PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1290 VERSION : 3.x OS : WIN DATE : October 25, 1993 PAGE : 1/1 TITLE : Linker Warning: WINMAIN duplicated in module WINMAIN. Have you ever received the following message from the linker? Linker Warning: WINMAIN defined in module MYFILE.C is duplicated in module WINMAIN. Well, don't worry. It is not going to cause any harm. This warning message is displayed by the linker when all warning messages (Options | Compiler | Messages | Display) have been enabled. Although the message will not cause any problems, the reason it is displayed, is that there is actually a WinMain() function declared in the standard run-time-library which is used by the EasyWin library. As you are probably aware, usually when linking your program, the linker looks for a WinMain() function (in Windows programs) as the main entry point for the program. If the linker does not this function, then it uses the one defined in WINMAIN.C (in BORLANDC\CRTL\WINLIB). The WinMain() function found in the WINMAIN.C file just calls a main() function. This, in effect links in the EasyWin library, allowing you to create a generic Windows program which uses a main() function, as the program entry point. If you need to create a program which compiles without any warning messages, with all warnings enabled, you can use the Turbo Librarian (TLIB) to remove the WINMAIN.C module from the run time library. Otherwise, consider that it causes no harm. DISCLAIMER: You have the right to use this technical information subject to the terms of the No-Nonsense License Statement that you received with the Borland product to which this information pertains.