PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1371 VERSION : 1.0 OS : OS/2 DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 1/1 TITLE : Creating a master help icon for Borland C++ for OS/2 The help views provided with Borland C++ for OS/2 do not automatically link to each other. For this reason, you may encounter hot links in a help window to which you cannot jump. The resolution for this is to run VIEW.EXE and have it load all the help files in one session. Doing this is very simple: 1) Open the Borland Help Icon View window. 2) Make a copy of any help icon. 3) Bring up the Settings dialog for the new icon. 4) Change the Parameters entry to: bc.inf+guiref20.inf+ipfc20.inf+ipfcexmp.inf+ pmfun.inf+pmgpi.inf+pmhok.inf+pmmsg.inf+pmrel.inf+ pmwin.inf+pmwkp.inf 5) Set the working directory to the Borland C++ bin directory. For example: c:\bcos2\bin 6) Go to the General page and change the Title. When you run this, it will be slower loading because it is loading all the help files. However, you can leave it open in the background while you work and you will always have all the help topics available to you. DISCLAIMER: You have the right to use this technical information subject to the terms of the No-Nonsense License Statement that you received with the Borland product to which this information pertains.