PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1730 VERSION : All OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 1/6 TITLE : Inserting text into a Turbo Vision window Of all the Turbo Vision demonstration programs none show how to simply insert text into a window. What this TI does is take one of the TV Guide demo programs and adds the code necessary to insert text into a window. I used the earliest possible TV Guide in order to help make the changes so the changes would be easy to see. Work through the TVGuide tutorials until you have finished lesson four. Then you can apply the methods in this example to insert text into your own programs. As you will see the process is very simple, but is not as obvious the manual assumed. Look for block comments with "FOR INSERTING TEXT" to find the required additions. /*---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* Turbo Vision 1.0 */ /* TVGUID04 Demo Source File */ /* */ /* TI version demonstrates inserting text into */ /* the window. */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 1991 by Borland International */ /* */ /*---------------------------------------------------------*/ #include // for random() #define Uses_TEvent #define Uses_TApplication #define Uses_TKeys #define Uses_TRect #define Uses_TMenuBar #define Uses_TSubMenu #define Uses_TMenuItem #define Uses_TStatusLine #define Uses_TStatusItem #define Uses_TStatusDef #define Uses_TDeskTop #define Uses_TWindow #include PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1730 VERSION : All OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 2/6 TITLE : Inserting text into a Turbo Vision window const int cmMyFileOpen = 200; // assign new command values const int cmMyNewWin = 201; class TMyApp : public TApplication { public: TMyApp(); static TStatusLine *initStatusLine( TRect r ); static TMenuBar *initMenuBar( TRect r ); virtual void handleEvent( TEvent& event); void myNewWindow(); }; static short winNumber = 0; // initialize window number class TDemoWindow : public TWindow // define a new window class { public: TDemoWindow( const TRect& r, const char *aTitle, short aNumber ); // declare a constructor // static TFrame *initFrame( TRect r ); // override needed only if you want a nonstandard frame // Here we'll inherit TWindow::initFrame unchanged // so TWindowInit will take &TDemoWindow::initFrame to give // a standard frame }; /*------------------------------------------- FOR INSERTING TEXT In order to insert text you must create an interior for the text to reside in. This is accomplished by deriving a class from TView. TView has a virtual draw() function you will need to supply a definition for. --------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1730 VERSION : All OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 3/6 TITLE : Inserting text into a Turbo Vision window class MyInterior: public TView { public: MyInterior(const TRect& bounds); virtual void draw();// Called when the view must be displayed }; /*------------------------------------------- FOR INSERTING TEXT The constructor for MyInterior is passed the coordinates of the window the interior is for. The growmode is set and any options desired. --------------------------------------------------------------*/ MyInterior::MyInterior(const TRect& bounds) : TView(bounds) { growMode = gfGrowHiX | gfGrowHiY; options = options | ofFramed; } /*------------------------------------------- FOR INSERTING TEXT Below is the definition of MyInterior::draw() this is the function that will insert text into your window. The key points in making this works is the call to TView::draw() that creates the interior and writeLine(). The writeLine() places the contents for the buffer you create with TDrawBuffer on the screen. --------------------------------------------------------------*/ void MyInterior::draw() { char *hstr = "Welcome to Turbo Vision";// The text to insert ushort color = getColor(0x0301);// Maps the palette indices // in the low and high bytes // of color. TView::draw(); // Called whenever the view must draw itself. // draw must cover entire area of the view. TDrawBuffer b; // defines the array for the draw buffer b.moveStr(0, hstr, color );// moves the string to draw buffer writeLine( 0, 0, 23, 1, b); // writes the buffer to screen } PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1730 VERSION : All OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 4/6 TITLE : Inserting text into a Turbo Vision window TMyApp::TMyApp() : TProgInit( &TMyApp::initStatusLine, &TMyApp::initMenuBar, &TMyApp::initDeskTop ) { } TStatusLine *TMyApp::initStatusLine(TRect r) { r.a.y = r.b.y - 1; // move top to 1 line above bottom return new TStatusLine( r, *new TStatusDef( 0, 0xFFFF ) + // set range of help contexts *new TStatusItem( 0, kbF10, cmMenu ) + // define an item *new TStatusItem( "~Alt-X~ Exit", kbAltX, cmQuit )+ // define an item *new TStatusItem( "~Alt-F3~ Close", kbAltF3,cmClose) // and another one ); } TMenuBar *TMyApp::initMenuBar( TRect r ) { r.b.y = r.a.y + 1; // set bottom line 1 line below top line return new TMenuBar( r, *new TSubMenu( "~F~ile", kbAltF )+ *new TMenuItem( "~O~pen", cmMyFileOpen, kbF3, hcNoContext, "F3" )+ *new TMenuItem( "~N~ew", cmMyNewWin, kbF4, hcNoContext, "F4" )+ newLine()+ *new TMenuItem( "E~x~it", cmQuit, cmQuit, hcNoContext, "Alt-X" )+ *new TSubMenu( "~W~indow", kbAltW )+ *new TMenuItem( "~N~ext", cmNext, kbF6, hcNoContext, "F6" )+ *new TMenuItem( "~Z~oom", cmZoom, kbF5, hcNoContext, "F5" ) ); } PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1730 VERSION : All OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 5/6 TITLE : Inserting text into a Turbo Vision window void TMyApp::handleEvent(TEvent& event) { TApplication::handleEvent(event); // act like base! if( event.what == evCommand ) { switch( event.message.command ) { case cmMyNewWin: // respond to additional commands myNewWindow(); // define action for cmMyNewWin break; default: return; } clearEvent( event ); // clear event after handling } } void TMyApp::myNewWindow() { TRect r( 0, 0, 26, 7 ); // set initial size and position r.move( random(53), random(16) ); // randomly move around TDemoWindow *window = new TDemoWindow ( r, "Demo Window", ++winNumber); deskTop->insert(window); // put window into desktop and draw } TDemoWindow::TDemoWindow( const TRect& r, const char *aTitle, short aNumber): TWindow( r, aTitle, aNumber), TWindowInit( &TDemoWindow::initFrame ) { /*------------------------------------------- FOR INSERTING TEXT The following three lines are added to the applications constructor. The first two gets the size of the current Rect and reduces the coordinate by one. Then the Rect is used to insert the new interior. --------------------------------------------------------------*/ PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1730 VERSION : All OS : DOS DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 6/6 TITLE : Inserting text into a Turbo Vision window TRect curRect = getClipRect(); curRect.grow(-1, -1); insert(new MyInterior(curRect) ); } int main() { TMyApp myApp;; return 0; } DISCLAIMER: You have the right to use this technical information subject to the terms of the No-Nonsense License Statement that you received with the Borland product to which this information pertains.