This is the PMC 32bit protected mode extender package for Borland C++ 4.0. All source code is copyright (c) 1994, Tran (a.k.a. Thomas Pytel). PMC is publicly available and is not confidential or proprietary. I, Thomas Pytel, reserve all rights to the source code. However, feel free to use or distribute it in any manner you wish. All I ask, if you use this code in some production, is credits for it. PMC uses the PMODE protected mode extender to run code generated by BCC32 in full 32bit protected mode under DOS. A lot of code and testing have gone into this release. PMC and PMODE were designed with speed in mind. But don't take my word for it, the source code is here for you to examine. The extender goes right into the EXEs created, and enters protected mode nearly instantly. PMODE itself is about 9k of code. It handles any possible 386+ system configuration. DPMI, VCPI, XMS, and a raw system are supported. The PMC interface is another 2-3k on top of that. Along with some runtime data, the overhead can range from about 20k up, normally around 30-40k. PMC does not provide a full ANSI C library. This is due to the fact that I do not need one. I did write this package primarily for myself. I do not feel like wasting days coding functions I will never use. If you wish, do that yourself (and release it). The interface is a bit raw, due to the fact there is no runtime offset relocation, also having to avoid negative pointers. But that is a small price for me. You have options other than PMC for protected mode coding if its too much for you. There were a few minor really stupid bugs in some of the functions in PMC 1.00. There may be more still, but the critical code seems to be pretty clean. Except for that one flaw with DATA+BSS greater than 64k at compile time. If you got more than 64k of initialized and uninitialized data, it dies. But it works fine for large run-time allocation. Maybe I will fix it when I feel like it. But for now, its not a problem for me. Files present: PMODE.ZIP - PMODE 3.03 extender. PMC.ZIP - PMC 1.01 interface. EXAMPLES.ZIP - PMC examples. LIBSRC.ZIP - PMC library functions source code. STUFF.DOC - You're reading it. Put this code to use if you wish. It is freeware, so you don't have to worry about royalties or liscences. If you use all or any part of PMC or PMODE in a production, please give me credits and/or greets for it. Oh well... Tran...