GifText ------- Program to print (text only) general information about GIF file Usage: ------ Usage: GifText [-c] [-e] [-z] [-p] [-h] GifFile If no GifFile is given, GifText will try to read stdin for GIF file. As giftext can generate huge amount of data, ^C will kill it, but 'q' will stop only the printing (of one of -e, -z, -p), while file integrity will still be checked. Memory required: ---------------- Line. Options: -------- 1. [-c] : Dumps also color maps. 2. [-e] : Dumps also encoded bytes - the pixels after compressed using LZ algorithm and chained to form bytes. This is the form the data is saved in the GIF file. Dumps in hex - 2 digit per byte. 3. [-z] : Dumps also the LZ codes of the image. Dumps in hex - 3 digits per code (as we are limited to 12 bits). 4. [-p] : Dumps aslo the pixels of the image. Dumps in hex - 2 digit per pixel (<=byte). 5. [-h] : print one command line help, similar to Usage above.