stream that `SLgetkey' uses. If there is not enough room for the characters, -1 is returned and none are buffered. Otherwise, it returns zero. NOTES The difference between `SLang_buffer_keystring' and `SLang_ungetkey_string' is that the `SLang_buffer_keystring' appends the characters to the end of the getkey buffer, whereas `SLang_ungetkey_string' inserts the characters at the beginning of the input buffer. SEE ALSO SLang_ungetkey, SLang_getkey -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_buffer_keystring SYNOPSIS Append a keystring to the input buffer USAGE int SLang_buffer_keystring (unsigned char *b, unsigned int len) DESCRIPTION `SLang_buffer_keystring' places the `len' characters specified by `b' at the _end_ of the buffer that `SLang_getkey' uses. Upon success it returns 0; otherwise, no characters are buffered and it returns -1. NOTES The difference between `SLang_buffer_keystring' and `SLang_ungetkey_string' is that the `SLang_buffer_keystring' appends the characters to the end of the getkey buffer, whereas `SLang_ungetkey_string' inserts the characters at the beginning of the input buffer. SEE ALSO SLang_getkey, SLang_ungetkey, SLang_ungetkey_string -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_ungetkey SYNOPSIS Push a character back onto the input buffer USAGE int SLang_ungetkey (unsigned char ch) DESCRIPTION `SLang_ungetkey' pushes the character `ch' back onto the `SLgetkey' input stream. Upon success, it returns zero, otherwise it returns \1. EXAMPLE This function is implemented as: int SLang_ungetkey (unsigned char ch) { return SLang_ungetkey_string(&ch, 1); } SEE ALSO SLang_getkey, SLang_ungetkey_string -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_flush_input SYNOPSIS Discard all keyboard input waiting to be read USAGE void SLang_flush_input (void) DESCRIPTION `SLang_flush_input' discards all input characters waiting to be read by the `SLang_getkey' function. SEE ALSO SLang_getkey -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLang_input_pending (int); SYNOPSIS Check to see if input is pending USAGE int SLang_input_pending (int tsecs) DESCRIPTION `SLang_input_pending' may be used to see if an input character is available to be read without causing `SLang_getkey' to block. It will wait up to `tsecs' tenths of a second if no characters are immediately available for reading. If `tsecs' is less than zero, then `SLang_input_pending' will wait `-tsecs' milliseconds for input, otherwise `tsecs' represents `1/10' of a second intervals. NOTES Not all systems support millisecond resolution. SEE ALSO SLang_getkey -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_set_abort_signal SYNOPSIS Set the signal to trap SIGINT USAGE void SLang_set_abort_signal (void (*f)(int)); DESCRIPTION `SLang_set_abort_signal' sets the function that gets triggered when the user presses the interrupt key (`SIGINT') to the function `f'. If `f' is `NULL' the default handler will get installed. EXAMPLE The default interrupt handler on a Unix system is: static void default_sigint (int sig) { SLKeyBoard_Quit = 1; if (SLang_Ignore_User_Abort == 0) SLang_Error = SL_USER_BREAK; SLsignal_intr (SIGINT, default_sigint); } NOTES For Unix programmers, the name of this function may appear misleading since it is associated with `SIGINT' and not `SIGABRT'. The origin of the name stems from the original intent of the function: to allow the user to abort the running of a S-Lang interpreter function. SEE ALSO SLang_init_tty, SLsignal_intr -------------------------------------------------------------- SLkm_define_key SYNOPSIS Define a key in a keymap USAGE int SLkm_define_key (char *seq, FVOID_STAR f, SLKeyMap_List_Type *km) DESCRIPTION `SLkm_define_key' associates the key sequence `seq' with the function pointer `f' in the keymap specified by `km'. Upon success, it returns zero, otherwise it returns a negative integer upon error. SEE ALSO SLkm_define_keysym, SLang_define_key -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_define_key SYNOPSIS Define a key in a keymap USAGE int SLang_define_key(char *seq, char *fun, SLKeyMap_List_Type *km) DESCRIPTION `SLang_define_key' associates the key sequence `seq' with the function whose name is `fun' in the keymap specified by `km'. SEE ALSO SLkm_define_keysym, SLkm_define_key -------------------------------------------------------------- SLkm_define_keysym SYNOPSIS Define a keysym in a keymap USAGE int SLkm_define_keysym (seq, ks, km) char *seq; unsigned int ks; SLKeyMap_List_Type *km; DESCRIPTION `SLkm_define_keysym' associates the key sequence `seq' with the keysym `ks' in the keymap `km'. Keysyms whose value is less than or equal to `0x1000' is reserved by the library and should not be used. SEE ALSO SLkm_define_key, SLang_define_key -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_undefine_key SYNOPSIS Undefined a key from a keymap USAGE void SLang_undefine_key(char *seq, SLKeyMap_List_Type *km); DESCRIPTION `SLang_undefine_key' removes the key sequence `seq' from the keymap `km'. SEE ALSO SLang_define_key -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_create_keymap SYNOPSIS Create a new keymap USAGE SLKeyMap_List_Type *SLang_create_keymap (name, km) char *name; SLKeyMap_List_Type *km; DESCRIPTION `SLang_create_keymap' creates a new keymap called `name' by copying the key definitions from the keymap `km'. If `km' is `NULL', the newly created keymap will be empty and it is up to the calling routine to initialize it via the `SLang_define_key' and `SLkm_define_keysym' functions. `SLang_create_keymap' returns a pointer to the new keymap, or `NULL' upon failure. SEE ALSO SLang_define_key, SLkm_define_keysym -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_do_key SYNOPSIS Read a keysequence and return its keymap entry USAGE SLang_Key_Type *SLang_do_key (kml, getkey) SLKeyMap_List_Type *kml; int (*getkey)(void); DESCRIPTION The `SLang_do_key' function reads characters using the function specified by the `getkey' function pointer and uses the key sequence to return the appropriate entry in the keymap specified by `kml'. `SLang_do_key' returns `NULL' if the key sequence is not defined by the keymap, otherwise it returns a pointer to an object of type `SLang_Key_Type', which is defined in `slang.h' as typedef struct SLang_Key_Type { unsigned char str[13]; /* key sequence */ #define SLKEY_F_INTERPRET 0x01 #define SLKEY_F_INTRINSIC 0x02 #define SLKEY_F_KEYSYM 0x03 unsigned char type; /* type of function */ union { char *s; FVOID_STAR f; unsigned int keysym; } f; struct SLang_Key_Type *next; } SLang_Key_Type; The `type' field specifies which field of the union `f' should be used. If `type' is `SLKEY_F_INTERPRET', then `f.s' is a string that should be passed to the interpreter for evaluation. If `type' is `SLKEY_F_INTRINSIC', then `f.f' refers to function that should be called. Otherwise, `type' is `SLKEY_F_KEYSYM' and `f.keysym' represents the value of the keysym that is associated with the key sequence. SEE ALSO SLkm_define_keysym, SLkm_define_key -------------------------------------------------------------- FVOID_STAR SLang_find_key_function(char *, SLKeyMap_List_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE FVOID_STAR SLang_find_key_function(char *, SLKeyMap_List_Type*); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- SLKeyMap_List_Type *SLang_find_keymap(char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE SLKeyMap_List_Type *SLang_find_keymap(char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- char *SLang_process_keystring(char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE char *SLang_process_keystring(char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_make_keystring SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE char *SLang_make_keystring(unsigned char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- SLang_Read_Line_Type * SLang_rline_save_line (SLang_RLine_Info_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE SLang_Read_Line_Type * SLang_rline_save_line (SLang_RLine_Info_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLang_init_readline (SLang_RLine_Info_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLang_init_readline (SLang_RLine_Info_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLang_read_line (SLang_RLine_Info_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLang_read_line (SLang_RLine_Info_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLang_rline_insert (char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLang_rline_insert (char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLrline_redraw (SLang_RLine_Info_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLrline_redraw (SLang_RLine_Info_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLtt_flush_output (void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLtt_flush_output (void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_set_scroll_region(int, int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_set_scroll_region(int, int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_reset_scroll_region(void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_reset_scroll_region(void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_reverse_video (int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_reverse_video (int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_bold_video (void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_bold_video (void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_begin_insert(void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_begin_insert(void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_end_insert(void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_end_insert(void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_del_eol(void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_del_eol(void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_goto_rc (int, int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_goto_rc (int, int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_delete_nlines(int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_delete_nlines(int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_delete_char(void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_delete_char(void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_erase_line(void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_erase_line(void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_normal_video(void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_normal_video(void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_cls(void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_cls(void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_beep(void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_beep(void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_reverse_index(int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_reverse_index(int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_smart_puts(unsigned short *, unsigned short *, int, int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_smart_puts(unsigned short *, unsigned short *, int, int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_write_string (char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_write_string (char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_putchar(char); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_putchar(char); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_init_video (void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_init_video (void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_reset_video (void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_reset_video (void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_get_terminfo(void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_get_terminfo(void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_get_screen_size (void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_get_screen_size (void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLtt_set_cursor_visibility (int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLtt_set_cursor_visibility (int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLtt_initialize (char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLtt_initialize (char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_enable_cursor_keys(void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_enable_cursor_keys(void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_set_term_vtxxx(int *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_set_term_vtxxx(int *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_set_color_esc (int, char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_set_color_esc (int, char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_wide_width(void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_wide_width(void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_narrow_width(void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_narrow_width(void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLtt_set_mouse_mode (int, int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLtt_set_mouse_mode (int, int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_set_alt_char_set (int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_set_alt_char_set (int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLtt_write_to_status_line (char *, int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLtt_write_to_status_line (char *, int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_disable_status_line (void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_disable_status_line (void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- char *SLtt_tgetstr (char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE char *SLtt_tgetstr (char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLtt_tgetnum (char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLtt_tgetnum (char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLtt_tgetflag (char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLtt_tgetflag (char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- char *SLtt_tigetent (char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE char *SLtt_tigetent (char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- char *SLtt_tigetstr (char *, char **); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE char *SLtt_tigetstr (char *, char **); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLtt_tigetnum (char *, char **); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLtt_tigetnum (char *, char **); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- SLtt_Char_Type SLtt_get_color_object (int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE SLtt_Char_Type SLtt_get_color_object (int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_set_color_object (int, SLtt_Char_Type); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_set_color_object (int, SLtt_Char_Type); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_set_color (int, char *, char *, char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_set_color (int, char *, char *, char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_set_mono (int, char *, SLtt_Char_Type); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_set_mono (int, char *, SLtt_Char_Type); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_add_color_attribute (int, SLtt_Char_Type); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_add_color_attribute (int, SLtt_Char_Type); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLtt_set_color_fgbg (int, SLtt_Char_Type, SLtt_Char_Type); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLtt_set_color_fgbg (int, SLtt_Char_Type, SLtt_Char_Type); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLkp_define_keysym (char *, unsigned int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLkp_define_keysym (char *, unsigned int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLkp_init (void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLkp_init (void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLkp_getkey (void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLkp_getkey (void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLscroll_find_top (SLscroll_Window_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLscroll_find_top (SLscroll_Window_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLscroll_find_line_num (SLscroll_Window_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLscroll_find_line_num (SLscroll_Window_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int SLscroll_next_n (SLscroll_Window_Type *, unsigned int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE unsigned int SLscroll_next_n (SLscroll_Window_Type *, unsigned int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int SLscroll_prev_n (SLscroll_Window_Type *, unsigned int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE unsigned int SLscroll_prev_n (SLscroll_Window_Type *, unsigned int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLscroll_pageup (SLscroll_Window_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLscroll_pageup (SLscroll_Window_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLscroll_pagedown (SLscroll_Window_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLscroll_pagedown (SLscroll_Window_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- SLSig_Fun_Type *SLsignal (int, SLSig_Fun_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE SLSig_Fun_Type *SLsignal (int, SLSig_Fun_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- SLSig_Fun_Type *SLsignal_intr (int, SLSig_Fun_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE SLSig_Fun_Type *SLsignal_intr (int, SLSig_Fun_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLsig_block_signals (void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLsig_block_signals (void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLsig_unblock_signals (void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLsig_unblock_signals (void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLsystem (char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLsystem (char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLadd_at_handler (long *, char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLadd_at_handler (long *, char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLang_define_case(int *, int *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLang_define_case(int *, int *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLang_init_case_tables (void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLang_init_case_tables (void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned char *SLang_regexp_match(unsigned char *, unsigned int, SLRegexp_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE unsigned char *SLang_regexp_match(unsigned char *, unsigned int, SLRegexp_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLang_regexp_compile (SLRegexp_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLang_regexp_compile (SLRegexp_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- char *SLregexp_quote_string (char *, char *, unsigned int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE char *SLregexp_quote_string (char *, char *, unsigned int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLcmd_execute_string (char *, SLcmd_Cmd_Table_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLcmd_execute_string (char *, SLcmd_Cmd_Table_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLsearch_init (char *, int, int, SLsearch_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLsearch_init (char *, int, int, SLsearch_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? /* This routine must first be called before any search can take place. * The second parameter specifies the direction of the search: greater than * zero for a forwrd search and less than zero for a backward search. The * third parameter specifies whether the search is case sensitive or not. * The last parameter is a pointer to a structure that is filled by this * function and it is this structure that must be passed to SLsearch. */ SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned char *SLsearch (unsigned char *, unsigned char *, SLsearch_Type *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE unsigned char *SLsearch (unsigned char *, unsigned char *, SLsearch_Type *); DESCRIPTION ?? /* To use this routine, you must first call 'SLsearch_init'. Then the first * two parameters p1 and p2 serve to define the region over which the search * is to take place. The third parameter is the structure that was previously * initialized by SLsearch_init. * * The routine returns a pointer to the match if found otherwise it returns * NULL. */ SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- SLcomplex_abs SYNOPSIS Returns the norm of a complex number USAGE double SLcomplex_abs (double *z) DESCRIPTION The `SLcomplex_abs' function returns the absolute value or the norm of the complex number given by `z'. SEE ALSO SLcomplex_times -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_times (double *, double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_times (double *, double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_divide (double *, double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_divide (double *, double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_sin (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_sin (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_cos (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_cos (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_tan (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_tan (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_asin (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_asin (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_acos (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_acos (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_atan (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_atan (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_exp (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_exp (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_log (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_log (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_log10 (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_log10 (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_sqrt (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_sqrt (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_sinh (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_sinh (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_cosh (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_cosh (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_tanh (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_tanh (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_pow (double *, double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_pow (double *, double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double SLmath_hypot (double x, double y); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double SLmath_hypot (double x, double y); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_acosh (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_acosh (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- double *SLcomplex_atanh (double *, double *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE double *SLcomplex_atanh (double *, double *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- char *SLdebug_malloc (unsigned long); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE char *SLdebug_malloc (unsigned long); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- char *SLdebug_calloc (unsigned long, unsigned long); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE char *SLdebug_calloc (unsigned long, unsigned long); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- char *SLdebug_realloc (char *, unsigned long); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE char *SLdebug_realloc (char *, unsigned long); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLdebug_free (char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLdebug_free (char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLmalloc_dump_statistics (void); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLmalloc_dump_statistics (void); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- char *SLstrcpy(register char *, register char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE char *SLstrcpy(register char *, register char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLstrcmp(register char *, register char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLstrcmp(register char *, register char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- char *SLstrncpy(char *, register char *, register int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE char *SLstrncpy(char *, register char *, register int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLmemset (char *, char, int); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLmemset (char *, char, int); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- SLextract_list_element SYNOPSIS Extract a substring of a delimited string USAGE int SLextract_list_element (dlist, nth, delim, buf, buflen) char *dlist; unsigned int nth; char delim; char *buf; unsigned int buflen; DESCRIPTION `SLextract_list_element' may be used to obtain the `nth' element of a list of strings, `dlist', that are delimited by the character `delim'. The routine copies the `nth' element of `dlist' to the buffer `buf' whose size is `buflen' characters. It returns zero upon success, or -1 if `dlist' does not contain an `nth' element. EXAMPLE A delimited list of strings may be turned into an array of strings as follows. For conciseness, all malloc error checking has been omitted. int list_to_array (char *list, char delim, char ***ap) { unsigned int nth; char **a; char buf[1024]; /* Determine the size of the array */ nth = 0; while (0 == SLextract_list_element (list, nth, delim, buf, sizeof(buf))) nth++; ap = (char **) SLmalloc ((nth + 1) * sizeof (char **)); nth = 0; while (0 == SLextract_list_element (list, nth, delim, buf, sizeof(buf))) { a[nth] = SLmake_string (buf); nth++; } a[nth] = NULL; *ap = a; return 0; } SEE ALSO SLmalloc, SLmake_string -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLexpand_escaped_string (register char *, register char *, register char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLexpand_escaped_string (register char *, register char *, register char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- void SLmake_lut (unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned char); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE void SLmake_lut (unsigned char *, unsigned char *, unsigned char); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? -------------------------------------------------------------- int SLang_guess_type (char *); SYNOPSIS ?? USAGE int SLang_guess_type (char *); DESCRIPTION ?? SEE ALSO ?? --------------------------------------------------------------