Variable Assignment: x = --> =x x += --> +=x x -= --> -=x x++ --> ++x x-- --> --x Note: The current version of slang does not distguish between the post and pre-increment operators. A future version may make a distinction and assignment statements may return a value. Function Definition: define f (arg1, ..., argN) { statements } --> ( [ arg1 arg2 ... argN ] =argN ... =arg1 rpn-statements ) f Variable Declaration: variable x1, ... xN; --> [ x1 ... xN ] Structure Definition: struct {f1, ... fN} --> "f1" ... "fN" N struct Structure Typedef: typedef struct { f1, ... fN } Type_Name ; --> __typedef f1 ... fN ] "Type_Name" Multiple Assignment Expression: (x1, ..., xN) = expression --> rpn-expression =xN ... =x1 Note: If xj is missing, it will be replaced by `pop' Function call: f (x1, ..., xN) --> __arg x1 ... xN __earg f Note: if xj is missing, it will be replaced by NULL Array reference: X [x1, .., xN] --> __arg x1 ... xN X __aget Note: __earg is implicit Array assignment: X [x1, ... xN] ASSIGNMENT-OP --> __arg x1 ... xN X RPN-ASSIGNMENT-OP ASSIGNMENT-OP: = --> __aput ++ --> __aput_plusplus -- --> __aput_minusminus += --> __aput_pluseqs -= --> __aput_minuseqs Note: __earg is implicit Structure Reference: X.a --> "a" X . Structure Assignment: X.a ASSIGNMENT-OP expression; --> rpn-expression "a" X RPN-ASSIGNMENT-OP ASSIGNMENT-OP --> RPN-ASSIGNMENT-OP: = --> __struct_eqs += --> __struct_pluseqs -= --> __struct_minuseqs -- --> __struct_minusminus ++ --> __struct_plusplus Variable Alias: &x --> __alias x