Comdemo - Serial Communications Demo. Comdemo is a full duplex terminal program. It recognizes most of the more common ANSI control sequence such as cursor location and screen attributes. You can use Comdemo to dial up a BBS or communicate with RS-232 equipment. Comdemo will send Ctrl characters and keys such as the escape key verbatim. Some Alt characters are reserved for commands. They are as follows: Alt A - Toggle between ANSI and TTY terminal. Alt B - Next baud rate. Alt C - Next COM port. Alt D - Hayes dial command (sends the string "ATDT") Alt E - Toggle echo mode. Alt G - Hayes hang up command (sends the string "~~~+++~~~ATH0\r\n"). Alt H - Next handshake scheme. Alt I - Initialize a Hayes modem (sends the string "ATZ"). Alt N - Append a line feed to a carriage return toggle. Alt M - Toggle mode (8-1-N, 7-1-E). Alt X - Quit Comdemo. Pg Up - Upload a file (Xmodem) Pg Dn - Download a file (Xmodem) To dial up a BBS, set the COM port (Alt C), baud rate (Alt B), word length (Alt W), number of stop bits (Alt S) and parity (Alt P). If the BBS send ANSI escape codes make sure ANSI is selected (Alt A). In some cases you will need to set LF on (Alt N) as well. Now you can initialize your modem and dial. Press Alt I to initialize the modem and then press Alt D followed by the phone number and the enter key. If the initialize and dial strings in Comdemo are not appropriate for your modem, you can enter them by hand. Comdemo will compile/link under Borland C/C++ and Microsoft C/C++. If you are using Microsoft C/C++, make sure you link in the graphics library.