Gif2X11 -------- Program to display images saved as GIF files under X window system. Usage: ------ Gif2X11 [-q] [-p PosX PosY] [-d Display] [-f] [-h] GifFile If no GifFile is given, Gif2X11 will try to read stdin for GIF file. Note no support exists for setting this program option through X data base (i.e .Xdefaults) Memory required: ---------------- Screen. Options: -------- 1. [-q] : quite mode. Default off on MSDOS, on on unix. Controls printout of running scan lines. Use -q- to turn off. 2. [-p PosX PosY] : set the position of image on screen. By default the program will prompt for position. 3. [-d Display] : what server should be connect to. 4. Force attempt to allocate exact colors. This usually will result with very wrong image if not enough colors can be allocated as the rest of them will be approximated to the closest one. By default the list bits of the colors are stripped until success (in allocation) which looks much better. 5. [-h] : print one command line help, similar to Usage above.