Gif2Rle ------- Program to convert images saved as GIF to RLE (utah raster toolkit) format. Usage: ------ Usage: Gif2Rle [-q] [-a] [-h] GifFile If no GifFile is given, Gif2Rle will try to read stdin for GIF file. Memory required: ---------------- Screen. Options: -------- 1. [-q] : quite mode. Default off on MSDOS, on on unix. Controls printout of running scan lines. Use -q- to turn off. 2. [-a] : Add alpha channel (see rle document) to the output data file.n 3. [-h] : print one command line help, similar to Usage above. Notes: ------ This routine must be linked with the rle toolkit library librle.a. As you want to convert images to RLE format, it is reasonable to assume you have this library available...