GifAsm ------ Program to assemble few GIF files into one, or disassemble single GIF file with multiple images into single image files. Usage: ------ Usage: GifAsm [-a] [-d OutFileName] [-h] GifFile(s) If no GifFile is given, GifAsm will try to read stdin for GIF file, if in disassembly mode only (-d). Memory required: ---------------- Line. Options: -------- 1. [-a] : Assemble. This is the default, and the GifFile(s) are assembled to stdout. Note the screen descriptor (including screen color map) is taken from the first file, while other screen descriptors are ignored. As this mode requires at list 2 GIF files as input, no attempt will be made to read stdin if none specified on command line. 2. [-d OutFileName] : Disassmble GifFile (if specified on command line) or stdin, into several files of the form OutFileNameXX, where XX are two decimal digits. Obviously up to 100 files can be generated this way. Note in this mode nothing is sent to stdout. 3. [-h] : print one command line help, similar to Usage above.