Win95 Functions --------------- Notes: It is not neccessary to check for Win95 before calling any of these funcs. They will all just fail if not under Win95. The names displayed on the Win95 toolbar is as follows: VM_name - prog_name See test\win95.c for a good example. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: win95_title_set(char * str1) Expects: str1 = new program name Outputs: 0 = successful -1 = unsuccessful Notes: This sets the program name of the current running program that is displayed on the toolbar of Win95. Max length is 79 chars plus the NULL. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: win95_vmtitle_set(char * str1) Expects: str1 = new VM name Outputs: 0 = successful -1 = unsuccessful Notes: This sets the VM name of the current running program that is displayed on the toolbar of Win95. This MUST be restored before terminating. See win95_vmtitle_get(). Max length is 79 chars plus the NULL. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: win95_title_get(char * str1,dword strsiz) Expects: str1 = buffer for current program name strsiz = size of your string Outputs: 0 = successful -1 = unsuccessful Notes: This gets the program name of the current running program that is displayed on the toolbar of Win95. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: win95_vmtitle_get(char * str1,dword strsiz) Expects: str1 = buffer for current VM name strsiz = size of your string Outputs: 0 = successful -1 = unsuccessful Notes: This gets the VM name of the current running program that is displayed on the toolbar of Win95. The strsiz should be at least 80 bytes to get the entire string. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: win95_close_enable(void) Expects: nothing. Outputs: 0 = successful -1 = unsuccessful Notes: Once enabled you must use the other win95_close...() functions to monitor if the user has requested to close the program (by pressing the X button of your DOS BOX) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: win95_close_disable(void) Expects: nothing. Outputs: 0 = successful -1 = unsuccessful ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: win95_close_query(void) Expects: nothing. Outputs: WIN95_CLOSE_NOACK = Close requested and not acknowledged WIN95_CLOSE_ACK = Close requested and acknowledged -1 = unsuccessful Notes: After the close has been requested no input is given to program until it acknowledges the close request. See win95_close_ack(). ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: win95_close_ack(void) Expects: nothing. Outputs: 0 = successful -1 = unsuccessful Notes: You should call this if win95_close_query() returns WIN95_CLOSE_NOACK. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function: win95_close_cancel(void) Expects: nothing. Outputs: 0 = successful -1 = unsuccessful Notes: You should call this if you have acknowledged a close request and have desided you will not close at this time (ie: user canceled exit operation) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------