To install QLIB you need to do the following: QLIB installation: Unzip the QLIB.ZIP file that is with this TXT file into a new directory such as C:\QLIB. Make sure to use the -d option (very important), it might look something like this: C: CD \ MD QLIB CD QLIB PKUNZIP C:\TEMP\QLIB.ZIP -d Then copy PMODE/W v1.31+ into the \bin directory: COPY PM*.* C:\QLIB\BIN You can get PMODE/W from my homepage or on the PMODE/W homepage, see the "links" section or the "files" page on my homepage. The current version as of this writing is v1.33. Watcom LNK info: PMODE/W's and WDOSX's LNK info is placed into QLIB's LNK file. So this info is no longer needed in your Watcom .LNK file (as it use to be). Note that if it is in your Watcom .LNK file you will get a warning which you can ignore. WDOSX installation: Since WLINK needs the EXE from WDOSX you will have to do the following once you get WDOSX. 1) Extract the EXE out of STUBIT.EXE stubit -extract 2) Copy WDOSXLE.EXE into QLIB's BIN directory. Notes: The file NEWVARS.BAT will be extracted from QLIB.ZIP. Edit it first to make sure the first SET points to your installation dir. Then run this file each time you use QLIB or add it to your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Make sure your path also points to all your compilers. Make sure to read all the TXT files in the \txt directory within QLIB for lots of help. There is also a lot of examples in the \test dir if you need more help. Email : URL :