Gif2PS ------ Program to print GIF file on later printers supporting Postscript. Usage: ------ Usage: Gif2PS [-q] [-x] [-y] [-s SizeX SizeY] [-p PosX PosY] [-i] [-n #Copies] [-h] GifFile If no GifFile is given, Gif2PS will try to read stdin for GIF file. Memory required: ---------------- Line. Options: -------- 1. [-q] : quite mode. Default off on MSDOS, on on unix. Controls printout of running scan lines. Use -q- to turn off. 2. [-x] : Force image to be horizontal. By default image will be positioned so it will be the biggest. If -x then image will be scaled to be biggest possible horizontally. 3. [-y] : Same as -x but vertically. 4. [-s SizeX SizeY] : Force image size to be SizeX by SizeY inches. If image will exit page dimensions, it will scream and die. Page dimensions are 8.5 by 11.0 inches but only 7.5 by 9.0 are assumed to be printable. 5. [-p PosX PosY] : Force image lower left corner to be as PosX PosY. If image will exit page dimensions, it will scream and die. 6. [-i] : Image will be inverted (Black -> White and vice versa). Mapping from colors is done by 0.3 * RED + 0.59 * GREEN + 0.11 * BLUE and sometimes inverting the image will look better. 7. [-n #Copies] : Number of copies to print. 1 by default. 8. [-h] : print one command line help, similar to Usage above.