PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1035 VERSION : 3.1 OS : ALL DATE : October 19, 1993 PAGE : 1/6 TITLE : Using the Template version of the Class Library. This document provides an overview of the various causes of the the "Illegal Structure Operation..." error message generated when using template classes, template functions, and/or BIDS. Consider the classic function template max(): template T max(T x, T y) { return (x > y) ? x : y ; } In order to pass in a user-defined type into this function, say for instance class Foo{...};, Foo would need to have an appropriate overloaded operator >() defined. If Foo did not have such a function, passing in Foo objects would cause illegal or undefined behavior because there is no comparison mechanism for the compiler to use for Foo types. The same rules apply when using the BIDS class library. If you are using the template-based BIDS library, you'll see advertised in the manuals that the template-based containers can contain ANY type of object, default or user-defined, not just those derived from the Object class (which is the requirement for using the non-template base container classes). This is true, although there are requirements for user-defined types which are not clearly defined in the documentation. If these requirements are not met, you will see compiler error messages such as " Illegal structure operation in Base::find " or " Illegal structure operation in Base::findPred ". The following table illustrates what operators and functions need to be provided for your type according to which BIDS container you use. For example, in order to store a user-defined class in BI_BagAsVector, foo must have operator==( ) defined ---------------------------------------------------------------- + PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1035 VERSION : 3.1 OS : ALL DATE : October 19, 1993 PAGE : 2/6 TITLE : Using the Template version of the Class Library. | | | | | Constructor | BIDS | == | != | < | isSortable |Default| Copy | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_VectorImp | | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_CVectorImp | | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_SVectorImp | X | | X | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_IVectorImp | | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_ICVectorImp | X | | | X | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_ISVectorImp | X | | X | X | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| | | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_ListImp | X | | | | | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_SListImp | X | X | X | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_IListImp | X | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_ISListImp | X | X | X | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| | | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_DoubleListImp | X | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_SDoubleListImp | X | X | X | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_IDoubleListImp | X | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_ISDoubleListImp | X | X | X | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| | | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_ArrayAsVectorImp | | | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_ArrayAsVector | X | | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_SArrayAsVector | X | | X | X | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1035 VERSION : 3.1 OS : ALL DATE : October 19, 1993 PAGE : 3/6 TITLE : Using the Template version of the Class Library. BI_IArrayAsVector | X | | | X | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_ISArrayAsVector | X | | X | X | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| | | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_StackAsVectorImp | | | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_StackAsVector | X | | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_IStackAsVector | X | | | | X | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_StackAsListImp | | | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_StackAsList | | | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_IStackAsList | X | | | | X | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| | | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_DequeAsVectorImp | | | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_DequeAsVector | | | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_IDequeAsVector | X | X | | | X | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_DequeAsDoubleListImp| | | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_DequeAsDoubleList | X | X | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_IDequeAsDoubleList | | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| | | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_QueueAsVector | | | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_IQueueAsVector | | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_QueueAsDoubleList | X | X | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_IQueueAsDoubleList | | | | | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| | | | | | | | PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1035 VERSION : 3.1 OS : ALL DATE : October 19, 1993 PAGE : 4/6 TITLE : Using the Template version of the Class Library. -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_BagAsVectorImp | | | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_BagAsVector | | | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_IBagAsVector | X | X | | X | | | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_SetAsVector | X | | | | X | X | -----------------------|----|----|---|------------|-------|------| BI_ISetAsVector | X | X | | X | | | -----------------------------------------------------------------+ For any user-defined type that you put into the following containers, an operator==( ) must be defined for your type in order for the container to decide whether two objects are equal: BI_BagAsVector BI_BagAsVectorIterator BI_ArrayAsVector BI_SetAsVector BI_StackAsList BI_ListImp For any user-defined type that you put into the following containers, you need to define operator !=() for the class for comparison purposes, as well as link in BIDSx.LIB: BI_QueueAsDoubleList BI_DequeAsDoubleList BI_DoubleListImp For any type that you put into a sortable container (BI_S...), you must define an operator<( ) as well for similar reasons. Here's an example Data class that implements ALL the necessary overloaded operators to instantiate most BIDS classes (not all are necessarily required in all cases): struct mydata PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1035 VERSION : 3.1 OS : ALL DATE : October 19, 1993 PAGE : 5/6 TITLE : Using the Template version of the Class Library. { char* data; int size; mydata(int sz, char* s){ data = new char[sz]; strcpy(data,s);} mydata(){data = new char[20];strcpy(data,"default");} mydata(const mydata&); //copy constructor ~mydata(){delete data;} mydata& operator=(const mydata&); //conversion operator int operator==(const mydata&); int operator<(const mydata&); int operator>(const mydata&); int operator!=(const mydata&); }; mydata& mydata::operator=(const mydata& a) { if (this!= &a) { delete data; data = new char[size=a.size]; strcpy(data,; } return *this; } int mydata::operator==(const mydata& a) { if (strcmp(data, == 0) return 1; else return 0; } int mydata::operator!=(const mydata& a) { if (strcmp(data, != 0) return 1; else return 0; } PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1035 VERSION : 3.1 OS : ALL DATE : October 19, 1993 PAGE : 6/6 TITLE : Using the Template version of the Class Library. int mydata::operator<(const mydata& a) { if(strcmp(data, < 0) return 1; else return 0; } int mydata::operator>(const mydata& a) { if(strcmp(data, > 0) return 1; else return 0; } mydata::mydata(const mydata& a) { data = new char[size=a.size]; strcpy(data,; } DISCLAIMER: You have the right to use this technical information subject to the terms of the No-Nonsense License Statement that you received with the Borland product to which this information pertains.