PRODUCT : Turbo C++, Borland C++ NUMBER : 812 VERSION : All OS : DOS DATE : September 17, 1991 PAGE : 1/1 TITLE : What Causes "Abnormal Program Termination" The startup code does several things before going to the main() function. If any one of these fails, it will abort and display the "Abnormal Program Termination" message; this message is printed whenever the function abort() is invoked. The startup code will abort if: (1) There is not enough memory to load the program. Workaround: Free up memory begore running program. clean out system, run from DOS, not environment. (2) There is not enough memory to expand the stack. Workaround: As above, reduce the stack size. (3) If environment space is bad, TC checks the environment, user has probable overwrote lower memory prior to trying to load program. (4) If EMU cannot initilize. The EMU needs to take some space of the stack, if the stack isn't big enough, program will abort. (5) If overlay system cannot initilize. Usually memory problem. (6) If there is not enough heapspace. Notice that in most cases, the problem is a lack of memory. One possible solution may arise if the person is working from the Turbo C++ Programmers Platform. The PP takes all of the memory in the system when in runs. When you want to run one of your programs from inside the PP, memory is freed to the total of the size of the load image of your program + 64K by default. This amount can be changed through Options|Debugger|Program Heap Size. Try setting this value to a higher value and attempt to run the program again.