PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1025 VERSION : 3.1 OS : DOS DATE : October 19, 1993 PAGE : 1/2 TITLE : Optimizing Screen Updates with Turbo Vision v3.1 PROBLEM: -------- Turbo Vision with the Borland C++ and Application Frameworks 3.1 package seems very slow, much slower that the previous version, in fact. What happened and how can I fix it? SOLUTION: --------- The problem is twofold: One, snow checking was inadvertently turned on by default and two, the new operator that is in TV.LIB has debugging code compiled in with it. Fortunately, the solution to these problems is very simple. As a Borland C++ and Application Frameworks customer, you also have the source code to Turbo Vision. You will need it to fix these problems, and here is how you do it. (1) To fix the snow checking problem, go to the TVISION\SOURCE directory of the product and edit the file TSCREEN.CPP. Change line 42 from Boolean near TScreen::checkSnow = True; to Boolean near TScreen::checkSnow = False; Recompile the module with the following command line. You may need to make adjustments to the include directory path for the compiler to find . (See the 3.1 User's Guide p. 172 and p. 174-177 for details.) bcc -c -P -O1 -ml tscreen.cpp tlib /0 ..\lib\tv.lib -+tscreen.obj This will compile TSCREEN.CPP and add it to the Turbo Vision Library for later use. If you only installed the Integrated Development environment on your system, you can rebuild this module by setting the following options and compiling TSCREEN.CPP. Once the module has been compiled, execute the TLIB command shown above. PRODUCT : Borland C++ NUMBER : 1025 VERSION : 3.1 OS : DOS DATE : October 19, 1993 PAGE : 2/2 TITLE : Optimizing Screen Updates with Turbo Vision v3.1 Options | Compiler | Optimizations: Set to smallest code. Options | Compiler | Code Generation: Set for large memory model. Options | Directories: Set the correct include paths. (2) To remove the debugging code from the new operator, you only need to recompile the source for that module. Recompile NEW.CPP with the following command line. As in (1), you may need to make adjustments to the include paths used by the compiler. bcc -c -P -O1 -ml -DNDEBUG new.cpp tlib /0 ..\lib\tv.lib -+new.obj The -DNDEBUG defines the NDEBUG symbol and will cause compilation of NEW.CPP without the extra debugging code. If you only installed the IDE, set the options listed above, and also set the following. Once the module has been compiled, execute the TLIB command shown above. Options | Compiler | Code Generation | Defines: Add NDEBUG to this line. Upon performing these two steps, the Turbo Vision library should again be performing at the speed it had in previous versions.